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org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.lower.BridgeLowering.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.lower
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.ClassLoweringPass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.SpecialMethodWithDefaultInfo
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.createIrBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.irNot
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.phaser.makeIrFilePhase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.JvmBackendContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.MemoizedMultiFieldValueClassReplacements
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.SpecialBridge
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.ir.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.AsmUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DescriptorVisibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.addFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.symbols.IrClassSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.symbols.IrSimpleFunctionSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.IrType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.isNullable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.isPrimitiveType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.makeNullable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.Name
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.SmartList
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.Type
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method
* Generate bridge methods to fix virtual dispatch after type erasure and to adapt Kotlin collections to
* the Java collection interfaces. For example, consider the following Kotlin declaration
* interface I { fun f(): T }
* abstract class A : MutableCollection, I {
* override fun f(): String = "OK"
* override fun contains(o: Int): Boolean = false
* }
* After type erasure we essentially have the following definitions.
* interface I { fun f(): java.lang.Object }
* abstract class A : java.util.Collection, I {
* fun f(): java.lang.String = "OK"
* fun contains(o: Int): Boolean = false
* }
* In particular, method `A.f` no longer overrides method `I.f`, since the return types do not match.
* This is why we have to introduce a bridge method into `A.f` to redirect calls from `I.f` to `A.f` and
* to add type casts as needed.
* The second source of bridge methods in Kotlin are so-called special bridges, which mediate between
* the Kotlin and Java collection interfaces. Note that we map the type `MutableCollection` to its
* Java equivalent `java.util.Collection`. However, there is a mismatch in naming conventions and
* signatures between the Java and Kotlin version. For example, the method `contains` has signature
* interface kotlin.Collection {
* fun contains(element: T): Boolean
* ...
* }
* in Kotlin, but a different signature
* interface java.util.Collection {
* fun contains(element: java.lang.Object): Boolean
* ...
* }
* in Java. In particular, the Java version is not type-safe: it requires us to implement the method
* given arbitrary objects, even though we know based on the types that our collection can only contain
* members of type `T`. This is why we have to introduce type-safe wrappers into Kotlin collection classes.
* In the example above, we produce:
* abstract class A : java.util.Collection, I {
* ...
* fun contains(element: java.lang.Object): Boolean {
* if (element !is Int) return false
* return contains(element as Int)
* }
* fun contains(o: Int): Boolean = false
* }
* Similarly, the naming conventions sometimes differ between the Java interfaces and their Kotlin counterparts.
* Sticking with the example above, we find that `java.util.Collection` contains a method `fun size(): Int`,
* which maps to a Kotlin property `val size: Int`. The latter is compiled to a method `fun getSize(): Int` and
* we introduce a bridge to map calls from `size()` to `getSize()`.
* Finally, while bridges due to type erasure are marked as synthetic, we need special bridges to be visible to
* the Java compiler. After all, special bridges are the implementation methods for some Java interfaces. If
* they were synthetic, they would be invisible to javac and it would complain that a Kotlin collection implementation
* class does not implement all of its interfaces. Similarly, special bridges should be final, since otherwise
* a user coming from Java might override their implementation, leading to the Kotlin and Java collection
* implementations getting out of sync.
* In the other direction, it is possible that a user would reimplement a Kotlin collection in Java.
* In order to guarantee binary compatibility, we remap all calls to Kotlin collection methods to
* their Java equivalents instead.
* Apart from these complications, bridge generation is conceptually simple: For a given Kotlin method we
* generate bridges for all overridden methods with different signatures, unless a final method with
* the same signature already exists in a superclass. We only diverge from this idea to match the behavior of
* the JVM backend in a few corner cases.
internal val bridgePhase = makeIrFilePhase(
name = "Bridge",
description = "Generate bridges",
prerequisite = setOf(jvmInlineClassPhase, inheritedDefaultMethodsOnClassesPhase)
internal class BridgeLowering(val context: JvmBackendContext) : ClassLoweringPass {
// Represents a synthetic bridge to `overridden` with a precomputed signature
private class Bridge(
val overridden: IrSimpleFunction,
val signature: Method,
val overriddenSymbols: MutableList = mutableListOf()
override fun lower(irClass: IrClass) {
// Bridges in DefaultImpls classes are handled in InterfaceLowering.
if (irClass.origin == JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_IMPLS || irClass.isAnnotationClass) return
val bridgeTargets = irClass.functions.filterTo(SmartList()) { it.isPotentialBridgeTarget() }
if (bridgeTargets.isEmpty()) return
bridgeTargets.forEach { createBridges(irClass, it) }
if (irClass.isSingleFieldValueClass) {
// Inline class (implementing 'MutableCollection', where T is Int or an inline class mapped to Int)
// can contain a static replacement for a function 'remove', which forces value parameter boxing
// in order to avoid signature clash with 'remove(int)' method in 'java.util.List'.
