org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.Annotated
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.KotlinRetention
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.LookupLocation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.ClassId
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.FqName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.FqNameUnsafe
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.constants.EnumValue
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.DFS
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.check
fun ClassDescriptor.getClassObjectReferenceTarget(): ClassDescriptor = companionObjectDescriptor ?: this
fun DeclarationDescriptor.getImportableDescriptor(): DeclarationDescriptor {
return when {
this is ConstructorDescriptor -> containingDeclaration
this is PropertyAccessorDescriptor -> correspondingProperty
else -> this
val DeclarationDescriptor.fqNameUnsafe: FqNameUnsafe
get() = DescriptorUtils.getFqName(this)
val DeclarationDescriptor.fqNameSafe: FqName
get() = DescriptorUtils.getFqNameSafe(this)
val DeclarationDescriptor.isExtension: Boolean
get() = this is CallableDescriptor && extensionReceiverParameter != null
val DeclarationDescriptor.module: ModuleDescriptor
get() = DescriptorUtils.getContainingModule(this)
fun ModuleDescriptor.resolveTopLevelClass(topLevelClassFqName: FqName, location: LookupLocation): ClassDescriptor? {
return getPackage(topLevelClassFqName.parent()).memberScope.getContributedClassifier(topLevelClassFqName.shortName(), location) as? ClassDescriptor
val ClassDescriptor.classId: ClassId
get() {
val owner = containingDeclaration
if (owner is PackageFragmentDescriptor) {
return ClassId(owner.fqName, name)
else if (owner is ClassDescriptor) {
return owner.classId.createNestedClassId(name)
throw IllegalStateException("Illegal container: $owner")
val ClassDescriptor.hasCompanionObject: Boolean get() = companionObjectDescriptor != null
val ClassDescriptor.hasClassValueDescriptor: Boolean get() = classValueDescriptor != null
val ClassDescriptor.classValueDescriptor: ClassDescriptor?
get() = if (kind.isSingleton) this else companionObjectDescriptor
val ClassDescriptor.classValueTypeDescriptor: ClassDescriptor?
get() = when (kind) {
OBJECT -> this
// enum entry has the type of enum class
val container = this.containingDeclaration
assert(container is ClassDescriptor && container.kind == ENUM_CLASS)
container as ClassDescriptor
else -> companionObjectDescriptor
/** If a literal of this class can be used as a value, returns the type of this value */
val ClassDescriptor.classValueType: KotlinType?
get() = classValueTypeDescriptor?.defaultType
val DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility.isEffectivelyPublicApi: Boolean
get() = effectiveVisibility().publicApi
val DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility.isEffectivelyPrivateApi: Boolean
get() = effectiveVisibility().privateApi
val DeclarationDescriptor.isInsidePrivateClass: Boolean
get() {
var parent = containingDeclaration as? ClassDescriptor
return parent != null && Visibilities.isPrivate(parent.visibility)
fun ClassDescriptor.getSuperClassNotAny(): ClassDescriptor? {
for (supertype in defaultType.constructor.supertypes) {
if (!KotlinBuiltIns.isAnyOrNullableAny(supertype)) {
val superClassifier = supertype.constructor.declarationDescriptor
if (DescriptorUtils.isClassOrEnumClass(superClassifier)) {
return superClassifier as ClassDescriptor
return null
fun ClassDescriptor.getSuperClassOrAny(): ClassDescriptor = getSuperClassNotAny() ?: builtIns.any
val ClassDescriptor.secondaryConstructors: List
get() = constructors.filterNot { it.isPrimary }
val DeclarationDescriptor.builtIns: KotlinBuiltIns
get() = module.builtIns
* Returns containing declaration of dispatch receiver for callable adjusted to fake-overridden cases
* open class A {
* fun foo() = 1
* }
* class B : A()
* for A.foo -> returns A (dispatch receiver parameter is A)
* for B.foo -> returns B (dispatch receiver parameter is still A, but it's fake-overridden in B, so it's containing declaration is B)
* class Outer {
* inner class Inner()
* }
* for constructor of Outer.Inner -> returns Outer (dispatch receiver parameter is Outer, but it's containing declaration is Inner)
fun CallableDescriptor.getOwnerForEffectiveDispatchReceiverParameter(): DeclarationDescriptor? {
if (this is CallableMemberDescriptor && kind == CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.FAKE_OVERRIDE) {
return getContainingDeclaration()
return dispatchReceiverParameter?.containingDeclaration
* @return `true` iff the parameter has a default value, i.e. declares it or inherits by overriding a parameter which has a default value.
