org.jetbrains.kotlin.daemon.CompileServiceImpl.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.daemon
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.impl.ZipHandler
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.impl.jar.CoreJarFileSystem
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.CLICompiler
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.ExitCode
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.KOTLIN_COMPILER_ENVIRONMENT_KEEPALIVE_PROPERTY
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.compiler.KotlinCoreEnvironment
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.Services
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.daemon.common.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.incremental.components.IncrementalCompilationComponents
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.progress.CompilationCanceledStatus
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.check
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream
import java.io.File
import java.io.PrintStream
import java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
import java.rmi.registry.Registry
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import java.util.logging.Level
import java.util.logging.Logger
import kotlin.comparisons.compareBy
import kotlin.comparisons.reversed
import kotlin.concurrent.read
import kotlin.concurrent.schedule
import kotlin.concurrent.write
fun nowSeconds() = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(System.nanoTime())
interface CompilerSelector {
operator fun get(targetPlatform: CompileService.TargetPlatform): CLICompiler<*>
interface EventManger {
fun onCompilationFinished(f : () -> Unit)
private class EventMangerImpl : EventManger {
private val onCompilationFinished = arrayListOf<() -> Unit>()
override fun onCompilationFinished(f: () -> Unit) {
fun fireCompilationFinished() {
onCompilationFinished.forEach { it() }
class CompileServiceImpl(
val registry: Registry,
val compiler: CompilerSelector,
val compilerId: CompilerId,
val daemonOptions: DaemonOptions,
val daemonJVMOptions: DaemonJVMOptions,
val port: Int,
val timer: Timer,
val onShutdown: () -> Unit
) : CompileService {
init {
// wrapped in a class to encapsulate alive check logic
private class ClientOrSessionProxy(val aliveFlagPath: String?) {
val registered = nowSeconds()
val secondsSinceRegistered: Long get() = nowSeconds() - registered
val isAlive: Boolean get() = aliveFlagPath?.let { File(it).exists() } ?: true // assuming that if no file was given, the client is alive
private val sessionsIdCounter = AtomicInteger(0)
private val compilationsCounter = AtomicInteger(0)
private val internalRng = Random()
private val classpathWatcher = LazyClasspathWatcher(compilerId.compilerClasspath)
enum class Aliveness {
// !!! ordering of values is used in state comparison
Dying, LastSession, Alive
// TODO: encapsulate operations on state here
private val state = object {
val clientProxies: MutableSet = hashSetOf()
val sessions: MutableMap = hashMapOf()
val delayedShutdownQueued = AtomicBoolean(false)
var alive = AtomicInteger(Aliveness.Alive.ordinal)
@Volatile private var _lastUsedSeconds = nowSeconds()
val lastUsedSeconds: Long get() = if (rwlock.isWriteLocked || rwlock.readLockCount - rwlock.readHoldCount > 0) nowSeconds() else _lastUsedSeconds
private val log by lazy { Logger.getLogger("compiler") }
private val rwlock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
private var runFile: File
init {
val runFileDir = File(daemonOptions.runFilesPathOrDefault)
runFile = File(runFileDir,
makeRunFilenameString(timestamp = "%tFT% = ifAlive { daemonOptions }
override fun getDaemonJVMOptions(): CompileService.CallResult = ifAlive { daemonJVMOptions }
override fun registerClient(aliveFlagPath: String?): CompileService.CallResult = ifAlive_Nothing {
synchronized(state.clientProxies) {
override fun getClients(): CompileService.CallResult> = ifAlive {
synchronized(state.clientProxies) {
state.clientProxies.mapNotNull { it.aliveFlagPath }
// TODO: consider tying a session to a client and use this info to cleanup
override fun leaseCompileSession(aliveFlagPath: String?): CompileService.CallResult = ifAlive(minAliveness = Aliveness.Alive) {
// fighting hypothetical integer wrapping
var newId = sessionsIdCounter.incrementAndGet()
val session = ClientOrSessionProxy(aliveFlagPath)
for (attempt in 1..100) {
if (newId != CompileService.NO_SESSION) {
synchronized(state.sessions) {
if (!state.sessions.containsKey(newId)) {
state.sessions.put(newId, session)
log.info("leased a new session $newId, client alive file: $aliveFlagPath")
return@ifAlive newId
// assuming wrap, jumping to random number to reduce probability of further clashes