// We should rewrite this static replacement as well ('remove' function itself is handled during special bridge processing).
val remove = irClass.functions.find {
val original = context.inlineClassReplacements.originalFunctionForStaticReplacement[it]
original != null && context.defaultMethodSignatureMapper.shouldBoxSingleValueParameterForSpecialCaseOfRemove(original)
if (remove != null) {
remove.valueParameters.last().let {
it.type = it.type.makeNullable()
private fun IrSimpleFunction.isPotentialBridgeTarget(): Boolean {
// Only overrides may need bridges and so in particular, private and static functions do not.
// Note that this includes the static replacements for inline class functions (which are static, but have
// overriddenSymbols in order to produce correct signatures in the type mapper).
if (DescriptorVisibilities.isPrivate(visibility) || isStatic || overriddenSymbols.isEmpty())
return false
// None of the methods of Any have type parameters and so we will not need bridges for them.
if (isMethodOfAny())
return false
// We don't produce bridges for abstract functions in interfaces.
if (isJvmAbstract(context.config.jvmDefaultMode)) {
if (parentAsClass.isJvmInterface) {
// If function requires a special bridge, we should record it for generic signatures generation.
if (specialBridgeOrNull != null) {
return false
return true
// Finally, the JVM backend also ignores concrete fake overrides whose implementation is directly inherited from an interface.
// This is sound, since we do not generate type-specialized versions of fake overrides and if the method
// were to override several interface methods the frontend would require a separate implementation.
return !isFakeOverride || resolvesToClass()
private fun createBridges(irClass: IrClass, irFunction: IrSimpleFunction) {
// Track final overrides and bridges to avoid clashes
val blacklist = mutableSetOf()
// Don't generate bridges for default argument stubs. This is a workaround for a
// frontend bug (KT-36188). Ideally, the frontend should not allow inheriting from
// multiple different default argument stubs, but for now we need this special case
// to avoid a ClassCastException in the inliner (KT-46389).
val targetFunction = irFunction.resolveFakeOverride() ?: irFunction
if (targetFunction.origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.FUNCTION_FOR_DEFAULT_PARAMETER) {
// Add the current method to the blacklist if it is concrete or final
val targetMethod = targetFunction.jvmMethod
if (!irFunction.isFakeOverride || irFunction.modality == Modality.FINAL)
blacklist += targetMethod
// Generate special bridges
val specialBridge = irFunction.specialBridgeOrNull
var bridgeTarget = irFunction
if (specialBridge != null) {
// If the current function overrides a special bridge then it's possible that we already generated a final
// bridge methods in a superclass.
blacklist += irFunction.allOverridden().flatMapTo(arrayListOf()) { it.getSpecialBridgeSignatures() }
fun getSpecialBridgeTargetAddingExtraBridges(): IrSimpleFunction {
// We only generate a special bridge method if it does not clash with a final method in a superclass or the current method
if (specialBridge.signature in blacklist ||
irFunction.isFakeOverride && irFunction.jvmMethod == specialBridge.signature
) {
return irFunction
if (irFunction.isFakeOverride) {
// If irFunction is a fake override, we replace it with a stub and redirect all calls to irFunction with calls to the stub
// instead. Otherwise, we'll end up calling the special method itself and get into an infinite loop.
bridgeTarget = when {
irFunction.isJvmAbstract(context.config.jvmDefaultMode) -> {
// If the method is abstract, then we simply generate a concrete abstract method
// to avoid generating a call to a method which does not exist in the current class.
irFunction.modality != Modality.FINAL -> {
// If we have a non-abstract, non-final fake-override we need to put in an additional bridge which uses
// INVOKESPECIAL to call the special bridge implementation in the superclass.
