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org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.lower.CollectionStubMethodLowering.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.lower

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.ClassLoweringPass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.createIrBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.phaser.makeIrFilePhase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.JvmBackendContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.codegen.isJvmInterface
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.AbstractTypeChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.AbstractTypeCheckerContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.cast

internal val collectionStubMethodLowering = makeIrFilePhase(
    name = "CollectionStubMethod",
    description = "Generate Collection stub methods"

internal class CollectionStubMethodLowering(val context: JvmBackendContext) : ClassLoweringPass {
    private val collectionStubComputer = context.collectionStubComputer

    private data class NameAndArity(
        val name: Name,
        val typeParametersCount: Int,
        val valueParametersCount: Int

    private val IrSimpleFunction.nameAndArity
        get() = NameAndArity(name, typeParameters.size, valueParameters.size)

    override fun lower(irClass: IrClass) {
        if (irClass.isInterface) {

        val methodStubsToGenerate = generateRelevantStubMethods(irClass)
        if (methodStubsToGenerate.isEmpty()) return

        // We don't need to generate stub for existing methods, but for FAKE_OVERRIDE methods with ABSTRACT modality,
        // it means an abstract function in superclass that is not implemented yet,
        // stub generation is still needed to avoid invocation error.
        val (abstractMethods, nonAbstractMethods) = irClass.functions.partition { it.modality == Modality.ABSTRACT && it.isFakeOverride }
        val nonAbstractMethodsByNameAndArity = nonAbstractMethods.groupBy { it.nameAndArity }
        val abstractMethodsByNameAndArity = abstractMethods.groupBy { it.nameAndArity }

        for (stub in methodStubsToGenerate) {
            val stubNameAndArity = stub.nameAndArity
            val relevantMembers = nonAbstractMethodsByNameAndArity[stubNameAndArity].orEmpty()
            val existingOverrides = relevantMembers.filter { isEffectivelyOverriddenBy(stub, it) }

            if (existingOverrides.isNotEmpty()) {
                existingOverrides.forEach {
                    // In the case that we find a defined method that matches the stub signature,
                    // we add the overridden symbols to that defined method,
                    // so that bridge lowering can still generate correct bridge for that method.
                    // However, we still need to keep track of the original overrides
                    // so that special built-in signature mapping doesn't confuse it with a method
                    // that actually requires signature patching.
                    it.overriddenSymbols += stub.overriddenSymbols
                // We don't add a throwing stub if it's effectively overridden by an existing function.

            // Generated stub might still override some abstract member(s), which affects resulting method signature.
            val overriddenAbstractMethods = abstractMethodsByNameAndArity[stubNameAndArity].orEmpty()
                .filter { isEffectivelyOverriddenBy(it, stub) }
            stub.overriddenSymbols += { it.symbol }

            // Some stub members require special handling.
            // In both 'remove' and 'removeAt' cases there are no other member functions with same name in built-in mutable collection
            // classes, so it's safe to check for the member name itself.
            when ( {
                "remove" -> {
                    //  - 'remove' member functions:
                    //          kotlin.collections.MutableCollection#remove(E): Boolean
                    //          kotlin.collections.MutableMap#remove(K): V?
                    //      We've checked that corresponding 'remove(T)' member function is not present in the class.
                    //      We should add a member function that overrides, respectively:
                    //          java.util.Collection#remove(Object): boolean
                    //          java.util.Map#remove(K): V
                    //      This corresponds to replacing value parameter types with 'Any?'.
                    irClass.declarations.add(stub.apply {
                        valueParameters = {
                            it.copyWithCustomTypeSubstitution(this) { context.irBuiltIns.anyNType }
                "removeAt" -> {
                    //  - 'removeAt' member function:
                    //          kotlin.collections.MutableList#removeAt(Int): E
                    //      We've checked that corresponding 'removeAt(Int)' member function is not present in the class
                    //      (if it IS present, special bridges for 'remove(I)' would be generated later in BridgeLowering).
                    //      We can't add 'removeAt' here, because it would be different from what old back-end generates
                    //      and can break existing Java and/or Kotlin code.
                    //      We should add a member function that overrides
                    //          java.util.List#remove(int): E
                    //      and throws UnsupportedOperationException, just like any other stub.
                    //      Also, we should generate a bridge for it if required.
                    val removeIntFun = createRemoveAtStub(stub, stub.returnType, IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_BUILTINS_STUB)
                    val removeIntBridgeFun = createRemoveAtStub(stub, context.irBuiltIns.anyNType, IrDeclarationOrigin.BRIDGE)
                    if (removeIntBridgeFun.toJvmSignature() != removeIntFun.toJvmSignature()) {
                else ->

