org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline.MethodInliner Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.ClosureCodegen;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.StackValue;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.intrinsics.IntrinsicMethods;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.MandatoryMethodTransformer;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.state.KotlinTypeMapper;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.SmartList;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.SmartSet;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.commons.InstructionAdapter;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.commons.RemappingMethodAdapter;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.tree.*;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.*;
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.util.Printer;
import java.util.*;
import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline.InlineCodegenUtil.*;
public class MethodInliner {
private final MethodNode node;
private final Parameters parameters;
private final InliningContext inliningContext;
private final FieldRemapper nodeRemapper;
private final boolean isSameModule;
private final String errorPrefix;
private final SourceMapper sourceMapper;
private final InlineCallSiteInfo inlineCallSiteInfo;
private final KotlinTypeMapper typeMapper;
private final List invokeCalls = new ArrayList();
//keeps order
private final List transformations = new ArrayList();
//current state
private final Map currentTypeMapping = new HashMap();
private final InlineResult result;
private int lambdasFinallyBlocks;
private final InlineOnlySmapSkipper inlineOnlySmapSkipper;
public MethodInliner(
@NotNull MethodNode node,
@NotNull Parameters parameters,
@NotNull InliningContext inliningContext,
@NotNull FieldRemapper nodeRemapper,
boolean isSameModule,
@NotNull String errorPrefix,
@NotNull SourceMapper sourceMapper,
@NotNull InlineCallSiteInfo inlineCallSiteInfo,
@Nullable InlineOnlySmapSkipper smapSkipper //non null only for root
) {
this.node = node;
this.parameters = parameters;
this.inliningContext = inliningContext;
this.nodeRemapper = nodeRemapper;
this.isSameModule = isSameModule;
this.errorPrefix = errorPrefix;
this.sourceMapper = sourceMapper;
this.inlineCallSiteInfo = inlineCallSiteInfo;
this.typeMapper = inliningContext.state.getTypeMapper();
this.result = InlineResult.create();
this.inlineOnlySmapSkipper = smapSkipper;
public InlineResult doInline(
@NotNull MethodVisitor adapter,
@NotNull LocalVarRemapper remapper,
boolean remapReturn,
@NotNull LabelOwner labelOwner
) {
return doInline(adapter, remapper, remapReturn, labelOwner, 0);
private InlineResult doInline(
@NotNull MethodVisitor adapter,
@NotNull LocalVarRemapper remapper,
boolean remapReturn,
@NotNull LabelOwner labelOwner,
int finallyDeepShift
) {
//analyze body
MethodNode transformedNode = markPlacesForInlineAndRemoveInlinable(node, labelOwner, finallyDeepShift);
//substitute returns with "goto end" instruction to keep non local returns in lambdas
Label end = new Label();
transformedNode = doInline(transformedNode);
MethodNode resultNode = new MethodNode(
InlineCodegenUtil.API, transformedNode.access, transformedNode.name, transformedNode.desc,
transformedNode.signature, ArrayUtil.toStringArray(transformedNode.exceptions)
RemapVisitor visitor = new RemapVisitor(resultNode, remapper, nodeRemapper);
try {
catch (Exception e) {
throw wrapException(e, transformedNode, "couldn't inline method call");
if (inliningContext.isRoot()) {
StackValue remapValue = remapper.remap(parameters.getArgsSizeOnStack() + 1).value;
resultNode, lambdasFinallyBlocks, ((StackValue.Local) remapValue).index
processReturns(resultNode, labelOwner, remapReturn, end);
//flush transformed node to output
resultNode.accept(new MethodBodyVisitor(adapter));
return result;
private MethodNode doInline(@NotNull MethodNode node) {
final Deque currentInvokes = new LinkedList(invokeCalls);
final MethodNode resultNode = new MethodNode(node.access, node.name, node.desc, node.signature, null);
final Iterator iterator = transformations.iterator();
final TypeRemapper remapper = TypeRemapper.createFrom(currentTypeMapping);
final RemappingMethodAdapter remappingMethodAdapter = new RemappingMethodAdapter(
new AsmTypeRemapper(remapper, inliningContext.getRoot().typeParameterMappings == null, result)
final int markerShift = InlineCodegenUtil.calcMarkerShift(parameters, node);
InlineAdapter lambdaInliner = new InlineAdapter(remappingMethodAdapter, parameters.getArgsSizeOnStack(), sourceMapper) {
private TransformationInfo transformationInfo;
private void handleAnonymousObjectRegeneration() {
transformationInfo = iterator.next();
if (transformationInfo.shouldRegenerate(isSameModule)) {
//TODO: need poping of type but what to do with local funs???
