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org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.references.KDocReferenceResolver.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.references

import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.KtAnalysisSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.components.KtScopeContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.components.KtScopeKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.components.buildClassType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.scopes.KtScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.symbols.KtClassOrObjectSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.symbols.KtCallableSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.symbols.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.symbols.markers.KtSymbolWithMembers
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.types.KtType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.types.KtTypeParameterType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.utils.printer.parentsOfType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.ifNotEmpty
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.utils.printer.parentOfType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addIfNotNull

internal object KDocReferenceResolver {
     * [symbol] is the symbol referenced by this resolve result.
     * [receiverClassReference] is an optional receiver type in
     * the case of extension function references (see [getTypeQualifiedExtensions]).
    private data class ResolveResult(val symbol: KtSymbol, val receiverClassReference: KtClassLikeSymbol?)

    private fun KtSymbol.toResolveResult(receiverClassReference: KtClassLikeSymbol? = null): ResolveResult =
        ResolveResult(symbol = this, receiverClassReference)

     * Resolves the [selectedFqName] of KDoc
     * To properly resolve qualifier parts in the middle,
     * we need to resolve the whole qualifier to understand which parts of the qualifier are package or class qualifiers.
     * And then we will be able to resolve the qualifier selected by the user to the proper class, package or callable.
     * It's possible that the whole qualifier is invalid, in this case we still want to resolve our [selectedFqName].
     * To do this, we are trying to resolve the whole qualifier until we succeed.
     * @param selectedFqName the selected fully qualified name of the KDoc
     * @param fullFqName the whole fully qualified name of the KDoc
     * @param contextElement the context element in which the KDoc is defined
     * @return the collection of KtSymbol(s) resolved from the fully qualified name
     *         based on the selected FqName and context element
    internal fun resolveKdocFqName(selectedFqName: FqName, fullFqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): Collection {
        val fullSymbolsResolved = resolveKdocFqName(fullFqName, contextElement)
        if (selectedFqName == fullFqName) return fullSymbolsResolved.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.symbol }
        if (fullSymbolsResolved.isEmpty()) {
            val parent = fullFqName.parent()
            return resolveKdocFqName(selectedFqName = selectedFqName, fullFqName = parent, contextElement = contextElement)
        val goBackSteps = fullFqName.pathSegments().size - selectedFqName.pathSegments().size
        check(goBackSteps > 0) {
            "Selected FqName ($selectedFqName) should be smaller than the whole FqName ($fullFqName)"
        return fullSymbolsResolved.mapNotNullTo(mutableSetOf()) { findParentSymbol(it, goBackSteps, selectedFqName) }

     * Finds the parent symbol of the given [ResolveResult] by traversing back up the symbol hierarchy a [goBackSteps] steps,
     * or until the containing class or object symbol is found.
     * Knows about the [ResolveResult.receiverClassReference] field and uses it in case it's not empty.
    private fun findParentSymbol(resolveResult: ResolveResult, goBackSteps: Int, selectedFqName: FqName): KtSymbol? {
        return if (resolveResult.receiverClassReference != null) {
            findParentSymbol(resolveResult.receiverClassReference, goBackSteps - 1, selectedFqName)
        } else {
            findParentSymbol(resolveResult.symbol, goBackSteps, selectedFqName)

     * Finds the parent symbol of the given KtSymbol by traversing back up the symbol hierarchy a certain number of steps,
     * or until the containing class or object symbol is found.
     * @param symbol The KtSymbol whose parent symbol needs to be found.
     * @param goBackSteps The number of steps to go back up the symbol hierarchy.
     * @param selectedFqName The fully qualified name of the selected package.
     * @return The [goBackSteps]-th parent [KtSymbol]
    private fun findParentSymbol(symbol: KtSymbol, goBackSteps: Int, selectedFqName: FqName): KtSymbol? {
        if (symbol !is KtDeclarationSymbol && symbol !is KtPackageSymbol) return null

        if (symbol is KtDeclarationSymbol) {
            symbol.goToNthParent(goBackSteps)?.let { return it }

        return getPackageSymbolIfPackageExists(selectedFqName)

