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org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtSourceElement.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin

import com.intellij.lang.LighterASTNode
import com.intellij.lang.TreeBackedLighterAST
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref
import com.intellij.psi.PsiComment
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiWhiteSpace
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
import com.intellij.util.diff.FlyweightCapableTreeStructure
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.OperatorNameConventions
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.getElementTextWithContext
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater

sealed class KtSourceElementKind {
    abstract val shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting: Boolean

object KtRealSourceElementKind : KtSourceElementKind() {
    override val shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting: Boolean
        get() = false

 * When an element has a kind of KtFakeSourceElementKind it means that relevant FIR element was created synthetically.
 * And while this definition might look a bit vaguely because, e.g. RawFirBuilder might create a lot of "synthetic" things
 * and not all of them we want to treat as "fake" (like when's created from if's), there is a criteria that ultimately means
 * that one need to use KtFakeSourceElementKind, and it's the situation when several FIR elements might share the same source element.
 * And vice versa, KtRealSourceElementKind means that there's a single FIR node in the resulting tree that has the same source element.
sealed class KtFakeSourceElementKind(final override val shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting: Boolean = false) : KtSourceElementKind() {
     * for some fir expression implicit return typeRef is generated
     * some of them are: break, continue, return, throw, string concat,
     * destruction parameters, function literals, explicitly boolean expressions
    object ImplicitTypeRef : KtFakeSourceElementKind(shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting = true)

     * for errors on smartcast types then the type is brought in by an implicit this receiver expression
    object ImplicitThisReceiverExpression : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for type arguments that were inferred as opposed to specified
     * explicitly via `<>`
    object ImplicitTypeArgument : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for ConeErrorTypes seen through a typealias expansion
    object ErroneousTypealiasExpansion : KtFakeSourceElementKind(shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting = true)

     * for return types of anonymous functions, because ImplicitTypeRef
     * may sometimes hide the diagnostic turning red code into green
    object ImplicitFunctionReturnType : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for each class special class self type ref is created
     * and have a fake source referencing it
    object ClassSelfTypeRef : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * FirErrorTypeRef may be built using unresolved firExpression
     * and have a fake source referencing it
    object ErrorTypeRef : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for properties without accessors default getter & setter are generated
     * they have a fake source which refers to property
    object DefaultAccessor : KtFakeSourceElementKind(shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting = true)

     * for delegated properties, getter & setter calls to the delegate
     * they have a fake source which refers to the call that creates the delegate
    object DelegatedPropertyAccessor : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for kt classes without implicit primary constructor one is generated
     * with a fake source which refers to containing class
    object ImplicitConstructor : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for constructor type parameters, because they refer to the same source
     * as the class type parameters themselves
    object ConstructorTypeParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for constructors which do not have delegated constructor call the fake one is generated
     * with a fake sources which refers to the original constructor
    object DelegatingConstructorCall : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for enum entry with bodies the initializer in a form of anonymous object is generated
     * with a fake sources which refers to the enum entry
    object EnumInitializer : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     *  for lambdas with implicit return the return statement is generated which is labeled
     *  with a fake sources which refers to the target expression
    object GeneratedLambdaLabel : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for error element which is created for dangling modifier lists
    object DanglingModifierList : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

    /** for lambdas & functions with expression bodies the return statement is added
     * with a fake sources which refers to the return target
    sealed class ImplicitReturn : KtFakeSourceElementKind() {
        object FromExpressionBody : ImplicitReturn()

        object FromLastStatement : ImplicitReturn()

    sealed class ImplicitUnit : KtFakeSourceElementKind() {
        /** this source is used for implicit returns from empty lambdas {}
         * fake source refers to the lambda expression
        object ForEmptyLambda : ImplicitUnit()

        /** this source is used for 'return' without given value converted to 'return Unit'
         * fake source refers to the return statement
        object Return : ImplicitUnit()

        /** this source is used for `a[i] = b` or `a[i] += b` converted to `{ a[i] = b; Unit }`
         * fake source refers to the assignment statement
        object IndexedAssignmentCoercion : ImplicitUnit()