String oldClassName = transformationInfo.getOldClassName();
String newClassName = transformationInfo.getNewClassName();
remapper.addMapping(oldClassName, newClassName);
InliningContext childInliningContext = inliningContext.subInlineWithClassRegeneration(
ObjectTransformer transformer = transformationInfo.createTransformer(childInliningContext, isSameModule);
InlineResult transformResult = transformer.doTransform(nodeRemapper);
result.addChangedType(oldClassName, newClassName);
if (inliningContext.isInliningLambda && transformationInfo.canRemoveAfterTransformation()) {
// this class is transformed and original not used so we should remove original one after inlining
if (transformResult.getReifiedTypeParametersUsages().wereUsedReifiedParameters()) {
public void anew(@NotNull Type type) {
if (isAnonymousClass(type.getInternalName())) {
//in case of regenerated transformationInfo type would be remapped to new one via remappingMethodAdapter
public void visitMethodInsn(int opcode, String owner, String name, String desc, boolean itf) {
if (/*INLINE_RUNTIME.equals(owner) &&*/ isInvokeOnLambda(owner, name)) { //TODO add method
assert !currentInvokes.isEmpty();
InvokeCall invokeCall = currentInvokes.remove();
LambdaInfo info = invokeCall.lambdaInfo;
if (info == null) {
//noninlinable lambda
super.visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc, itf);
int valueParamShift = Math.max(getNextLocalIndex(), markerShift);//NB: don't inline cause it changes
putStackValuesIntoLocals(info.getInvokeParamsWithoutCaptured(), valueParamShift, this, desc);
addInlineMarker(this, true);
Parameters lambdaParameters = info.addAllParameters(nodeRemapper);
InlinedLambdaRemapper newCapturedRemapper =
new InlinedLambdaRemapper(info.getLambdaClassType().getInternalName(), nodeRemapper, lambdaParameters);
SMAP lambdaSMAP = info.getNode().getClassSMAP();
//noinspection ConstantConditions
SourceMapper mapper =
inliningContext.classRegeneration && !inliningContext.isInliningLambda
? new NestedSourceMapper(sourceMapper, lambdaSMAP.getIntervals(), lambdaSMAP.getSourceInfo())
: new InlineLambdaSourceMapper(sourceMapper.getParent(), info.getNode());
MethodInliner inliner = new MethodInliner(
info.getNode().getNode(), lambdaParameters, inliningContext.subInlineLambda(info),
newCapturedRemapper, true /*cause all calls in same module as lambda*/,
"Lambda inlining " + info.getLambdaClassType().getInternalName(),
mapper, inlineCallSiteInfo, null
LocalVarRemapper remapper = new LocalVarRemapper(lambdaParameters, valueParamShift);
//TODO add skipped this and receiver
InlineResult lambdaResult = inliner.doInline(this.mv, remapper, true, info, invokeCall.finallyDepthShift);
//return value boxing/unboxing
Method bridge = typeMapper.mapAsmMethod(ClosureCodegen.getErasedInvokeFunction(info.getFunctionDescriptor()));
Method delegate = typeMapper.mapAsmMethod(info.getFunctionDescriptor());
StackValue.onStack(delegate.getReturnType()).put(bridge.getReturnType(), this);
addInlineMarker(this, false);
if (inlineOnlySmapSkipper != null) {
else if (isAnonymousConstructorCall(owner, name)) { //TODO add method
//TODO add proper message
assert transformationInfo instanceof AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo :
" call doesn't correspond to object transformation info: " +
owner + "." + name + ", info " + transformationInfo;
if (transformationInfo.shouldRegenerate(isSameModule)) {
//put additional captured parameters on stack
AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo info = (AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo) transformationInfo;
for (CapturedParamDesc capturedParamDesc : info.getAllRecapturedParameters()) {
Opcodes.GETSTATIC, capturedParamDesc.getContainingLambdaName(),
"$$$" + capturedParamDesc.getFieldName(), capturedParamDesc.getType().getDescriptor()
super.visitMethodInsn(opcode, transformationInfo.getNewClassName(), name, info.getNewConstructorDescriptor(), itf);
//TODO: add new inner class also for other contexts
