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org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.phaser.CompilerPhase.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2024 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.phaser
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LoggingContext
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
* Represents global compilation context and stores information about phases that were executed.
* @property alreadyDone A set of already executed phases.
* @property depth shows The index of the currently running phase.
* @property phaseCount A unique ID that can show the order in which phases were executed.
* @property stickyPostconditions A set of conditions that must be checked after each phase.
* When a condition is added into [stickyPostconditions], it will be executed each time some phase is executed, until we change [Data].
class PhaserState(
val alreadyDone: MutableSet = mutableSetOf(),
var depth: Int = 0,
var phaseCount: Int = 0,
val stickyPostconditions: MutableSet> = mutableSetOf()
) {
fun copyOf() = PhaserState(alreadyDone.toMutableSet(), depth, phaseCount, stickyPostconditions)
// Copy state, forgetting the sticky postconditions (which will not be applicable to the new type)
fun PhaserState .changePhaserStateType() = PhaserState(alreadyDone, depth, phaseCount, mutableSetOf())
inline fun PhaserState.downlevel(nlevels: Int, block: () -> R): R {
depth += nlevels
val result = block()
depth -= nlevels
return result
* Represents some compiler phase that can be executed.
interface CompilerPhase {
* Executes this compiler phase. It accepts some parameter of type [Input] and transforms it into [Output].
* @param phaseConfig Controls which parts of the compilation pipeline are enabled and how the compiler should validate their invariants.
* @param phaserState The global context.
* @param context The local context in which the compiler stores all the necessary information for the given phase.
fun invoke(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, input: Input): Output
fun getNamedSubphases(startDepth: Int = 0): List>> = emptyList()
// In phase trees, `stickyPostconditions` is inherited along the right edge to be used in `then`.
val stickyPostconditions: Set> get() = emptySet()
fun CompilerPhase.invokeToplevel(
phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService,
context: Context,
input: Input
): Output = invoke(phaseConfig, PhaserState(), context, input)
interface SameTypeCompilerPhase : CompilerPhase
// A failing checker should just throw an exception.
typealias Checker = (Data) -> Unit
typealias AnyNamedPhase = NamedCompilerPhase<*, *, *>
enum class BeforeOrAfter { BEFORE, AFTER }
data class ActionState(
val config: PhaseConfigurationService,
val phase: AnyNamedPhase,
val phaseCount: Int,
val beforeOrAfter: BeforeOrAfter
typealias Action = (ActionState, Data, Context) -> Unit
infix operator fun Action): Action =
{ phaseState, data, context ->
this(phaseState, data, context)
other(phaseState, data, context)
abstract class NamedCompilerPhase(
val name: String,
val prerequisite: Set> = emptySet(),
val preconditions: Set> = emptySet(),
val postconditions: Set> = emptySet(),
protected val nlevels: Int = 0
) : CompilerPhase {
override fun invoke(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, input: Input): Output {
if (!phaseConfig.isEnabled(this)) {
return outputIfNotEnabled(phaseConfig, phaserState, context, input)
assert(phaserState.alreadyDone.containsAll(prerequisite)) {
"Lowering $name: phases ${(prerequisite - phaserState.alreadyDone).map { }} are required, but not satisfied"
context.inVerbosePhase = phaseConfig.isVerbose(this)
runBefore(phaseConfig, phaserState, context, input)
val output = if (phaseConfig.needProfiling) {
runAndProfile(phaseConfig, phaserState, context, input)
} else {
phaserState.downlevel(nlevels) {
phaseBody(phaseConfig, phaserState, context, input)
runAfter(phaseConfig, changePhaserStateType(phaserState), context, input, output)
return output
abstract fun phaseBody(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, input: Input): Output
abstract fun outputIfNotEnabled(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, input: Input): Output
abstract fun changePhaserStateType(phaserState: PhaserState ): PhaserState
abstract fun runBefore(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, input: Input)
abstract fun runAfter(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState, context: Context, input: Input, output: Output)
private fun runAndProfile(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, source: Input): Output {
var result: Output? = null
val msec = measureTimeMillis {
result = phaserState.downlevel(nlevels) {
phaseBody(phaseConfig, phaserState, context, source)
// TODO: use a proper logger
println("${"\t".repeat(phaserState.depth)}$name: $msec msec")
return result!!
override fun toString() = "Compiler Phase @$name"
class SameTypeNamedCompilerPhase(
name: String,
prerequisite: Set> = emptySet(),
private val lower: CompilerPhase,
preconditions: Set> = emptySet(),
postconditions: Set> = emptySet(),
override val stickyPostconditions: Set> = emptySet(),
private val actions: Set> = emptySet(),
nlevels: Int = 0
) : NamedCompilerPhase(
name, prerequisite, preconditions, postconditions, nlevels
) {
override fun phaseBody(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState, context: Context, input: Data): Data =
lower.invoke(phaseConfig, phaserState, context, input)
override fun outputIfNotEnabled(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState, context: Context, input: Data): Data =
override fun changePhaserStateType(phaserState: PhaserState): PhaserState =
override fun runBefore(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState, context: Context, input: Data) {
val state = ActionState(phaseConfig, this, phaserState.phaseCount, BeforeOrAfter.BEFORE)
for (action in actions) action(state, input, context)
if (phaseConfig.checkConditions) {
for (pre in preconditions) pre(input)
override fun runAfter(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState, context: Context, input: Data, output: Data) {
val state = ActionState(phaseConfig, this, phaserState.phaseCount, BeforeOrAfter.AFTER)
for (action in actions) action(state, output, context)
if (phaseConfig.checkConditions) {
for (post in postconditions) post(output)
for (post in stickyPostconditions) post(output)
if (phaseConfig.checkStickyConditions) {
for (post in phaserState.stickyPostconditions) post(output)
override fun getNamedSubphases(startDepth: Int): List>> =
listOf(startDepth to this) + lower.getNamedSubphases(startDepth + nlevels)
* [NamedCompilerPhase] with different [Input] and [Output] types (unlike [SameTypeNamedCompilerPhase]).
* Preferred when data should be explicitly passed between phases.
* Actively used in a new dynamic Kotlin/Native driver.
abstract class SimpleNamedCompilerPhase(
name: String,
prerequisite: Set> = emptySet(),
preconditions: Set> = emptySet(),
postconditions: Set> = emptySet(),
private val preactions: Set> = emptySet(),
private val postactions: Set, Context>> = emptySet(),
nlevels: Int = 0,
) : NamedCompilerPhase(
) {
final override fun phaseBody(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, input: Input): Output =
phaseBody(context, input)
abstract fun phaseBody(context: Context, input: Input): Output
override fun changePhaserStateType(phaserState: PhaserState ): PhaserState =
override fun runBefore(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState , context: Context, input: Input) {
val state = ActionState(phaseConfig, this, phaserState.phaseCount, BeforeOrAfter.BEFORE)
for (action in preactions) action(state, input, context)
if (phaseConfig.checkConditions) {
for (pre in preconditions) pre(input)
override fun runAfter(phaseConfig: PhaseConfigurationService, phaserState: PhaserState, context: Context, input: Input, output: Output) {
val state = ActionState(phaseConfig, this, phaserState.phaseCount, BeforeOrAfter.AFTER)
for (action in postactions) action(state, input to output, context)
if (phaseConfig.checkConditions) {
for (post in postconditions) post(output)
for (post in stickyPostconditions) post(output)
if (phaseConfig.checkStickyConditions) {
for (post in phaserState.stickyPostconditions) post(output)
override fun getNamedSubphases(startDepth: Int): List>> =
listOf(startDepth to this)