newId = sessionsIdCounter.addAndGet(internalRng.nextInt())
throw IllegalStateException("Invalid state or algorithm error")
override fun releaseCompileSession(sessionId: Int) = ifAlive_Nothing(minAliveness = Aliveness.LastSession) {
synchronized(state.sessions) {
log.info("cleaning after session $sessionId")
if (state.sessions.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: and some goes here
timer.schedule(0) {
override fun checkCompilerId(expectedCompilerId: CompilerId): Boolean =
(compilerId.compilerVersion.isEmpty() || compilerId.compilerVersion == expectedCompilerId.compilerVersion) &&
(compilerId.compilerClasspath.all { expectedCompilerId.compilerClasspath.contains(it) }) &&
override fun getUsedMemory(): CompileService.CallResult = ifAlive { usedMemory(withGC = true) }
override fun shutdown(): CompileService.CallResult = ifAliveExclusive_Nothing(minAliveness = Aliveness.LastSession, ignoreCompilerChanged = true) {
override fun scheduleShutdown(graceful: Boolean): CompileService.CallResult = ifAlive(minAliveness = Aliveness.Alive) {
if (!graceful || state.alive.compareAndSet(Aliveness.Alive.ordinal, Aliveness.LastSession.ordinal)) {
timer.schedule(0) {
ifAliveExclusive(minAliveness = Aliveness.LastSession, ignoreCompilerChanged = true) {
if (!graceful || state.sessions.isEmpty()) {
else {
log.info("Some sessions are active, waiting for them to finish")
else false
override fun remoteCompile(sessionId: Int,
targetPlatform: CompileService.TargetPlatform,
args: Array,
servicesFacade: CompilerCallbackServicesFacade,
compilerOutputStream: RemoteOutputStream,
outputFormat: CompileService.OutputFormat,
serviceOutputStream: RemoteOutputStream,
operationsTracer: RemoteOperationsTracer?
): CompileService.CallResult =
doCompile(sessionId, args, compilerOutputStream, serviceOutputStream, operationsTracer) { printStream, eventManager, profiler ->
when (outputFormat) {
CompileService.OutputFormat.PLAIN -> compiler[targetPlatform].exec(printStream, *args)
CompileService.OutputFormat.XML -> compiler[targetPlatform].execAndOutputXml(printStream, createCompileServices(servicesFacade, eventManager, profiler), *args)
override fun remoteIncrementalCompile(sessionId: Int,
targetPlatform: CompileService.TargetPlatform,
args: Array,
servicesFacade: CompilerCallbackServicesFacade,
compilerOutputStream: RemoteOutputStream,
compilerOutputFormat: CompileService.OutputFormat,
serviceOutputStream: RemoteOutputStream,
operationsTracer: RemoteOperationsTracer?
): CompileService.CallResult =
doCompile(sessionId, args, compilerOutputStream, serviceOutputStream, operationsTracer) { printStream, eventManager, profiler ->
when (compilerOutputFormat) {
CompileService.OutputFormat.PLAIN -> throw NotImplementedError("Only XML output is supported in remote incremental compilation")
CompileService.OutputFormat.XML -> compiler[targetPlatform].execAndOutputXml(printStream, createCompileServices(servicesFacade, eventManager, profiler), *args)
// internal implementation stuff
// TODO: consider matching compilerId coming from outside with actual one
// private val selfCompilerId by lazy {
// CompilerId(
// compilerClasspath = System.getProperty("java.class.path")
// ?.split(File.pathSeparator)
// ?.map { File(it) }
// ?.filter { it.exists() }
// ?.map { it.absolutePath }
// ?: listOf(),
// compilerVersion = loadKotlinVersionFromResource()
// )
// }
init {
// assuming logically synchronized
try {
// cleanup for the case of incorrect restart and many other situations
UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(this, false)
catch (e: NoSuchObjectException) {
// ignoring if object already exported
val stub = UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(this, port, LoopbackNetworkInterface.clientLoopbackSocketFactory, LoopbackNetworkInterface.serverLoopbackSocketFactory) as CompileService
registry.rebind (COMPILER_SERVICE_RMI_NAME, stub);
timer.schedule(0) {
try {
catch (e: Exception) {
System.err.println("Exception in timer thread: " + e.message)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception in timer thread", e)
private fun periodicAndAfterSessionCheck() {
ifAlive_Nothing(minAliveness = Aliveness.LastSession) {
// 1. check if unused for a timeout - shutdown
if (shutdownCondition({ daemonOptions.autoshutdownUnusedSeconds != COMPILE_DAEMON_TIMEOUT_INFINITE_S && compilationsCounter.get() == 0 && nowSeconds() - lastUsedSeconds > daemonOptions.autoshutdownUnusedSeconds },
"Unused timeout exceeded ${daemonOptions.autoshutdownUnusedSeconds}s, shutting down")) {
else {
synchronized(state.sessions) {
// 2. check if any session hanged - clean
// making copy of the list before calling release
state.sessions.filterValues { !it.isAlive }.keys.toList()
}.forEach { releaseCompileSession(it) }
// 3. check if in graceful shutdown state and all sessions are closed