if (inliningContext.getParent() instanceof RegeneratedClassContext) {
transformationInfo.getOldClassName(), transformationInfo.getNewClassName()
transformationInfo = null;
else {
super.visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc, itf);
else if (!inliningContext.isInliningLambda &&
ReifiedTypeInliner.isNeedClassReificationMarker(new MethodInsnNode(opcode, owner, name, desc, false))) {
//we shouldn't process here content of inlining lambda it should be reified at external level
else {
super.visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc, itf);
public void visitFieldInsn(int opcode, @NotNull String owner, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String desc) {
if (opcode == Opcodes.GETSTATIC && (isAnonymousSingletonLoad(owner, name) || isWhenMappingAccess(owner, name))) {
super.visitFieldInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc);
public void visitMaxs(int stack, int locals) {
lambdasFinallyBlocks = resultNode.tryCatchBlocks.size();
super.visitMaxs(stack, locals);
return resultNode;
public static CapturedParamInfo findCapturedField(@NotNull FieldInsnNode node, @NotNull FieldRemapper fieldRemapper) {
assert node.name.startsWith("$$$") : "Captured field template should start with $$$ prefix";
FieldInsnNode fin = new FieldInsnNode(node.getOpcode(), node.owner, node.name.substring(3), node.desc);
CapturedParamInfo field = fieldRemapper.findField(fin);
if (field == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Couldn't find captured field " + node.owner + "." + node.name + " in " + fieldRemapper.getLambdaInternalName()
return field;
private MethodNode prepareNode(@NotNull MethodNode node, int finallyDeepShift) {
final int capturedParamsSize = parameters.getCapturedArgsSizeOnStack();
final int realParametersSize = parameters.getRealArgsSizeOnStack();
Type[] types = Type.getArgumentTypes(node.desc);
Type returnType = Type.getReturnType(node.desc);
List capturedTypes = parameters.getCapturedTypes();
Type[] allTypes = ArrayUtil.mergeArrays(types, capturedTypes.toArray(new Type[capturedTypes.size()]));
MethodNode transformedNode = new MethodNode(
InlineCodegenUtil.API, node.access, node.name, Type.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, allTypes), node.signature, null
) {
private final boolean GENERATE_DEBUG_INFO = InlineCodegenUtil.GENERATE_SMAP && inlineOnlySmapSkipper == null;
private final boolean isInliningLambda = nodeRemapper.isInsideInliningLambda();
private int getNewIndex(int var) {
return var + (var < realParametersSize ? 0 : capturedParamsSize);
public void visitVarInsn(int opcode, int var) {
super.visitVarInsn(opcode, getNewIndex(var));
public void visitIincInsn(int var, int increment) {
super.visitIincInsn(getNewIndex(var), increment);
public void visitMaxs(int maxStack, int maxLocals) {
super.visitMaxs(maxStack, maxLocals + capturedParamsSize);
public void visitLineNumber(int line, @NotNull Label start) {
if (isInliningLambda || GENERATE_DEBUG_INFO) {
super.visitLineNumber(line, start);
public void visitLocalVariable(
@NotNull String name, @NotNull String desc, String signature, @NotNull Label start, @NotNull Label end, int index
) {
if (isInliningLambda || GENERATE_DEBUG_INFO) {
String varSuffix =
inliningContext.isRoot() && !InlineCodegenUtil.isFakeLocalVariableForInline(name) ? INLINE_FUN_VAR_SUFFIX : "";
String varName = !varSuffix.isEmpty() && name.equals("this") ? name + "_" : name;
super.visitLocalVariable(varName + varSuffix, desc, signature, start, end, getNewIndex(index));
transformFinallyDeepIndex(transformedNode, finallyDeepShift);
return transformedNode;
private MethodNode markPlacesForInlineAndRemoveInlinable(
@NotNull MethodNode node, @NotNull LabelOwner labelOwner, int finallyDeepShift
) {
node = prepareNode(node, finallyDeepShift);
Frame[] sources = analyzeMethodNodeBeforeInline(node);
LocalReturnsNormalizer localReturnsNormalizer = LocalReturnsNormalizer.createFor(node, labelOwner, sources);
Set toDelete = SmartSet.create();
InsnList instructions = node.instructions;
