org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.psiUtils.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.search.PsiSearchScopeUtil
import com.intellij.psi.search.SearchScope
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.DiagnosticUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFileAnnotationList
import java.util.*
// NOTE: in this file we collect only LANGUAGE INDEPENDENT methods working with PSI and not modifying it
// ----------- Walking children/siblings/parents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
val PsiElement.allChildren: PsiChildRange
get() {
val first = firstChild
return if (first != null) PsiChildRange(first, lastChild) else PsiChildRange.EMPTY
fun PsiElement.siblings(forward: Boolean = true, withItself: Boolean = true): Sequence {
return object : Sequence {
override fun iterator(): Iterator {
var next: PsiElement? = this@siblings
return object : Iterator {
init {
if (!withItself) next()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = next != null
override fun next(): PsiElement {
val result = next ?: throw NoSuchElementException()
if (forward)
next = result.nextSibling
next = result.prevSibling
return result
val PsiElement.parentsWithSelf: Sequence
get() = generateSequence(this) { if (it is PsiFile) null else it.parent }
val PsiElement.parents: Sequence
get() = parentsWithSelf.drop(1)
fun PsiElement.prevLeaf(skipEmptyElements: Boolean = false): PsiElement?
= PsiTreeUtil.prevLeaf(this, skipEmptyElements)
fun PsiElement.nextLeaf(skipEmptyElements: Boolean = false): PsiElement?
= PsiTreeUtil.nextLeaf(this, skipEmptyElements)
val PsiElement.prevLeafs: Sequence
get() = generateSequence({ prevLeaf() }, { it.prevLeaf() })
val PsiElement.nextLeafs: Sequence
get() = generateSequence({ nextLeaf() }, { it.nextLeaf() })
fun PsiElement.prevLeaf(filter: (PsiElement) -> Boolean): PsiElement? {
var leaf = prevLeaf()
while (leaf != null && !filter(leaf)) {
leaf = leaf.prevLeaf()
return leaf
fun PsiElement.nextLeaf(filter: (PsiElement) -> Boolean): PsiElement? {
var leaf = nextLeaf()
while (leaf != null && !filter(leaf)) {
leaf = leaf.nextLeaf()
return leaf
fun PsiElement.getParentOfTypesAndPredicate(
strict: Boolean = false, vararg parentClasses: Class, predicate: (T) -> Boolean
): T? {
var element = if (strict) parent else this
while (element != null) {
when {
(parentClasses.isEmpty() || parentClasses.any { parentClass -> parentClass.isInstance(element) }) && predicate(element as T) ->
return element
element is PsiFile ->
return null
else ->
element = element.parent
return null
fun PsiElement.getNonStrictParentOfType(parentClass: Class): T? {
return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, parentClass, false)
inline fun PsiElement.getParentOfType(strict: Boolean): T? {
return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, T::class.java, strict)
inline fun PsiElement.getStrictParentOfType(): T? {
return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, T::class.java, true)
inline fun PsiElement.getNonStrictParentOfType(): T? {
return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, T::class.java, false)
inline fun PsiElement.getChildOfType(): T? {
return PsiTreeUtil.getChildOfType(this, T::class.java)
inline fun PsiElement.getChildrenOfType(): Array {
return PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfType(this, T::class.java) ?: arrayOf()
fun PsiElement.getNextSiblingIgnoringWhitespaceAndComments(): PsiElement? {
return siblings(withItself = false).filter { it !is PsiWhiteSpace && it !is PsiComment }.firstOrNull()
inline fun T.nextSiblingOfSameType() = PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(this, T::class.java)
inline fun T.prevSiblingOfSameType() = PsiTreeUtil.getPrevSiblingOfType(this, T::class.java)
fun PsiElement?.isAncestor(element: PsiElement, strict: Boolean = false): Boolean {
return PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(this, element, strict)
fun T.getIfChildIsInBranch(element: PsiElement, branch: T.() -> PsiElement?): T? {
return if (branch().isAncestor(element)) this else null
inline fun PsiElement.getParentOfTypeAndBranch(strict: Boolean = false, noinline branch: T.() -> PsiElement?): T? {
return getParentOfType(strict)?.getIfChildIsInBranch(this, branch)
tailrec fun PsiElement.getOutermostParentContainedIn(container: PsiElement): PsiElement? {
val parent = parent
return if (parent == container) this else parent?.getOutermostParentContainedIn(container)
fun PsiElement.isInsideOf(elements: Iterable): Boolean = elements.any { it.isAncestor(this) }
fun PsiChildRange.trimWhiteSpaces(): PsiChildRange {
if (first == null) return this
return PsiChildRange(first.siblings().firstOrNull { it !is PsiWhiteSpace }, last!!.siblings(forward = false).firstOrNull { it !is PsiWhiteSpace })
// -------------------- Recursive tree visiting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline fun PsiElement.forEachDescendantOfType(noinline action: (T) -> Unit) {
forEachDescendantOfType({ true }, action)
inline fun PsiElement.forEachDescendantOfType(crossinline canGoInside: (PsiElement) -> Boolean, noinline action: (T) -> Unit) {
this.accept(object : PsiRecursiveElementVisitor() {
