org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.LightClassUtil.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2016 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.impl.java.stubs.PsiClassStub
import com.intellij.psi.search.GlobalSearchScope
import com.intellij.psi.stubs.PsiFileStub
import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import com.intellij.util.SmartList
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fileClasses.javaFileFacadeFqName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.java.JvmAbi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.FqName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getNonStrictParentOfType
object LightClassUtil {
fun findClass(fqn: FqName, stub: StubElement<*>): PsiClass? {
if (stub is PsiClassStub<*> && Comparing.equal(fqn.asString(), stub.qualifiedName)) {
return stub.getPsi()
if (stub is PsiClassStub<*> || stub is PsiFileStub<*>) {
for (child in stub.childrenStubs) {
val answer = findClass(fqn, child)
if (answer != null) return answer
return null
fun getLightClassAccessorMethod(accessor: KtPropertyAccessor): PsiMethod? =
fun getLightClassAccessorMethods(accessor: KtPropertyAccessor): List {
val property = accessor.getNonStrictParentOfType() ?: return emptyList()
val wrappers = getPsiMethodWrappers(property, true)
return wrappers.filter { wrapper -> (accessor.isGetter && !JvmAbi.isSetterName(wrapper.name)) ||
(accessor.isSetter && JvmAbi.isSetterName(wrapper.name)) }
fun getLightFieldForCompanionObject(companionObject: KtClassOrObject): PsiField? {
val outerPsiClass = getWrappingClass(companionObject)
if (outerPsiClass != null) {
for (fieldOfParent in outerPsiClass.fields) {
if ((fieldOfParent is KtLightElement<*, *>) && fieldOfParent.kotlinOrigin === companionObject) {
return fieldOfParent
return null
fun getLightClassPropertyMethods(property: KtProperty): PropertyAccessorsPsiMethods {
val getter = property.getter
val setter = property.setter
val getterWrapper = if (getter != null) getLightClassAccessorMethod(getter) else null
val setterWrapper = if (setter != null) getLightClassAccessorMethod(setter) else null
return extractPropertyAccessors(property, getterWrapper, setterWrapper)
private fun getLightClassBackingField(declaration: KtDeclaration): PsiField? {
var psiClass: PsiClass = getWrappingClass(declaration) ?: return null
if (psiClass is KtLightClass) {
val origin = psiClass.kotlinOrigin
if (origin is KtObjectDeclaration && origin.isCompanion()) {
val containingClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(origin, KtClass::class.java)
if (containingClass != null) {
val containingLightClass = containingClass.toLightClass()
if (containingLightClass != null) {
psiClass = containingLightClass
for (field in psiClass.fields) {
if (field is KtLightField && field.kotlinOrigin === declaration) {
return field
return null
fun getLightClassPropertyMethods(parameter: KtParameter): PropertyAccessorsPsiMethods {
return extractPropertyAccessors(parameter, null, null)
fun getLightClassMethod(function: KtFunction): PsiMethod? {
return getPsiMethodWrapper(function)
fun getLightClassMethods(function: KtFunction): List {
return getPsiMethodWrappers(function, true)
private fun getPsiMethodWrapper(declaration: KtDeclaration): PsiMethod? {
return getPsiMethodWrappers(declaration, false).firstOrNull()
private fun getPsiMethodWrappers(declaration: KtDeclaration, collectAll: Boolean): List {
val psiClass = getWrappingClass(declaration) ?: return emptyList()
val methods = SmartList()
for (method in psiClass.methods.asList()) {
try {
if (method is KtLightMethod && method.kotlinOrigin === declaration) {
if (!collectAll) {
return methods
catch (e: ProcessCanceledException) {
throw e
catch (e: Throwable) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Error while wrapping declaration " + declaration.name + "Context\n:" + method, e)
return methods
private fun getWrappingClass(declaration: KtDeclaration): PsiClass? {
var declaration = declaration
if (declaration is KtParameter) {
val constructorClass = KtPsiUtil.getClassIfParameterIsProperty(declaration)
if (constructorClass != null) {
return constructorClass.toLightClass()
if (declaration is KtPropertyAccessor) {
declaration = declaration.property
if (declaration is KtConstructor<*>) {
return declaration.getContainingClassOrObject().toLightClass()
if (!canGenerateLightClass(declaration)) {
// Can't get wrappers for internal declarations. Their classes are not generated during calcStub
// with ClassBuilderMode.LIGHT_CLASSES mode, and this produces "Class not found exception" in getDelegate()
return null
val parent = declaration.parent
if (parent is KtFile) {
// top-level declaration
val fqName = parent.javaFileFacadeFqName
val project = declaration.project
return JavaElementFinder.getInstance(project).findClass(fqName.asString(), GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project))
else if (parent is KtClassBody) {
assert(parent.parent is KtClassOrObject)
return (parent.parent as KtClassOrObject).toLightClass()
return null
fun canGenerateLightClass(declaration: KtDeclaration): Boolean {
//noinspection unchecked
return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(declaration, KtFunction::class.java, KtProperty::class.java) == null
private fun extractPropertyAccessors(
ktDeclaration: KtDeclaration,
specialGetter: PsiMethod?, specialSetter: PsiMethod?): PropertyAccessorsPsiMethods {
var getterWrapper = specialGetter
var setterWrapper = specialSetter
val additionalAccessors = arrayListOf()
val wrappers = getPsiMethodWrappers(ktDeclaration, true).filter {
JvmAbi.isGetterName(it.name) || JvmAbi.isSetterName(it.name)
for (wrapper in wrappers) {
if (JvmAbi.isSetterName(wrapper.name)) {
if (setterWrapper == null || setterWrapper === specialSetter) {
setterWrapper = wrapper
else {
else {
if (getterWrapper == null || getterWrapper == specialGetter) {
getterWrapper = wrapper
else {
val backingField = getLightClassBackingField(ktDeclaration)
return PropertyAccessorsPsiMethods(getterWrapper, setterWrapper, backingField, additionalAccessors)
fun buildLightTypeParameterList(
owner: PsiTypeParameterListOwner,
declaration: KtDeclaration): PsiTypeParameterList {
val builder = KotlinLightTypeParameterListBuilder(owner.manager)
if (declaration is KtTypeParameterListOwner) {
val parameters = declaration.typeParameters
for (i in parameters.indices) {
val jetTypeParameter = parameters.get(i)
val name = jetTypeParameter.name
val safeName = name ?: "__no_name__"
builder.addParameter(KtLightTypeParameter(owner, i, safeName))
return builder
class PropertyAccessorsPsiMethods(val getter: PsiMethod?,
val setter: PsiMethod?,
val backingField: PsiField?,
additionalAccessors: List) : Iterable {
private val allMethods: List
val allDeclarations: List
init {
allMethods = arrayListOf()
arrayOf(getter, setter).filterNotNullTo(allMethods)
allDeclarations = arrayListOf()
arrayOf(getter, setter, backingField).filterNotNullTo(allDeclarations)
override fun iterator(): Iterator = allMethods.iterator()
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