org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline.CoveringTryCatchNodeProcessor.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline
import com.google.common.collect.LinkedListMultimap
import java.util.ArrayList
import com.intellij.util.containers.Stack
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.common.isMeaningful
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.tree.*
import java.util.Comparator
import java.util.Collections
abstract class CoveringTryCatchNodeProcessor(parameterSize: Int) {
val tryBlocksMetaInfo: IntervalMetaInfo = IntervalMetaInfo()
val localVarsMetaInfo: IntervalMetaInfo = IntervalMetaInfo()
var nextFreeLocalIndex: Int = parameterSize
private set
fun getStartNodes(label: LabelNode): List {
return tryBlocksMetaInfo.intervalStarts.get(label)
fun getEndNodes(label: LabelNode): List {
return tryBlocksMetaInfo.intervalEnds.get(label)
open fun processInstruction(curInstr: AbstractInsnNode, directOrder: Boolean) {
if (curInstr is VarInsnNode || curInstr is IincInsnNode) {
val argSize = InlineCodegenUtil.getLoadStoreArgSize(curInstr.opcode)
val varIndex = if (curInstr is VarInsnNode) curInstr.`var` else (curInstr as IincInsnNode).`var`
nextFreeLocalIndex = Math.max(nextFreeLocalIndex, varIndex + argSize)
if (curInstr is LabelNode) {
tryBlocksMetaInfo.processCurrent(curInstr, directOrder)
localVarsMetaInfo.processCurrent(curInstr, directOrder)
abstract fun instructionIndex(inst: AbstractInsnNode): Int
fun sortTryCatchBlocks(intervals: List): List {
val comp = Comparator { t1: TryCatchBlockNodeInfo, t2: TryCatchBlockNodeInfo ->
var result = instructionIndex(t1.handler) - instructionIndex(t2.handler)
if (result == 0) {
result = instructionIndex(t1.startLabel) - instructionIndex(t2.startLabel)
if (result == 0) {
assert(false) { "Error: support multicatch finallies: ${t1.handler}, ${t2.handler}" }
result = instructionIndex(t1.endLabel) - instructionIndex(t2.endLabel)
Collections.sort(intervals, comp)
return intervals;
protected fun substituteTryBlockNodes(node: MethodNode) {
for (info in tryBlocksMetaInfo.getMeaningfulIntervals()) {
fun substituteLocalVarTable(node: MethodNode) {
for (info in localVarsMetaInfo.getMeaningfulIntervals()) {
class IntervalMetaInfo> {
val intervalStarts = LinkedListMultimap.create()
val intervalEnds = LinkedListMultimap.create()
val allIntervals: ArrayList = arrayListOf()
val currentIntervals: MutableSet = linkedSetOf()
fun addNewInterval(newInfo: T) {
intervalStarts.put(newInfo.startLabel, newInfo)
intervalEnds.put(newInfo.endLabel, newInfo)
private fun remapStartLabel(oldStart: LabelNode, remapped: T) {
intervalStarts.remove(oldStart, remapped)
intervalStarts.put(remapped.startLabel, remapped)
private fun remapEndLabel(oldEnd: LabelNode, remapped: T) {
intervalEnds.remove(oldEnd, remapped)
intervalEnds.put(remapped.endLabel, remapped)
fun splitCurrentIntervals(by : Interval, keepStart: Boolean): List> {
return currentIntervals.map { split(it, by, keepStart) }
fun splitAndRemoveIntervalsFromCurrents(by : Interval) {
val copies = ArrayList(currentIntervals)
copies.forEach {
splitAndRemoveInterval(it, by, true)
fun processCurrent(curIns: LabelNode, directOrder: Boolean) {
getInterval(curIns, directOrder).forEach {
val added = currentIntervals.add(it)
assert(added) { "Wrong interval structure: $curIns, $it" }
getInterval(curIns, !directOrder).forEach {
val removed = currentIntervals.remove(it)
assert(removed) { "Wrong interval structure: $curIns, $it" }
fun split(interval: T, by : Interval, keepStart: Boolean): SplitPair {
val split = interval.split(by, keepStart)
if (!keepStart) {
remapStartLabel(split.newPart.startLabel, split.patchedPart)
} else {
remapEndLabel(split.newPart.endLabel, split.patchedPart)
return split
fun splitAndRemoveInterval(interval: T, by : Interval, keepStart: Boolean): SplitPair {
val splitPair = split(interval, by, keepStart)
val removed = currentIntervals.remove(splitPair.patchedPart)
assert(removed, {"Wrong interval structure: $splitPair"})
return splitPair
fun getInterval(curIns: LabelNode, isOpen: Boolean) = if (isOpen) intervalStarts.get(curIns) else intervalEnds.get(curIns)
private fun Interval.isMeaningless(): Boolean {
val start = this.startLabel
var end: AbstractInsnNode = this.endLabel
while (end != start && !end.isMeaningful) {
end = end.previous
return start == end
fun > IntervalMetaInfo.getMeaningfulIntervals(): List {
return allIntervals.filterNot { it.isMeaningless() }
class DefaultProcessor(val node: MethodNode, parameterSize: Int) : CoveringTryCatchNodeProcessor(parameterSize) {
init {
node.tryCatchBlocks.forEach { addTryNode(it) }
node.localVariables.forEach { addLocalVarNode(it) }
fun addLocalVarNode(it: LocalVariableNode) {
fun addTryNode(node: TryCatchBlockNode) {
tryBlocksMetaInfo.addNewInterval(TryCatchBlockNodeInfo(node, false))
override fun instructionIndex(inst: AbstractInsnNode): Int {
return node.instructions.indexOf(inst)
class LocalVarNodeWrapper(val node: LocalVariableNode) : Interval, SplittableInterval {
override val startLabel: LabelNode
get() = node.start
override val endLabel: LabelNode
get() = node.end
override fun split(splitBy: Interval, keepStart: Boolean): SplitPair {
val newPartInterval = if (keepStart) {
val oldEnd = endLabel
node.end = splitBy.startLabel
Pair(splitBy.endLabel, oldEnd)
else {
val oldStart = startLabel
node.start = splitBy.endLabel
Pair(oldStart, splitBy.startLabel)
return SplitPair(this, LocalVarNodeWrapper(
LocalVariableNode(node.name, node.desc, node.signature, newPartInterval.first, newPartInterval.second, node.index)
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