    private fun createRemoveAtStub(
        removeAtStub: IrSimpleFunction,
        stubReturnType: IrType,
        stubOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin
    ): IrSimpleFunction {
        return context.irFactory.buildFun {
            name = Name.identifier("remove")
            returnType = stubReturnType
            visibility = removeAtStub.visibility
            origin = stubOrigin
            modality = Modality.OPEN
        }.apply {
            // NB stub method for 'remove(int)' doesn't override any built-in Kotlin declaration
            parent = removeAtStub.parent
            dispatchReceiverParameter = removeAtStub.dispatchReceiverParameter?.copyWithCustomTypeSubstitution(this) { it }
            extensionReceiverParameter = null
            valueParameters = { stubParameter ->
                stubParameter.copyWithCustomTypeSubstitution(this) { it }
            body = createThrowingStubBody(this)

    private fun IrSimpleFunction.toJvmSignature(): String =

    private fun createStubMethod(
        function: IrSimpleFunction,
        irClass: IrClass,
        substitutionMap: Map
    ): IrSimpleFunction {
        return context.irFactory.buildFun {
            name =
            returnType = liftStubMethodReturnType(function).substitute(substitutionMap)
            visibility = function.visibility
            origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_BUILTINS_STUB
            modality = Modality.OPEN
        }.apply {
            // Replace Function metadata with the data from class
            // Add the abstract function symbol to stub function for bridge lowering
            overriddenSymbols = listOf(function.symbol)
            parent = irClass
            dispatchReceiverParameter = function.dispatchReceiverParameter?.copyWithSubstitution(this, substitutionMap)
            extensionReceiverParameter = function.extensionReceiverParameter?.copyWithSubstitution(this, substitutionMap)
            valueParameters = { it.copyWithSubstitution(this, substitutionMap) }
            body = createThrowingStubBody(this)

    private fun liftStubMethodReturnType(function: IrSimpleFunction) =
        when ( {
            "iterator" ->
            "listIterator" ->
            "subList" ->
            else ->

    private fun createThrowingStubBody(function: IrSimpleFunction) =
        context.createIrBuilder(function.symbol).irBlockBody {
            // Function body consist only of throwing UnsupportedOperationException statement
                .apply {
                    putValueArgument(0, irString("Operation is not supported for read-only collection"))

    private fun isEffectivelyOverriddenBy(superFun: IrSimpleFunction, overridingFun: IrSimpleFunction): Boolean {
        // Function 'f0' is overridden by function 'f1' if all of the following conditions are met,
        // assuming type parameter Ti of 'f1' is "equal" to type parameter Si of 'f0':
        //  - names are same;
        //  - 'f1' has the same number of type parameters,
        //    and upper bounds for type parameters are equivalent;
        //  - 'f1' has the same number of value parameters,
        //    and types for value parameters are equivalent;
        //  - 'f1' return type is a subtype of 'f0' return type.

        if ( != return false
        if (superFun.typeParameters.size != overridingFun.typeParameters.size) return false
        if (superFun.valueParameters.size != overridingFun.valueParameters.size) return false

        val typeChecker = createTypeChecker(superFun, overridingFun)

        // Note that type parameters equivalence check doesn't really happen on collection stubs
        // (because members of Kotlin built-in collection classes don't have type parameters of their own),
        // but we keep it here for the sake of consistency.
        if (!areTypeParametersEquivalent(overridingFun, superFun, typeChecker)) return false

        if (!areValueParametersEquivalent(overridingFun, superFun, typeChecker)) return false
        if (!isReturnTypeOverrideCompliant(overridingFun, superFun, typeChecker)) return false

        return true

    private fun createTypeChecker(overrideFun: IrSimpleFunction, parentFun: IrSimpleFunction): AbstractTypeCheckerContext =
        IrTypeCheckerContextWithAdditionalAxioms(context.irBuiltIns, overrideFun.typeParameters, parentFun.typeParameters)

    private fun areTypeParametersEquivalent(
        overrideFun: IrSimpleFunction,
        parentFun: IrSimpleFunction,
        typeChecker: AbstractTypeCheckerContext
    ): Boolean =
            .all { (typeParameter1, typeParameter2) ->
                    .all { (supertype1, supertype2) ->
                        AbstractTypeChecker.equalTypes(typeChecker, supertype1, supertype2)

    private fun areValueParametersEquivalent(
        overrideFun: IrSimpleFunction,
        parentFun: IrSimpleFunction,
        typeChecker: AbstractTypeCheckerContext
    ): Boolean =
            .all { (valueParameter1, valueParameter2) ->
                AbstractTypeChecker.equalTypes(typeChecker, valueParameter1.type, valueParameter2.type)

    internal fun isReturnTypeOverrideCompliant(
        overrideFun: IrSimpleFunction,
        parentFun: IrSimpleFunction,
        typeChecker: AbstractTypeCheckerContext
    ): Boolean =
        AbstractTypeChecker.isSubtypeOf(typeChecker, overrideFun.returnType, parentFun.returnType)

