org.jetbrains.kotlin.doc.model.KotlinModel.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.doc.model
import java.io.File
import java.util.*
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.local.CoreLocalVirtualFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiDirectory
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFileSystemItem
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.CallableDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ModuleDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.PropertyDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.TypeParameterDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ValueParameterDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Visibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.DiagnosticUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.DiagnosticUtils.LineAndColumn
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.JetFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorToSourceUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.JetScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.JetType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.JetTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.doc.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.doc.highlighter.SyntaxHighlighter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.doc.templates.KDocTemplate
import org.pegdown.Extensions
import org.pegdown.LinkRenderer
import org.pegdown.LinkRenderer.Rendering
import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor
import org.pegdown.ast.WikiLinkNode
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.PackageFragmentDescriptor
* Returns the collection of functions with duplicate function names filtered out
* so only the first one is included
fun filterDuplicateNames(functions: Collection): Collection {
var lastName = ""
return functions.filter{
val name = it.name
val answer = name != lastName
lastName = name
fun containerName(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): String = qualifiedName(descriptor.getContainingDeclaration())
fun qualifiedName(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor?): String {
if (descriptor == null || descriptor is ModuleDescriptor) {
return ""
else if (descriptor is PackageFragmentDescriptor) {
return descriptor.fqName.asString()
else {
val parent = containerName(descriptor)
var name = descriptor.getName().asString()
if (name.startsWith("<")) {
name = ""
val answer = if (parent.length() > 0) parent + "." + name else name
return if (answer.startsWith(".")) answer.substring(1) else answer
fun warning(message: String) {
println("Warning: $message")
fun info(message: String) {
// println("info: $message")
// TODO for some reason the SortedMap causes kotlin to freak out a little :)
fun inheritedExtensionFunctions(functions: Collection): Map> {
//fun inheritedExtensionFunctions(functions: Collection): SortedMap> {
val map = extensionFunctions(functions)
// for each class, lets walk its base classes and add any other extension functions from base classes
val answer = TreeMap>()
for (klass in map.keySet()) {
val allFunctions = map.get(klass).orEmpty().toSortedSet()
answer.put(klass, allFunctions)
for (descendant in klass.descendants()) {
for (f in map.get(descendant).orEmpty()) {
// add the methods from the base class if we don't have a matching method
if (!allFunctions.any { it.name == f.name && it.parameterTypeText == f.parameterTypeText }) {
return answer
// TODO for some reason the SortedMap causes kotlin to freak out a little :)
fun inheritedExtensionProperties(properties: Collection): Map> {
val map = extensionProperties(properties)
// for each class, lets walk its base classes and add any other extension properties from base classes
val answer = TreeMap>()
for (klass in map.keySet()) {
val allProperties = map.get(klass).orEmpty().toSortedSet()
answer.put(klass, allProperties)
for (descendant in klass.descendants()) {
for (f in map.get(descendant).orEmpty()) {
// add the properties from the base class if we don't have a matching property
if (!allProperties.any { it.name == f.name }) {
return answer
// TODO for some reason the SortedMap causes kotlin to freak out a little :)
fun extensionFunctions(functions: Collection): Map> {
val map = TreeMap>()
functions.filter{ it.extensionClass != null }.groupByTo(map){ it.extensionClass!! }
return map
// TODO for some reason the SortedMap causes kotlin to freak out a little :)
fun extensionProperties(properties: Collection): Map> {
val map = TreeMap>()
properties.filter{ it.extensionClass != null }.groupByTo(map){ it.extensionClass!! }
return map
abstract class KClassOrPackage(model: KModel, descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): KAnnotated(model, descriptor) {
open val functions = sortedSetOf()
open val properties = sortedSetOf()
fun findProperty(name: String): KProperty? {
// TODO we should use a Map?