// We can be sure that an implementation exists in a superclass,
// since we do not generate bridges for fake overrides of interface methods.
val overriddenFromClass = irFunction.overriddenFromClass()!!
val superBridge = SpecialBridge(
overridden = irFunction,
signature = irFunction.jvmMethod,
superQualifierSymbol = overriddenFromClass.parentAsClass.symbol,
methodInfo = specialBridge.methodInfo?.copy(argumentsToCheck = 0), // For potential argument boxing
isFinal = false,
// The part after '?:' is needed for methods with default implementations in collection interfaces:
// MutableMap.remove() and getOrDefault().
val superTarget = overriddenFromClass.takeIf { !it.isFakeOverride || !specialBridge.isOverriding }
?: specialBridge.overridden
if (superBridge.signature == superTarget.jvmMethod) {
// If the resulting bridge to a super member matches the signature of the bridge callee,
// bridge is not needed.
} else {
irClass.addSpecialBridge(superBridge, superTarget)
else -> {
// If the method is final,
// then we will not override it in a subclass and we do not need to generate an additional stub method.
blacklist += bridgeTarget.jvmMethod
// Add special bridge with unsubstituted signature (as generated by old JVM back-end) if required.
// According to KT-40277 we generate special bridges for 'get', 'getOrDefault', and 'remove' with substituted return type.
// However, this introduces performance regressions and changes in behavior if cases like KT-48945
// (where a Kotlin class implements a read-only collection interface and extends a Java collection class).
val unsubstitutedSpecialBridge = specialBridge.unsubstitutedSpecialBridge
if (unsubstitutedSpecialBridge != null &&
unsubstitutedSpecialBridge.signature !in blacklist &&
irClass.functions.none { it.isClashingWithPotentialBridge(irFunction.name, unsubstitutedSpecialBridge.signature) }
) {
blacklist += unsubstitutedSpecialBridge.signature
// TODO what should be the special bridge target if we CAN NOT add a substituted special bridge
// (below, clashes with existing method),
// but CAN add an unsubstituted special bridge (here)?
irClass.addSpecialBridge(unsubstitutedSpecialBridge, bridgeTarget)
if (irClass.functions.none { it.isClashingWithPotentialBridge(irFunction.name, specialBridge.signature) }) {
blacklist += specialBridge.signature
return irClass.addSpecialBridge(specialBridge, bridgeTarget)
return irFunction
val specialBridgeTarget = getSpecialBridgeTargetAddingExtraBridges()
// Deal with existing function that override special bridge methods.
if (!irFunction.isFakeOverride && specialBridge.methodInfo != null) {
irFunction.rewriteSpecialMethodBody(targetMethod, specialBridge.signature, specialBridge.methodInfo!!)
// For generic special bridge methods we need to generate bridges for generic overrides coming from Java or Kotlin interfaces.
if (specialBridge.substitutedReturnType != null) {
for (overriddenSpecialBridge in irFunction.overriddenSpecialBridges()) {
if (overriddenSpecialBridge.signature !in blacklist) {
irClass.addSpecialBridge(overriddenSpecialBridge, specialBridgeTarget)
blacklist += overriddenSpecialBridge.signature
} else if (irFunction.isJvmAbstract(context.config.jvmDefaultMode)) {
// Do not generate bridge methods for abstract methods which do not override a special bridge method.
// This matches the behavior of the JVM backend, but it does mean that we generate superfluous bridges
// for abstract methods overriding a special bridge for which we do not create a bridge due to,
// e.g., signature clashes.
// For concrete fake overrides, some bridges may be inherited from the super-classes. Specifically, bridges for all
// declarations that are reachable from all concrete immediate super-functions of the given function. Note that all such bridges are
// guaranteed to delegate to the same implementation as bridges for the given function, that's why it's safe to inherit them.
// This can still break binary compatibility, but it matches the behavior of the JVM backend.
if (irFunction.isFakeOverride) {
for (overriddenSymbol in irFunction.overriddenSymbols) {
val override = overriddenSymbol.owner
if (override.isJvmAbstract(context.config.jvmDefaultMode)) continue
.filter { !it.isFakeOverride }
.mapTo(blacklist) { it.jvmMethod }
// Generate common bridges
val generated = mutableMapOf()
for (override in irFunction.allOverridden()) {
if (override.isFakeOverride) continue
val signature = override.jvmMethod
if (targetMethod != signature && signature !in blacklist) {
val bridge = generated.getOrPut(signature) {
Bridge(override, signature)
bridge.overriddenSymbols += override.symbol
if (generated.isEmpty())
.filter { it.signature !in blacklist }
.forEach { irClass.addBridge(it, bridgeTarget) }
private fun IrSimpleFunction.isClashingWithPotentialBridge(name: Name, signature: Method): Boolean =
(!this.isFakeOverride || this.modality == Modality.FINAL) && this.name == name && this.jvmMethod == signature
// Returns the special bridge overridden by the current methods if it exists.