if (shutdownCondition({ state.alive.get() == Aliveness.LastSession.ordinal && state.sessions.none()}, "All sessions finished, shutting down")) {
// 4. clean dead clients, then check if any left - conditional shutdown (with small delay)
synchronized(state.clientProxies) { state.clientProxies.removeAll(state.clientProxies.filter { !it.isAlive }) }
if (state.clientProxies.isEmpty() && compilationsCounter.get() > 0 && !state.delayedShutdownQueued.get()) {
log.info("No more clients left, delayed shutdown in ${daemonOptions.shutdownDelayMilliseconds}ms")
// 5. check idle timeout - shutdown
if (shutdownCondition({ daemonOptions.autoshutdownIdleSeconds != COMPILE_DAEMON_TIMEOUT_INFINITE_S && nowSeconds() - lastUsedSeconds > daemonOptions.autoshutdownIdleSeconds },
"Idle timeout exceeded ${daemonOptions.autoshutdownIdleSeconds}s, shutting down") ||
// 6. discovery file removed - shutdown
shutdownCondition({ !runFile.exists() }, "Run file removed, shutting down") ||
// 7. compiler changed (seldom check) - shutdown
// TODO: could be too expensive anyway, consider removing this check
shutdownCondition({ classpathWatcher.isChanged }, "Compiler changed")) {
private fun initiateElections() {
ifAlive_Nothing {
val aliveWithOpts = walkDaemons(File(daemonOptions.runFilesPathOrDefault), compilerId, filter = { f, p -> p != port }, report = { lvl, msg -> log.info(msg) })
.map { Pair(it, it.getDaemonJVMOptions()) }
.filter { it.second.isGood }
.sortedWith(compareBy(DaemonJVMOptionsMemoryComparator().reversed(), { it.second.get() }))
if (aliveWithOpts.any()) {
val fattestOpts = aliveWithOpts.first().second.get()
// second part of the condition means that we prefer other daemon if is "equal" to the current one
if (fattestOpts memorywiseFitsInto daemonJVMOptions && !(daemonJVMOptions memorywiseFitsInto fattestOpts)) {
// all others are smaller that me, take overs' clients and shut them down
aliveWithOpts.forEach {
it.first.getClients().check { it.isGood }?.let {
it.get().forEach { registerClient(it) }
else if (daemonJVMOptions memorywiseFitsInto fattestOpts) {
// there is at least one bigger, handover my clients to it and shutdown
aliveWithOpts.first().first.let { fattest ->
getClients().check { it.isGood }?.let {
it.get().forEach { fattest.registerClient(it) }
// else - do nothing, all daemons are staying
// TODO: implement some behaviour here, e.g.:
// - shutdown/takeover smaller daemon
// - run (or better persuade client to run) a bigger daemon (in fact may be even simple shutdown will do, because of client's daemon choosing logic)
private fun shutdownImpl() {
log.info("Shutdown started")
UnicastRemoteObject.unexportObject(this, true)
log.info("Shutdown complete")
private fun shutdownWithDelay() {
val currentCompilationsCount = compilationsCounter.get()
timer.schedule(daemonOptions.shutdownDelayMilliseconds) {
if (currentCompilationsCount == compilationsCounter.get()) {
log.fine("Execute delayed shutdown")
else {
log.info("Cancel delayed shutdown due to new client")
private inline fun shutdownCondition(check: () -> Boolean, message: String): Boolean {
val res = check()
if (res) {
return res
private fun doCompile(sessionId: Int,
args: Array,
compilerMessagesStreamProxy: RemoteOutputStream,
serviceOutputStreamProxy: RemoteOutputStream,
operationsTracer: RemoteOperationsTracer?,
body: (PrintStream, EventManger, Profiler) -> ExitCode): CompileService.CallResult =
ifAlive {
val rpcProfiler = if (daemonOptions.reportPerf) WallAndThreadTotalProfiler() else DummyProfiler()
val eventManger = EventMangerImpl()
val compilerMessagesStream = PrintStream(BufferedOutputStream(RemoteOutputStreamClient(compilerMessagesStreamProxy, rpcProfiler), 4096))
val serviceOutputStream = PrintStream(BufferedOutputStream(RemoteOutputStreamClient(serviceOutputStreamProxy, rpcProfiler), 4096))
try {
checkedCompile(args, serviceOutputStream, rpcProfiler) {
val res = body(compilerMessagesStream, eventManger, rpcProfiler).code
_lastUsedSeconds = nowSeconds()
finally {
private fun createCompileServices(facade: CompilerCallbackServicesFacade, eventManger: EventManger, rpcProfiler: Profiler): Services {
val builder = Services.Builder()
if (facade.hasIncrementalCaches() || facade.hasLookupTracker()) {
builder.register(IncrementalCompilationComponents::class.java, RemoteIncrementalCompilationComponentsClient(facade, eventManger, rpcProfiler))
if (facade.hasCompilationCanceledStatus()) {
builder.register(CompilationCanceledStatus::class.java, RemoteCompilationCanceledStatusClient(facade, rpcProfiler))
return builder.build()
private fun checkedCompile(args: Array, serviceOut: PrintStream, rpcProfiler: Profiler, body: () -> R): R {
try {
if (args.none())
throw IllegalArgumentException("Error: empty arguments list.")