AbstractInsnNode cur = instructions.getFirst();
boolean awaitClassReification = false;
int currentFinallyDeep = 0;
while (cur != null) {
Frame frame = sources[instructions.indexOf(cur)];
if (frame != null) {
if (ReifiedTypeInliner.isNeedClassReificationMarker(cur)) {
awaitClassReification = true;
else if (cur.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN) {
if (InlineCodegenUtil.isFinallyStart(cur)) {
//TODO deep index calc could be more precise
currentFinallyDeep = InlineCodegenUtil.getConstant(cur.getPrevious());
MethodInsnNode methodInsnNode = (MethodInsnNode) cur;
String owner = methodInsnNode.owner;
String desc = methodInsnNode.desc;
String name = methodInsnNode.name;
//TODO check closure
Type[] argTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc);
int paramCount = argTypes.length + 1;//non static
int firstParameterIndex = frame.getStackSize() - paramCount;
if (isInvokeOnLambda(owner, name) /*&& methodInsnNode.owner.equals(INLINE_RUNTIME)*/) {
SourceValue sourceValue = frame.getStack(firstParameterIndex);
LambdaInfo lambdaInfo = MethodInlinerUtilKt.getLambdaIfExistsAndMarkInstructions(
this, MethodInlinerUtilKt.singleOrNullInsn(sourceValue), true, instructions, sources, toDelete
invokeCalls.add(new InvokeCall(lambdaInfo, currentFinallyDeep));
else if (isAnonymousConstructorCall(owner, name)) {
Map lambdaMapping = new HashMap();
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
SourceValue sourceValue = frame.getStack(firstParameterIndex + i);
LambdaInfo lambdaInfo = MethodInlinerUtilKt.getLambdaIfExistsAndMarkInstructions(
this, MethodInlinerUtilKt.singleOrNullInsn(sourceValue), false, instructions, sources, toDelete
if (lambdaInfo != null) {
lambdaMapping.put(offset, lambdaInfo);
offset += i == 0 ? 1 : argTypes[i - 1].getSize();
buildConstructorInvocation(owner, desc, lambdaMapping, awaitClassReification)
awaitClassReification = false;
else if (cur.getOpcode() == Opcodes.GETSTATIC) {
FieldInsnNode fieldInsnNode = (FieldInsnNode) cur;
String className = fieldInsnNode.owner;
if (isAnonymousSingletonLoad(className, fieldInsnNode.name)) {
new AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo(
className, awaitClassReification, isAlreadyRegenerated(className), true,
awaitClassReification = false;
else if (isWhenMappingAccess(className, fieldInsnNode.name)) {
new WhenMappingTransformationInfo(
className, inliningContext.nameGenerator, isAlreadyRegenerated(className), fieldInsnNode
AbstractInsnNode prevNode = cur;
cur = cur.getNext();
//given frame is null if and only if the corresponding instruction cannot be reached (dead code).
if (frame == null) {
//clean dead code otherwise there is problems in unreachable finally block, don't touch label it cause try/catch/finally problems
if (prevNode.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.LABEL) {
//NB: Cause we generate exception table for default handler using gaps (see ExpressionCodegen.visitTryExpression)
//it may occurs that interval for default handler starts before catch start label, so this label seems as dead,
//but as result all this labels will be merged into one (see KT-5863)
else {
for (AbstractInsnNode insnNode : toDelete) {
//clean dead try/catch blocks
List blocks = node.tryCatchBlocks;
for (Iterator iterator = blocks.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
TryCatchBlockNode block = iterator.next();
if (isEmptyTryInterval(block)) {
return node;
private Frame[] analyzeMethodNodeBeforeInline(@NotNull MethodNode node) {
try {
new MandatoryMethodTransformer().transform("fake", node);
catch (Throwable e) {
throw wrapException(e, node, "couldn't inline method call");
Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(new SourceInterpreter()) {
protected Frame newFrame(int nLocals, int nStack) {
return new Frame(nLocals, nStack) {
public void execute(@NotNull AbstractInsnNode insn, Interpreter interpreter) throws AnalyzerException {
// This can be a void non-local return from a non-void method; Frame#execute would throw and do nothing else.