private val IrSimpleFunction.specialBridgeOrNull: SpecialBridge?
get() = context.bridgeLoweringCache.computeSpecialBridge(this)
private fun IrSimpleFunction.getSpecialBridgeSignatures(): List {
// Ignore special bridges in interfaces or Java classes. While we never generate special bridges in Java
// classes, we may generate special bridges in interfaces for methods annotated with @JvmDefault.
// However, these bridges are not final and are thus safe to override.
// This matches the behavior of the JVM backend, but it's probably a bad idea since this is an
// opportunity for a Java and Kotlin implementation of the same interface to go out of sync.
if (this.parentAsClass.isInterface || this.isFromJava())
return emptyList()
val specialBridge = this.specialBridgeOrNull
?: return emptyList()
val result = SmartList()
val jvmMethod = this.jvmMethod
if (specialBridge.signature != jvmMethod) {
val unsubstitutedSpecialBridge = specialBridge.unsubstitutedSpecialBridge
if (unsubstitutedSpecialBridge != null && unsubstitutedSpecialBridge.signature != jvmMethod) {
return result
// List of special bridge methods which were not implemented in Kotlin superclasses.
private fun IrSimpleFunction.overriddenSpecialBridges(): List {
val targetJvmMethod = context.defaultMethodSignatureMapper.mapCalleeToAsmMethod(this)
return allOverridden()
.filter { it.parentAsClass.isInterface || it.isFromJava() }
.mapNotNull { it.specialBridgeOrNull }
.filter { it.signature != targetJvmMethod }
.map { it.copy(isFinal = false, isSynthetic = true, methodInfo = null) }
private fun IrClass.addAbstractMethodStub(irFunction: IrSimpleFunction) =
addFunction {
modality = Modality.ABSTRACT
origin = JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.ABSTRACT_BRIDGE_STUB
name = irFunction.name
returnType = irFunction.returnType
isFakeOverride = false
}.apply {
// If the function is a property accessor, we need to mark the abstract stub as a property accessor as well.
// However, we cannot link in the new function as the new accessor for the property, since there might still
// be references to the original fake override stub.
dispatchReceiverParameter = thisReceiver?.copyTo(this, type = defaultType)
valueParameters = irFunction.valueParameters.map { param ->
param.copyTo(this, type = param.type)
overriddenSymbols = irFunction.overriddenSymbols.toList()
private fun IrClass.addBridge(bridge: Bridge, target: IrSimpleFunction): IrSimpleFunction =
addFunction {
startOffset = [email protected]
endOffset = [email protected]
modality = Modality.OPEN
origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.BRIDGE
name = Name.identifier(bridge.signature.name)
returnType = bridge.overridden.returnType.eraseTypeParameters()
isSuspend = bridge.overridden.isSuspend
}.apply {
copyParametersWithErasure(this@addBridge, bridge.overridden)
context.remapMultiFieldValueClassStructure(bridge.overridden, this, parametersMappingOrNull = null)
// If target is a throwing stub, bridge also should just throw UnsupportedOperationException.
// Otherwise, it might throw ClassCastException when downcasting bridge argument to expected type.
// See KT-49765
body = if (target.isThrowingStub()) {
createThrowingStubBody(context, this)
} else {
context.createIrBuilder(symbol, startOffset, endOffset).run {
irExprBody(delegatingCall(this@apply, target))
if (!bridge.overridden.returnType.isTypeParameterWithPrimitiveUpperBound()) {
// The generated bridge method overrides all of the symbols which were overridden by its overrides.
// This is technically wrong, but it's necessary to generate a method which maps to the same signature.