return properties.find{ it.name == name }
fun findFunction(expression: String): KFunction? {
val idx = expression.indexOf('(')
val name = if (idx > 0) expression.substring(0, idx) else expression
val postfix = if (idx > 0) expression.substring(idx).trimTrailing("()") else ""
return functions.find{ it.name == name && it.parameterTypeText == postfix }
// htmlPath does not include "html-src" prefix
class SourceInfo(val psi: JetFile, val relativePath: String, val htmlPath: String)
class KModel(val context: BindingContext, val config: KDocConfig, val sourceDirs: List, val sources: List) {
val packageMap = sortedMapOf()
val allPackages: Collection
get() = packageMap.values()
/** Returns the packages that should be included in the report */
val packages: Collection
get() = allPackages.filter { config.includePackage(it) }
val classes: Collection
get() = packages.flatMap { it.classes }
var markdownProcessor = PegDownProcessor(Extensions.ALL)
var highlighter = SyntaxHighlighter()
val title: String
get() = config.title
val version: String
get() = config.version
private var _projectRootDir: String? = null
* File names we look for in a package directory for the overall description of a package for KDoc
val packageDescriptionFiles = listOf("readme.md", "ReadMe.md, readme.html, ReadMe.html")
private val readMeDirsScanned = HashSet()
val sourcesInfo: List
init {
val normalizedSourceDirs: List =
sourceDirs.map { file -> file.getCanonicalPath() }
fun relativePath(psiFile: PsiFile): String {
val file = File((psiFile.getVirtualFile() as CoreLocalVirtualFile).getPath()!!).getCanonicalFile()
val filePath = file.getPath()
for (sourceDirPath in normalizedSourceDirs) {
if (filePath.startsWith(sourceDirPath) && filePath.length() > sourceDirPath.length()) {
return filePath.substring(sourceDirPath.length + 1)
throw Exception("$file is not a child of any source roots $normalizedSourceDirs")
sourcesInfo = sources.map { source ->
val relativePath = relativePath(source)
val htmlPath = relativePath.replaceFirst("\\.kt$".toRegex(), "") + ".html"
SourceInfo(source, relativePath, htmlPath)
private val sourceInfoByFile = sourcesInfo.toHashMapMappingToKey { sourceInfo -> sourceInfo.psi }
fun sourceInfoByFile(file: JetFile) = sourceInfoByFile.get(file)!!
init {
/** Loads the model from the given set of source files */
val allPackageFragments = HashSet()
for (source in sources) {
// We retrieve a descriptor by a PSI element from the context
val packageFragment = context.get(BindingContext.FILE_TO_PACKAGE_FRAGMENT, source)
if (packageFragment != null) {
} else {
warning("No PackageFragmentDescriptor for source $source")
for ((name, packageFragments) in allPackageFragments.groupBy { qualifiedName(it) }) {
createPackage(packageFragments, name)
for (packageFragment in packageFragments) {
for (descriptor in packageFragment.getMemberScope().getAllDescriptors()) {
if (descriptor is ClassDescriptor) {
* Returns the root project directory for calculating relative source links
fun projectRootDir(): String {
if (_projectRootDir == null) {
val rootDir = config.projectRootDir
_projectRootDir = if (rootDir == null) {
warning("KDocConfig does not have a projectRootDir defined so we cannot generate relative source Hrefs")
} else {
return _projectRootDir ?: ""
/* Returns the package for the given name or null if it does not exist */
fun getPackage(name: String): KPackage? = packageMap.get(name)
/** Returns the package for the given descriptor, creating one if its not available */
fun getOrCreatePackage(descriptor: PackageFragmentDescriptor): KPackage {
val name = qualifiedName(descriptor)
val pkg = packageMap[name]
if (pkg != null) return pkg
return createPackage(listOf(descriptor), name)
private fun createPackage(descriptors: List, name: String): KPackage {
val pkg = KPackage(this, descriptors, name, config.resolveLink(name, false).isNotEmpty())
assert(!packageMap.containsKey(name)) { "packageMap entry created earlier for package $name: old=${packageMap[name]}, new=$pkg" }
packageMap[name] = pkg
for (descriptor in descriptors) {
addFunctions(pkg, descriptor.getMemberScope())
// lets try find a custom doc
var file = config.packageDescriptionFiles[name]
loadWikiDescription(pkg, file)
return pkg
protected fun loadWikiDescription(pkg: KPackage, file: String?): Unit {
if (file != null) {
try {
pkg.wikiDescription = File(file).readText()
} catch (e: Throwable) {
warning("Failed to load package ${pkg.name} documentation file $file. Reason $e")
* If a package has no detailed description lets try load it from the descriptors
* source directory if we've not checked that directory before
fun tryLoadReadMe(pkg: KPackage, descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): Unit {
