org.jetbrains.kotlin.JvmFieldApplicabilityProblem.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin
enum class JvmFieldApplicabilityProblem(val errorMessage: String) {
NOT_FINAL("JvmField can only be applied to final property"),
PRIVATE("JvmField has no effect on a private property"),
CUSTOM_ACCESSOR("JvmField cannot be applied to a property with a custom accessor"),
OVERRIDES("JvmField cannot be applied to a property that overrides some other property"),
LATEINIT("JvmField cannot be applied to lateinit property"),
CONST("JvmField cannot be applied to const property"),
INSIDE_COMPANION_OF_INTERFACE("JvmField cannot be applied to a property defined in companion object of interface"),
NOT_PUBLIC_VAL_WITH_JVMFIELD("JvmField could be applied only if all interface companion properties are 'public final val' with '@JvmField' annotation"),
TOP_LEVEL_PROPERTY_OF_MULTIFILE_FACADE("JvmField cannot be applied to top level property of a file annotated with ${JVM_MULTIFILE_CLASS_SHORT}"),
DELEGATE("JvmField cannot be applied to delegated property"),
RETURN_TYPE_IS_VALUE_CLASS("JvmField cannot be applied to a property of a value class type"),
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