     * delegates are wrapped into FirWrappedDelegateExpression
     * with a fake sources which refers to delegated expression
    object WrappedDelegate : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     *  `for (i in list) { println(i) }` is converted to
     *  ```
     *  val : = list.iterator()
     *  while(.hasNext()) {
     *    val i = .next()
     *    println(i)
     *  }
     *  ```
     *  where the generated WHILE loop has source element of initial FOR loop,
     *  other generated elements are marked as fake ones
    object DesugaredForLoop : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

    object ImplicitInvokeCall : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * Consider an atomic qualified access like `i`. In the FIR tree, both the FirQualifiedAccessExpression and its calleeReference uses
     * `i` as the source. Hence, this fake kind is set on the `calleeReference` to make sure no PSI element is shared by multiple FIR
     * elements. This also applies to `this` and `super` references.
    object ReferenceInAtomicQualifiedAccess : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for enum classes we have valueOf & values functions generated
     * with a fake sources which refers to this the enum class
    object EnumGeneratedDeclaration : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for enum classes we can have an implicit supertype ref to `Enum` with a fake source.
    object EnumSuperTypeRef : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `when (x) { "abc" -> 42 }` --> `when(val $subj = x) { $subj == "abc" -> 42 }`
     * where `$subj == "42"` has fake psi source which refers to "42" as inner expression
     * and `$subj` fake source refers to "42" as `KtWhenCondition`.
    object WhenCondition : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for primary constructor parameter the corresponding class property is generated
     * with a fake sources which refers to this the corresponding parameter
    object PropertyFromParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind(shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting = true)

     * `if (true) 1` --> `if(true) { 1 }`
     * with a fake sources for the block which refers to the wrapped expression
    object SingleExpressionBlock : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * this source is used for a single fake block created for indexed assignments expression,
     * see ImplicitUnit.IndexedAssignmentCoercion
    object IndexedAssignmentCoercionBlock : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * Contract statements are wrapped in a special block to be reused between a contract FIR and a function body.
    object ContractBlock : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `x++` -> `x =`
     * `x = x++` -> `x = { val  = x; x = .inc();  }`
    sealed class DesugaredIncrementOrDecrement : KtFakeSourceElementKind()
    object DesugaredPrefixInc : DesugaredIncrementOrDecrement()
    object DesugaredPrefixDec : DesugaredIncrementOrDecrement()
    object DesugaredPostfixInc : DesugaredIncrementOrDecrement()
    object DesugaredPostfixDec : DesugaredIncrementOrDecrement()

     * In `++a[1]`, `a.get(1)` will be called twice. This kind is used for the second call reference.
    sealed class DesugaredPrefixSecondGetReference : KtFakeSourceElementKind()
    object DesugaredPrefixIncSecondGetReference : DesugaredPrefixSecondGetReference()
    object DesugaredPrefixDecSecondGetReference : DesugaredPrefixSecondGetReference()

     * `x !in list` --> `!(x in list)` where `!` and `!(x in list)` will have a fake source
    object DesugaredInvertedContains : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * For data classes, fir generates componentN() & copy() functions.
     * For componentN() functions, the source will refer to the corresponding param and will be marked as a fake one.
     * For copy() functions, the source will refer class to the param and will be marked as a fake one.
    object DataClassGeneratedMembers : KtFakeSourceElementKind(shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting = true)

     * `(vararg x: Int)` --> `(x: Array)` where array type ref has a fake source kind
    object ArrayTypeFromVarargParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `val (a,b) = x` --> `val a = x.component1(); val b = x.component2()`
     * where componentN calls will have the fake source elements refer to the corresponding KtDestructuringDeclarationEntry
    object DesugaredComponentFunctionCall : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * when smart casts applied to the expression, it is wrapped into FirSmartCastExpression
     * which type reference will have a fake source refer to a original source element of it
    object SmartCastedTypeRef : KtFakeSourceElementKind(shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting = true)

     * when smart casts applied to the expression, it is wrapped into FirSmartCastExpression
     * this kind used for such FirSmartCastExpressions itself
    object SmartCastExpression : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for safe call expressions like a?.foo() the FirSafeCallExpression is generated
     * and it have a fake source
    object DesugaredSafeCallExpression : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `a > b` will be wrapped in FirComparisonExpression
     * with real source which points to initial `a > b` expression
     * and inner FirFunctionCall will refer to a fake source
    object GeneratedComparisonExpression : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `a ?: b` --> `when(val $subj = a) { .... }`
     * where `val $subj = a` has a fake source
    object WhenGeneratedSubject : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `list[0]` -> `list.get(0)` where name reference will have a fake source element
    object ArrayAccessNameReference : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `a += b` -> `a = a + b` or `a.plusAssign(b)`
     * `=`, `+`, and `plusAssign` will have a fake source element
    sealed class DesugaredAugmentedAssign : KtFakeSourceElementKind()
    object DesugaredPlusAssign : DesugaredAugmentedAssign()
    object DesugaredMinusAssign : DesugaredAugmentedAssign()
    object DesugaredTimesAssign : DesugaredAugmentedAssign()
    object DesugaredDivAssign : DesugaredAugmentedAssign()
    object DesugaredRemAssign : DesugaredAugmentedAssign()