if (pkg.wikiDescription.isEmpty()) {
// lets try find the package.html or package.md file
val srcPath = pkg.model.filePath(descriptor)
if (srcPath != null) {
val srcFile = File(srcPath)
val dir = if (srcFile.isDirectory()) srcFile else srcFile.getParentFile()
if (dir != null && readMeDirsScanned.add(dir.getPath())) {
val f = packageDescriptionFiles.map{ File(dir, it) }.find{ it.exists() }
if (f != null) {
val file = f.getCanonicalPath()
loadWikiDescription(pkg, file)
else {
info("package ${pkg.name} has no ReadMe.(html|md) in $dir")
fun wikiConvert(text: String, linkRenderer: LinkRenderer, fileName: String?): String {
return markdownProcessor.markdownToHtml(text, linkRenderer)!!
fun sourceLinkFor(filePath: String, sourceLine: Int, lineLinkText: String = "#L"): String? {
val root = config.sourceRootHref
if (root != null) {
// lets remove the root project directory
val rootDir = projectRootDir()
val canonicalFile = File(filePath).getCanonicalPath()
//println("=========== root dir for filePath: $canonicalFile is $rootDir")
val relativeFile =
if (canonicalFile.startsWith(rootDir))
val cleanRoot = root.trimTrailing("/")
val cleanPath = relativeFile.trimLeading("/")
return "$cleanRoot/$cleanPath$lineLinkText$sourceLine"
return null
fun addFunctions(owner: KClassOrPackage, scope: JetScope): Unit {
try {
val descriptors = scope.getAllDescriptors()
for (descriptor in descriptors) {
if (descriptor is PropertyDescriptor) {
val name = descriptor.getName().asString()
val returnType = getType(descriptor.getReturnType())
if (returnType != null) {
val receiver = descriptor.getExtensionReceiverParameter()
val extensionClass = if (receiver != null) {
} else null
val property = KProperty(owner, descriptor, name, returnType, extensionClass?.klass)
} else if (descriptor is CallableDescriptor) {
val function = createFunction(owner, descriptor)
if (function != null) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
warning("Caught exception finding function declarations on $owner $e")
protected fun createFunction(owner: KClassOrPackage, descriptor: CallableDescriptor): KFunction? {
val returnType = getType(descriptor.getReturnType())
if (returnType != null) {
val name = descriptor.getName().asString()
val parameters = ArrayList()
val params = descriptor.getValueParameters()
for (param in params) {
val p = createParameter(param)
if (p != null) {
val function = KFunction(descriptor, owner, name, returnType, parameters)
addTypeParameters(function.typeParameters, descriptor.getTypeParameters())
configureComments(function, descriptor)
val receiver = descriptor.getExtensionReceiverParameter()
if (receiver != null) {
val receiverType = getType(receiver.getType())
function.receiverType = receiverType
function.extensionClass = receiverType?.klass
return function
return null
fun addTypeParameters(answer: MutableList, descriptors: List): Unit {
for (typeParam in descriptors) {
if (typeParam != null) {
val p = createTypeParameter(typeParam)
if (p != null){
protected fun createTypeParameter(descriptor: TypeParameterDescriptor): KTypeParameter? {
val name = descriptor.getName().asString()
val answer = KTypeParameter(name, descriptor, this)
configureComments(answer, descriptor)
return answer
protected fun createParameter(descriptor: ValueParameterDescriptor): KParameter? {
val returnType = getType(descriptor.getReturnType())
if (returnType != null) {
val name = descriptor.getName().asString()
val answer = KParameter(descriptor, name, returnType)
configureComments(answer, descriptor)
return answer
return null
fun locationFor(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): LineAndColumn? {
val psiElement = getPsiElement(descriptor)
if (psiElement != null) {
val document = psiElement.getContainingFile()?.getViewProvider()?.getDocument()
if (document != null) {
val offset = psiElement.getTextOffset()
return DiagnosticUtils.offsetToLineAndColumn(document, offset)
return null
fun fileFor(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): String? {
val psiElement = getPsiElement(descriptor)
return psiElement?.getContainingFile()?.getName()
fun filePath(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): String? {
val psiElement = getPsiElement(descriptor)
val file = psiElement?.getContainingFile()
return filePath(file)
fun getPsiElement(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): PsiElement? {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
// ignore exceptions on fake descriptors
protected fun commentsFor(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): String {
val psiElement = getPsiElement(descriptor)
// This method is a hack. Doc comments should be easily accessible, but they aren't for now.
