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org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.checkers.ExpectedActualDeclarationChecker.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.checkers

import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.AnalysisFlags
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageFeature
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.Errors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.ExpectActualTracker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.hasActualModifier
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.constants.ConstantValue
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.isAnnotationConstructor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.isPrimaryConstructorOfInlineClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.module
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.multiplatform.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.multiplatform.ExpectActualCompatibility.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.source.KotlinSourceElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.source.PsiSourceFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.safeAs

class ExpectedActualDeclarationChecker(
    val moduleStructureOracle: ModuleStructureOracle,
    val argumentExtractors: Iterable
) : DeclarationChecker {
    interface ActualAnnotationArgumentExtractor {
        fun extractDefaultValue(parameter: ValueParameterDescriptor, expectedType: KotlinType): ConstantValue<*>?

    override fun check(declaration: KtDeclaration, descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor, context: DeclarationCheckerContext) {
        if (!context.languageVersionSettings.supportsFeature(LanguageFeature.MultiPlatformProjects)) return
        // TODO: we need a klib based MPP aware ModuleStructureOracle. Just disable the checks for now.
        if (context.languageVersionSettings.getFlag(AnalysisFlags.expectActualLinker)) return

        // Note that this check is necessary, because for default accessors KtProperty is passed for KtDeclaration, so this
        // case won't be covered by the next check (also, it accidentally fixes KT-28385)
        if (descriptor is PropertyAccessorDescriptor) return
        if (declaration !is KtNamedDeclaration) return
        if (descriptor !is MemberDescriptor || DescriptorUtils.isEnumEntry(descriptor)) return

        val checkActualModifier = !context.languageVersionSettings.getFlag(AnalysisFlags.multiPlatformDoNotCheckActual)

        if (descriptor.isExpect) {
                declaration, descriptor, context.trace,
                checkActualModifier, context.expectActualTracker
        } else if (descriptor.isActualOrSomeContainerIsActual()) {
            val allDependsOnModules = moduleStructureOracle.findAllDependsOnPaths(descriptor.module).flatMap { it.nodes }.toHashSet()
                moduleVisibilityFilter = { it in allDependsOnModules }

    private fun MemberDescriptor.isActualOrSomeContainerIsActual(): Boolean {
        var declaration: MemberDescriptor = this
        while (true) {
            if (declaration.isActual) return true
            declaration = declaration.containingDeclaration as? MemberDescriptor ?: return false

    private fun checkExpectedDeclarationHasProperActuals(
        reportOn: KtNamedDeclaration,
        descriptor: MemberDescriptor,
        trace: BindingTrace,
        checkActualModifier: Boolean,
        expectActualTracker: ExpectActualTracker
    ) {
        val allActualizationPaths = moduleStructureOracle.findAllReversedDependsOnPaths(descriptor.module)
        val allLeafModules = { it.nodes.last() }.toSet()

        allLeafModules.forEach { leafModule ->
            val actuals = ExpectedActualResolver.findActualForExpected(descriptor, leafModule) ?: return@forEach

                reportOn, descriptor, actuals, trace, leafModule, checkActualModifier, expectActualTracker

                reportOn, descriptor, actuals, allActualizationPaths, trace

    private fun checkExpectedDeclarationHasAtMostOneActual(
        reportOn: KtNamedDeclaration,
        expectDescriptor: MemberDescriptor,
        actuals: ActualsMap,
        modulePaths: List,
        trace: BindingTrace,
    ) {
        val atLeastWeaklyCompatibleActuals = actuals
            .filterKeys { compatibility -> compatibility.isCompatibleOrWeakCompatible() }

        // Eagerly return here: We won't find a duplicate in any module path in this case
        if (atLeastWeaklyCompatibleActuals.size <= 1) return

