org.jetbrains.kotlin.cfg.WhenChecker.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.cfg
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.Errors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.checkReservedPrefixWord
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingTrace
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.CompileTimeConstantUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.TypeUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils.isEnumClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils.isEnumEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.bindingContextUtil.isUsedAsExpression
import java.util.*
interface WhenMissingCase {
val branchConditionText: String
// Always must be first in the list
private object UnknownMissingCase : WhenMissingCase {
override fun toString() = "unknown"
override val branchConditionText = "else"
val List.hasUnknown: Boolean
get() = firstOrNull() == UnknownMissingCase
private interface WhenExhaustivenessChecker {
fun getMissingCases(
expression: KtWhenExpression,
context: BindingContext,
subjectDescriptor: ClassDescriptor?,
nullable: Boolean
): List
fun isApplicable(subjectType: KotlinType): Boolean = false
private object NullMissingCase : WhenMissingCase {
override fun toString() = branchConditionText
override val branchConditionText = "null"
// It's not a regular exhaustiveness checker, invoke it only inside other checkers
private object WhenOnNullableExhaustivenessChecker /* : WhenExhaustivenessChecker*/ {
fun getMissingCases(expression: KtWhenExpression, context: BindingContext, subjectDescriptor: ClassDescriptor?, nullable: Boolean) =
if (nullable) getNullCaseIfMissing(expression, context) else listOf()
private fun getNullCaseIfMissing(expression: KtWhenExpression, context: BindingContext): List {
for (entry in expression.entries) {
for (condition in entry.conditions) {
if (condition is KtWhenConditionWithExpression) {
condition.expression?.let {
val type = context.getType(it)
if (type != null && KotlinBuiltIns.isNullableNothing(type)) {
return listOf()
return listOf(NullMissingCase)
private class BooleanMissingCase(val b: Boolean) : WhenMissingCase {
override fun toString() = branchConditionText
override val branchConditionText = b.toString()
private object WhenOnBooleanExhaustivenessChecker : WhenExhaustivenessChecker {
override fun getMissingCases(
expression: KtWhenExpression,
context: BindingContext,
subjectDescriptor: ClassDescriptor?,
nullable: Boolean
): List {
// It's assumed (and not checked) that expression is of the boolean type
var containsFalse = false
var containsTrue = false
for (whenEntry in expression.entries) {
for (whenCondition in whenEntry.conditions) {
if (whenCondition is KtWhenConditionWithExpression) {
val whenExpression = whenCondition.expression
if (CompileTimeConstantUtils.canBeReducedToBooleanConstant(whenExpression, context, true)) containsTrue = true
if (CompileTimeConstantUtils.canBeReducedToBooleanConstant(whenExpression, context, false)) containsFalse = true
return (if (!containsTrue) listOf(BooleanMissingCase(true)) else listOf()) +
(if (!containsFalse) listOf(BooleanMissingCase(false)) else listOf()) +
WhenOnNullableExhaustivenessChecker.getMissingCases(expression, context, subjectDescriptor, nullable)
override fun isApplicable(subjectType: KotlinType): Boolean {
return KotlinBuiltIns.isBoolean(TypeUtils.makeNotNullable(subjectType))
private class ClassMissingCase(val descriptor: ClassDescriptor): WhenMissingCase {
override fun toString() = descriptor.name.identifier.let { if (descriptor.kind.isSingleton) it else "is $it" }
override val branchConditionText = DescriptorUtils.getFqNameFromTopLevelClass(descriptor).asString().let {
if (descriptor.kind.isSingleton) it else "is $it"
private abstract class WhenOnClassExhaustivenessChecker : WhenExhaustivenessChecker {
private fun getReference(expression: KtExpression?): KtSimpleNameExpression? =
when (expression) {
is KtSimpleNameExpression -> expression
is KtQualifiedExpression -> getReference(expression.selectorExpression)
else -> null
protected fun getMissingClassCases(
whenExpression: KtWhenExpression,
memberDescriptors: Set,
context: BindingContext
): List {
// when on empty enum / sealed is considered non-exhaustive, see test whenOnEmptySealed
if (memberDescriptors.isEmpty()) return listOf(UnknownMissingCase)
val checkedDescriptors = LinkedHashSet()
for (whenEntry in whenExpression.entries) {
for (condition in whenEntry.conditions) {
var negated = false
var checkedDescriptor: ClassDescriptor? = null
if (condition is KtWhenConditionIsPattern) {
val checkedType = context.get(BindingContext.TYPE, condition.typeReference)
if (checkedType != null) {
checkedDescriptor = TypeUtils.getClassDescriptor(checkedType)
negated = condition.isNegated
else if (condition is KtWhenConditionWithExpression) {
if (condition.expression != null) {
val reference = getReference(condition.expression)
if (reference != null) {
val target = context.get(BindingContext.REFERENCE_TARGET, reference)
if (target is ClassDescriptor) {
checkedDescriptor = target
// Checks are important only for nested subclasses of the sealed class
// In additional, check without "is" is important only for objects
if (checkedDescriptor == null ||
!memberDescriptors.contains(checkedDescriptor) ||
(condition is KtWhenConditionWithExpression &&
!DescriptorUtils.isObject(checkedDescriptor) &&
!DescriptorUtils.isEnumEntry(checkedDescriptor))) {
if (negated) {
if (checkedDescriptors.contains(checkedDescriptor)) return listOf() // all members are already there
else {
return (memberDescriptors - checkedDescriptors).toList().map { ClassMissingCase(it) }