if (psiElement != null) {
var node = psiElement.getNode()?.getTreePrev()
while (node != null && (node?.getElementType() == JetTokens.WHITE_SPACE || node?.getElementType() == JetTokens.BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
node = node?.getTreePrev()
if (node == null) return ""
if (node?.getElementType() != JetTokens.DOC_COMMENT) return ""
var nodeText = node?.getText() ?: ""
// lets remove the comment tokens
val lines = nodeText.trim().split('\n')
// lets remove the /** ... * ... */ tokens
val buffer = StringBuilder()
val last = lines.size - 1
for (i in 0.rangeTo(last)) {
var text = lines[i]
text = text.trim()
if (i == 0) {
text = text.trimLeading("/**").trimLeading("/*")
} else {
if (i >= last) {
text = text.trimTrailing("*/")
} else if (i > 0) {
text = text.trimLeading("* ")
if (text == "*") text = ""
text = processMacros(text, psiElement)
return buffer.toString()
return ""
protected fun processMacros(textWithWhitespace: String, psiElement: PsiElement): String {
val text = textWithWhitespace.trim()
// lets check for javadoc style @ tags and macros
if (text.startsWith("@")) {
val remaining = text.substring(1)
val macro = "includeFunctionBody"
if (remaining.startsWith(macro)) {
val next = remaining.substring(macro.length()).trim()
val words = next.split("\\s".toRegex())
// TODO we could default the test function name to match that of the
// source code function if folks adopted a convention of naming the test method after the
// method its acting as a demo/test for
if (words.size > 1) {
val includeFile = words[0]
val fnName = words[1]
val content = findFunctionInclude(psiElement, includeFile, fnName)
if (content != null) {
return content
} else {
warning("could not find function $fnName in file $includeFile from source file ${psiElement.getContainingFile()}")
} else {
warning("Unknown kdoc macro @$remaining")
return textWithWhitespace
protected fun findFunctionInclude(psiElement: PsiElement, includeFile: String, functionName: String): String? {
var dir = psiElement.getContainingFile()?.getParent()
if (dir != null) {
val file = relativeFile(dir!!, includeFile)
if (file != null) {
val text = file.getText()
if (text != null) {
// lets find the function definition
val regex = """fun\s+$functionName\(.*\)""".toRegex()
val matcher = regex.matcher(text)
if (matcher.find()) {
val idx = matcher.end()
val remaining = text.substring(idx)
val content = extractBlock(remaining)
if (content != null) {
val highlight = highlighter.highlight(content)
val filePath = filePath(file)
val sourceLine = text.substring(0, idx).count{ it == '\n'} + 1
val link = if (filePath != null) sourceLinkFor(filePath, sourceLine) else null
return if (link != null)
else highlight
return null
protected fun filePath(file: PsiFileSystemItem?): String? {
if (file != null) {
var dir = file.getParent()
if (dir != null) {
val parentName = filePath(dir) ?: ""
return parentName + "/" + file.getName()
return null
* Extracts the block of code within { .. } tokens or returning null if it can't be found
protected fun extractBlock(text: String): String? {
val idx = text.indexOf('{')
if (idx >= 0) {
var remaining = text.substring(idx + 1)
// lets remove any leading blank lines
while (true) {
val nidx = remaining.indexOf('\n')
if (nidx >= 0) {
val line = remaining.substring(0, nidx).trim()
if (line.isEmpty()) {
remaining = remaining.substring(nidx + 1)
var count = 1
for (i in 0.rangeTo(remaining.size - 1)) {
val ch = remaining[i]
if (ch == '{') count ++
else if (ch == '}') {
if (--count <= 0) {
return remaining.substring(0, i)
warning("missing } in code block for $remaining")
return remaining
return null
protected fun relativeFile(directory: PsiDirectory, relativeName: String): PsiFile? {
// TODO would have thought there's some helper function already to resolve relative names!