    object AssignmentPluginAltered : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `a[b]++`
     * `b` -> `val  = b` where `b` will have fake property
    object ArrayIndexExpressionReference : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `` --> ``
     * where `Supertype` has a fake source
    object SuperCallImplicitType : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `fun foo(vararg args: Int) {}`
     * `fun bar(1, 2, 3)` --> (resolved) `fun bar(VarargArgument(1, 2, 3))`
    object VarargArgument : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * Part of desugared x?.y
    object CheckedSafeCallSubject : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `{ it + 1 }` --> `{ it -> it + 1 }`
     * where `it` parameter declaration has fake source
    object ItLambdaParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * While it doesn't have an explicit source, it still has a type that might be a ConeErrorType
    object LambdaReceiver : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * `{ (a, b) -> foo() }` -> `{ x -> val (a, b) = x; { foo() } }`
     * where the inner block `{ foo() }` has fake source
    object LambdaDestructuringBlock : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for java annotations implicit constructor is generated
     * with a fake source which refers to containing class
    object ImplicitJavaAnnotationConstructor : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for FIR elements from Java enhancement
    object Enhancement : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for java annotations constructor implicit parameters are generated
     * with a fake source which refers to declared annotation methods
    object ImplicitAnnotationAnnotationConstructorParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for java records implicit constructor is generated
     * with a fake source which refers to containing class
    object ImplicitJavaRecordConstructor : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for java record constructor implicit parameters are generated
     * with a fake source which refers to declared record components
    object ImplicitRecordConstructorParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for java records implicit component functions are generated
     * with a fake source which refers to corresponding component
    object JavaRecordComponentFunction : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for java records implicit component fields are generated
     * with a fake source which refers to corresponding component
    object JavaRecordComponentField : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for the implicit field storing the delegated object for class delegation
     * with a fake source that refers to the KtExpression that creates the delegate
    object ClassDelegationField : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for annotation moved to another element due to annotation use-site target
    object FromUseSiteTarget : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for `@ParameterName` annotation call added to function types with names in the notation
     * with a fake source that refers to the value parameter in the function type notation
     * e.g., `(x: Int) -> Unit` becomes `Function1<@ParameterName("x") Int, Unit>`
    object ParameterNameAnnotationCall : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for implicit conversion from int to long with `.toLong` function
     * e.g. val x: Long = 1 + 1 becomes val x: Long = (1 + 1).toLong()
    object IntToLongConversion : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for extension receiver type the corresponding receiver parameter is generated
     * with a fake sources which refers to this the type
    object ReceiverFromType : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for all implicit receivers (now used for qualifiers only)
    object ImplicitReceiver : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for when on the LHS of an assignment an error expression appears
    object AssignmentLValueError : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * for return type of value parameters in lambdas
    object ImplicitReturnTypeOfLambdaValueParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * Synthetic calls for if/when/try/etc.
    object SyntheticCall : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * When property doesn't have an initializer and explicit return type, but its getter's return type is specified
    object PropertyTypeFromGetterReturnType : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * Scripts get implicit imports from their configurations
    object ImplicitImport : KtFakeSourceElementKind(shouldSkipErrorTypeReporting = true)

     * For provided parameters inside a script
    object ScriptParameter : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * When a lambda is converted to a SAM type, the expression is wrapped in an extra node
    object SamConversion : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * For it.functionFromAny() calls on a stub type
    object CastToAnyForStubTypes : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

     * For plugin-generated things
    object PluginGenerated : KtFakeSourceElementKind()

sealed class AbstractKtSourceElement {
    abstract val startOffset: Int
    abstract val endOffset: Int
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other !is AbstractKtSourceElement) return false

        if (startOffset != other.startOffset) return false
        if (endOffset != other.endOffset) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = startOffset
        result = 31 * result + endOffset
        return result

class KtOffsetsOnlySourceElement(
    override val startOffset: Int,
    override val endOffset: Int,
) : AbstractKtSourceElement()

