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org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.wasm.WasmLoweringPhases.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.wasm

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.ClassLoweringPass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.FileLoweringPass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.inline.FunctionInlining
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.phaser.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.runOnFilePostfix
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.wasm.lower.BuiltInsLowering
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.wasm.lower.WasmBlockDecomposerLowering
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.wasm.lower.excludeDeclarationsFromCodegen

private fun ClassLoweringPass.runOnFilesPostfix(moduleFragment: IrModuleFragment) = moduleFragment.files.forEach { runOnFilePostfix(it) }

private fun makeWasmModulePhase(
    lowering: (WasmBackendContext) -> FileLoweringPass,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    prerequisite: Set> = emptySet()
): NamedCompilerPhase =
        lowering, name, description, prerequisite, actions = setOf(validationAction, defaultDumper)

private fun makeCustomWasmModulePhase(
    op: (WasmBackendContext, IrModuleFragment) -> Unit,
    description: String,
    name: String,
    prerequisite: Set> = emptySet()
): NamedCompilerPhase =
        op, name, description, prerequisite, actions = setOf(defaultDumper, validationAction), nlevels = 0,

private val validateIrBeforeLowering = makeCustomWasmModulePhase(
    { context, module -> validationCallback(context, module) },
    name = "ValidateIrBeforeLowering",
    description = "Validate IR before lowering"

private val validateIrAfterLowering = makeCustomWasmModulePhase(
    { context, module -> validationCallback(context, module) },
    name = "ValidateIrAfterLowering",
    description = "Validate IR after lowering"

private val expectDeclarationsRemovingPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "ExpectDeclarationsRemoving",
    description = "Remove expect declaration from module fragment"

private val lateinitNullableFieldsPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "LateinitNullableFields",
    description = "Create nullable fields for lateinit properties"

private val lateinitDeclarationLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "LateinitDeclarations",
    description = "Reference nullable fields from properties and getters + insert checks"

private val lateinitUsageLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "LateinitUsage",
    description = "Insert checks for lateinit field references"

// TODO make all lambda-related stuff work with IrFunctionExpression and drop this phase
private val provisionalFunctionExpressionPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { ProvisionalFunctionExpressionLowering() },
    name = "FunctionExpression",
    description = "Transform IrFunctionExpression to a local function reference"

private val arrayConstructorPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "ArrayConstructor",
    description = "Transform `Array(size) { index -> value }` into a loop"

private val functionInliningPhase = makeCustomWasmModulePhase(
    { context, module ->
    name = "FunctionInliningPhase",
    description = "Perform function inlining",
    prerequisite = setOf(expectDeclarationsRemovingPhase)

private val removeInlineFunctionsWithReifiedTypeParametersLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { RemoveInlineFunctionsWithReifiedTypeParametersLowering() },
    name = "RemoveInlineFunctionsWithReifiedTypeParametersLowering",
    description = "Remove Inline functions with reified parameters from context",
    prerequisite = setOf(functionInliningPhase)

private val tailrecLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "TailrecLowering",
    description = "Replace `tailrec` callsites with equivalent loop"

private val enumClassConstructorLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "EnumClassConstructorLowering",
    description = "Transform Enum Class into regular Class"

private val sharedVariablesLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "SharedVariablesLowering",
    description = "Box captured mutable variables"

private val localDelegatedPropertiesLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { LocalDelegatedPropertiesLowering() },
    name = "LocalDelegatedPropertiesLowering",
    description = "Transform Local Delegated properties"

private val localDeclarationsLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "LocalDeclarationsLowering",
    description = "Move local declarations into nearest declaration container",
    prerequisite = setOf(sharedVariablesLoweringPhase, localDelegatedPropertiesLoweringPhase)

private val localClassExtractionPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "LocalClassExtractionPhase",
    description = "Move local declarations into nearest declaration container",
    prerequisite = setOf(localDeclarationsLoweringPhase)

