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org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.codegen.DelegatedPropertyOptimizer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.codegen

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.common.asSequence
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.common.isMeaningful
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.safeAs

class DelegatedPropertyOptimizer {
    private var usedDelegatedProperties = mutableSetOf()
    private var useOfDelegatesPropertiesArray = false

    val needsDelegatedProperties: Boolean
        get() = useOfDelegatesPropertiesArray || usedDelegatedProperties.isNotEmpty()

    // Remove unused loads of cached KProperties from the given method and record uses of cached KProperties.
    fun transform(methodNode: MethodNode) {
        class KPropertyRanges(val propertyIndex: Int, val ranges: MutableList> = mutableListOf())

        val variableToDelegatedPropertyIndex = mutableMapOf()

        // We look for bytecode patterns of the form
        //   getstatic $$delegatedProperties:[Lkotlin/reflect/KProperty;
        //   iconst 
        //   aaload
        //   (checkcast ...)
        //   astore 
        // If the variable `x` is used, we mark the delegated property at index `n` as used,
        // otherwise we delete the code in question. This is the pattern that results from an
        // inline call with a cached KProperty argument. If the `astore` instruction is missing
        // then that's a different use of the KProperty at index `n` and we mark it as used.
        // Finally, if there is any other code which loads the `$$delegatedProperties` array,
        // we mark it as generally unsafe to remove.
        for (insn in methodNode.instructions) {
            if (!insn.isDelegatedPropertiesArray)
            var index = 0
            var current = matchRange(insn) {
                index = iconst()

            if (current == null) {
                // There's an unknown use of the $$delegatedProperties array, we need to ensure that we don't remove it.
                useOfDelegatesPropertiesArray = true

            var slot = 0
            current = matchRange(current) {
                slot = astore()

            if (current == null) {
                // There's an actual use of the delegated property at `index`, mark it.
            } else {
                variableToDelegatedPropertyIndex.getOrPut(slot) {
                }.ranges += insn to current

        if (variableToDelegatedPropertyIndex.isEmpty())

        // Mark all of the KProperty variables which are used in the current method.
        methodNode.instructions.asSequence().filterIsInstance().filter { it.opcode == Opcodes.ALOAD }.forEach {
            variableToDelegatedPropertyIndex[it.`var`]?.let { kPropertyRange ->

        // Remove the unused KProperty loads.
        val locals = methodNode.localVariables.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.index }
        for (kPropertyRanges in variableToDelegatedPropertyIndex.values) {
            for ((from, to) in kPropertyRanges.ranges) {
                // Stores to variables with LVT entries need to be preserved. We store `null` for
                // unused KProperties, for compatibility with the JVM BE.
                val storeInsn = to as VarInsnNode
                if (storeInsn.`var` !in locals) {
                    methodNode.instructions.removeRange(from, to)
                } else {
                    methodNode.instructions.removeRange(from, to.previous)
                    methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(to, InsnNode(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL))

    // Remove the initialization of unused cached KProperties, or remove the $$delegatedProperties field initialization
    // completely, if it is not used.
    fun transformClassInitializer(methodNode: MethodNode) {
        if (useOfDelegatesPropertiesArray)

        for (insn in methodNode.instructions) {
            // Parse the array allocation
            //    LDC 
            //    ANEWARRAY kotlin/reflect/KProperty
            //    ASTORE 
            val size = insn.intValue ?: continue
            var slot = 0
            var current = matchRange(insn) {
                slot = astore()
            } ?: continue

            // Note that there can be cases where some property references are used, in which case we
            // can only remove the initialization code for some of the references, not the whole
            // $$delegatedProperties array.
            val rangesToRemove = if (usedDelegatedProperties.isNotEmpty()) {
            } else {

            // Parse the array element initializers
            for (i in 0 until size) {
                var index = 0
                val start =
                // The code to initialize a single array element looks like this
                //   ALOAD 
                //   LDC 
                //   NEW kotlin/jvm/internal/(Mutable)PropertyReference[012]Impl
                //   DUP
                //   LDC .class
                //   LDC ""
                //   INVOKESTATIC kotlin/jvm/internal/Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinPackage (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Lkotlin/reflect/KDeclarationContainer;
                //   LDC ""
                //   LDC ""
                //   INVOKESPECIAL kotlin/jvm/internal/(Mutable)PropertyReference[012]Impl. (Lkotlin/reflect/KDeclarationContainer;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
                //   INVOKESTATIC kotlin/jvm/internal/Reflection.(mutable)property[012] (Lkotlin/jvm/internal/PropertyReference[012];)Lkotlin/reflect/KProperty[012];
                //   AASTORE
                // With the caveat that we might create a class instead of a package as the `KDeclarationContainer`.
                current = matchRange(current) {
                    index = iconst()
                    // Either getOrCreateKotlinPackage(class, module) or getOrCreateKotlinClass(class)
                    ldc() // java class
                    optional {
                        ldc() // module name
                    ldc() // name
                    ldc() // signature
                    invokespecial("", "(Lkotlin/reflect/KDeclarationContainer;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V")
                } ?: break

                if (rangesToRemove != null && index !in usedDelegatedProperties) {
                    rangesToRemove.add(start to current)