// TODO: consider renaming to something like AstBasedSourceElement
sealed class KtSourceElement : AbstractKtSourceElement() {
    abstract val elementType: IElementType?
    abstract val kind: KtSourceElementKind
    abstract val lighterASTNode: LighterASTNode
    abstract val treeStructure: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure

    abstract fun getElementTextInContextForDebug(): String

    /** Implementation must compute the hashcode from the source element. */
    abstract override fun hashCode(): Int

    /** Elements of the same source should be considered equal. */
    abstract override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

// NB: in certain situations, psi.node could be null (see e.g. KT-44152)
// Potentially exceptions can be provoked by elementType / lighterASTNode
sealed class KtPsiSourceElement(val psi: PsiElement) : KtSourceElement() {
    companion object {
        private val lighterASTNodeUpdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(

        private val treeStructureNodeUpdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(

    override val elementType: IElementType?
        get() = psi.node?.elementType

    override val startOffset: Int
        get() = psi.textRange.startOffset

    override val endOffset: Int
        get() = psi.textRange.endOffset

    private var _lighterASTNode: LighterASTNode? = null
    final override val lighterASTNode: LighterASTNode
        get() {
            _lighterASTNode?.let { return it }
                /* obj = */ this,
                /* expect = */ null,
                /* update = */ TreeBackedLighterAST.wrap(psi.node)
            return _lighterASTNode!!

    private var _treeStructure: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure? = null
    final override val treeStructure: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure
        get() {
            _treeStructure?.let { return it }
                /* obj = */ this,
                /* expect = */ null,
                /* update = */ WrappedTreeStructure(psi.containingFile)
            return _treeStructure!!

    override fun getElementTextInContextForDebug(): String {
        return getElementTextWithContext(psi)

    internal class WrappedTreeStructure(file: PsiFile) : FlyweightCapableTreeStructure {
        private val lighterAST = TreeBackedLighterAST(file.node)

        fun unwrap(node: LighterASTNode) = lighterAST.unwrap(node)

        override fun toString(node: LighterASTNode): CharSequence = unwrap(node).text

        override fun getRoot(): LighterASTNode = lighterAST.root

        override fun getParent(node: LighterASTNode): LighterASTNode? =
            unwrap(node).psi.parent?.node?.let { TreeBackedLighterAST.wrap(it) }

        override fun getChildren(node: LighterASTNode, nodesRef: Ref>): Int {
            val psi = unwrap(node).psi
            val children = mutableListOf()
            var child = psi.firstChild
            while (child != null) {
                children += child
                child = child.nextSibling
            if (children.isEmpty()) {
            } else {
                nodesRef.set( { TreeBackedLighterAST.wrap(it.node) }.toTypedArray())
            return children.size

        override fun disposeChildren(p0: Array?, p1: Int) {

        override fun getStartOffset(node: LighterASTNode): Int {
            return getStartOffset(unwrap(node).psi)

        private fun getStartOffset(element: PsiElement): Int {
            var child = element.firstChild
            if (child != null) {
                while (child is PsiComment || child is PsiWhiteSpace) {
                    child = child.nextSibling
                if (child != null) {
                    return getStartOffset(child)
            return element.textRange.startOffset

        override fun getEndOffset(node: LighterASTNode): Int {
            return getEndOffset(unwrap(node).psi)

        private fun getEndOffset(element: PsiElement): Int {
            var child = element.lastChild
            if (child != null) {
                while (child is PsiComment || child is PsiWhiteSpace) {
                    child = child.prevSibling
                if (child != null) {
                    return getEndOffset(child)
            return element.textRange.endOffset

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as KtPsiSourceElement

        if (psi != other.psi) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        return psi.hashCode()

class KtRealPsiSourceElement(psi: PsiElement) : KtPsiSourceElement(psi) {
    override val kind: KtSourceElementKind get() = KtRealSourceElementKind

open class KtFakeSourceElement(
    psi: PsiElement,
    override val kind: KtFakeSourceElementKind,
) : KtPsiSourceElement(psi) {
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
        if (!super.equals(other)) return false

        other as KtFakeSourceElement

        if (kind != other.kind) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = super.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + kind.hashCode()
        return result

private class KtFakeSourceElementWithOffsets(
    psi: PsiElement,
    kind: KtFakeSourceElementKind,
    override val startOffset: Int,
    override val endOffset: Int,
) : KtFakeSourceElement(psi, kind) {
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other !is KtFakeSourceElementWithOffsets) return false
        if (!super.equals(other)) return false

        if (kind != other.kind) return false
        if (startOffset != other.startOffset) return false
        return endOffset == other.endOffset