        Note that we have to check for 'duplicate actuals' separately, considering paths
        instead of only leaf-module, because currently we have to distinguish the following
        two cases:

               expect class A                      expect class A
                /            \                       /           \
               /              \                     /             \
         actual class A     actual class A   actual class A    (no actual)
               \              /                     \             /
                \            /                       \           /
           (warning or nothing, TBD)                 actual class A
                                                  (ERROR: duplicate actuals)

        If we merge behaviour (e.g. decide to report ERROR for first case too)
        for those two cases, we can drop separate logic for DUPLICATE_ACTUALS
        val actualsByModulePath = modulePaths.associateWith { path ->
            atLeastWeaklyCompatibleActuals.filter { it.module in path.nodes }

        actualsByModulePath.forEach { (_, actualsInPath) ->
            if (actualsInPath.size > 1) {
                        .map { it.module }
                        .sortedBy { }

    private fun checkExpectedDeclarationHasAtLeastOneActual(
        reportOn: KtNamedDeclaration,
        expectDescriptor: MemberDescriptor,
        actuals: ActualsMap,
        trace: BindingTrace,
        module: ModuleDescriptor,
        checkActualModifier: Boolean,
        expectActualTracker: ExpectActualTracker
    ) {
        // Only look for top level actual members; class members will be handled as a part of that expected class
        if (expectDescriptor.containingDeclaration !is PackageFragmentDescriptor) return

        // Only strong incompatibilities, but this is an OptionalExpectation -- don't report it
        if (actuals.allStrongIncompatibilities() && OptionalAnnotationUtil.isOptionalAnnotationClass(expectDescriptor)) return

        // Only strong incompatibilities, or error won't be reported on actual: report NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT here
        if (actuals.allStrongIncompatibilities() ||
            Compatible !in actuals && expectDescriptor.hasNoActualWithDiagnostic(actuals)
        ) {
            assert(actuals.keys.all { it is Incompatible })
            val incompatibility = actuals as Map, Collection>
  , expectDescriptor, module, incompatibility))

        // Here we have exactly one compatible actual and/or some weakly incompatible. In either case, we don't report anything on expect...
        val actualMembers = actuals.asSequence()
            .filter { it.key.isCompatibleOrWeakCompatible() }.flatMap { it.value.asSequence() }

        // ...except diagnostics regarding missing actual keyword, because in that case we won't start looking for the actual at all
        if (checkActualModifier) {
            actualMembers.forEach { reportMissingActualModifier(it, reportOn = null, trace) }

        expectActualTracker.reportExpectActual(expected = expectDescriptor, actualMembers = actualMembers)

    private fun reportMissingActualModifier(actual: MemberDescriptor, reportOn: KtNamedDeclaration?, trace: BindingTrace) {
        if (actual.isActual) return
        val reportOn = reportOn ?: actual.source.safeAs()?.psi.safeAs() ?: return

        if (requireActualModifier(actual)) {

    private fun MemberDescriptor.hasNoActualWithDiagnostic(
        compatibility: Map, List>
    ): Boolean {
        return compatibility.values.flatMapTo(hashSetOf()) { it }.all { actual ->
            val expectedOnes = ExpectedActualResolver.findExpectedForActual(actual, onlyFromThisModule(module))
            expectedOnes != null && Compatible in expectedOnes.keys

    private fun ExpectActualTracker.reportExpectActual(expected: MemberDescriptor, actualMembers: Sequence) {
        if (this is ExpectActualTracker.DoNothing) return

        val expectedFile = sourceFile(expected) ?: return
        for (actual in actualMembers) {
            val actualFile = sourceFile(actual) ?: continue
            report(expectedFile = expectedFile, actualFile = actualFile)

    private fun sourceFile(descriptor: MemberDescriptor): File? =
            ?.run { VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(psiFile.virtualFile) }

    private fun checkActualDeclarationHasExpected(
        reportOn: KtNamedDeclaration,
        descriptor: MemberDescriptor,
        checkActualModifier: Boolean,
        trace: BindingTrace,
        moduleVisibilityFilter: ModuleFilter
    ) {
        val compatibility = ExpectedActualResolver.findExpectedForActual(descriptor, moduleVisibilityFilter)
            ?: return

        checkAmbiguousExpects(compatibility, trace, reportOn, descriptor)