    // Copy value parameter with type substitution
    private fun IrValueParameter.copyWithSubstitution(
        target: IrSimpleFunction,
        substitutionMap: Map
    ): IrValueParameter =
        copyWithCustomTypeSubstitution(target) { it.substitute(substitutionMap) }

    private fun IrValueParameter.copyWithCustomTypeSubstitution(
        target: IrSimpleFunction,
        substituteType: (IrType) -> IrType
    ): IrValueParameter {
        val parameter = this
        return buildValueParameter(target) {
            origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_BUILTINS_STUB
            name =
            index = parameter.index
            type = substituteType(parameter.type)
            varargElementType = parameter.varargElementType?.let { substituteType(it) }
            isCrossInline = parameter.isCrossinline
            isNoinline = parameter.isNoinline

    // Compute a substitution map for type parameters between source class (Mutable Collection classes) to
    // target class (class currently in lowering phase), this map is later used for substituting type parameters in generated functions
    private fun computeSubstitutionMap(readOnlyClass: IrClass, mutableClass: IrClass, targetClass: IrClass)
            : Map {
        // We find the most specific type for the immutable collection class from the inheritance chain of target class
        // Perform type substitution along searching, then use the type arguments obtained from the most specific type
        // for type substitution.
        val readOnlyClassType = getAllSubstitutedSupertypes(targetClass).findMostSpecificTypeForClass(readOnlyClass.symbol)
        val readOnlyClassTypeArguments = (readOnlyClassType as IrSimpleType).arguments.mapNotNull { (it as? IrTypeProjection)?.type }

        if (readOnlyClassTypeArguments.isEmpty() || readOnlyClassTypeArguments.size != mutableClass.typeParameters.size) {
            throw IllegalStateException(
                "Type argument mismatch between immutable class ${readOnlyClass.fqNameWhenAvailable}" +
                        " and mutable class ${mutableClass.fqNameWhenAvailable}, when processing" +
                        "class ${targetClass.fqNameWhenAvailable}"
        return { it.symbol }.zip(readOnlyClassTypeArguments).toMap()

    // Compute stubs that should be generated, compare based on signature
    private fun generateRelevantStubMethods(irClass: IrClass): List {
        val classStubFuns = collectionStubComputer.stubsForCollectionClasses(irClass)
            .flatMap { createStubFuns(irClass, it) }

        val superClassStubSignatures = computeStubsForSuperClasses(irClass)
            .flatMap { createStubFuns(irClass, it) }
            .mapTo(HashSet()) { it.toJvmSignature() }

        return classStubFuns.filter { it.toJvmSignature() !in superClassStubSignatures }

    private fun createStubFuns(irClass: IrClass, stubs: StubsForCollectionClass): List {
        val (readOnlyClass, mutableClass, candidatesForStubs) = stubs
        val substitutionMap = computeSubstitutionMap(readOnlyClass.owner, mutableClass.owner, irClass)
        return { function ->
            createStubMethod(function, irClass, substitutionMap)

    private fun computeStubsForSuperClasses(irClass: IrClass): List {
        val immediateSuperClass = irClass.superClass ?: return emptyList()
        return immediateSuperClass.superClassChain
            .flatMap { superClass -> computeStubsForSuperClass(superClass) }

    private class FilteredStubsForCollectionClass(
        override val readOnlyClass: IrClassSymbol,
        override val mutableClass: IrClassSymbol,
        override val candidatesForStubs: Collection
    ) : StubsForCollectionClass

    private fun computeStubsForSuperClass(superClass: IrClass): List {
        val superClassStubs = collectionStubComputer.stubsForCollectionClasses(superClass)

        if (superClass.modality != Modality.ABSTRACT) return superClassStubs

        // An abstract superclass might contain an abstract function declaration that effectively overrides a stub to be generated,
        // and thus have no non-abstract stub.
        // This calculation happens for each abstract class multiple times. TODO memoize.

        val abstractFunsByNameAndArity = superClass.functions
            .filter { !it.isFakeOverride && it.modality == Modality.ABSTRACT }
            .groupBy { it.nameAndArity }

        if (abstractFunsByNameAndArity.isEmpty()) return superClassStubs

        return {
            val (readOnlyClass, mutableClass, candidatesForStubs) = it
            // NB here we should build a stub in substitution context of the given superclass.
            // Resulting stub can be different from a stub created in substitution context of the "current" class
            // in case of (partially) specialized generic superclass.
            val substitutionMap = computeSubstitutionMap(readOnlyClass.owner, mutableClass.owner, superClass)
            val filteredCandidates = candidatesForStubs.filter { candidateFun ->
                val stubMethod = createStubMethod(candidateFun, superClass, substitutionMap)
                val stubNameAndArity = stubMethod.nameAndArity
                abstractFunsByNameAndArity[stubNameAndArity].orEmpty().none { abstractFun ->
                    isEffectivelyOverriddenBy(stubMethod, abstractFun)
            FilteredStubsForCollectionClass(readOnlyClass, mutableClass, filteredCandidates)