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = super.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + kind.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + startOffset
        result = 31 * result + endOffset
        return result

fun KtSourceElement.fakeElement(
    newKind: KtFakeSourceElementKind,
    startOffset: Int = -1,
    endOffset: Int = -1,
): KtSourceElement {
    if (kind == newKind) return this
    return when (this) {
        is KtLightSourceElement -> KtLightSourceElement(
            if (startOffset != -1) startOffset else this.startOffset,
            if (endOffset != -1) endOffset else this.endOffset,
        is KtPsiSourceElement -> when {
            startOffset != -1 && endOffset != -1 -> KtFakeSourceElementWithOffsets(psi, newKind, startOffset, endOffset)
            else -> KtFakeSourceElement(psi, newKind)

fun KtSourceElement.realElement(): KtSourceElement = when (this) {
    is KtRealPsiSourceElement -> this
    is KtLightSourceElement -> KtLightSourceElement(lighterASTNode, startOffset, endOffset, treeStructure, KtRealSourceElementKind)
    is KtPsiSourceElement -> KtRealPsiSourceElement(psi)

class KtLightSourceElement(
    override val lighterASTNode: LighterASTNode,
    override val startOffset: Int,
    override val endOffset: Int,
    override val treeStructure: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure,
    override val kind: KtSourceElementKind = KtRealSourceElementKind,
) : KtSourceElement() {
    override val elementType: IElementType
        get() = lighterASTNode.tokenType

     * We can create a [KtLightSourceElement] from a [KtPsiSourceElement] by using [KtPsiSourceElement.lighterASTNode];
     * [unwrapToKtPsiSourceElement] allows to get original [KtPsiSourceElement] in such case.
     * If it is `pure` [KtLightSourceElement], i.e, compiler created it in light tree mode, then return [unwrapToKtPsiSourceElement] `null`.
     * Otherwise, return some not-null result.
    fun unwrapToKtPsiSourceElement(): KtPsiSourceElement? {
        if (treeStructure !is KtPsiSourceElement.WrappedTreeStructure) return null
        val node = treeStructure.unwrap(lighterASTNode)
        return node.psi?.toKtPsiSourceElement(kind)

    override fun getElementTextInContextForDebug(): String {
        return treeStructure.toString(lighterASTNode).toString()

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

        other as KtLightSourceElement

        if (lighterASTNode != other.lighterASTNode) return false
        if (startOffset != other.startOffset) return false
        if (endOffset != other.endOffset) return false
        if (treeStructure != other.treeStructure) return false
        if (kind != other.kind) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = lighterASTNode.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + startOffset
        result = 31 * result + endOffset
        result = 31 * result + treeStructure.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + kind.hashCode()
        return result

val AbstractKtSourceElement?.psi: PsiElement? get() = (this as? KtPsiSourceElement)?.psi

val KtSourceElement?.text: CharSequence?
    get() = when (this) {
        is KtPsiSourceElement -> psi.text
        is KtLightSourceElement -> treeStructure.toString(lighterASTNode)
        else -> null

inline fun PsiElement.toKtPsiSourceElement(kind: KtSourceElementKind = KtRealSourceElementKind): KtPsiSourceElement = when (kind) {
    is KtRealSourceElementKind -> KtRealPsiSourceElement(this)
    is KtFakeSourceElementKind -> KtFakeSourceElement(this, kind)

inline fun LighterASTNode.toKtLightSourceElement(
    tree: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure,
    kind: KtSourceElementKind = KtRealSourceElementKind,
    startOffset: Int = this.startOffset,
    endOffset: Int = this.endOffset,
): KtLightSourceElement = KtLightSourceElement(this, startOffset, endOffset, tree, kind)

fun sourceKindForIncOrDec(operation: Name, isPrefix: Boolean) = when (operation) {
    OperatorNameConventions.INC -> if (isPrefix) {
    } else {
    OperatorNameConventions.DEC -> if (isPrefix) {
    } else {
    else -> error("Unexpected operator: ${operation.identifier}")

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