override fun visitElement(element: PsiElement) {
if (canGoInside(element)) {
if (element is T) {
inline fun PsiElement.anyDescendantOfType(noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean = { true }): Boolean {
return findDescendantOfType(predicate) != null
inline fun PsiElement.anyDescendantOfType(crossinline canGoInside: (PsiElement) -> Boolean, noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean = { true }): Boolean {
return findDescendantOfType(canGoInside, predicate) != null
inline fun PsiElement.findDescendantOfType(noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean = { true }): T? {
return findDescendantOfType({ true }, predicate)
inline fun PsiElement.findDescendantOfType(crossinline canGoInside: (PsiElement) -> Boolean, noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean = { true }): T? {
var result: T? = null
this.accept(object : PsiRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() {
override fun visitElement(element: PsiElement) {
if (element is T && predicate(element)) {
result = element
if (canGoInside(element)) {
return result
inline fun PsiElement.collectDescendantsOfType(noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean = { true }): List {
return collectDescendantsOfType({ true }, predicate)
inline fun PsiElement.collectDescendantsOfType(crossinline canGoInside: (PsiElement) -> Boolean, noinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean = { true }): List {
val result = ArrayList()
forEachDescendantOfType(canGoInside) {
if (predicate(it)) {
return result
// ----------- Working with offsets, ranges and texts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
val PsiElement.startOffset: Int
get() = textRange.startOffset
val PsiElement.endOffset: Int
get() = textRange.endOffset
fun PsiElement.getStartOffsetIn(ancestor: PsiElement): Int {
var offset = 0
var parent = this
while (parent != ancestor) {
offset += parent.startOffsetInParent
parent = parent.parent
return offset
fun TextRange.containsInside(offset: Int): Boolean = startOffset < offset && offset < endOffset
val PsiChildRange.textRange: TextRange?
get() {
if (isEmpty) return null
return TextRange(first!!.startOffset, last!!.endOffset)
fun PsiChildRange.getText(): String {
if (isEmpty) return ""
return this.map { it.text }.joinToString("")
fun PsiFile.elementsInRange(range: TextRange): List {
var offset = range.startOffset
val result = ArrayList()
while (offset < range.endOffset) {
val currentRange = TextRange(offset, range.endOffset)
val leaf = findFirstLeafWhollyInRange(this, currentRange) ?: break
val element = leaf
.first {
val parent = it.parent
it is PsiFile || parent.textRange !in currentRange
offset = element.endOffset
return result
private fun findFirstLeafWhollyInRange(file: PsiFile, range: TextRange): PsiElement? {
var element = file.findElementAt(range.startOffset) ?: return null
var elementRange = element.textRange
if (elementRange.startOffset < range.startOffset) {
element = element.nextLeaf(skipEmptyElements = true) ?: return null
elementRange = element.textRange
assert(elementRange.startOffset >= range.startOffset)
return if (elementRange.endOffset <= range.endOffset) element else null
// ---------------------------------- Debug/logging ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun PsiElement.getElementTextWithContext(): String {
assert(isValid) { "Invalid element $this" }
if (this is PsiFile) {
return containingFile.text
// Find parent for element among file children
val topLevelElement = PsiTreeUtil.findFirstParent(this, { it.parent is PsiFile }) ?:
throw AssertionError("For non-file element we should always be able to find parent in file children")
val startContextOffset = topLevelElement.startOffset
val elementContextOffset = textRange.startOffset
val inFileParentOffset = elementContextOffset - startContextOffset
return StringBuilder(topLevelElement.text)
.insert(inFileParentOffset, "")
.insert(0, "File name: ${containingFile.name} Physical: ${containingFile.isPhysical}\n")
fun PsiElement.getTextWithLocation(): String = "'${this.text}' at ${DiagnosticUtils.atLocation(this)}"
fun replaceFileAnnotationList(file: KtFile, annotationList: KtFileAnnotationList): KtFileAnnotationList {
if (file.fileAnnotationList != null) {
return file.fileAnnotationList!!.replace(annotationList) as KtFileAnnotationList
val beforeAnchor : PsiElement? = when {
file.packageDirective?.packageKeyword != null -> file.packageDirective!!
file.importList != null -> file.importList!!
file.declarations.firstOrNull() != null -> file.declarations.first()
else -> null
if (beforeAnchor != null) {
return file.addBefore(annotationList, beforeAnchor) as KtFileAnnotationList
if (file.lastChild == null) {
return file.add(annotationList) as KtFileAnnotationList
return file.addAfter(annotationList, file.lastChild) as KtFileAnnotationList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
operator fun SearchScope.contains(element: PsiElement): Boolean = PsiSearchScopeUtil.isInScope(this, element)
fun E.createSmartPointer(): SmartPsiElementPointer =
fun PsiElement.before(element: PsiElement) = textRange.endOffset <= element.textRange.startOffset
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