var dir: PsiDirectory? = directory
// lets try resolve the include name relative to this file
val paths = relativeName.split('/')
val size = paths.size
for (i in 0.rangeTo(size - 2)) {
val path = paths[i]
if (path == ".") continue
else if (path == "..") dir = dir?.getParent()
else dir = dir?.findSubdirectory(path)
val name = paths[size - 1]
if (dir != null) {
val file = dir?.findFile(name)
if (file != null) {
return file
} else {
warning("could not find file $relativeName in $dir with name $name")
return null
fun configureComments(annotated: KAnnotated, descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): Unit {
val detailedText = commentsFor(descriptor).trim()
annotated.wikiDescription = detailedText
fun getType(aType: JetType?): KType? {
if (aType != null) {
val classifierDescriptor = aType.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor()
val klass = if (classifierDescriptor is ClassDescriptor) {
} else null
return KType(aType, this, klass)
return null
* Returns the [[KClass]] for the fully qualified name or null if it could not be found
fun getClass(qualifiedName: String): KClass? {
// TODO warning this only works for top level classes
// a better algorithm is to walk down each dot path dealing with nested packages/classes
val idx = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.')
val pkgName = if (idx >= 0) qualifiedName.substring(0, idx) else ""
val pkg = getPackage(pkgName)
if (pkg != null) {
val simpleName = if (idx >= 0) qualifiedName.substring(idx + 1) else qualifiedName
return pkg.classMap.get(simpleName)
return null
fun getClass(classElement: ClassDescriptor): KClass? {
val name = classElement.getName().asString()
var dec: DeclarationDescriptor? = classElement.getContainingDeclaration()
while (dec != null) {
val container = dec
if (container is PackageFragmentDescriptor) {
val pkg = getOrCreatePackage(container)
return pkg.getClass(classElement)
} else {
dec = dec?.getContainingDeclaration()
warning("no package found for class $name")
return null
fun previous(pkg: KPackage): KPackage? {
return null
fun next(pkg: KPackage): KPackage? {
return null
class TemplateLinkRenderer(val annotated: KAnnotated, val template: KDocTemplate): LinkRenderer() {
// TODO dirty hack - remove when this issue is fixed
// http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-1524
val hackedLinks = mapOf(
Pair("IllegalArgumentException", Pair("java.lang", "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.html")),
Pair("IllegalStateException", Pair("java.lang", "java/lang/IllegalStateException.html")),
Pair("Map.Entry", Pair("java.util", "java/util/Map.Entry.html")),
Pair("System.in", Pair("java.lang", "java/lang/System.html#in")),
Pair("System.out", Pair("java.lang", "java/lang/System.html#in")),
Pair("#equals()", Pair("java.lang", "java/lang/Object.html#equals(java.lang.Object)")),
Pair("#hashCode()", Pair("java.lang", "java/lang/Object.html#hashCode()"))
override fun render(node: WikiLinkNode?): Rendering? {
val answer = super.render(node)
if (answer != null) {
val text = answer.text
if (text != null) {
val qualified = resolveToQualifiedName(text)
var href = resolveClassNameLink(qualified)
if (href != null) {
answer.href = href
} else {
// TODO really dirty hack alert!!!