// In case of 'fun foo(): T', where 'T' is a type parameter with primitive upper bound (e.g., 'T : Char'),
// 'foo' is mapped to 'foo()C', regardless of its overrides.
val inheritedOverrides = bridge.overriddenSymbols
.flatMapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.owner.overriddenSymbols }
val redundantOverrides = inheritedOverrides.flatMapTo(mutableSetOf()) {
it.owner.allOverridden().map { override -> override.symbol }
overriddenSymbols = inheritedOverrides.filter { it !in redundantOverrides }
private fun IrSimpleFunction.isThrowingStub(): Boolean {
if (this.origin != IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_BUILTINS_STUB &&
this.origin != IrDeclarationOrigin.BRIDGE &&
this.origin != IrDeclarationOrigin.BRIDGE_SPECIAL
) {
return false
val body = this.body as? IrBlockBody ?: return false
if (body.statements.size != 1) return false
val irCall = body.statements[0] as? IrCall ?: return false
return irCall.symbol == context.ir.symbols.throwUnsupportedOperationException
private fun IrType.isTypeParameterWithPrimitiveUpperBound(): Boolean =
isTypeParameter() && eraseTypeParameters().isPrimitiveType()
private fun IrClass.addSpecialBridge(specialBridge: SpecialBridge, target: IrSimpleFunction): IrSimpleFunction =
addFunction {
startOffset = [email protected]
endOffset = [email protected]
modality = if (specialBridge.isFinal) Modality.FINAL else Modality.OPEN
origin = if (specialBridge.isSynthetic) IrDeclarationOrigin.BRIDGE else IrDeclarationOrigin.BRIDGE_SPECIAL
name = Name.identifier(specialBridge.signature.name)
returnType = specialBridge.substitutedReturnType?.eraseToScope(target.parentAsClass)
?: specialBridge.overridden.returnType.eraseTypeParameters()
}.apply {
copyParametersWithErasure(this@addSpecialBridge, specialBridge.overridden, specialBridge.substitutedParameterTypes)
context.remapMultiFieldValueClassStructure(specialBridge.overridden, this, parametersMappingOrNull = null)
body = context.createIrBuilder(symbol, startOffset, endOffset).irBlockBody {
specialBridge.methodInfo?.let { info ->
valueParameters.take(info.argumentsToCheck).forEach {
+parameterTypeCheck(it, target.valueParameters[it.index].type, info.defaultValueGenerator(this@apply))
+irReturn(delegatingCall(this@apply, target, specialBridge.superQualifierSymbol))
if (specialBridge.isOverriding) {
overriddenSymbols = listOf(specialBridge.overridden.symbol)
if (context.defaultMethodSignatureMapper.shouldBoxSingleValueParameterForSpecialCaseOfRemove(this)) {
valueParameters.last().let {
it.type = it.type.makeNullable()
private fun IrSimpleFunction.rewriteSpecialMethodBody(
ourSignature: Method,
specialOverrideSignature: Method,
specialOverrideInfo: SpecialMethodWithDefaultInfo
) {
// If there is an existing function that would conflict with a special bridge signature, insert the special bridge
// code directly as a prelude in the existing method.
if (specialOverrideSignature == ourSignature) {
val argumentsToCheck = valueParameters.take(specialOverrideInfo.argumentsToCheck)
val shouldGenerateParameterChecks = argumentsToCheck.any { !it.type.isNullable() }
if (shouldGenerateParameterChecks) {
// Rewrite the body to check if arguments have wrong type. If so, return the default value, otherwise,
// use the existing function body.
context.createIrBuilder(symbol).run {
body = irBlockBody {
// Change the parameter types to be Any? so that null checks are not generated. The checks
// we insert here make them superfluous.
argumentsToCheck.forEach { parameter ->
val parameterType = parameter.type
if (!parameterType.isNullable()) {
parameter.type = parameterType.makeNullable()
// After the checks, insert the original method body.
when (val body = body) {
is IrExpressionBody -> +irReturn(body.expression)
is IrBlockBody -> body.statements.forEach { +it }
null -> {}
else -> error("Unsupported method body kind: ${body.render()}")
} else {
// If the signature of this method will be changed in the output to take a boxed argument instead of a primitive,
// rewrite the argument so that code will be generated for a boxed argument and not a primitive.
