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* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.CornerRadius
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.toIntSize
* Simultaneously translate the [DrawScope] coordinate space by [left] and [top] as well as modify
* the dimensions of the current painting area. This provides a callback to issue more
* drawing instructions within the modified coordinate space. This method
* modifies the width of the [DrawScope] to be equivalent to width - (left + right) as well as
* height to height - (top + bottom). After this method is invoked, the coordinate space is
* returned to the state before the inset was applied.
* @param left number of pixels to inset the left drawing bound
* @param top number of pixels to inset the top drawing bound
* @param right number of pixels to inset the right drawing bound
* @param bottom number of pixels to inset the bottom drawing bound
* @param block lambda that is called to issue drawing commands within the inset coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.inset(
left: Float,
top: Float,
right: Float,
bottom: Float,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) {
drawContext.transform.inset(left, top, right, bottom)
try {
} finally {
drawContext.transform.inset(-left, -top, -right, -bottom)
* Convenience method modifies the [DrawScope] bounds to inset both left, top, right and
* bottom bounds by [inset]. After this method is invoked,
* the coordinate space is returned to the state before this inset was applied.
* @param inset number of pixels to inset left, top, right, and bottom bounds.
* @param block lambda that is called to issue additional drawing commands within the modified
* coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.inset(
inset: Float,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) {
drawContext.transform.inset(inset, inset, inset, inset)
try {
} finally {
drawContext.transform.inset(-inset, -inset, -inset, -inset)
* Convenience method modifies the [DrawScope] bounds to inset both left and right bounds by
* [horizontal] as well as the top and bottom by [vertical]. After this method is invoked,
* the coordinate space is returned to the state before this inset was applied.
* @param horizontal number of pixels to inset both left and right bounds. Zero by default
* @param vertical Optional number of pixels to inset both top and bottom bounds. Zero by
* default
* @param block lambda that is called to issue additional drawing commands within the modified
* coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.inset(
horizontal: Float = 0.0f,
vertical: Float = 0.0f,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = inset(horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical, block)
* Translate the coordinate space by the given delta in pixels in both the x and y coordinates
* respectively
* @param left Pixels to translate the coordinate space in the x-axis
* @param top Pixels to translate the coordinate space in the y-axis
* @param block lambda that is called to issue drawing commands within the
* translated coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.translate(
left: Float = 0.0f,
top: Float = 0.0f,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) {
drawContext.transform.translate(left, top)
try {
} finally {
drawContext.transform.translate(-left, -top)
* Add a rotation (in degrees clockwise) to the current transform at the given pivot point.
* The pivot coordinate remains unchanged by the rotation transformation. After the provided
* lambda is invoked, the rotation transformation is undone.
* @param degrees to rotate clockwise
* @param pivot The coordinate for the pivot point, defaults to the center of the
* coordinate space
* @param block lambda that is called to issue drawing commands within the rotated
* coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.rotate(
degrees: Float,
pivot: Offset = center,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = withTransform({ rotate(degrees, pivot) }, block)
* Add a rotation (in radians clockwise) to the current transform at the given pivot point.
* The pivot coordinate remains unchanged by the rotation transformation
* @param radians to rotate clockwise
* @param pivot The coordinate for the pivot point, defaults to the center of the
* coordinate space
* @param block lambda that is called to issue drawing commands within the rotated
* coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.rotateRad(
radians: Float,
pivot: Offset = center,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) {
withTransform({ rotate(degrees(radians), pivot) }, block)
* Add an axis-aligned scale to the current transform, scaling by the first
* argument in the horizontal direction and the second in the vertical
* direction at the given pivot coordinate. The pivot coordinate remains
* unchanged by the scale transformation. After this method is invoked, the
* coordinate space is returned to the state before the scale was applied.
* @param scaleX The amount to scale in X
* @param scaleY The amount to scale in Y
* @param pivot The coordinate for the pivot point, defaults to the center of the
* coordinate space
* @param block lambda used to issue drawing commands within the scaled coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.scale(
scaleX: Float,
scaleY: Float,
pivot: Offset = center,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = withTransform({ scale(scaleX, scaleY, pivot) }, block)
* Add an axis-aligned scale to the current transform, scaling both the horizontal direction and
* the vertical direction at the given pivot coordinate. The pivot coordinate remains
* unchanged by the scale transformation. After this method is invoked, the
* coordinate space is returned to the state before the scale was applied.
