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org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.jvm.checkers.expression.FirJavaGenericVarianceViolationTypeChecker.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.jvm.checkers.expression

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.DiagnosticReporter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.reportOn
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.StandardTypes
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.context.CheckerContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.expression.FirFunctionCallChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.diagnostics.jvm.FirJvmErrors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.isJavaOrEnhancement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirFunctionCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.argumentMapping
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.toResolvedCallableSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.originalOrSelf
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.substitution.substitutorByMap
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirFunctionSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirTypeParameterSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.impl.ConeClassLikeTypeImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.AbstractTypeChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.TypeApproximatorConfiguration
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.TypeConstructorMarker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.typeConstructor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.safeAs

 * Checks compatibility of variance of type argument for Java collections.
 * Java collection interfaces all include methods mutating the collection. Hence, they naturally map to mutable versions of Kotlin
 * collections. But Kotlin provides immutable collections and it's good practice to enforce immutability when possible. Hence, to make it
 * easier to use immutable collections in Kotlin, Java collection types are instead mapped to flexible type with mutable collection as the
 * lower type and immutable collection as upper type. However, flexible types make type checking unsound. Hence we have this check that
 * catches a common mistake allowed by flexible type.
 * Consider a Java method accepting type `List`, which is mapped to `MutableList..List<(out) Any?>`. If one passes a mutable
 * list of some more concrete type than `Any` (ArrayList, LinkedList, etc.) to this Java method, then any writes to this
 * mutable collection could cause `ClassCastException`s if the same mutable list is read elsewhere. It's the purpose of this checker to
 * reject such code.
 * On the other hand, if one passes an immutable list of some more concrete type, then any writes to it on the Java side would cause
 * `UnsupportedOperationException`, which is expected and the price we pay in order to make immutable collection easier to use. This checker
 * doesn't do anything to prevent this from happening.
object FirJavaGenericVarianceViolationTypeChecker : FirFunctionCallChecker() {

    override fun check(expression: FirFunctionCall, context: CheckerContext, reporter: DiagnosticReporter) {
        val calleeFunction = expression.calleeReference.toResolvedCallableSymbol() as? FirFunctionSymbol<*> ?: return
        if (!calleeFunction.originalOrSelf().isJavaOrEnhancement) {
        val argumentMapping = expression.argumentMapping ?: return
        val typeArgumentMap = mutableMapOf()
        for (i in 0 until expression.typeArguments.size) {
            val type = expression.typeArguments[i].safeAs()?.typeRef?.coneType
            if (type != null) {
                typeArgumentMap[calleeFunction.typeParameterSymbols[i]] = type
        val typeParameterSubstitutor = substitutorByMap(typeArgumentMap, context.session)
        for ((arg, param) in argumentMapping) {
            val expectedType = typeParameterSubstitutor.substituteOrSelf(param.returnTypeRef.coneType)

            // optimization: if no arguments or flexibility, everything is OK
            if (expectedType !is ConeFlexibleType || expectedType.typeArguments.isEmpty()) continue

            // Anything is acceptable for raw types
            if (expectedType is ConeRawType) continue

            val argType = arg.typeRef.coneType

            val lowerBound = expectedType.lowerBound
            val upperBound = expectedType.upperBound
            val typeContext = context.session.typeContext
            val lowerConstructor = lowerBound.typeConstructor(typeContext)
            val upperConstructor = upperBound.typeConstructor(typeContext)

            // Use site variance projection is always the same for flexible types. So there is no need to check if declaration site is the
            // same.
            if (lowerConstructor == upperConstructor) continue

            // If the base class of the argument type is not equal or a sub class of the lower bound, then we simply allow it so that
            // Kotlin immutable collections can be used in place of Java collection types.
            if (!typeContext.isTypeConstructorEqualOrSubClassOf(argType, lowerBound)) continue