valueParameters.forEachIndexed { i, p ->
if (AsmUtil.isPrimitive(context.defaultTypeMapper.mapType(p.type)) && ourSignature.argumentTypes[i].sort == Type.OBJECT) {
p.type = p.type.makeNullable()
private fun IrBuilderWithScope.parameterTypeCheck(parameter: IrValueParameter, type: IrType, defaultValue: IrExpression) =
irIfThen(context.irBuiltIns.unitType, irNot(irIs(irGet(parameter), type)), irReturn(defaultValue))
private fun IrSimpleFunction.copyParametersWithErasure(
irClass: IrClass,
from: IrSimpleFunction,
substitutedParameterTypes: List? = null
) {
val visibleTypeParameters = collectVisibleTypeParameters(this)
// This is a workaround for a bug affecting fake overrides. Sometimes we encounter fake overrides
// with dispatch receivers pointing at a superclass instead of the current class.
dispatchReceiverParameter = irClass.thisReceiver?.copyTo(this, type = irClass.defaultType)
extensionReceiverParameter = from.extensionReceiverParameter?.copyWithTypeErasure(this, visibleTypeParameters)
valueParameters = if (substitutedParameterTypes != null) {
from.valueParameters.zip(substitutedParameterTypes).map { (param, type) ->
param.copyWithTypeErasure(this, visibleTypeParameters, type)
} else {
from.valueParameters.map { it.copyWithTypeErasure(this, visibleTypeParameters) }
contextReceiverParametersCount = from.contextReceiverParametersCount
private fun IrValueParameter.copyWithTypeErasure(
target: IrSimpleFunction,
visibleTypeParameters: Set,
substitutedType: IrType? = null
): IrValueParameter = copyTo(
target, IrDeclarationOrigin.BRIDGE,
startOffset = target.startOffset,
endOffset = target.endOffset,
type = (substitutedType?.eraseToScope(visibleTypeParameters) ?: type.eraseTypeParameters()),
// Currently there are no special bridge methods with vararg parameters, so we don't track substituted vararg element types.
varargElementType = varargElementType?.eraseToScope(visibleTypeParameters),
// If the parameter has a default value, replace it with a stub, as if this function is coming from an external dependency.
// Otherwise it can lead to all sorts of problems, for example this default value can reference private functions from another
// file, which would rightfully make SyntheticAccessorLowering fail.
defaultValue = if (defaultValue != null) createStubDefaultValue() else null,
private fun IrBuilderWithScope.delegatingCall(
bridge: IrSimpleFunction,
target: IrSimpleFunction,
superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol? = null
) = irCastIfNeeded(irBlock {
+irReturn(irCall(target, origin = IrStatementOrigin.BRIDGE_DELEGATION, superQualifierSymbol = superQualifierSymbol).apply {
if (getStructure(target) == null && getStructure(bridge) == null) {
for ((param, targetParam) in bridge.explicitParameters.zip(target.explicitParameters)) {
val argument = irGet(param).let { argument ->
if (param == bridge.dispatchReceiverParameter) argument else irCastIfNeeded(argument, targetParam.type.upperBound)
putArgument(targetParam, argument)
} else {
[email protected](target, bridge, this)
}.unwrapBlock(), bridge.returnType.upperBound)
private fun getStructure(function: IrSimpleFunction): List? {
val structure = context.multiFieldValueClassReplacements.bindingNewFunctionToParameterTemplateStructure[function] ?: return null
require(structure.sumOf { it.valueParameters.size } == function.explicitParametersCount) {
"Bad parameters structure: $structure"
return structure
private fun IrBlockBuilder.addBoxedAndUnboxedMfvcArguments(
target: IrSimpleFunction,
bridge: IrSimpleFunction,
irCall: IrCall
) {
val parameters2arguments = [email protected]
.mapFunctionMfvcStructures(this, target, bridge) { sourceParameter, targetParameterType ->
if (sourceParameter == bridge.dispatchReceiverParameter) irGet(sourceParameter)
else irCastIfNeeded(irGet(sourceParameter), targetParameterType)
for ((parameter, argument) in parameters2arguments) {
if (argument != null) {
irCall.putArgument(parameter, argument)
private val IrFunction.jvmMethod: Method
get() = context.bridgeLoweringCache.computeJvmMethod(this)
// Check whether a fake override will resolve to an implementation in class, not an interface.
private fun IrSimpleFunction.resolvesToClass(): Boolean {
val overriddenFromClass = overriddenFromClass() ?: return false
return overriddenFromClass.modality != Modality.ABSTRACT
private fun IrSimpleFunction.overriddenFromClass(): IrSimpleFunction? =
overriddenSymbols.singleOrNull { !it.owner.parentAsClass.isJvmInterface }?.owner
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