     * N.B. Works only for [KtClassOrObjectSymbol] parents chain.
    private fun KtDeclarationSymbol.goToNthParent(steps: Int): KtDeclarationSymbol? {
        var currentSymbol = this

        repeat(steps) {
            currentSymbol = currentSymbol.getContainingSymbol() as? KtClassOrObjectSymbol ?: return null

        return currentSymbol

    private fun resolveKdocFqName(fqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement, trySyntheticGetters: Boolean = true): Collection {
        getExtensionReceiverSymbolByThisQualifier(fqName, contextElement).ifNotEmpty { return this }

        buildList {
            getSymbolsFromScopes(fqName, contextElement).mapTo(this) { it.toResolveResult() }
            addAll(getTypeQualifiedExtensions(fqName, contextElement))
        }.ifNotEmpty { return this }

        getNonImportedSymbolsByFullyQualifiedName(fqName).map { it.toResolveResult() }.ifNotEmpty { return this }

        AdditionalKDocResolutionProvider.resolveKdocFqName(fqName, contextElement).map { it.toResolveResult() }.ifNotEmpty { return this }

        if (trySyntheticGetters) {
            getSymbolsFromSyntheticProperty(fqName, contextElement).ifNotEmpty { return this }

        return emptyList()

    private fun getSymbolsFromSyntheticProperty(fqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): Collection {
        val getterNames = possibleGetMethodNames(fqName.shortNameOrSpecial())
        return getterNames.flatMap { getterName ->
            resolveKdocFqName(fqName.parent().child(getterName), contextElement, trySyntheticGetters = false)

    private fun getExtensionReceiverSymbolByThisQualifier(fqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): Collection {
        val owner = contextElement.parentOfType() ?: return emptyList()
        if (fqName.pathSegments().singleOrNull()?.asString() == "this") {
            if (owner is KtCallableDeclaration && owner.receiverTypeReference != null) {
                val symbol = owner.getSymbol() as? KtCallableSymbol ?: return emptyList()
                return listOfNotNull(symbol.receiverParameter?.toResolveResult())
        return emptyList()

    private fun getSymbolsFromScopes(fqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): Collection {
        getSymbolsFromParentMemberScopes(fqName, contextElement).ifNotEmpty { return this }
        val importScopeContext = contextElement.containingKtFile.getImportingScopeContext()
        getSymbolsFromImportingScope(importScopeContext, fqName, KtScopeKind.ExplicitSimpleImportingScope::class).ifNotEmpty { return this }
        getSymbolsFromPackageScope(fqName, contextElement).ifNotEmpty { return this }
        getSymbolsFromImportingScope(importScopeContext, fqName, KtScopeKind.DefaultSimpleImportingScope::class).ifNotEmpty { return this }
        getSymbolsFromImportingScope(importScopeContext, fqName, KtScopeKind.ExplicitStarImportingScope::class).ifNotEmpty { return this }
        getSymbolsFromImportingScope(importScopeContext, fqName, KtScopeKind.DefaultStarImportingScope::class).ifNotEmpty { return this }
        return emptyList()

    private fun getSymbolsFromDeclaration(name: Name, owner: KtDeclaration): List = buildList {
        if (owner is KtNamedDeclaration) {
            if (owner.nameAsName == name) {
        if (owner is KtTypeParameterListOwner) {
            for (typeParameter in owner.typeParameters) {
                if (typeParameter.nameAsName == name) {
        if (owner is KtCallableDeclaration) {
            for (typeParameter in owner.valueParameters) {
                if (typeParameter.nameAsName == name) {

        if (owner is KtClassOrObject) {
            owner.primaryConstructor?.let { addAll(getSymbolsFromDeclaration(name, it)) }

     * Returns the [KtSymbol]s called [fqName] found in the member scope and companion object's member scope of the [KtDeclaration]s that
     * contain the [contextElement].
     * If [fqName] has two or more segments, e.g. ``, the member and companion object scope of the containing [KtDeclaration] will be
     * queried for a class `Foo` first, and then that class `Foo` will be queried for the member `bar` by short name.
    private fun getSymbolsFromParentMemberScopes(fqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): Collection {
        val declaration = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(contextElement,, false) ?: return emptyList()
        for (ktDeclaration in declaration.parentsOfType(withSelf = true)) {
            if (fqName.pathSegments().size == 1) {
                getSymbolsFromDeclaration(fqName.shortName(), ktDeclaration).ifNotEmpty { return this }
            if (ktDeclaration is KtClassOrObject) {
                val symbol = ktDeclaration.getClassOrObjectSymbol() ?: continue

