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org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.loops.handlers.UntilHandler.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.loops.handlers

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.CommonBackendContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.createIrBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.loops.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.matchers.SimpleCalleeMatcher
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.matchers.singleArgumentExtension

/** Builds a [HeaderInfo] for progressions built using the `until` extension function. */
internal class UntilHandler(private val context: CommonBackendContext) :
    ProgressionHandler {

    private val symbols =
    private val progressionElementTypes = symbols.progressionElementTypes
    private val uByteType = symbols.uByte?.defaultType
    private val uShortType = symbols.uShort?.defaultType
    private val uIntType = symbols.uInt?.defaultType
    private val uLongType = symbols.uLong?.defaultType

    override val matcher = SimpleCalleeMatcher {
        singleArgumentExtension(FqName("kotlin.ranges.until"), progressionElementTypes)
        parameterCount { it == 1 }
        parameter(0) { it.type in progressionElementTypes }

    override fun build(expression: IrCall, data: ProgressionType, scopeOwner: IrSymbol): HeaderInfo? =
        with(context.createIrBuilder(scopeOwner, expression.startOffset, expression.endOffset)) {
            with(data) {
                // `A until B` is essentially the same as `A .. (B-1)`. However, B could be MIN_VALUE and hence `(B-1)` could underflow.
                // If B is MIN_VALUE, then `A until B` is an empty range. We handle this special case be adding an additional "not empty"
                // condition in the lowered for-loop. Therefore the following for-loop:
                //   for (i in A until B) { // Loop body }
                // is lowered into:
                //   var inductionVar = A
                //   val last = B - 1
                //   if (inductionVar <= last && B != MIN_VALUE) {
                //     // Loop is not empty
                //     do {
                //       val i = inductionVar
                //       inductionVar++
                //       // Loop body
                //     } while (inductionVar <= last)
                //   }
                // However, `B` may be an expression with side-effects that should only be evaluated once, and `A` may also have
                // side-effects. They are evaluated once and in the correct order (`A` then `B`), the final lowered form is:
                //   // Additional variables
                //   val untilReceiverValue = A
                //   val untilArg = B
                //   // Standard form of loop over progression
                //   var inductionVar = untilReceiverValue
                //   val last = untilArg - 1
                //   if (inductionVar <= last && untilArg != MIN_VALUE) {
                //     // Loop is not empty
                //     do {
                //       val i = inductionVar
                //       inductionVar++
                //       // Loop body
                //     } while (inductionVar <= last)
                //   }
                val receiverValue = expression.extensionReceiver!!
                val untilArg = expression.getValueArgument(0)!!

                // Ensure that the argument conforms to the progression type before we decrement.
                val untilArgCasted = untilArg.asElementType()

                // To reduce local variable usage, we create and use temporary variables only if necessary.
                var receiverValueVar: IrVariable? = null
                var untilArgVar: IrVariable? = null
                var additionalVariables = emptyList()
                if (untilArg.canHaveSideEffects) {
                    if (receiverValue.canHaveSideEffects) {
                        receiverValueVar = scope.createTmpVariable(receiverValue, nameHint = "untilReceiverValue")
                    untilArgVar = scope.createTmpVariable(untilArgCasted, nameHint = "untilArg")
                    additionalVariables = listOfNotNull(receiverValueVar, untilArgVar)

                val first = if (receiverValueVar == null) receiverValue else irGet(receiverValueVar)
                val untilArgExpression = if (untilArgVar == null) untilArgCasted else irGet(untilArgVar)
                val last = untilArgExpression.decrement()

                // Type of MIN_VALUE constant is signed even for unsigned progressions since the bounds are signed.
                val additionalNotEmptyCondition = untilArg.constLongValue.let {
                    when {
                        it == null && isAdditionalNotEmptyConditionNeeded(receiverValue.type, untilArg.type) ->
                            // Condition is needed and untilArg is non-const.
                            // Build the additional "not empty" condition: `untilArg != MIN_VALUE`.
                            // Make sure to copy untilArgExpression as it is also used in `last`.
                            irNotEquals(untilArgExpression.deepCopyWithSymbols(), minValueExpression())
                        it == data.minValueAsLong ->
                            // Hardcode "false" as additional condition so that the progression is considered empty.
                            // The entire lowered loop becomes a candidate for dead code elimination, depending on backend.
                        else ->
                            // We know that untilArg != MIN_VALUE, so the additional condition is not necessary.

                    first = first,
                    last = last,
                    step = irInt(1),
                    canOverflow = false,
                    additionalStatements = additionalVariables,
                    additionalNotEmptyCondition = additionalNotEmptyCondition,
                    direction = ProgressionDirection.INCREASING

    private fun isAdditionalNotEmptyConditionNeeded(receiverType: IrType, argType: IrType): Boolean {
        // Here are the available `until` extension functions:
        //   infix fun Char.until(to: Char): CharRange
        //   infix fun Byte.until(to: Byte): IntRange
        //   infix fun Byte.until(to: Short): IntRange
        //   infix fun Byte.until(to: Int): IntRange
        //   infix fun Byte.until(to: Long): LongRange
        //   infix fun Short.until(to: Byte): IntRange
        //   infix fun Short.until(to: Short): IntRange
        //   infix fun Short.until(to: Int): IntRange
        //   infix fun Short.until(to: Long): LongRange
        //   infix fun Int.until(to: Byte): IntRange
        //   infix fun Int.until(to: Short): IntRange
        //   infix fun Int.until(to: Int): IntRange
        //   infix fun Int.until(to: Long): LongRange
        //   infix fun Long.until(to: Byte): LongRange
        //   infix fun Long.until(to: Short): LongRange
        //   infix fun Long.until(to: Int): LongRange
        //   infix fun Long.until(to: Long): LongRange
        //   infix fun UByte.until(to: UByte): UIntRange
        //   infix fun UShort.until(to: UShort): UIntRange
        //   infix fun UInt.until(to: UInt): UIntRange
        //   infix fun ULong.until(to: ULong): ULongRange
        // The combinations where the range element type is strictly larger than the argument type do NOT need the additional condition.
        // In such combinations, there is no possibility of underflow when the argument (casted to the range element type) is decremented.
        // For unexpected combinations that currently don't exist (e.g., Int until Char), we assume the check is needed to be safe.
        return with(context.irBuiltIns) {
            when (receiverType) {
                charType -> true
                byteType, shortType, intType -> when (argType) {
                    byteType, shortType -> false
                    else -> true
                longType -> when (argType) {
                    byteType, shortType, intType -> false
                    else -> true
                uByteType -> false
                uShortType -> false
                uIntType -> true
                uLongType -> true
                else -> true  // Default in case a new `until` overload is added to stdlib and this function was not updated.

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