if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.RETURN) return;
super.execute(insn, interpreter);
try {
return analyzer.analyze("fake", node);
catch (AnalyzerException e) {
throw wrapException(e, node, "couldn't inline method call");
private static boolean isEmptyTryInterval(@NotNull TryCatchBlockNode tryCatchBlockNode) {
LabelNode start = tryCatchBlockNode.start;
AbstractInsnNode end = tryCatchBlockNode.end;
while (end != start && end instanceof LabelNode) {
end = end.getPrevious();
return start == end;
private AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo buildConstructorInvocation(
@NotNull String anonymousType,
@NotNull String desc,
@NotNull Map lambdaMapping,
boolean needReification
) {
return new AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo(
anonymousType, needReification, lambdaMapping,
private boolean isAlreadyRegenerated(@NotNull String owner) {
return inliningContext.typeRemapper.hasNoAdditionalMapping(owner);
LambdaInfo getLambdaIfExists(@Nullable AbstractInsnNode insnNode) {
if (insnNode == null) {
return null;
if (insnNode.getOpcode() == Opcodes.ALOAD) {
int varIndex = ((VarInsnNode) insnNode).var;
return getLambdaIfExists(varIndex);
if (insnNode instanceof FieldInsnNode) {
FieldInsnNode fieldInsnNode = (FieldInsnNode) insnNode;
if (fieldInsnNode.name.startsWith("$$$")) {
return findCapturedField(fieldInsnNode, nodeRemapper).getLambda();
return null;
private LambdaInfo getLambdaIfExists(int varIndex) {
if (varIndex < parameters.getArgsSizeOnStack()) {
return parameters.getParameterByDeclarationSlot(varIndex).getLambda();
return null;
private static void removeClosureAssertions(@NotNull MethodNode node) {
AbstractInsnNode cur = node.instructions.getFirst();
while (cur != null && cur.getNext() != null) {
AbstractInsnNode next = cur.getNext();
if (next.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.METHOD_INSN) {
MethodInsnNode methodInsnNode = (MethodInsnNode) next;
if (methodInsnNode.name.equals("checkParameterIsNotNull") &&
methodInsnNode.owner.equals(IntrinsicMethods.INTRINSICS_CLASS_NAME)) {
AbstractInsnNode prev = cur.getPrevious();
assert cur.getOpcode() == Opcodes.LDC : "checkParameterIsNotNull should go after LDC but " + cur;
assert prev.getOpcode() == Opcodes.ALOAD : "checkParameterIsNotNull should be invoked on local var but " + prev;
cur = next.getNext();
next = cur;
cur = next;
private void transformCaptured(@NotNull MethodNode node) {
if (nodeRemapper.isRoot()) {
//Fold all captured variable chain - ALOAD 0 ALOAD this$0 GETFIELD $captured - to GETFIELD $$$$captured
//On future decoding this field could be inline or unfolded in another field access chain (it can differ in some missed this$0)
AbstractInsnNode cur = node.instructions.getFirst();
while (cur != null) {
if (cur instanceof VarInsnNode && cur.getOpcode() == Opcodes.ALOAD) {
int varIndex = ((VarInsnNode) cur).var;
if (varIndex == 0 || nodeRemapper.processNonAload0FieldAccessChains(getLambdaIfExists(varIndex) != null)) {
List accessChain = getCapturedFieldAccessChain((VarInsnNode) cur);
AbstractInsnNode insnNode = nodeRemapper.foldFieldAccessChainIfNeeded(accessChain, node);
if (insnNode != null) {
cur = insnNode;
cur = cur.getNext();
private static void transformFinallyDeepIndex(@NotNull MethodNode node, int finallyDeepShift) {
if (finallyDeepShift == 0) {
AbstractInsnNode cur = node.instructions.getFirst();
while (cur != null) {
if (cur instanceof MethodInsnNode && InlineCodegenUtil.isFinallyMarker(cur)) {
AbstractInsnNode constant = cur.getPrevious();