    private fun Collection.findMostSpecificTypeForClass(classifier: IrClassSymbol): IrType {
        val types = this.filter { it.classifierOrNull == classifier }
        if (types.isEmpty()) error("No supertype of $classifier in $this")
        if (types.size == 1) return types.first()
        // Find the first type in the list such that it's a subtype of every other type in that list
        return types.first { type ->
            types.all { other -> type.isSubtypeOfClass(other.classOrNull!!) }

    private val IrClass.superClass: IrClass?
        get() = superTypes.mapNotNull { it.getClass() }.singleOrNull { !it.isJvmInterface }

    private val IrClass.superClassChain: Sequence
        get() = generateSequence(this) { it.superClass }

internal interface StubsForCollectionClass {
    val readOnlyClass: IrClassSymbol
    val mutableClass: IrClassSymbol
    val candidatesForStubs: Collection

internal operator fun StubsForCollectionClass.component1() = readOnlyClass
internal operator fun StubsForCollectionClass.component2() = mutableClass
internal operator fun StubsForCollectionClass.component3() = candidatesForStubs

internal class CollectionStubComputer(val context: JvmBackendContext) {

    private class LazyStubsForCollectionClass(
        override val readOnlyClass: IrClassSymbol,
        override val mutableClass: IrClassSymbol
    ) : StubsForCollectionClass {
        override val candidatesForStubs: Collection by lazy {
            // Old back-end generates stubs for 'class A : C', where
            //  'C' is some "read-only collection" interface from kotlin.collections,
            //  'MC' is a corresponding "mutable collection" interface from kotlin.collections,
            // by building fake overrides for a special 'class X : A(), MC'
            // and taking fake overrides that override members from 'MC'.
            // Here we are looking at this problem from a slightly different angle:
            // we select suitable member functions 'f' in 'MC' that might potentially require stubs (we are here!),
            // and then we generate stubs for functions 'f' that are not effectively overridden by members of 'A'
            // (this happens in the lowering itself).
            // In order for this to be equivalent to the old back-end approach,
            // we should take 'f' in 'MC' such that any of the following conditions is true:
            //  - 'f' is declared in 'MC' - that is, 'f' itself is not a fake override;
            //  - 'f' is abstract and doesn't override anything from 'C'.
            // NB1 it also covers default methods from JDK collection classes case
            // (since that's the only way a member function in 'MC' might be non-abstract).
            // NB2 the scheme of stub method generation in the old back-end depends too much on
            // which particular declarations are present in 'MC'.
            // Some of these declarations are redundant from the stub generation point of view -
            // for example, 'kotlin.collections.MutableListIterator' contains the following (redundant) declarations:
            //      override fun next(): T
            //      override fun hasNext(): Boolean
            // which cause stubs for 'next' and 'hasNext' to be generated in a 'abstract class A : ListIterator'.
            // See
            // In the ideal world, it should be enough to check that
            // the given member function 'f' from 'MC' doesn't override anything from 'C'.

                .map { it.owner }
                .filter { memberFun ->
                    !memberFun.isFakeOverride ||
                            (memberFun.modality == Modality.ABSTRACT && memberFun.overriddenSymbols.none { overriddenFun ->
                                overriddenFun.owner.parentAsClass.symbol == readOnlyClass

    private val preComputedStubs: Collection by lazy {
        with( {
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(collection, mutableCollection),
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(set, mutableSet),
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(list, mutableList),
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(map, mutableMap),
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(mapEntry, mutableMapEntry),
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(iterable, mutableIterable),
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(iterator, mutableIterator),
                LazyStubsForCollectionClass(listIterator, mutableListIterator)

    private val stubsCache = mutableMapOf>()

    fun stubsForCollectionClasses(irClass: IrClass): List =
        stubsCache.getOrPut(irClass) {

    private fun computeStubsForCollectionClasses(irClass: IrClass): List {
        if (irClass.isFromJava()) return emptyList()
        val stubs = preComputedStubs.filter { (readOnlyClass, mutableClass) ->
            !irClass.symbol.isSubtypeOfClass(mutableClass) &&
                    irClass.superTypes.any { it.isSubtypeOfClass(readOnlyClass) }
        return stubs.filter { (readOnlyClass) ->
            stubs.none { readOnlyClass != it.readOnlyClass && it.readOnlyClass.isSubtypeOfClass(readOnlyClass) }

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