private val innerClassesLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { context -> InnerClassesLowering(context, context.innerClassesSupport) },
    name = "InnerClassesLowering",
    description = "Capture outer this reference to inner class"

private val innerClassesMemberBodyLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { context -> InnerClassesMemberBodyLowering(context, context.innerClassesSupport) },
    name = "InnerClassesMemberBody",
    description = "Replace `this` with 'outer this' field references",
    prerequisite = setOf(innerClassesLoweringPhase)

private val innerClassConstructorCallsLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { context -> InnerClassConstructorCallsLowering(context, context.innerClassesSupport) },
    name = "InnerClassConstructorCallsLowering",
    description = "Replace inner class constructor invocation"

private val defaultArgumentStubGeneratorPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "DefaultArgumentStubGenerator",
    description = "Generate synthetic stubs for functions with default parameter values"

private val defaultArgumentPatchOverridesPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "DefaultArgumentsPatchOverrides",
    description = "Patch overrides for fake override dispatch functions",
    prerequisite = setOf(defaultArgumentStubGeneratorPhase)

private val defaultParameterInjectorPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { context -> DefaultParameterInjector(context, skipExternalMethods = true) },
    name = "DefaultParameterInjector",
    description = "Replace callsite with default parameters with corresponding stub function",
    prerequisite = setOf(innerClassesLoweringPhase)

private val defaultParameterCleanerPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "DefaultParameterCleaner",
    description = "Clean default parameters up"

//private val jsDefaultCallbackGeneratorPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::JsDefaultCallbackGenerator,
//    name = "JsDefaultCallbackGenerator",
//    description = "Build binding for super calls with default parameters"

//private val varargLoweringPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::VarargLowering,
//    name = "VarargLowering",
//    description = "Lower vararg arguments"

private val propertiesLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { PropertiesLowering() },
    name = "PropertiesLowering",
    description = "Move fields and accessors out from its property"

private val primaryConstructorLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "PrimaryConstructorLowering",
    description = "Creates primary constructor if it doesn't exist"

private val delegateToPrimaryConstructorLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "DelegateToSyntheticPrimaryConstructor",
    description = "Delegates to synthetic primary constructor",
    prerequisite = setOf(primaryConstructorLoweringPhase)

private val initializersLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "InitializersLowering",
    description = "Merge init block and field initializers into [primary] constructor",
    prerequisite = setOf(primaryConstructorLoweringPhase)

private val initializersCleanupLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "InitializersCleanupLowering",
    description = "Remove non-static anonymous initializers and field init expressions",
    prerequisite = setOf(initializersLoweringPhase)

private val excludeDeclarationsFromCodegenPhase = makeCustomWasmModulePhase(
    { context, module ->
        excludeDeclarationsFromCodegen(context, module)
    name = "ExcludeDeclarationsFromCodegen",
    description = "Move excluded declarations to separate place"

private val returnableBlockLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "ReturnableBlockLowering",
    description = "Replace returnable block with do-while loop",
    prerequisite = setOf(functionInliningPhase)

private val bridgesConstructionPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "BridgesConstruction",
    description = "Generate bridges"

private val inlineClassDeclarationLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { InlineClassLowering(it).inlineClassDeclarationLowering },
    name = "InlineClassDeclarationLowering",
    description = "Handle inline class declarations"

private val inlineClassUsageLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    { InlineClassLowering(it).inlineClassUsageLowering },
    name = "InlineClassUsageLowering",
    description = "Handle inline class usages"

//private val autoboxingTransformerPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::AutoboxingTransformer,
//    name = "AutoboxingTransformer",
//    description = "Insert box/unbox intrinsics"

private val blockDecomposerLoweringPhase = makeCustomWasmModulePhase(
    { context, module ->
    name = "BlockDecomposerLowering",
    description = "Transform statement-like-expression nodes into pure-statement to make it easily transform into JS"