        // For top-level declaration missing actual error reported in Actual checker
        if (checkActualModifier
            && descriptor.containingDeclaration !is PackageFragmentDescriptor
            && compatibility.any { it.key.isCompatibleOrWeakCompatible() }
        ) {
            reportMissingActualModifier(descriptor, reportOn, trace)

        // Usually, reportOn.hasActualModifier() and descriptor.isActual are the same.
        // The only one case where it isn't true is constructor of annotation class. In that case descriptor.isActual is true.
        // See the FunctionDescriptorResolver.createConstructorDescriptor
        // But in that case compatibility.allStrongIncompatibilities() == true means that in the expect class there is no constructor
        if (!reportOn.hasActualModifier() && compatibility.allStrongIncompatibilities()) return

        // 'firstOrNull' is needed because in diagnostic tests, common sources appear twice, so the same class is duplicated
        // TODO: replace with 'singleOrNull' as soon as multi-module diagnostic tests are refactored
        val singleIncompatibility = compatibility.keys.firstOrNull()
        if (singleIncompatibility is Incompatible.ClassScopes) {
            assert(descriptor is ClassDescriptor || descriptor is TypeAliasDescriptor) {
                "Incompatible.ClassScopes is only possible for a class or a typealias: $descriptor"

            // Do not report "expected members have no actual ones" for those expected members, for which there's a clear
            // (albeit maybe incompatible) single actual suspect, declared in the actual class.
            // This is needed only to reduce the number of errors. Incompatibility errors for those members will be reported
            // later when this checker is called for them
            fun hasSingleActualSuspect(
                expectedWithIncompatibility: Pair, Collection>>
            ): Boolean {
                val (expectedMember, incompatibility) = expectedWithIncompatibility
                val actualMember = incompatibility.values.singleOrNull()?.singleOrNull()
                return actualMember != null &&
                        actualMember.isExplicitActualDeclaration() &&
                        !incompatibility.allStrongIncompatibilities() &&
                            actualMember, onlyFromThisModule(expectedMember.module)
                        )?.values?.singleOrNull()?.singleOrNull() == expectedMember

            val nonTrivialUnfulfilled = singleIncompatibility.unfulfilled.filterNot(::hasSingleActualSuspect)

            if (nonTrivialUnfulfilled.isNotEmpty()) {
                val classDescriptor =
                    (descriptor as? TypeAliasDescriptor)?.expandedType?.constructor?.declarationDescriptor as? ClassDescriptor
                        ?: (descriptor as ClassDescriptor)
                        reportOn, classDescriptor, nonTrivialUnfulfilled
        } else if (Compatible !in compatibility) {
            assert(compatibility.keys.all { it is Incompatible })
            val incompatibility = compatibility as Map, Collection>
  , descriptor, incompatibility))
        } else {
            val expected = compatibility[Compatible]!!.first()
            if (expected is ClassDescriptor && expected.kind == ClassKind.ANNOTATION_CLASS) {
                val actualConstructor =
                    (descriptor as? ClassDescriptor)?.constructors?.singleOrNull()
                        ?: (descriptor as? TypeAliasDescriptor)?.constructors?.singleOrNull()?.underlyingConstructorDescriptor
                val expectedConstructor = expected.constructors.singleOrNull()
                if (expectedConstructor != null && actualConstructor != null) {
                    checkAnnotationConstructors(expectedConstructor, actualConstructor, trace, reportOn)

    private fun checkAmbiguousExpects(
        compatibility: Map, List>,
        trace: BindingTrace,
        reportOn: KtNamedDeclaration,
        descriptor: MemberDescriptor
    ) {
        val filesWithAtLeastWeaklyCompatibleExpects = compatibility.asSequence()
            .filter { (compatibility, _) ->
            .map { (_, members) -> members }
            .map { it.module }
            .sortedBy { }

        if (filesWithAtLeastWeaklyCompatibleExpects.size > 1) {
  , descriptor, filesWithAtLeastWeaklyCompatibleExpects))

    private fun ExpectActualCompatibility.isCompatibleOrWeakCompatible() =
        this is Compatible ||
                this is Incompatible && kind == IncompatibilityKind.WEAK