private object WhenOnEnumExhaustivenessChecker : WhenOnClassExhaustivenessChecker() {
override fun getMissingCases(
expression: KtWhenExpression,
context: BindingContext,
subjectDescriptor: ClassDescriptor?,
nullable: Boolean
): List {
assert(isEnumClass(subjectDescriptor)) { "isWhenOnEnumExhaustive should be called with an enum class descriptor" }
val entryDescriptors =
.filter { isEnumEntry(it) }
return getMissingClassCases(expression, entryDescriptors, context) +
WhenOnNullableExhaustivenessChecker.getMissingCases(expression, context, subjectDescriptor, nullable)
override fun isApplicable(subjectType: KotlinType): Boolean {
return WhenChecker.getClassDescriptorOfTypeIfEnum(subjectType) != null
private object WhenOnSealedExhaustivenessChecker : WhenOnClassExhaustivenessChecker() {
override fun getMissingCases(
expression: KtWhenExpression,
context: BindingContext,
subjectDescriptor: ClassDescriptor?,
nullable: Boolean
): List {
assert(subjectDescriptor != null) { "isWhenOnSealedClassExhaustive should be called with not-null subject class descriptor" }
assert(subjectDescriptor!!.modality === Modality.SEALED) {
"isWhenOnSealedClassExhaustive should be called with a sealed class descriptor"
val memberClassDescriptors = LinkedHashSet()
collectNestedSubclasses(subjectDescriptor!!, subjectDescriptor, memberClassDescriptors)
// When on a sealed class without derived members is considered non-exhaustive (see test WhenOnEmptySealed)
return getMissingClassCases(expression, memberClassDescriptors, context) +
WhenOnNullableExhaustivenessChecker.getMissingCases(expression, context, subjectDescriptor, nullable)
override fun isApplicable(subjectType: KotlinType): Boolean {
return TypeUtils.getClassDescriptor(subjectType)?.modality == Modality.SEALED
private fun collectNestedSubclasses(
baseDescriptor: ClassDescriptor,
currentDescriptor: ClassDescriptor,
subclasses: MutableSet) {
for (descriptor in DescriptorUtils.getAllDescriptors(currentDescriptor.unsubstitutedInnerClassesScope)) {
if (descriptor is ClassDescriptor) {
if (DescriptorUtils.isDirectSubclass(descriptor, baseDescriptor)) {
collectNestedSubclasses(baseDescriptor, descriptor, subclasses)
object WhenChecker {
private val exhaustivenessCheckers = listOf(WhenOnBooleanExhaustivenessChecker,
fun getNecessaryCases(expression: KtWhenExpression, context: BindingContext) =
if (expression.isUsedAsExpression(context)) getMissingCases(expression, context)
else listOf()
fun isWhenByEnum(expression: KtWhenExpression, context: BindingContext) =
getClassDescriptorOfTypeIfEnum(whenSubjectType(expression, context)) != null
fun getClassDescriptorOfTypeIfEnum(type: KotlinType?): ClassDescriptor? {
if (type == null) return null
val classDescriptor = TypeUtils.getClassDescriptor(type) ?: return null
if (classDescriptor.kind != ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS) return null
return classDescriptor
private fun whenSubjectType(expression: KtWhenExpression, context: BindingContext) =
expression.subjectExpression?.let { context.getType(it) } ?: null
fun getEnumMissingCases(
expression: KtWhenExpression,
context: BindingContext,
enumClassDescriptor: ClassDescriptor
) = WhenOnEnumExhaustivenessChecker.getMissingCases(expression, context, enumClassDescriptor, false)
* It's assumed that function is called for a final type. In this case the only possible smart cast is to not nullable type.
* @return true if type is nullable, and cannot be smart casted
private fun isNullableTypeWithoutPossibleSmartCast(
expression: KtExpression?,
type: KotlinType,
context: BindingContext
): Boolean {
if (expression == null) return false // Normally should not happen
if (!TypeUtils.isNullableType(type)) return false
// We cannot read data flow information here due to lack of inputs (module descriptor is necessary)
if (context.get(BindingContext.SMARTCAST, expression) != null) {
// We have smart cast from enum or boolean to something
// Not very nice but we *can* decide it was smart cast to not-null
// because both enum and boolean are final
return false
return true
private fun getMissingCases(expression: KtWhenExpression, context: BindingContext): List {
val type = whenSubjectType(expression, context) ?: return listOf(UnknownMissingCase)
val nullable = !type.isFlexible() && isNullableTypeWithoutPossibleSmartCast(expression.subjectExpression, type, context)
val checkers = exhaustivenessCheckers.filter { it.isApplicable(type) }
if (checkers.isEmpty()) return listOf(UnknownMissingCase)
return checkers.map { it.getMissingCases(expression, context, TypeUtils.getClassDescriptor(type), nullable) }.flatten()
fun isWhenExhaustive(expression: KtWhenExpression, trace: BindingTrace) =
if (getMissingCases(expression, trace.bindingContext).isEmpty()) {
trace.record(BindingContext.EXHAUSTIVE_WHEN, expression)
} else {
fun containsNullCase(expression: KtWhenExpression, context: BindingContext) =
WhenOnNullableExhaustivenessChecker.getMissingCases(expression, context, null, true).isEmpty()
fun checkDeprecatedWhenSyntax(trace: BindingTrace, expression: KtWhenExpression) {
if (expression.subjectExpression != null) return
for (entry in expression.entries) {
if (entry.isElse) continue
var child: PsiElement? = entry.firstChild
while (child != null) {
if (child.node.elementType === KtTokens.COMMA) {
if (child.node.elementType === KtTokens.ARROW) break
child = child.nextSibling
fun checkReservedPrefix(trace: BindingTrace, expression: KtWhenExpression) {
checkReservedPrefixWord(trace, expression.whenKeyword, "sealed", TokenSet.EMPTY, "sealed when")
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