// until the resolver is working, lets try adding a few prefixes :)
for (prefix in listOf("java.lang", "java.util", "java.util.concurrent", "java.util.regex", "java.io",
"kotlin", "java.awt", "java.awt.event", "java.sql", "java.beans",
"javax.swing", "javax.swing.event",
"kotlin.template")) {
href = resolveClassNameLink(prefix + "." + qualified)
if (href != null) {
if (href == null) {
// TODO even hacker than the above hack!
val link = hackedLinks.get(text)
if (link != null) {
href = annotated.model.config.resolveLink(link.first) + link.second
if (href != null) {
answer.href = href
} else {
answer.href = "#NotImplementedYet"
warning("could not resolve expression: $qualified into a wiki link")
return answer
* Try to resolve a fully qualified class name as a link
protected fun resolveClassNameLink(qualifiedName: String): String? {
val model = annotated.model
val pkg = model.getPackage(qualifiedName)
if (pkg != null) {
return template.href(pkg)
val klass = model.getClass(qualifiedName)
if (klass != null) {
return template.href(klass)
} else {
// is it a method?
val idx = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.')
if (idx > 0) {
val className = qualifiedName.substring(0, idx)
val c = model.getClass(className)
if (c != null) {
// lets try find method...
val remaining = qualifiedName.substring(idx + 1)
// lets try find the function
val fn = c.findFunction(remaining)
if (fn != null) {
return template.href(fn)
val p = c.findProperty(remaining)
if (p != null) {
return template.href(p)
return null
* Attempts to resolve the class, method or property expression using the
* current imports and declaration
protected fun resolveToQualifiedName(text: String): String {
// TODO use the CompletionContributors maybe to figure out what local names are imported???
return text
val scope = findWritableScope(annotated.declarationDescriptor)
if (scope != null) {
val classifierDescriptor = scope.getClassifier(text)
if (classifierDescriptor == null) {
val o = scope.getObjectDescriptor(text)
println("Attempt to resolve HREF: $text Found objectDescriptor $o")
} else {
println("Attempt to resolve HREF: $text Found classifierDescriptor $classifierDescriptor")
protected fun findWritableScope(declarationDescriptor: DeclarationDescriptor) : WritableScopeImpl? {
val container = declarationDescriptor.getContainingDeclaration()
if (container is PackageFragmentDescriptor) {
val scope = container.getMemberScope()
if (scope is WritableScopeImpl) {
return scope
} else if (container != null) {
return findWritableScope(container)
return null
abstract class KAnnotated(val model: KModel, val declarationDescriptor: DeclarationDescriptor) {
open var wikiDescription: String = ""
open var deprecated: Boolean = false
open fun description(template: KDocTemplate): String {
val detailedText = detailedDescription(template)
val idx = detailedText.indexOf("")
return if (idx > 0) {
detailedText.substring(0, idx).trimLeading("")
} else {
fun detailedDescription(template: KDocTemplate): String {
val wiki = wikiDescription
return wikiConvert(wiki, template)
protected fun wikiConvert(wiki: String, template: KDocTemplate): String {
val file = model.fileFor(declarationDescriptor)
return model.wikiConvert(wiki, TemplateLinkRenderer(this, template), file)
fun isLinkToSourceRepo(): Boolean {
return model.config.sourceRootHref != null
fun sourceTargetAttribute(): String {
return if (isLinkToSourceRepo()) " target=\"_top\" class=\"repoSourceCode\"" else ""
fun sourceLink(): String {
val file = filePath()
if (file != null) {
val link = model.sourceLinkFor(file, sourceLine)
if (link != null) return link
return ""
fun filePath(): String? = model.filePath(declarationDescriptor)