* @param scale The amount to scale uniformly in both directions
* @param pivot The coordinate for the pivot point, defaults to the center of the
* coordinate space
* @param block lambda used to issue drawing commands within the scaled coordinate space
inline fun DrawScope.scale(
scale: Float,
pivot: Offset = center,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = withTransform({ scale(scale, scale, pivot) }, block)
* Reduces the clip region to the intersection of the current clip and the
* given rectangle indicated by the given left, top, right and bottom bounds. This provides
* a callback to issue drawing commands within the clipped region. After this method is invoked,
* this clip is no longer applied.
* Use [ClipOp.Difference] to subtract the provided rectangle from the
* current clip.
* @param left Left bound of the rectangle to clip
* @param top Top bound of the rectangle to clip
* @param right Right bound of the rectangle to clip
* @param bottom Bottom bound of the rectangle to clip
* @param clipOp Clipping operation to conduct on the given bounds, defaults to [ClipOp.Intersect]
* @param block Lambda callback with this CanvasScope as a receiver scope to issue drawing commands
* within the provided clip
inline fun DrawScope.clipRect(
left: Float = 0.0f,
top: Float = 0.0f,
right: Float = size.width,
bottom: Float = size.height,
clipOp: ClipOp = ClipOp.Intersect,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = withTransform({ clipRect(left, top, right, bottom, clipOp) }, block)
* Reduces the clip region to the intersection of the current clip and the
* given path. This method provides a callback to issue drawing commands within the region
* defined by the clipped path. After this method is invoked, this clip is no longer applied.
* @param path Shape to clip drawing content within
* @param clipOp Clipping operation to conduct on the given bounds, defaults to [ClipOp.Intersect]
* @param block Lambda callback with this CanvasScope as a receiver scope to issue drawing commands
* within the provided clip
inline fun DrawScope.clipPath(
path: Path,
clipOp: ClipOp = ClipOp.Intersect,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = withTransform({ clipPath(path, clipOp) }, block)
* Provides access to draw directly with the underlying [Canvas]. This is helpful for situations
* to re-use alternative drawing logic in combination with [DrawScope]
* @param block Lambda callback to issue drawing commands on the provided [Canvas]
inline fun DrawScope.drawIntoCanvas(block: (Canvas) -> Unit) = block(drawContext.canvas)
* Perform 1 or more transformations and execute drawing commands with the specified transformations
* applied. After this call is complete, the transformation before this call was made is restored
* @sample
* @param transformBlock Callback invoked to issue transformations to be made before the drawing
* operations are issued
* @param drawBlock Callback invoked to issue drawing operations after the transformations are
* applied
inline fun DrawScope.withTransform(
transformBlock: DrawTransform.() -> Unit,
drawBlock: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = with(drawContext) {
// Transformation can include inset calls which change the drawing area
// so cache the previous size before the transformation is done
// and reset it afterwards
val previousSize = size
try {
} finally {
size = previousSize
message = "Please use a new overload accepting nullable GraphicsLayer",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
inline fun DrawScope.draw(
density: Density,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
canvas: Canvas,
size: Size,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) {
draw(density, layoutDirection, canvas, size, null, block)
* Draws into the provided [Canvas] with the commands specified in the lambda with this
* [DrawScope] as a receiver
* @sample
* @param density [Density] used to assist in conversions of density independent pixels to raw
* pixels to draw
* @param layoutDirection [LayoutDirection] of the layout being drawn in.