                val scope = symbol.getCompositeCombinedMemberAndCompanionObjectScope()

                val symbolsFromScope = getSymbolsFromMemberScope(fqName, scope)
                if (symbolsFromScope.isNotEmpty()) return symbolsFromScope
        return emptyList()

    private fun KtSymbolWithMembers.getCompositeCombinedMemberAndCompanionObjectScope(): KtScope =

    private fun KtSymbolWithMembers.getCompanionObjectMemberScope(): KtScope? {
        val namedClassSymbol = this as? KtNamedClassOrObjectSymbol ?: return null
        val companionSymbol = namedClassSymbol.companionObject ?: return null
        return companionSymbol.getMemberScope()

    private fun getSymbolsFromPackageScope(fqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): Collection {
        //ensure file context is provided for "non-physical" code as well
        var containingFile =
            (PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(contextElement,, false) ?: contextElement).containingKtFile
        val packageFqName = containingFile.packageFqName
        val packageSymbol = getPackageSymbolIfPackageExists(packageFqName) ?: return emptyList()
        val packageScope = packageSymbol.getPackageScope()
        return getSymbolsFromMemberScope(fqName, packageScope)

    private fun getSymbolsFromImportingScope(
        scopeContext: KtScopeContext,
        fqName: FqName,
        acceptScopeKind: KClass,
    ): Collection {
        val importingScope = scopeContext.getCompositeScope { }
        return getSymbolsFromMemberScope(fqName, importingScope)

    private fun getSymbolsFromMemberScope(fqName: FqName, scope: KtScope): Collection {
        val finalScope = fqName.pathSegments()
            .fold(scope) { currentScope, fqNamePart ->
                    .map { it.getCompositeCombinedMemberAndCompanionObjectScope() }

        return finalScope.getAllSymbolsFromScopeByShortName(fqName)

    private fun KtScope.getAllSymbolsFromScopeByShortName(fqName: FqName): Collection {
        val shortName = fqName.shortName()
        return buildSet {

     * Tries to resolve [fqName] into available extension callables (functions or properties)
     * prefixed with a suitable extension receiver type (like in ``, or ``).
     * Relies on the fact that in such references only the last qualifier refers to the
     * actual extension callable, and the part before that refers to the receiver type (either fully
     * or partially qualified).
     * For example, `` may only refer to the extension callable `bar` with
     * a `foo.Foo` receiver type, and this function will only look for such combinations.
     * N.B. This function only searches for extension callables qualified by receiver types!
     * It does not try to resolve fully qualified or member functions, because they are dealt
     * with by the other parts of [KDocReferenceResolver].
    private fun getTypeQualifiedExtensions(fqName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): Collection {
        if (fqName.isRoot) return emptyList()
        val extensionName = fqName.shortName()

        val receiverTypeName = fqName.parent()
        if (receiverTypeName.isRoot) return emptyList()

        val possibleExtensions = getExtensionCallableSymbolsByShortName(extensionName, contextElement)
        if (possibleExtensions.isEmpty()) return emptyList()

        val possibleReceivers = getReceiverTypeCandidates(receiverTypeName, contextElement)

        return possibleReceivers.flatMap { receiverClassSymbol ->
            val receiverType = buildClassType(receiverClassSymbol)
            val applicableExtensions = possibleExtensions.filter { it.canBeReferencedAsExtensionOn(receiverType) }

   { it.toResolveResult(receiverClassReference = receiverClassSymbol) }

    private fun getExtensionCallableSymbolsByShortName(name: Name, contextElement: KtElement): List {
        return getSymbolsFromScopes(FqName.topLevel(name), contextElement)
            .filter { it.isExtension }

    private fun getReceiverTypeCandidates(receiverTypeName: FqName, contextElement: KtElement): List {
        val possibleReceivers =
            getSymbolsFromScopes(receiverTypeName, contextElement).ifEmpty { null }
                ?: getNonImportedSymbolsByFullyQualifiedName(receiverTypeName).ifEmpty { null }
                ?: emptyList()

        return possibleReceivers.filterIsInstance()