fun location(): LineAndColumn? = model.locationFor(declarationDescriptor)
val sourceLine: Int
get() {
val loc = location()
return if (loc != null) loc.getLine() else 1
abstract class KNamed(val name: String, model: KModel, descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): KAnnotated(model, descriptor), Comparable {
override fun compareTo(other: KNamed): Int = name.compareTo(other.name)
open fun equals(other: KPackage) = name == other.name
override fun toString() = name
class KPackage(
model: KModel,
descriptors: List,
val name: String,
val useExternalLink: Boolean = false
): KClassOrPackage(model, descriptors.first()), Comparable {
val classMap = sortedMapOf()
val classes: Collection
get() = classMap.values().filter{ it.isApi() }
val annotations = arrayListOf()
override fun compareTo(other: KPackage): Int = name.compareTo(other.name)
fun equals(other: KPackage) = name == other.name
override fun toString() = "KPackage($name)"
fun getClass(descriptor: ClassDescriptor): KClass {
val name = descriptor.getName().asString()
var created = false
val klass = classMap.getOrPut(name) {
created = true
val psiFile = model.getPsiElement(descriptor)?.getContainingFile()
val jetFile = psiFile as? JetFile
val sourceInfo = if (jetFile != null) model.sourceInfoByFile(jetFile) else null
KClass(this, descriptor, sourceInfo)
if (created) {
// sometimes we may have source files for a package in different source directories
// such as the kotlin package in generated directory; so lets always check if we can find
// the readme
model.tryLoadReadMe(this, descriptor)
model.configureComments(klass, descriptor)
val typeConstructor = descriptor.getTypeConstructor()
val superTypes = typeConstructor.getSupertypes()
for (st in superTypes) {
val sc = model.getType(st)
if (sc != null) {
val scope = descriptor.getDefaultType().getMemberScope()
model.addFunctions(klass, scope)
model.addTypeParameters(klass.typeParameters, typeConstructor.getParameters())
return klass
/** Returns the name as a directory using '/' instead of '.' */
val nameAsPath: String
get() = if (name.length() == 0) "." else name.replace('.', '/')
/** Returns a list of all the paths in the package name */
val namePaths: List
get() {
val answer = ArrayList()
for (n in name.split('.')) {
return answer;
/** Returns a relative path like ../.. for each path in the name */
val nameAsRelativePath: String
get() {
val answer = namePaths.map{ ".." }.makeString("/")
return if (answer.length == 0) "" else answer + "/"
override fun description(template: KDocTemplate): String {
// lets see if we can find a custom summary
val text = model.config.packageSummaryText[name]
return if (text != null)
wikiConvert(text, template).trimLeading("").trimTrailing("
fun qualifiedName(simpleName: String): String {
return if (name.length() > 0) {
} else {
fun previous(pkg: KClass): KClass? {
return null
fun next(pkg: KClass): KClass? {
return null
fun groupClassMap(): Map> {
return classes.groupByTo(TreeMap>()){it.group}
fun packageFunctions() = functions.filter{ it.extensionClass == null }
fun packageProperties() = properties.filter{ it.extensionClass == null && it.isPublic() }
class KType(val jetType: JetType, model: KModel, val klass: KClass?, val arguments: MutableList = ArrayList())
: KNamed(klass?.name ?: jetType.toString()!!, model, jetType.getConstructor().getDeclarationDescriptor()!!) {
init {
if (klass != null) {
this.wikiDescription = klass.wikiDescription
for (arg in jetType.getArguments()) {
val t = model.getType(arg.getType())
if (t != null) {
override fun toString() = if (nullable) "$name?" else name
val nullable: Boolean
get() = jetType.isMarkedNullable()
class KClass(
val pkg: KPackage,
val descriptor: ClassDescriptor,
val sourceInfo: SourceInfo?)