//private val classReferenceLoweringPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::ClassReferenceLowering,
//    name = "ClassReferenceLowering",
//    description = "Handle class references"
//private val primitiveCompanionLoweringPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::PrimitiveCompanionLowering,
//    name = "PrimitiveCompanionLowering",
//    description = "Replace common companion object access with platform one"
//private val constLoweringPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::ConstLowering,
//    name = "ConstLowering",
//    description = "Wrap Long and Char constants into constructor invocation"
//private val callsLoweringPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::CallsLowering,
//    name = "CallsLowering",
//    description = "Handle intrinsics"
//private val testGenerationPhase = makeJsModulePhase(
//    ::TestGenerator,
//    name = "TestGenerationLowering",
//    description = "Generate invocations to kotlin.test suite and test functions"
private val staticMembersLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "StaticMembersLowering",
    description = "Move static member declarations to top-level"

private val builtInsLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "BuiltInsLowering",
    description = "Lower IR buildins"

private val objectDeclarationLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "ObjectDeclarationLowering",
    description = "Create lazy object instance generator functions"

private val objectUsageLoweringPhase = makeWasmModulePhase(
    name = "ObjectUsageLowering",
    description = "Transform IrGetObjectValue into instance generator call"

val wasmPhases = NamedCompilerPhase(
    name = "IrModuleLowering",
    description = "IR module lowering",
    lower = validateIrBeforeLowering then
            excludeDeclarationsFromCodegenPhase then
            expectDeclarationsRemovingPhase then
            provisionalFunctionExpressionPhase then

            // TODO: Need some helpers from stdlib
            // arrayConstructorPhase then

            functionInliningPhase then
            lateinitNullableFieldsPhase then
            lateinitDeclarationLoweringPhase then
            lateinitUsageLoweringPhase then
            tailrecLoweringPhase then

            enumClassConstructorLoweringPhase then

            sharedVariablesLoweringPhase then
            localDelegatedPropertiesLoweringPhase then
            localDeclarationsLoweringPhase then
            localClassExtractionPhase then
            innerClassesLoweringPhase then
            innerClassesMemberBodyLoweringPhase then
            innerClassConstructorCallsLoweringPhase then
            propertiesLoweringPhase then
            primaryConstructorLoweringPhase then
            delegateToPrimaryConstructorLoweringPhase then
            initializersLoweringPhase then
            initializersCleanupLoweringPhase then
            // Common prefix ends

            builtInsLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Commonize enumEntryToGetInstanceFunction
//                  Commonize array literal creation
//                  Extract external enum lowering to JS part
//            enumClassLoweringPhase then
//            enumUsageLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Requires stdlib
//            suspendFunctionsLoweringPhase then

            returnableBlockLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Callable reference lowering is too JS specific.
//                  Should we reuse JVM or Native lowering?
//            callableReferenceLoweringPhase then

            defaultArgumentStubGeneratorPhase then
            defaultArgumentPatchOverridesPhase then
            defaultParameterInjectorPhase then
            defaultParameterCleanerPhase then

//          TODO: Investigate
//            jsDefaultCallbackGeneratorPhase then

            removeInlineFunctionsWithReifiedTypeParametersLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Varargs are too platform-specific. Reimplement.
//            varargLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Investigate exception proposal
//            multipleCatchesLoweringPhase then

            bridgesConstructionPhase then

//            TODO: Reimplement
//            typeOperatorLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Reimplement
//            secondaryConstructorLoweringPhase then
//            secondaryFactoryInjectorLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Reimplement
//            classReferenceLoweringPhase then

            inlineClassDeclarationLoweringPhase then
            inlineClassUsageLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Commonize box/unbox intrinsics
//            autoboxingTransformerPhase then

            blockDecomposerLoweringPhase then

//            TODO: Reimplement
//            constLoweringPhase then

            objectDeclarationLoweringPhase then
            objectUsageLoweringPhase then
            staticMembersLoweringPhase then


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