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* Copyright 2010-2016 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.jvm.JavaToKotlinClassMapper
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.state.KotlinTypeMapper
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.DECLARATION
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.FAKE_OVERRIDE
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.annotations.Annotations
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.MutableClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.NonReportingOverrideStrategy
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.OverridingStrategy
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.OverridingUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.builtIns
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.fqNameUnsafe
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.getAllSuperclassesWithoutAny
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.overriddenTreeUniqueAsSequence
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.diagnostics.CollectionStub
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.jvmSignature.JvmMethodGenericSignature
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.checker.KotlinTypeChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.checker.KotlinTypeCheckerImpl
import java.util.*
* Generates exception-throwing stubs for methods from mutable collection classes not implemented in Kotlin classes which inherit only from
* Kotlin's read-only collections. This is required on JVM because Kotlin's read-only collections are mapped to mutable JDK collections
class CollectionStubMethodGenerator(
private val typeMapper: KotlinTypeMapper,
private val descriptor: ClassDescriptor
) {
private data class TasksToGenerate(
val methodStubsToGenerate: Set,
val syntheticStubsToGenerate: Set,
val bridgesToGenerate: Set
companion object {
private val NO_TASKS = TasksToGenerate(emptySet(), emptySet(), emptySet())
private fun computeTasksToGenerate(): TasksToGenerate {
if (descriptor.kind == ClassKind.INTERFACE || descriptor is JavaClassDescriptor) return NO_TASKS
val superCollectionClasses = findRelevantSuperCollectionClasses()
if (superCollectionClasses.isEmpty()) return NO_TASKS
val existingMethodsInSuperclasses = descriptor.getAllSuperclassesWithoutAny().flatMap { superClass ->
val tasksFromSuperClass = CollectionStubMethodGenerator(typeMapper, superClass).computeTasksToGenerate()
(tasksFromSuperClass.methodStubsToGenerate + tasksFromSuperClass.syntheticStubsToGenerate).map { stub -> stub.asmMethod }
val methodStubsToGenerate = LinkedHashSet()
val syntheticStubsToGenerate = LinkedHashSet()
val bridgesToGenerate = LinkedHashSet()
for ((readOnlyClass, mutableClass) in superCollectionClasses) {
// To determine which method stubs we need to generate, we create a synthetic class (named 'child' here) which inherits from
// our class ('descriptor') and the corresponding MutableCollection class (for example; the process is the same for every
// built-in read-only/mutable class pair). We then construct and bind fake overrides in this synthetic class with the usual
// override resolution process. Resulting fake overrides with originals in MutableCollection are considered as candidates for
// method stubs or bridges to the actual implementation that happened to be present in the class
val (child, typeParameters) = createSyntheticSubclass()
// If the original class has any type parameters, we copied them and now we need to substitute types of the newly created type
// parameters as arguments for the type parameters of the original class
val parentType = newType(descriptor, { TypeProjectionImpl(it.defaultType) })
// Now we need to determine the arguments which should be substituted for the MutableCollection super class. To do that,
// we look for type arguments which were substituted in the inheritance of the original class from Collection and use them
// to construct the needed MutableCollection type. Since getAllSupertypes() may return several types which correspond to the
// Collection class descriptor, we find the most specific one (which is guaranteed to exist by front-end)
val readOnlyCollectionType = TypeUtils.getAllSupertypes(parentType).findMostSpecificTypeForClass(readOnlyClass)
val mutableCollectionType = newType(mutableClass.declarationDescriptor as ClassDescriptor, readOnlyCollectionType.arguments)
// Bind fake overrides and for each fake override originated from the MutableCollection, save its signature to generate a stub
// or save its descriptor to generate all the needed bridges
for (method in findFakeOverridesForMethodsFromMutableCollection(child, mutableClass)) {
if (method.modality == Modality.ABSTRACT || isDefaultInJdk(method)) {
// If the fake override is abstract and it's _declared_ as abstract in the class, skip it because the method is already
// present in the bytecode (abstract) and we don't want a duplicate signature error
if (method.findOverriddenFromDirectSuperClass(descriptor.typeConstructor)?.kind == DECLARATION) continue
// If the substituted signature differs from the original one in MutableCollection, we should also generate a stub with
// the original (erased) signature. It doesn't really matter if this is a bridge method delegating to the first stub or
// a method with its own exception-throwing code, for simplicity we do the latter here.