int curDeep = InlineCodegenUtil.getConstant(constant);
node.instructions.insert(constant, new LdcInsnNode(curDeep + finallyDeepShift));
cur = cur.getNext();
private static List getCapturedFieldAccessChain(@NotNull VarInsnNode aload0) {
List fieldAccessChain = new ArrayList();
AbstractInsnNode next = aload0.getNext();
while (next != null && next instanceof FieldInsnNode || next instanceof LabelNode) {
if (next instanceof LabelNode) {
next = next.getNext();
continue; //it will be delete on transformation
if ("this$0".equals(((FieldInsnNode) next).name)) {
next = next.getNext();
else {
return fieldAccessChain;
private static void putStackValuesIntoLocals(
@NotNull List directOrder, int shift, @NotNull InstructionAdapter iv, @NotNull String descriptor
) {
Type[] actualParams = Type.getArgumentTypes(descriptor);
assert actualParams.length == directOrder.size() : "Number of expected and actual params should be equals!";
int size = 0;
for (Type next : directOrder) {
size += next.getSize();
shift += size;
int index = directOrder.size();
for (Type next : Lists.reverse(directOrder)) {
shift -= next.getSize();
Type typeOnStack = actualParams[--index];
if (!typeOnStack.equals(next)) {
StackValue.onStack(typeOnStack).put(next, iv);
iv.store(shift, next);
private RuntimeException wrapException(@NotNull Throwable originalException, @NotNull MethodNode node, @NotNull String errorSuffix) {
if (originalException instanceof InlineException) {
return new InlineException(errorPrefix + ": " + errorSuffix, originalException);
else {
return new InlineException(errorPrefix + ": " + errorSuffix + "\nCause: " + getNodeText(node), originalException);
//process local and global returns (local substituted with goto end-label global kept unchanged)
public static List processReturns(
@NotNull MethodNode node, @NotNull LabelOwner labelOwner, boolean remapReturn, @Nullable Label endLabel
) {
if (!remapReturn) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List result = new ArrayList();
InsnList instructions = node.instructions;
AbstractInsnNode insnNode = instructions.getFirst();
while (insnNode != null) {
if (InlineCodegenUtil.isReturnOpcode(insnNode.getOpcode())) {
boolean isLocalReturn = true;
String labelName = InlineCodegenUtil.getMarkedReturnLabelOrNull(insnNode);
if (labelName != null) {
isLocalReturn = labelOwner.isMyLabel(labelName);
//remove global return flag
if (isLocalReturn) {
if (isLocalReturn && endLabel != null) {
LabelNode labelNode = (LabelNode) endLabel.info;
JumpInsnNode jumpInsnNode = new JumpInsnNode(Opcodes.GOTO, labelNode);
instructions.insert(insnNode, jumpInsnNode);
insnNode = jumpInsnNode;
//generate finally block before nonLocalReturn flag/return/goto
LabelNode label = new LabelNode();
instructions.insert(insnNode, label);
result.add(new PointForExternalFinallyBlocks(
getInstructionToInsertFinallyBefore(insnNode, isLocalReturn), getReturnType(insnNode.getOpcode()), label
insnNode = insnNode.getNext();
return result;
private static class LocalReturnsNormalizer {
private static class LocalReturn {
private final AbstractInsnNode returnInsn;
private final AbstractInsnNode insertBeforeInsn;
private final Frame frame;
public LocalReturn(
@NotNull AbstractInsnNode returnInsn,
@NotNull AbstractInsnNode insertBeforeInsn,
@NotNull Frame frame
) {
this.returnInsn = returnInsn;
this.insertBeforeInsn = insertBeforeInsn;
this.frame = frame;
public void transform(@NotNull InsnList insnList, int returnVariableIndex) {
boolean isReturnWithValue = returnInsn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.RETURN;