log.info("Starting compilation with args: " + args.joinToString(" "))
val profiler = if (daemonOptions.reportPerf) WallAndThreadAndMemoryTotalProfiler(withGC = false) else DummyProfiler()
val res = profiler.withMeasure(null, body)
val endMem = if (daemonOptions.reportPerf) usedMemory(withGC = false) else 0L
log.info("Done with result " + res.toString())
if (daemonOptions.reportPerf) {
fun Long.ms() = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(this)
fun Long.kb() = this / 1024
val pc = profiler.getTotalCounters()
val rpc = rpcProfiler.getTotalCounters()
"PERF: Compile on daemon: ${pc.time.ms()} ms; thread: user ${pc.threadUserTime.ms()} ms, sys ${(pc.threadTime - pc.threadUserTime).ms()} ms; rpc: ${rpc.count} calls, ${rpc.time.ms()} ms, thread ${rpc.threadTime.ms()} ms; memory: ${endMem.kb()} kb (${"%+d".format(pc.memory.kb())} kb)".let {
// this will only be reported if if appropriate (e.g. ByClass) profiler is used
for ((obj, counters) in rpcProfiler.getCounters()) {
"PERF: rpc by $obj: ${counters.count} calls, ${counters.time.ms()} ms, thread ${counters.threadTime.ms()} ms".let {
return res
// TODO: consider possibilities to handle OutOfMemory
catch (e: Exception) {
log.info("Error: $e")
throw e
private fun clearJarCache() {
(KotlinCoreEnvironment.applicationEnvironment?.jarFileSystem as? CoreJarFileSystem)?.clearHandlersCache()
// copied (with edit) from gradle plugin
private fun callVoidStaticMethod(classFqName: String, methodName: String) {
// compiler classloader == current classloader for now
// TODO: consider abstracting classloader, for easier changing it for a compiler
val cls = this.javaClass.classLoader.loadClass(classFqName)
val method = cls.getMethod(methodName)
private fun ifAlive(minAliveness: Aliveness = Aliveness.Alive, ignoreCompilerChanged: Boolean = false, body: () -> R): CompileService.CallResult = rwlock.read {
ifAliveChecksImpl(minAliveness, ignoreCompilerChanged) { CompileService.CallResult.Good(body()) }
// TODO: find how to implement it without using unique name for this variant; making name deliberately ugly meanwhile
private fun ifAlive_Nothing(minAliveness: Aliveness = Aliveness.Alive, ignoreCompilerChanged: Boolean = false, body: () -> Unit): CompileService.CallResult = rwlock.read {
ifAliveChecksImpl(minAliveness, ignoreCompilerChanged) {
private fun ifAliveExclusive(minAliveness: Aliveness = Aliveness.Alive, ignoreCompilerChanged: Boolean = false, body: () -> R): CompileService.CallResult = rwlock.write {
ifAliveChecksImpl(minAliveness, ignoreCompilerChanged) { CompileService.CallResult.Good(body()) }
// see comment to ifAliveNothing
private fun ifAliveExclusive_Nothing(minAliveness: Aliveness = Aliveness.Alive, ignoreCompilerChanged: Boolean = false, body: () -> Unit): CompileService.CallResult = rwlock.write {
ifAliveChecksImpl(minAliveness, ignoreCompilerChanged) {
inline private fun ifAliveChecksImpl(minAliveness: Aliveness = Aliveness.Alive, ignoreCompilerChanged: Boolean = false, body: () -> CompileService.CallResult): CompileService.CallResult =
when {
state.alive.get() < minAliveness.ordinal -> CompileService.CallResult.Dying()
!ignoreCompilerChanged && classpathWatcher.isChanged -> {
log.info("Compiler changed, scheduling shutdown")
timer.schedule(0) { shutdown() }
else -> {
try {
catch (e: Exception) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception", e)
CompileService.CallResult.Error(e.message ?: "unknown")
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