    // we don't require `actual` modifier on
    //  - annotation constructors, because annotation classes can only have one constructor
    //  - inline class primary constructors, because inline class must have primary constructor
    //  - value parameter inside primary constructor of inline class, because inline class must have one value parameter
    private fun requireActualModifier(descriptor: MemberDescriptor): Boolean {
        return !descriptor.isAnnotationConstructor() &&
                !descriptor.isPrimaryConstructorOfInlineClass() &&

    private fun isUnderlyingPropertyOfInlineClass(descriptor: MemberDescriptor): Boolean {
        return descriptor is PropertyDescriptor && descriptor.isUnderlyingPropertyOfInlineClass()

    // This should ideally be handled by CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind, but default constructors have kind DECLARATION and non-empty source.
    // Their source is the containing KtClass instance though, as opposed to explicit constructors, whose source is KtConstructor
    private fun MemberDescriptor.isExplicitActualDeclaration(): Boolean =
        when (this) {
            is ConstructorDescriptor -> DescriptorToSourceUtils.getSourceFromDescriptor(this) is KtConstructor<*>
            is CallableMemberDescriptor -> kind == CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.DECLARATION
            else -> true

    private fun checkAnnotationConstructors(
        expected: ConstructorDescriptor, actual: ConstructorDescriptor, trace: BindingTrace, reportOn: PsiElement
    ) {
        for (expectedParameterDescriptor in expected.valueParameters) {
            // Actual parameter with the same name is guaranteed to exist because this method is only called for compatible annotations
            val actualParameterDescriptor = actual.valueParameters.first { == }

            if (expectedParameterDescriptor.declaresDefaultValue() && actualParameterDescriptor.declaresDefaultValue()) {
                val expectedParameter =
                    DescriptorToSourceUtils.descriptorToDeclaration(expectedParameterDescriptor) as? KtParameter ?: continue

                val expectedValue = trace.bindingContext.get(BindingContext.COMPILE_TIME_VALUE, expectedParameter.defaultValue)

                val actualValue =
                    getActualAnnotationParameterValue(actualParameterDescriptor, trace.bindingContext, expectedParameterDescriptor.type)
                if (expectedValue != actualValue) {
                    val ktParameter = DescriptorToSourceUtils.descriptorToDeclaration(actualParameterDescriptor)
                    val target = (ktParameter as? KtParameter)?.defaultValue ?: (reportOn as? KtTypeAlias)?.nameIdentifier ?: reportOn
          , actualParameterDescriptor))

    private fun getActualAnnotationParameterValue(
        actualParameter: ValueParameterDescriptor, bindingContext: BindingContext, expectedType: KotlinType
    ): ConstantValue<*>? {
        val declaration = DescriptorToSourceUtils.descriptorToDeclaration(actualParameter)
        if (declaration is KtParameter) {
            return bindingContext.get(BindingContext.COMPILE_TIME_VALUE, declaration.defaultValue)?.toConstantValue(expectedType)

        for (extractor in argumentExtractors) {
            extractor.extractDefaultValue(actualParameter, expectedType)?.let { return it }

        return null

    companion object {
        fun Map, Collection>.allStrongIncompatibilities(): Boolean =
            this.keys.all { it is Incompatible && it.kind == IncompatibilityKind.STRONG }

private typealias ActualsMap = Map, List>

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