int expectedStackSize = isReturnWithValue ? 1 : 0;
int actualStackSize = frame.getStackSize();
if (expectedStackSize == actualStackSize) return;
int stackSize = actualStackSize;
if (isReturnWithValue) {
int storeOpcode = Opcodes.ISTORE + returnInsn.getOpcode() - Opcodes.IRETURN;
insnList.insertBefore(insertBeforeInsn, new VarInsnNode(storeOpcode, returnVariableIndex));
while (stackSize > 0) {
int stackElementSize = frame.getStack(stackSize - 1).getSize();
int popOpcode = stackElementSize == 1 ? Opcodes.POP : Opcodes.POP2;
insnList.insertBefore(insertBeforeInsn, new InsnNode(popOpcode));
if (isReturnWithValue) {
int loadOpcode = Opcodes.ILOAD + returnInsn.getOpcode() - Opcodes.IRETURN;
insnList.insertBefore(insertBeforeInsn, new VarInsnNode(loadOpcode, returnVariableIndex));
private final List localReturns = new SmartList();
private boolean needsReturnVariable = false;
private int returnOpcode = -1;
private void addLocalReturnToTransform(
@NotNull AbstractInsnNode returnInsn,
@NotNull AbstractInsnNode insertBeforeInsn,
@NotNull Frame sourceValueFrame
) {
assert InlineCodegenUtil.isReturnOpcode(returnInsn.getOpcode()) : "return instruction expected";
assert returnOpcode < 0 || returnOpcode == returnInsn.getOpcode() :
"Return op should be " + Printer.OPCODES[returnOpcode] + ", got " + Printer.OPCODES[returnInsn.getOpcode()];
returnOpcode = returnInsn.getOpcode();
localReturns.add(new LocalReturn(returnInsn, insertBeforeInsn, sourceValueFrame));
if (returnInsn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.RETURN && sourceValueFrame.getStackSize() > 1) {
needsReturnVariable = true;
public void transform(@NotNull MethodNode methodNode) {
int returnVariableIndex = -1;
if (needsReturnVariable) {
returnVariableIndex = methodNode.maxLocals;
for (LocalReturn localReturn : localReturns) {
localReturn.transform(methodNode.instructions, returnVariableIndex);
public static LocalReturnsNormalizer createFor(
@NotNull MethodNode methodNode,
@NotNull LabelOwner owner,
@NotNull Frame[] frames
) {
LocalReturnsNormalizer result = new LocalReturnsNormalizer();
AbstractInsnNode[] instructions = methodNode.instructions.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < instructions.length; ++i) {
Frame frame = frames[i];
// Don't care about dead code, it will be eliminated
if (frame == null) continue;
AbstractInsnNode insnNode = instructions[i];
if (!InlineCodegenUtil.isReturnOpcode(insnNode.getOpcode())) continue;
AbstractInsnNode insertBeforeInsn = insnNode;
// TODO extract isLocalReturn / isNonLocalReturn, see processReturns
String labelName = getMarkedReturnLabelOrNull(insnNode);
if (labelName != null) {
if (!owner.isMyLabel(labelName)) continue;
insertBeforeInsn = insnNode.getPrevious();
result.addLocalReturnToTransform(insnNode, insertBeforeInsn, frame);
return result;
private static AbstractInsnNode getInstructionToInsertFinallyBefore(@NotNull AbstractInsnNode nonLocalReturnOrJump, boolean isLocal) {
return isLocal ? nonLocalReturnOrJump : nonLocalReturnOrJump.getPrevious();
//Place to insert finally blocks from try blocks that wraps inline fun call
public static class PointForExternalFinallyBlocks {
public final AbstractInsnNode beforeIns;
public final Type returnType;
public final LabelNode finallyIntervalEnd;
public PointForExternalFinallyBlocks(
@NotNull AbstractInsnNode beforeIns,
@NotNull Type returnType,
@NotNull LabelNode finallyIntervalEnd
) {
this.beforeIns = beforeIns;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.finallyIntervalEnd = finallyIntervalEnd;
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