* @param canvas target canvas to render into
* @param size bounds relative to the current canvas translation in which the [DrawScope]
* should draw within
* @param graphicsLayer Current [GraphicsLayer] we are drawing into. Might be null if the [canvas]
* is not provided by a [GraphicsLayer], for example in the case of a software-accelerated drawing
* @param block lambda that is called to issue drawing commands on this [DrawScope]
inline fun DrawScope.draw(
density: Density,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
canvas: Canvas,
size: Size,
graphicsLayer: GraphicsLayer? = null,
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) {
// Remember the previous drawing parameters in case we are temporarily re-directing our
// drawing to a separate Layer/RenderNode only to draw that content back into the original
// Canvas. If there is no previous canvas that was being drawing into, this ends up
// resetting these parameters back to defaults defensively
val prevDensity = drawContext.density
val prevLayoutDirection = drawContext.layoutDirection
val prevCanvas = drawContext.canvas
val prevSize = drawContext.size
val prevLayer = drawContext.graphicsLayer
drawContext.apply {
this.density = density
this.layoutDirection = layoutDirection
this.canvas = canvas
this.size = size
this.graphicsLayer = graphicsLayer
try {
} finally {
drawContext.apply {
this.density = prevDensity
this.layoutDirection = prevLayoutDirection
this.canvas = prevCanvas
this.size = prevSize
this.graphicsLayer = prevLayer
* Creates a scoped drawing environment with the provided [Canvas]. This provides a
* declarative, stateless API to draw shapes and paths without requiring
* consumers to maintain underlying [Canvas] state information.
* [DrawScope] implementations are also provided sizing information and transformations
* are done relative to the local translation. That is left and top coordinates are always the
* origin and the right and bottom coordinates are always the specified width and height
* respectively. Drawing content is not clipped, so it is possible to draw outside of the
* specified bounds.
* @sample
interface DrawScope : Density {
* The current [DrawContext] that contains the dependencies
* needed to create the drawing environment
val drawContext: DrawContext
* Center of the current bounds of the drawing environment
val center: Offset
get() =
* Provides the dimensions of the current drawing environment
val size: Size
get() = drawContext.size
* The layout direction of the layout being drawn in.
val layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
* Draws a line between the given points using the given paint. The line is
* stroked.
* @param brush the color or fill to be applied to the line
* @param start first point of the line to be drawn
* @param end second point of the line to be drawn
* @param strokeWidth stroke width to apply to the line
* @param cap treatment applied to the ends of the line segment
* @param pathEffect optional effect or pattern to apply to the line
* @param alpha opacity to be applied to the [brush] from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode the blending algorithm to apply to the [brush]
fun drawLine(
brush: Brush,
start: Offset,
end: Offset,
strokeWidth: Float = Stroke.HairlineWidth,
cap: StrokeCap = Stroke.DefaultCap,
pathEffect: PathEffect? = null,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a line between the given points using the given paint. The line is
* stroked.
* @param color the color to be applied to the line
* @param start first point of the line to be drawn
* @param end second point of the line to be drawn
* @param strokeWidth The stroke width to apply to the line
* @param cap treatment applied to the ends of the line segment
* @param pathEffect optional effect or pattern to apply to the line
* @param alpha opacity to be applied to the [color] from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode the blending algorithm to apply to the [color]
fun drawLine(
color: Color,
start: Offset,
end: Offset,
strokeWidth: Float = Stroke.HairlineWidth,
cap: StrokeCap = Stroke.DefaultCap,
pathEffect: PathEffect? = null,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a rectangle with the given offset and size. If no offset from the top left is provided,
* it is drawn starting from the origin of the current translation. If no size is provided,
* the size of the current environment is used.
* @param brush The color or fill to be applied to the rectangle
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the rectangle to draw
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the [brush] from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the rectangle is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to apply to destination
fun drawRect(
brush: Brush,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a rectangle with the given offset and size. If no offset from the top left is provided,
* it is drawn starting from the origin of the current translation. If no size is provided,
* the size of the current environment is used.
* @param color The color to be applied to the rectangle
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the rectangle to draw
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the [color] from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the rectangle is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] source pixels
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to apply to destination
fun drawRect(
color: Color,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws the given [ImageBitmap] into the canvas with its top-left corner at the
* given [Offset]. The image is composited into the canvas using the given [Paint].
* @param image The [ImageBitmap] to draw
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to [image] from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Specifies whether the image is to be drawn filled in or as a rectangular stroke
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [image] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to apply to destination
fun drawImage(
image: ImageBitmap,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws the subset of the given image described by the `src` argument into
* the canvas in the axis-aligned rectangle given by the `dst` argument.