            // In general, out type projection makes a mutable collection "readonly". A priori such a projected type is not a subtype of a
            // non-projected type because projection has "removed" the ability to write to this collection. But for the purpose of this
            // checker, we don't care about the readability/writability of collections.
            // More importantly, removing such out projection is a
            // shortcut to make this type comparable with the expected type by the function (after removing type capturing below). Consider
            // the code below (here we use kotlin code in the example, but the same idea applies to calls to Java methods as well)
            // ```
            // fun get(): MutableList = ...
            // fun  take(l: MutableList) = ...
            // fun test() {
            //   take(get())
            // }
            // ```
            // The type of `get()` is `MutableList`. After type parameter instantiation, `take` takes a
            // `MutableList>`. Obviously, a `MutableList` is not a subtype of `MutableList>` because we have lost the identity of the captured type at this point: we no longer know that the captured type is
            // actually created because of type projection from `get`. Hence, to workaround this problem, we simply remove all the out
            // projection and type capturing and compare the types after such erasure. This way, we won't incorrectly reject any valid code
            // though we may accept some invalid code. But in presence of the unsound flexible types, we are allowing invalid code already.
            val argTypeWithoutOutProjection = argType.removeOutProjection(isCovariant = true)
            val lowerBoundWithoutCapturing = context.session.typeApproximator.approximateToSuperType(
            ) ?: lowerBound

            if (!AbstractTypeChecker.isSubtypeOf(
                    lowerBoundWithoutCapturing.withNullability(ConeNullability.NULLABLE, typeContext)
            ) {
                reporter.reportOn(arg.source, FirJvmErrors.JAVA_TYPE_MISMATCH, expectedType, argType, context)

    private fun ConeKotlinType.removeOutProjection(isCovariant: Boolean): ConeKotlinType {
        return when (this) {
            is ConeFlexibleType -> ConeFlexibleType(
            is ConeSimpleKotlinType -> removeOutProjection(isCovariant)

    private fun ConeSimpleKotlinType.removeOutProjection(isCovariant: Boolean): ConeSimpleKotlinType {
        return when (this) {
            is ConeCapturedType -> ConeCapturedType(
                constructor.apply {
                        supertypes?.map { it.removeOutProjection(isCovariant) },
            is ConeDefinitelyNotNullType -> ConeDefinitelyNotNullType(original.removeOutProjection(isCovariant))
            is ConeIntersectionType -> ConeIntersectionType(
       { it.removeOutProjection(isCovariant) },
            is ConeClassLikeTypeImpl -> ConeClassLikeTypeImpl(
       { it.removeOutProjection(isCovariant) }.toTypedArray(),
            else -> this

     * @param isCovariant true if the current context is covariant and false if contravariant.
     * This function only remove out projections in covariant context.
     * 'in' projections are never removed, nor would an out projection in a contravariant context.
    private fun ConeTypeProjection.removeOutProjection(isCovariant: Boolean): ConeTypeProjection {
        return when (this) {
            is ConeKotlinTypeProjectionOut -> if (isCovariant) type else this
            is ConeKotlinTypeProjectionIn -> ConeKotlinTypeProjectionIn(type.removeOutProjection(!isCovariant))
            is ConeStarProjection -> if (isCovariant) StandardTypes.NullableAny else this
            // Don't remove nested projections for types at invariant position.
            is ConeKotlinTypeConflictingProjection,
            is ConeKotlinType -> this

    private fun ConeInferenceContext.isTypeConstructorEqualOrSubClassOf(subType: ConeKotlinType, superType: ConeSimpleKotlinType): Boolean {
        return isTypeConstructorEqualOrSubClassOf(subType.typeConstructor(), superType.typeConstructor())

    private fun ConeInferenceContext.isTypeConstructorEqualOrSubClassOf(
        subTypeConstructor: TypeConstructorMarker,
        superTypeConstructor: TypeConstructorMarker
    ): Boolean {
        if (subTypeConstructor == superTypeConstructor) return true
        for (immediateSuperType in subTypeConstructor.supertypes()) {
            val immediateSuperTypeConstructor = immediateSuperType.typeConstructor()
            if (superTypeConstructor == immediateSuperTypeConstructor) return true
            if (this@isTypeConstructorEqualOrSubClassOf.isTypeConstructorEqualOrSubClassOf(
                    immediateSuperTypeConstructor, superTypeConstructor
            ) return true
        return false