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org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.expression.FirUninitializedEnumChecker.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.expression

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtFakeSourceElementKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.context.CheckerContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.declaration.isEnumEntryInitializer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.getContainingClassSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.outerClassSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.DiagnosticReporter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.diagnostics.FirErrors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.reportOn
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirAnonymousFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirResolvePhase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.isCompanion
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.isEnumClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolvedSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.SymbolInternals
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.ensureResolved
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirEnumEntrySymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirNamedFunctionSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirPropertySymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirRegularClassSymbol

object FirUninitializedEnumChecker : FirQualifiedAccessExpressionChecker() {
    // Initialization order: member property initializers, enum entries, companion object (including members in it).
    // When JVM loads a class, the corresponding class initializer, a.k.a. , is executed first.
    // Kotlin (and Java as well) converts enum entries as static final field, which is initialized in that :
    //   enum class E(...) {
    //     E1, E2, ...
    //   }
    //     ~>
    //   class E {
    //     final static E1, E2, ...
    //     static { // 
    //       E1 = new E(...)
    //       ...
    //     }
    //   }
    // Note that, when initializing enum entries, now we call the enum class's constructor, a.k.a. , to initialize non-final
    // instance members. Therefore, if there is a member property in the enum class, and if that member has an access to enum entries,
    // that is an illegal access since enum entries are not yet initialized:
    //   enum class E(...) {
    //     E1, E2, ...
    //     val m1 = E1
    //   }
    //     ~>
    //   class E {
    //     E m1 ...
    //     E(...) { // 
    //       m1 = E1
    //     }
    //     final static E1, E2, ...
    //     static { // 
    //       E1 = new E(...)
    //       ...
    //     }
    //   }
    // A companion object is desugared to a static final singleton, and initialized in  too. However, enum lowering goes first,
    // or in other words, companion object lowering goes last. Thus, any other things initialized in , including enum entries,
    // should not have access to companion object and members in it.
    // See related discussions:
    override fun check(expression: FirQualifiedAccessExpression, context: CheckerContext, reporter: DiagnosticReporter) {
        val source = expression.source ?: return
        if (source.kind is KtFakeSourceElementKind) return

        val calleeSymbol = expression.calleeReference.resolvedSymbol ?: return
        val calleeContainingClassSymbol = calleeSymbol.getContainingClassSymbol(context.session) as? FirRegularClassSymbol ?: return
        // We're looking for members/entries/companion object in an enum class or members in companion object of an enum class.
        val calleeIsInsideEnum = calleeContainingClassSymbol.isEnumClass
        val calleeIsInsideEnumCompanion =
            calleeContainingClassSymbol.isCompanion && (calleeContainingClassSymbol.outerClassSymbol(context) as? FirRegularClassSymbol)?.isEnumClass == true
        if (!calleeIsInsideEnum && !calleeIsInsideEnumCompanion) return

        val enumClassSymbol =
            if (calleeIsInsideEnum) calleeContainingClassSymbol
            else calleeContainingClassSymbol.outerClassSymbol(context) as? FirRegularClassSymbol ?: return

        // An accessed context within the enum class of interest. We should look up until either enum members or enum entries are found,
        // not just last containing declaration. For example,
        //   enum class Fruit(...) {
        //     APPLE(...);
        //     companion object {
        //       val common = ...
        //     }
        //     val score = ... common
        //     val score2 = { ... common }()
        //   }
        // companion object is not initialized for both member properties. The former has the property itself as the last containing
        // declaration, whereas the latter has an anonymous function instead. For both cases, we're looking for member properties as an
        // accessed context.
        val accessedContext = context.containingDeclarations.lastOrNull {
            // To not raise an error for an access from another enum class, e.g.,
            //   enum class EnumCompanion4(...) {
            //     INSTANCE(
            //   }
            // find an accessed context within the same enum class.
            it.getContainingClassSymbol(context.session) == enumClassSymbol
        }?.symbol ?: return

        val declarationSymbols = enumClassSymbol.declarationSymbols
        val enumMemberProperties = declarationSymbols.filterIsInstance()
        val enumEntries = declarationSymbols.filterIsInstance()