     * Returns true if we consider that [this] extension function prefixed with [actualReceiverType] in
     * a KDoc reference should be considered as legal and resolved, and false otherwise.
     * This is **not** an actual type check, it is just an opinionated approximation.
     * The main guideline was K1 KDoc resolve.
     * This check might change in the future, as Dokka team advances with KDoc rules.
    private fun KtCallableSymbol.canBeReferencedAsExtensionOn(actualReceiverType: KtType): Boolean {
        val extensionReceiverType = receiverParameter?.type ?: return false

        return extensionReceiverType.isPossiblySuperTypeOf(actualReceiverType)

     * Same constraints as in [canBeReferencedAsExtensionOn].
     * For a similar function in the `intellij` repository, see `isPossiblySubTypeOf`.
    private fun KtType.isPossiblySuperTypeOf(actualReceiverType: KtType): Boolean {
        // Type parameters cannot act as receiver types in KDoc
        if (actualReceiverType is KtTypeParameterType) return false

        val expectedType = this

        if (expectedType is KtTypeParameterType) {
            return expectedType.symbol.upperBounds.all { it.isPossiblySuperTypeOf(actualReceiverType) }

        val receiverExpanded = actualReceiverType.expandedClassSymbol
        val expectedExpanded = expectedType.expandedClassSymbol

        // if the underlying classes are equal, we consider the check successful
        // despite the possibility of different type bounds
        if (
            receiverExpanded != null &&
            receiverExpanded == expectedExpanded
        ) {
            return true

        return actualReceiverType.isSubTypeOf(expectedType)

    private fun getNonImportedSymbolsByFullyQualifiedName(fqName: FqName): Collection = buildSet {
        generateNameInterpretations(fqName).forEach { interpretation ->

    private fun MutableCollection.collectSymbolsByFqNameInterpretation(
        interpretation: FqNameInterpretation,
    ) {
        when (interpretation) {
            is FqNameInterpretation.FqNameInterpretationAsCallableId -> {

            is FqNameInterpretation.FqNameInterpretationAsClassId -> {

            is FqNameInterpretation.FqNameInterpretationAsPackage -> {

    private fun MutableCollection.collectSymbolsByPackage(packageFqName: FqName) {

    private fun MutableCollection.collectSymbolsByClassId(classId: ClassId) {
        (getClassOrObjectSymbolByClassId(classId) ?: getTypeAliasByClassId(classId))?.let(::add)

    private fun MutableCollection.collectSymbolsByFqNameInterpretationAsCallableId(callableId: CallableId) {
        when (val classId = callableId.classId) {
            null -> {
                addAll(getTopLevelCallableSymbols(callableId.packageName, callableId.callableName))

            else -> {

    private fun generateNameInterpretations(fqName: FqName): Sequence = sequence {
        val parts = fqName.pathSegments()
        if (parts.isEmpty()) {
            yield(FqNameInterpretation.create(packageParts = emptyList(), classParts = emptyList(), callable = null))
        for (lastPackagePartIndexExclusive in {
                    packageParts = parts.subList(0, lastPackagePartIndexExclusive),
                    classParts = parts.subList(lastPackagePartIndexExclusive, parts.size),
                    callable = null,

            if (lastPackagePartIndexExclusive <= parts.size - 1) {
                        packageParts = parts.subList(0, lastPackagePartIndexExclusive),
                        classParts = parts.subList(lastPackagePartIndexExclusive, parts.size - 1),
                        callable = parts.last(),

private sealed class FqNameInterpretation {

    data class FqNameInterpretationAsPackage(val packageFqName: FqName) : FqNameInterpretation()
    data class FqNameInterpretationAsClassId(val classId: ClassId) : FqNameInterpretation()
    data class FqNameInterpretationAsCallableId(val callableId: CallableId) : FqNameInterpretation()

    companion object {
        fun create(packageParts: List, classParts: List, callable: Name?): FqNameInterpretation {
            val packageName = FqName.fromSegments( { it.asString() })
            val relativeClassName = FqName.fromSegments( { it.asString() })

            return when {
                classParts.isEmpty() && callable == null -> FqNameInterpretationAsPackage(packageName)
                callable == null -> FqNameInterpretationAsClassId(ClassId(packageName, relativeClassName, isLocal = false))
                else -> FqNameInterpretationAsCallableId(CallableId(packageName, relativeClassName.takeUnless { it.isRoot }, callable))

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