            // At this point the code sets the $$delegatedProperties field to the constructed array.
            //   ALOAD 
            //   PUTSTATIC .$$delegatedProperties : [Lkotlin/reflect/KProperty;
            current = matchRange(current) {
                putstatic(JvmAbi.DELEGATED_PROPERTIES_ARRAY_NAME, "[Lkotlin/reflect/KProperty;")
            } ?: continue

            if (rangesToRemove == null) {
                // Remove the whole array initialization
                methodNode.instructions.removeRange(insn, current)
            } else {
                for ((from, to) in rangesToRemove) {
                    methodNode.instructions.removeRange(from, to)

            // There is only one initializer for the $$delegatedProperties array.

    // Match a half-open range of instructions from start (exclusive!) and returns either null if the instructions
    // did not match or the last instruction which matched.
    private fun matchRange(start: AbstractInsnNode, body: InstructionMatcher.() -> Unit): AbstractInsnNode? =

    companion object {

// Match a straight-line segment of instructions, while ignoring irrelevant instructions such as labels, linenumbers,
// frames, nops, and casts.
private class InstructionMatcher(var current: AbstractInsnNode?) {
    fun peek(): AbstractInsnNode? {
        var insn = current?.next ?: return null
        while (!insn.isMeaningful || insn.opcode == Opcodes.NOP || insn.opcode == Opcodes.CHECKCAST) {
            insn = ?: return null
        return insn

    inline fun match(predicate: (AbstractInsnNode) -> Boolean) {
        current = peek()?.takeIf(predicate)

    inline fun  parse(default: T, op: (AbstractInsnNode) -> T?): T {
        var value = default
        match {
            op(it)?.let {
                value = it
            } ?: false
        return value

    inline fun optional(block: () -> Unit) {
        val start = current
        if (current == null) {
            current = start

    fun iconst(): Int = parse(0) { it.intValue }

    fun aaload() {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.AALOAD }

    fun aastore() {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.AASTORE }

    fun anewarray(desc: String) {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.ANEWARRAY && it is TypeInsnNode && it.desc == desc }

    fun aload(slot: Int) {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.ALOAD && it is VarInsnNode && it.`var` == slot }

    fun astore(): Int =
        parse(0) { insn -> insn.safeAs()?.takeIf { it.opcode == Opcodes.ASTORE }?.`var` }

    fun putstatic(name: String, desc: String) {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.PUTSTATIC && it is FieldInsnNode && == name && it.desc == desc }

    fun dup() {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.DUP }

    fun ldc() {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.LDC }

    fun invokestatic(owner: String) {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC && it is MethodInsnNode && it.owner == owner }

    fun invokespecial(name: String, desc: String) {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL && it is MethodInsnNode && == name && it.desc == desc }

    fun new(classNames: Set) {
        match { it.opcode == Opcodes.NEW && it is TypeInsnNode && it.desc in classNames }

private fun InsnList.safeRemove(insn: AbstractInsnNode) {
    if (insn !is LabelNode && insn !is LineNumberNode)

private fun InsnList.removeRange(from: AbstractInsnNode, to: AbstractInsnNode) {
    var current = from
    do {
        val next =
        current = next
    } while (current != to)

private val AbstractInsnNode.isDelegatedPropertiesArray: Boolean
    get() = opcode == Opcodes.GETSTATIC && this is FieldInsnNode
            && name == JvmAbi.DELEGATED_PROPERTIES_ARRAY_NAME && desc == "[Lkotlin/reflect/KProperty;"

private val AbstractInsnNode.intValue: Int?
    get() = when (opcode) {
        Opcodes.ICONST_0 -> 0
        Opcodes.ICONST_1 -> 1
        Opcodes.ICONST_2 -> 2
        Opcodes.ICONST_3 -> 3
        Opcodes.ICONST_4 -> 4
        Opcodes.ICONST_5 -> 5
        Opcodes.ICONST_M1 -> -1
        Opcodes.BIPUSH, Opcodes.SIPUSH -> safeAs()?.operand
        Opcodes.LDC -> safeAs()?.cst as? Int
        else -> null

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