        // When checking enum member properties, accesses to enum entries in lazy delegation is legitimate, e.g.,
        //   enum JvmTarget(...) {
        //     JVM_1_6, ...
        //     val bytecodeVersion: ... by lazy {
        //       when (this) {
        //           JVM_1_6 -> ...
        //     }
        //   }
        if (accessedContext in enumMemberProperties) {
            val lazyDelegation = (accessedContext as FirPropertySymbol).lazyDelegation
            if (lazyDelegation != null && lazyDelegation == context.containingDeclarations.lastOrNull()) {

        // When checking enum entries, only entry initializer matters. For example,
        //   enum class EnumCompanion(...) {
        //     ANOTHER {
        //       override fun bar() = foo() // At this point, companion object is initialized
        //     }
        //     abstract bar(): ...
        //     companion object {
        //       fun foo() = ...
        //     }
        //   }
        if (accessedContext in enumEntries && context.containingDeclarations.lastOrNull()?.isEnumEntryInitializer != true) {

        // Members inside the companion object of an enum class
        if (calleeContainingClassSymbol == enumClassSymbol.companionObjectSymbol) {
            // Uninitialized from the point of view of members or enum entries of that enum class
            if (accessedContext in enumMemberProperties || accessedContext in enumEntries) {
                if (calleeSymbol is FirPropertySymbol) {
                    // From KT-11769
                    // enum class Fruit(...) {
                    //   APPLE(...);
                    //   companion object {
                    //     val common = ...
                    //   }
                    //   val score = ... common
                    // }
                    reporter.reportOn(source, FirErrors.UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE, calleeSymbol, context)
                } else {
                    // enum class EnumCompanion2(...) {
                    //   INSTANCE(foo())
                    //   companion object {
                    //     fun foo() = ...
                    //   }
                    // }
                    // v.s. foo()
                    if ((expression.explicitReceiver as? FirResolvedQualifier)?.symbol == enumClassSymbol.companionObjectSymbol) {
                    } else {

        // The enum entries of an enum class
        if (calleeSymbol in enumEntries) {
            val calleeEnumEntry = calleeSymbol as FirEnumEntrySymbol
            // Uninitialized from the point of view of members of that enum class
            if (accessedContext in enumMemberProperties) {
                // From KT-6054
                // enum class MyEnum {
                //   A, B;
                //   val x = when(this) {
                //     A -> ...
                //     B -> ...
                //   }
                // }
                reporter.reportOn(source, FirErrors.UNINITIALIZED_ENUM_ENTRY, calleeEnumEntry, context)
            // enum class A(...) {
            //   A1(A2),
            //   A2(...),
            //   A3(A3)
            // }
            if (accessedContext in enumEntries) {
                // Technically, this is equal to `enumEntries.indexOf(accessedContext) <= enumEntries.indexOf(calleeDeclaration)`.
                // Instead of double `indexOf`, we can iterate entries just once until either one appears.
                var precedingEntry: FirEnumEntrySymbol? = null
                enumEntries.forEach {
                    if (precedingEntry != null) return@forEach
                    if (it == calleeEnumEntry || it == accessedContext) {
                        precedingEntry = it
                if (precedingEntry == accessedContext) {
                    reporter.reportOn(source, FirErrors.UNINITIALIZED_ENUM_ENTRY, calleeEnumEntry, context)

    private val FirPropertySymbol.lazyDelegation: FirAnonymousFunction?
        get() {
            val property = this.fir
            if (property.delegate == null || property.delegate !is FirFunctionCall) return null
            val delegateCall = property.delegate as FirFunctionCall
            val calleeSymbol =
                delegateCall.calleeReference.resolvedSymbol as? FirNamedFunctionSymbol ?: return null
            if (calleeSymbol.callableId.asSingleFqName().asString() != "kotlin.lazy") return null
            val lazyCallArgument = delegateCall.argumentList.arguments.singleOrNull() as? FirLambdaArgumentExpression ?: return null
            return (lazyCallArgument.expression as? FirAnonymousFunctionExpression)?.anonymousFunction

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