* If no src rect is provided, the entire image is scaled into the corresponding destination
* bounds
* @param image The source image to draw
* @param srcOffset Optional offset representing the top left offset of the source image
* to draw, this defaults to the origin of [image]
* @param srcSize Optional dimensions of the source image to draw relative to [srcOffset],
* this defaults the width and height of [image]
* @param dstOffset Optional offset representing the top left offset of the destination
* to draw the given image, this defaults to the origin of the current translation
* tarting top left offset in the destination to draw the image
* @param dstSize Optional dimensions of the destination to draw, this defaults to [srcSize]
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to [image] from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Specifies whether the image is to be drawn filled in or as a rectangular stroke
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [image] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to apply to destination
"Prefer usage of drawImage that consumes an optional FilterQuality parameter",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
"drawImage(image, srcOffset, srcSize, dstOffset, dstSize, alpha, style, " +
"colorFilter, blendMode, FilterQuality.Low)",
) // Binary API compatibility.
fun drawImage(
image: ImageBitmap,
srcOffset: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero,
srcSize: IntSize = IntSize(image.width, image.height),
dstOffset: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero,
dstSize: IntSize = srcSize,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws the subset of the given image described by the `src` argument into
* the canvas in the axis-aligned rectangle given by the `dst` argument.
* If no src rect is provided, the entire image is scaled into the corresponding destination
* bounds
* @param image The source image to draw
* @param srcOffset Optional offset representing the top left offset of the source image
* to draw, this defaults to the origin of [image]
* @param srcSize Optional dimensions of the source image to draw relative to [srcOffset],
* this defaults the width and height of [image]
* @param dstOffset Optional offset representing the top left offset of the destination
* to draw the given image, this defaults to the origin of the current translation
* tarting top left offset in the destination to draw the image
* @param dstSize Optional dimensions of the destination to draw, this defaults to [srcSize]
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to [image] from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Specifies whether the image is to be drawn filled in or as a rectangular stroke
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [image] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to apply to destination
* @param filterQuality Sampling algorithm applied to the [image] when it is scaled and drawn
* into the destination. The default is [FilterQuality.Low] which scales using a bilinear
* sampling algorithm
fun drawImage(
image: ImageBitmap,
srcOffset: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero,
srcSize: IntSize = IntSize(image.width, image.height),
dstOffset: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero,
dstSize: IntSize = srcSize,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode,
filterQuality: FilterQuality = DefaultFilterQuality
) {
image = image,
srcOffset = srcOffset,
srcSize = srcSize,
dstOffset = dstOffset,
dstSize = dstSize,
alpha = alpha,
style = style,
colorFilter = colorFilter,
blendMode = blendMode
* Draws a rounded rectangle with the provided size, offset and radii for the x and y axis
* respectively. This rectangle is drawn with the provided [Brush]
* parameter and is filled or stroked based on the given [DrawStyle]
* @param brush The color or fill to be applied to the rounded rectangle
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the rectangle to draw
* @param cornerRadius Corner radius of the rounded rectangle, negative radii values are clamped to 0
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to rounded rectangle from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Specifies whether the rounded rectangle is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the brush
fun drawRoundRect(
brush: Brush,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
cornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius.Zero,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a rounded rectangle with the given [Paint]. Whether the rectangle is
* filled or stroked (or both) is controlled by [].
* @param color The color to be applied to the rounded rectangle
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the rectangle to draw
* @param cornerRadius Corner radius of the rounded rectangle, negative radii values are clamped to 0
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to rounded rectangle from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Specifies whether the rounded rectangle is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the color
fun drawRoundRect(
color: Color,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
cornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius.Zero,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a circle at the provided center coordinate and radius. If no center point is provided
* the center of the bounds is used.
* @param brush The color or fill to be applied to the circle
* @param radius The radius of the circle
* @param center The center coordinate where the circle is to be drawn
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the circle from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the circle is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the brush
fun drawCircle(
brush: Brush,
radius: Float = size.minDimension / 2.0f,
center: Offset =,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a circle at the provided center coordinate and radius. If no center point is provided
* the center of the bounds is used.