// What _does_ matter though, is that these two methods can't be both non-synthetic at once: javac issues compilation
// errors when compiling Java against such classes because one of them doesn't seem to override the generic method
// declared in the Java Collection interface (can't override generic with erased). So we maintain an additional set of
// methods which need to be generated with the ACC_SYNTHETIC flag
val overriddenMethod = method.findOverriddenFromDirectSuperClass(mutableClass)!!
val originalSignature = overriddenMethod.original.signature()
val commonSignature = if (overriddenMethod.isBuiltinWithSpecialDescriptorInJvm()) {
// Stubs for remove(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z and remove(I) should not be synthetic
// Otherwise Javac will not see it
val overriddenMethodSignature = overriddenMethod.signature()
val genericSignatureInfo = overriddenMethod.getSpecialSignatureInfo()
val specialGenericSignature =
?: overriddenMethodSignature.genericsSignature
val (asmMethod, valueParameters) =
// if current method has special generic signature,
// like `Collection.remove(E): Boolean` in Kotlin, use original signature to obtain `remove(Object)`
if (genericSignatureInfo?.isObjectReplacedWithTypeParameter == true)
Pair(originalSignature.asmMethod, originalSignature.valueParameters)
Pair(overriddenMethodSignature.asmMethod, overriddenMethodSignature.valueParameters)
} else {
if (commonSignature.asmMethod !in existingMethodsInSuperclasses &&
// If original method already defined in a superclass we mustn't care about specialized version
// The same way we do not generate specialized version in a common case like:
// open class A : MutableList {
// fun add(x: T) = true
// }
// class B : A() // No 'B.add(String)Z'
originalSignature.asmMethod !in existingMethodsInSuperclasses
) {
if (originalSignature.asmMethod != commonSignature.asmMethod) {
} else {
// If the fake override is non-abstract, its implementation is already present in the class or inherited from one of its
// super classes, but is not related to the MutableCollection hierarchy. So maybe it uses more specific return types
// and we may need to generate some bridges
return TasksToGenerate(methodStubsToGenerate, syntheticStubsToGenerate, bridgesToGenerate)
fun generate(functionCodegen: FunctionCodegen, v: ClassBuilder) {
val (methodStubsToGenerate, syntheticStubsToGenerate, bridgesToGenerate) = computeTasksToGenerate()
for (signature in methodStubsToGenerate) {
generateMethodStub(v, signature, synthetic = false)
for (signature in syntheticStubsToGenerate) {
generateMethodStub(v, signature, synthetic = true)
for (method in bridgesToGenerate) {
private fun isDefaultInJdk(method: FunctionDescriptor) =
method.modality != Modality.ABSTRACT &&
method.original.overriddenTreeUniqueAsSequence(useOriginal = true).all {
it.kind == FAKE_OVERRIDE || KotlinBuiltIns.isBuiltIn(it)
private data class CollectionClassPair(
val readOnlyClass: TypeConstructor,
val mutableClass: TypeConstructor
private fun findRelevantSuperCollectionClasses(): Collection {
fun pair(readOnlyClass: TypeConstructor, mutableClass: TypeConstructor) = CollectionClassPair(readOnlyClass, mutableClass)
val collectionClasses = with(descriptor.builtIns) {
collection to mutableCollection,
set to mutableSet,
list to mutableList,
map to mutableMap,
mapEntry to mutableMapEntry,
iterable to mutableIterable,
iterator to mutableIterator,
listIterator to mutableListIterator
).map { (readOnly, mutable) ->
pair(readOnly.typeConstructor, mutable.typeConstructor)
val allSuperClasses = TypeUtils.getAllSupertypes(descriptor.defaultType).mapTo(HashSet(), KotlinType::constructor)
val ourSuperCollectionClasses = collectionClasses.filter { (readOnlyClass, mutableClass) ->
readOnlyClass in allSuperClasses && mutableClass !in allSuperClasses
if (ourSuperCollectionClasses.isEmpty()) return emptySet()
// Filter out built-in classes which are overridden by other built-in classes in the list, to avoid duplicating methods.
val redundantClasses = ourSuperCollectionClasses.flatMapTo(HashSet()) { (readOnlyClass) ->
return ourSuperCollectionClasses.filter { (readOnlyClass) -> readOnlyClass !in redundantClasses }
private fun findFakeOverridesForMethodsFromMutableCollection(
klass: ClassDescriptor,
mutableCollectionTypeConstructor: TypeConstructor
): List {
val result = ArrayList()
generateOverridesInAClass(klass, object : NonReportingOverrideStrategy() {
override fun addFakeOverride(fakeOverride: CallableMemberDescriptor) {
if (fakeOverride !is FunctionDescriptor) return
val foundOverriddenFromDirectSuperClass =
fakeOverride.findOverriddenFromDirectSuperClass(mutableCollectionTypeConstructor) ?: return
if (foundOverriddenFromDirectSuperClass.kind == DECLARATION) {
// For regular classes there should no be fake overrides having return types incompatible with return types of their
// overridden, while here it's possible to create declaration like `fun remove(e: E): ImmutableCollection`
// in read-only class that obviously conflicts with `fun remove(e: E): Boolean`.