: KClassOrPackage(pkg.model, descriptor), Comparable
val simpleName = descriptor.getName().asString()
var group: String = "Other"
var annotations: List = listOf()
var typeParameters: MutableList = arrayListOf()
var since: String = ""
var authors: List = listOf()
var baseClasses: MutableList = arrayListOf()
var nestedClasses: List = listOf()
override fun compareTo(other: KClass): Int = name.compareTo(other.name)
fun equals(other: KClass) = name == other.name
override fun toString() = "$kind($name)"
fun isApi() = descriptor.getVisibility().isPublicAPI()
val kind: String
get() {
val k = descriptor.getKind()
return if (k == ClassKind.INTERFACE) "interface"
else if (k == ClassKind.OBJECT) "object"
else if (k == ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS || k == ClassKind.ENUM_ENTRY) "enum"
else if (k == ClassKind.ANNOTATION_CLASS) "annotation"
else "class"
val kindCode: String
get() {
val k = descriptor.getKind()
return if (k == ClassKind.INTERFACE) "interface"
else if (k == ClassKind.OBJECT) "object"
else if (k == ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS || k == ClassKind.ENUM_ENTRY) "enum class"
else if (k == ClassKind.ANNOTATION_CLASS) "class"
else "class"
val visibility: String
get() {
val v = descriptor.getVisibility()
return if (v == Visibilities.PUBLIC) "public"
else if (v == Visibilities.PROTECTED) "protected"
else if (v == Visibilities.PRIVATE) "private"
else ""
/** Link to the type which is relative if its a local type but could be a type in a different library or null if no link */
var url: String? = null
get() {
if ($url == null) $url = "${nameAsPath}.html"
return $url
val name: String = pkg.qualifiedName(descriptor.getName().asString())
val packageName: String = pkg.name
/** Returns the name as a directory using '/' instead of '.' */
val nameAsPath: String
get() = name.replace('.', '/')
fun isAnnotation() = kind == "annotation"
fun isInterface() = kind == "interface"
/** Returns all of the base classes and all of their descendants */
fun descendants(answer: MutableSet = LinkedHashSet()): Set {
for (b in baseClasses) {
val c = b.klass
if (c != null) {
return answer
class KFunction(val descriptor: CallableDescriptor, val owner: KClassOrPackage, val name: String,
var returnType: KType,
var parameters: List,
var receiverType: KType? = null,
var extensionClass: KClass? = null,
var modifiers: List = listOf(),
var typeParameters: MutableList = arrayListOf(),
var exceptions: List = listOf(),
var annotations: List = listOf()): KAnnotated(owner.model, descriptor), Comparable {
val parameterTypeText: String = parameters.map{ it.aType.name }.makeString(", ")
override fun compareTo(other: KFunction): Int {
var answer = name.compareTo(other.name)
if (answer == 0) {
answer = parameterTypeText.compareTo(other.parameterTypeText)
if (answer == 0) {
val ec1 = extensionClass?.name ?: ""
val ec2 = other.extensionClass?.name ?: ""
answer = ec1.compareTo(ec2)
return answer
fun equals(other: KFunction) = name == other.name && this.parameterTypeText == other.parameterTypeText &&
this.extensionClass == other.extensionClass && this.owner == other.owner
override fun toString() = "fun $name($parameterTypeText): $returnType"
val link: String = "$name($parameterTypeText)"
/** Returns a list of generic type parameter names kinds like "A, I" */
val typeParametersText: String
get() = typeParameters.map{ it.name }.makeString(", ")
class KProperty(val owner: KClassOrPackage, val descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, val name: String,
val returnType: KType, val extensionClass: KClass?): KAnnotated(owner.model, descriptor), Comparable {
override fun compareTo(other: KProperty): Int = name.compareTo(other.name)
val link = "$name"
fun equals(other: KFunction) = name == other.name
fun isVar(): Boolean = descriptor.isVar()
fun kind(): String = if (isVar()) "var" else "val"
fun isPublic(): Boolean {
val visibility = descriptor.getVisibility()
return visibility.isPublicAPI()
override fun toString() = "property $name"
class KParameter(val descriptor: ValueParameterDescriptor, val name: String,
var aType: KType): KAnnotated(aType.model, aType.declarationDescriptor) {
override fun toString() = "$name: ${aType.name}"
fun isVarArg(): Boolean = descriptor.getVarargElementType() != null
fun hasDefaultValue(): Boolean = descriptor.hasDefaultValue()
fun varArgType(): KType? {
val varType = descriptor.getVarargElementType()
return if (varType != null) {
} else null
class KTypeParameter(val name: String,
val descriptor: TypeParameterDescriptor,
model: KModel,
var extends: List = listOf()): KAnnotated(model, descriptor) {
override fun toString() = "$name"
class KAnnotation(var klass: KClass): KAnnotated(klass.model, klass.descriptor) {
// TODO add some parameter values?
override fun toString() = "@${klass.simpleName}"