* @param color The color or fill to be applied to the circle
* @param radius The radius of the circle
* @param center The center coordinate where the circle is to be drawn
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the circle from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the circle is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the brush
fun drawCircle(
color: Color,
radius: Float = size.minDimension / 2.0f,
center: Offset =,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws an oval with the given offset and size. If no offset from the top left is provided,
* it is drawn starting from the origin of the current translation. If no size is provided,
* the size of the current environment is used.
* @param brush Color or fill to be applied to the oval
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the rectangle to draw
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the oval from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the oval is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the brush
* @sample
fun drawOval(
brush: Brush,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws an oval with the given offset and size. If no offset from the top left is provided,
* it is drawn starting from the origin of the current translation. If no size is provided,
* the size of the current environment is used.
* @param color Color to be applied to the oval
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the rectangle to draw
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the oval from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the oval is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the brush
* @sample
fun drawOval(
color: Color,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draw an arc scaled to fit inside the given rectangle. It starts from
* startAngle degrees around the oval up to startAngle + sweepAngle
* degrees around the oval, with zero degrees being the point on
* the right hand side of the oval that crosses the horizontal line
* that intersects the center of the rectangle and with positive
* angles going clockwise around the oval. If useCenter is true, the arc is
* closed back to the center, forming a circle sector. Otherwise, the arc is
* not closed, forming a circle segment.
* @param brush Color or fill to be applied to the arc
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the arc to draw
* @param startAngle Starting angle in degrees. 0 represents 3 o'clock
* @param sweepAngle Size of the arc in degrees that is drawn clockwise relative to [startAngle]
* @param useCenter Flag indicating if the arc is to close the center of the bounds
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the arc from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the arc is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the arc when it is drawn
fun drawArc(
brush: Brush,
startAngle: Float,
sweepAngle: Float,
useCenter: Boolean,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draw an arc scaled to fit inside the given rectangle. It starts from
* startAngle degrees around the oval up to startAngle + sweepAngle
* degrees around the oval, with zero degrees being the point on
* the right hand side of the oval that crosses the horizontal line
* that intersects the center of the rectangle and with positive
* angles going clockwise around the oval. If useCenter is true, the arc is
* closed back to the center, forming a circle sector. Otherwise, the arc is
* not closed, forming a circle segment.
* @param color Color to be applied to the arc
* @param topLeft Offset from the local origin of 0, 0 relative to the current translation
* @param size Dimensions of the arc to draw
* @param startAngle Starting angle in degrees. 0 represents 3 o'clock
* @param sweepAngle Size of the arc in degrees that is drawn clockwise relative to [startAngle]
* @param useCenter Flag indicating if the arc is to close the center of the bounds
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the arc from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the arc is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the arc when it is drawn
fun drawArc(
color: Color,
startAngle: Float,
sweepAngle: Float,
useCenter: Boolean,
topLeft: Offset = Offset.Zero,
size: Size = this.size.offsetSize(topLeft),
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws the given [Path] with the given [Color]. Whether this shape is
* filled or stroked (or both) is controlled by [DrawStyle]. If the path is
* filled, then subpaths within it are implicitly closed (see [Path.close]).
* @param path Path to draw
* @param color Color to be applied to the path
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the path from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the path is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the path when it is drawn
fun drawPath(
path: Path,
color: Color,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws the given [Path] with the given [Color]. Whether this shape is
* filled or stroked (or both) is controlled by [DrawStyle]. If the path is
* filled, then subpaths within it are implicitly closed (see [Path.close]).
* @param path Path to draw
* @param brush Brush to be applied to the path
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the path from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param style Whether or not the path is stroked or filled in
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the path when it is drawn
fun drawPath(
path: Path,
brush: Brush,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
style: DrawStyle = Fill,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a sequence of points according to the given [PointMode].
* The `points` argument is interpreted as offsets from the origin.
* @param points List of points to draw with the specified [PointMode]
* @param pointMode [PointMode] used to indicate how the points are to be drawn
* @param color Color to be applied to the points
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the path from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively
* @param strokeWidth The stroke width to apply to the line
* @param cap Treatment applied to the ends of the line segment
* @param pathEffect optional effect or pattern to apply to the point
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [color] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the path when it is drawn
fun drawPoints(
points: List,
pointMode: PointMode,
color: Color,
strokeWidth: Float = Stroke.HairlineWidth,
cap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
pathEffect: PathEffect? = null,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Draws a sequence of points according to the given [PointMode].