// But overrides binding algorithm suppose there should be no conflicts like this, so it simply chooses a random
// representative for fake override, while we interested here in ones from mutable version.
// NB: READ_ONLY_ARE_EQUAL_TO_MUTABLE_TYPE_CHECKER is used here for cases like:
// `fun iterator(): CharIterator` defined in read-only collection
// The problem is that 'CharIterator' is not a subtype of 'MutableIterator' while from Java's point of view it is,
// so we must hack our subtyping a little bit
val newDescriptor =
fakeOverride.kind, false
newDescriptor.overriddenDescriptors =
fakeOverride.overriddenDescriptors.filter { superDescriptor ->
// filter out incompatible descriptors, e.g. `fun remove(e: E): ImmutableCollection` for `fun remove(e: E): Boolean`
override fun conflict(fromSuper: CallableMemberDescriptor, fromCurrent: CallableMemberDescriptor) {
// Ignore conflicts here
// TODO: report a warning that javac will prohibit use/inheritance from such class
return result
private fun Collection.findMostSpecificTypeForClass(typeConstructor: TypeConstructor): KotlinType {
val types = this.filter { it.constructor == typeConstructor }
if (types.isEmpty()) error("No supertype of $typeConstructor in $this")
if (types.size == 1) return types.first()
// Find the first type in the list such that it's a subtype of every other type in that list
return types.first { type ->
types.all { other -> KotlinTypeChecker.DEFAULT.isSubtypeOf(type, other) }
private fun generateOverridesInAClass(classDescriptor: ClassDescriptor, strategy: OverridingStrategy) {
val membersFromSupertypesByName =
classDescriptor.typeConstructor.supertypes.flatMapTo(linkedSetOf()) { type ->
DescriptorUtils.getAllDescriptors(type.memberScope).filter {
it is PropertyDescriptor || it is SimpleFunctionDescriptor
} as List
}.groupBy { }
for ((name, fromSupertypes) in membersFromSupertypesByName) {
OverridingUtil.DEFAULT.generateOverridesInFunctionGroup(name, fromSupertypes, emptyList(), classDescriptor, strategy)
private fun createSyntheticSubclass(): Pair> {
val child = MutableClassDescriptor(
/* isInner = */ false,
/* isExternal */ false,
child.modality = Modality.FINAL
child.visibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC
val typeParameters = descriptor.typeConstructor.parameters
val newTypeParameters = ArrayList(typeParameters.size)
DescriptorSubstitutor.substituteTypeParameters(typeParameters, TypeSubstitution.EMPTY, child, newTypeParameters)
return Pair(child, newTypeParameters)
private fun FunctionDescriptor.findOverriddenFromDirectSuperClass(typeConstructor: TypeConstructor): FunctionDescriptor? =
this.overriddenDescriptors.firstOrNull {
(it.containingDeclaration as? ClassDescriptor)?.typeConstructor == typeConstructor
private fun newType(classDescriptor: ClassDescriptor, typeArguments: List): KotlinType {
return KotlinTypeFactory.simpleNotNullType(TypeAttributes.Empty, classDescriptor, typeArguments)
private fun FunctionDescriptor.signature(): JvmMethodGenericSignature =
typeMapper.mapSignatureWithGeneric(this, OwnerKind.IMPLEMENTATION)
private fun generateMethodStub(v: ClassBuilder, signature: JvmMethodGenericSignature, synthetic: Boolean) {
assert(descriptor.kind != ClassKind.INTERFACE) { "No stubs should be generated for interface ${descriptor.fqNameUnsafe}" }
val access = ACC_PUBLIC or (if (synthetic) ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0)
val asmMethod = signature.asmMethod
val genericSignature = if (synthetic) null else signature.genericsSignature
val mv = v.newMethod(CollectionStub, access,, asmMethod.descriptor, genericSignature, null)
"Operation is not supported for read-only collection"
FunctionCodegen.endVisit(mv, "built-in stub for $signature")
private val READ_ONLY_ARE_EQUAL_TO_MUTABLE_TYPE_CHECKER = KotlinTypeCheckerImpl.withAxioms { x, y ->
val firstClass = x.declarationDescriptor as? ClassDescriptor ?: return@withAxioms x == y
val secondClass = y.declarationDescriptor as? ClassDescriptor ?: return@withAxioms x == y
val j2k = JavaToKotlinClassMapper
val firstReadOnly = if (j2k.isMutable(firstClass)) j2k.convertMutableToReadOnly(firstClass) else firstClass
val secondReadOnly = if (j2k.isMutable(secondClass)) j2k.convertMutableToReadOnly(secondClass) else secondClass
firstReadOnly.typeConstructor == secondReadOnly.typeConstructor