fun ValueParameterDescriptor.hasDefaultValue(): Boolean {
val handler = object : DFS.AbstractNodeHandler() {
var result = false
override fun beforeChildren(current: ValueParameterDescriptor): Boolean {
result = result || current.declaresDefaultValue()
return !result
override fun result() = result
DFS.Neighbors { current ->
return handler.result()
fun Annotated.isRepeatableAnnotation(): Boolean =
annotations.findAnnotation(KotlinBuiltIns.FQ_NAMES.repeatable) != null
fun Annotated.isDocumentedAnnotation(): Boolean =
annotations.findAnnotation(KotlinBuiltIns.FQ_NAMES.mustBeDocumented) != null
fun Annotated.getAnnotationRetention(): KotlinRetention? {
val annotationEntryDescriptor = annotations.findAnnotation(KotlinBuiltIns.FQ_NAMES.retention) ?: return null
val retentionArgumentValue = annotationEntryDescriptor.allValueArguments.entries.firstOrNull {
it.key.name.asString() == "value"
}?.value as? EnumValue ?: return null
return KotlinRetention.valueOf(retentionArgumentValue.value.name.asString())
val DeclarationDescriptor.parentsWithSelf: Sequence
get() = generateSequence(this, { it.containingDeclaration })
val DeclarationDescriptor.parents: Sequence
get() = parentsWithSelf.drop(1)
val CallableMemberDescriptor.propertyIfAccessor: CallableMemberDescriptor
get() = if (this is PropertyAccessorDescriptor) correspondingProperty else this
fun CallableDescriptor.fqNameOrNull(): FqName? = fqNameUnsafe.check { it.isSafe }?.toSafe()
fun CallableMemberDescriptor.firstOverridden(
useOriginal: Boolean = false,
predicate: (CallableMemberDescriptor) -> Boolean
): CallableMemberDescriptor? {
var result: CallableMemberDescriptor? = null
return DFS.dfs(listOf(this),
{ current ->
val descriptor = if (useOriginal) current?.original else current
descriptor?.overriddenDescriptors ?: emptyList()
object : DFS.AbstractNodeHandler() {
override fun beforeChildren(current: CallableMemberDescriptor) = result == null
override fun afterChildren(current: CallableMemberDescriptor) {
if (result == null && predicate(current)) {
result = current
override fun result(): CallableMemberDescriptor? = result
fun CallableMemberDescriptor.setSingleOverridden(overridden: CallableMemberDescriptor) {
overriddenDescriptors = listOf(overridden)
fun CallableMemberDescriptor.overriddenTreeAsSequence(useOriginal: Boolean): Sequence =
with(if (useOriginal) original else this) {
sequenceOf(this) + overriddenDescriptors.asSequence().flatMap { it.overriddenTreeAsSequence(useOriginal) }
fun CallableDescriptor.overriddenTreeUniqueAsSequence(useOriginal: Boolean): Sequence {
val set = hashSetOf()
fun CallableDescriptor.doBuildOverriddenTreeAsSequence(): Sequence {
return with(if (useOriginal) original else this) {
if (original in set)
else {
set += original
sequenceOf(this) + overriddenDescriptors.asSequence().flatMap { it.doBuildOverriddenTreeAsSequence() }
return doBuildOverriddenTreeAsSequence()
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