* The `points` argument is interpreted as offsets from the origin.
* @param points List of points to draw with the specified [PointMode]
* @param pointMode [PointMode] used to indicate how the points are to be drawn
* @param brush Brush to be applied to the points
* @param strokeWidth The stroke width to apply to the line
* @param cap Treatment applied to the ends of the line segment
* @param pathEffect optional effect or pattern to apply to the points
* @param alpha Opacity to be applied to the path from 0.0f to 1.0f representing
* fully transparent to fully opaque respectively.
* @param colorFilter ColorFilter to apply to the [brush] when drawn into the destination
* @param blendMode Blending algorithm to be applied to the path when it is drawn
fun drawPoints(
points: List,
pointMode: PointMode,
brush: Brush,
strokeWidth: Float = Stroke.HairlineWidth,
cap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
pathEffect: PathEffect? = null,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float = 1.0f,
colorFilter: ColorFilter? = null,
blendMode: BlendMode = DefaultBlendMode
* Record the corresponding drawing commands for this [GraphicsLayer] instance using the
* [Density], [LayoutDirection] and [IntSize] from the provided [DrawScope] as defaults.
* This will retarget the underlying canvas of the provided DrawScope to draw within the layer
* itself and reset it to the original canvas on the conclusion of this method call.
fun GraphicsLayer.record(
size: IntSize = [email protected](),
block: DrawScope.() -> Unit
) = record(
[email protected],
) {
[email protected](
// we can use [email protected] directly as the values in this@DrawScope
// and this@record are the same
* Helper method to offset the provided size with the offset in box width and height
private fun Size.offsetSize(offset: Offset): Size =
Size(this.width - offset.x, this.height - offset.y)
companion object {
* Default blending mode used for each drawing operation.
* This ensures that content is drawn on top of the pixels
* in the destination
val DefaultBlendMode: BlendMode = BlendMode.SrcOver
* Default FilterQuality used for determining the filtering algorithm
* to apply when scaling [ImageBitmap] objects. Maps to the default
* behavior of bilinear filtering
val DefaultFilterQuality: FilterQuality = FilterQuality.Low
* Represents how the shapes should be drawn within a [DrawScope]
sealed class DrawStyle
* Default [DrawStyle] indicating shapes should be drawn completely filled in with the
* provided color or pattern
object Fill : DrawStyle()
* [DrawStyle] that provides information for drawing content with a stroke
* @param width Configure the width of the stroke in pixels
* @param miter Set the stroke miter value. This is used to control the behavior of miter joins when
* the joins angle is sharp. This value must be >= 0
* @param cap Return the paint's Cap, controlling how the start and end of stroked lines and paths
* are treated. The default is [StrokeCap.Butt]
* @param join Set's the treatment where lines and curve segments join on a stroked path. The
* default is [StrokeJoin.Miter]
* @param pathEffect Effect to apply to the stroke, null indicates a solid stroke line is to be
* drawn
class Stroke(
val width: Float = 0.0f,
val miter: Float = DefaultMiter,
val cap: StrokeCap = DefaultCap,
val join: StrokeJoin = DefaultJoin,
val pathEffect: PathEffect? = null
) : DrawStyle() {
companion object {
* Width to indicate a hairline stroke of 1 pixel
const val HairlineWidth = 0.0f
* Default miter length used in combination with joins
const val DefaultMiter: Float = 4.0f
* Default cap used for line endings
val DefaultCap = StrokeCap.Butt
* Default join style used for connections between line and curve segments
val DefaultJoin = StrokeJoin.Miter
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Stroke) return false
if (width != other.width) return false
if (miter != other.miter) return false
if (cap != other.cap) return false
if (join != other.join) return false
if (pathEffect != other.pathEffect) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = width.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + miter.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + cap.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + join.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + (pathEffect?.hashCode() ?: 0)
return result
override fun toString(): String {
return "Stroke(width=$width, miter=$miter, cap=$cap, join=$join, pathEffect=$pathEffect)"