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org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.classes.KotlinClassInnerStuffCache.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.classes

import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiClassImplUtil
import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiImplUtil
import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiSuperMethodImplUtil
import com.intellij.psi.impl.light.*
import com.intellij.psi.javadoc.PsiDocComment
import com.intellij.psi.util.MethodSignature
import com.intellij.psi.util.MethodSignatureBackedByPsiMethod
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil
import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil
import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException
import gnu.trove.THashMap
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.builder.LightMemberOrigin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.elements.KtLightMethod
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.elements.KtLightParameter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.StandardNames.DEFAULT_VALUE_PARAMETER
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtDeclaration
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtParameter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addIfNotNull
import java.util.*

class KotlinClassInnerStuffCache(
    private val myClass: KtExtensibleLightClass,
    private val dependencies: List,
    private val lazyCreator: LazyCreator,
    private val generateEnumMethods: Boolean = true,
) {
    abstract class LazyCreator {
        abstract fun  get(initializer: () -> T, dependencies: List): Lazy

    private fun  cache(initializer: () -> T): Lazy = lazyCreator.get(initializer, dependencies)

    private val constructorsCache = cache { PsiImplUtil.getConstructors(myClass) }

    val constructors: Array
        get() = copy(constructorsCache.value)

    private val fieldsCache = cache {
        val own = myClass.ownFields
        val ext = collectAugments(myClass,
        ArrayUtil.mergeCollections(own, ext, PsiField.ARRAY_FACTORY)

    val fields: Array
        get() = copy(fieldsCache.value)

    private val methodsCache = cache {
        val own = myClass.ownMethods
        var ext = collectAugments(myClass,
        if (generateEnumMethods && myClass.isEnum) {
            ext = ArrayList(ext.size + 2).also {
                it += ext

        ArrayUtil.mergeCollections(own, ext, PsiMethod.ARRAY_FACTORY)

    val methods: Array
        get() = copy(methodsCache.value)

    private val innerClassesCache = cache {
        val own = myClass.ownInnerClasses
        val ext = collectAugments(myClass,
        ArrayUtil.mergeCollections(own, ext, PsiClass.ARRAY_FACTORY)

    val innerClasses: Array
        get() = copy(innerClassesCache.value)

    private val fieldByNameCache = cache {
        val fields = this.fields.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: return@cache emptyMap()
        Collections.unmodifiableMap(THashMap(fields.size).apply {
            for (field in fields) {
                putIfAbsent(, field)

    fun findFieldByName(name: String, checkBases: Boolean): PsiField? {
        return if (checkBases) {
            PsiClassImplUtil.findFieldByName(myClass, name, true)
        } else {

    private val methodByNameCache = cache {
        val methods = this.methods.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: return@cache emptyMap()
        Collections.unmodifiableMap(THashMap>().apply {
            for ((key, list) in methods.groupByTo(HashMap()) { }) {
                put(key, list.toTypedArray())

    fun findMethodsByName(name: String, checkBases: Boolean): Array {
        return if (checkBases) {
            PsiClassImplUtil.findMethodsByName(myClass, name, true)
        } else {
            copy(methodByNameCache.value[name] ?: PsiMethod.EMPTY_ARRAY)

    private val innerClassByNameCache = cache {
        val classes = this.innerClasses.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() } ?: return@cache emptyMap()

        Collections.unmodifiableMap(THashMap().apply {
            for (psiClass in classes) {
                val name =
                if (name == null) {
                } else if (psiClass !is ExternallyDefinedPsiElement || !containsKey(name)) {
                    put(name, psiClass)

    fun findInnerClassByName(name: String, checkBases: Boolean): PsiClass? {
        return if (checkBases) {
            PsiClassImplUtil.findInnerByName(myClass, name, true)
        } else {

    private val valuesMethodCache = cache { KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod(myClass, KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod.Kind.VALUES) }

    private fun getValuesMethod(): PsiMethod? {
        if (myClass.isEnum && !myClass.isAnonymous && !isClassNameSealed()) {
            return valuesMethodCache.value

        return null

    private val valueOfMethodCache = cache { KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod(myClass, KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod.Kind.VALUE_OF) }

    fun getValueOfMethod(): PsiMethod? {
        if (myClass.isEnum && !myClass.isAnonymous) {
            return valueOfMethodCache.value

        return null

    private fun isClassNameSealed(): Boolean {
        return == PsiKeyword.SEALED && PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(myClass).toJavaVersion().feature >= 16

private class KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod(
    private val enumClass: KtExtensibleLightClass,
    private val kind: Kind
) : LightElement(enumClass.manager, enumClass.language), KtLightMethod, SyntheticElement {
    enum class Kind(val methodName: String) {
        VALUE_OF("valueOf"), VALUES("values"), ENTRIES("getEntries"),

    private val returnType = run {
        val elementFactory = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(project)
        val enumTypeWithoutAnnotation = elementFactory.createType(enumClass)
        val enumType = enumTypeWithoutAnnotation
            .annotate { arrayOf(makeNotNullAnnotation(enumClass)) }

        when (kind) {
            Kind.VALUE_OF -> enumType
            Kind.VALUES -> enumType.createArrayType().annotate { arrayOf(makeNotNullAnnotation(enumClass)) }
            Kind.ENTRIES -> {
                val enumEntriesClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project).findClass(
                    /* qualifiedName = */ StandardClassIds.EnumEntries.asFqNameString(),
                    /* scope = */ resolveScope
                val type = if (enumEntriesClass != null) {
                    elementFactory.createType(enumEntriesClass, enumTypeWithoutAnnotation)
                } else {
                        /* text = */ "${StandardClassIds.EnumEntries.asFqNameString()}<${enumClass.qualifiedName}>",
                        /* context = */ enumClass,
                type.annotate { arrayOf(makeNotNullAnnotation(enumClass)) }

    private val parameterList = LightParameterListBuilder(manager, language).apply {
        if (kind == Kind.VALUE_OF) {
            val stringType = PsiType.getJavaLangString(manager, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project))
            val valueParameter =
                object : LightParameter(
                ), KtLightParameter {
                    override val method: KtLightMethod get() = this@KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod
                    override val kotlinOrigin: KtParameter? get() = null
                    override fun getParent(): PsiElement = this@KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod
                    override fun getContainingFile(): PsiFile = [email protected]

                    override fun getText(): String = name
                    override fun getTextRange(): TextRange = TextRange.EMPTY_RANGE


    private val modifierList = object : LightModifierList(manager, language, PsiModifier.PUBLIC, PsiModifier.STATIC) {
        override fun getParent() = this@KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod

        private val annotations = arrayOf(makeNotNullAnnotation(enumClass))

        override fun findAnnotation(fqn: String): PsiAnnotation? = annotations.firstOrNull { it.hasQualifiedName(fqn) }
        override fun getAnnotations(): Array = copy(annotations)

    override fun getTextOffset(): Int = enumClass.textOffset
    override fun toString(): String = enumClass.toString()

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        return this === other || (other is KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod && enumClass == other.enumClass && kind == other.kind)

    override fun hashCode() = Objects.hash(enumClass, kind)

    override fun isDeprecated(): Boolean = false
    override fun getDocComment(): PsiDocComment? = null
    override fun getReturnType(): PsiType = returnType
    override fun getReturnTypeElement(): PsiTypeElement? = null
    override fun getParameterList(): PsiParameterList = parameterList

    override fun getThrowsList(): PsiReferenceList =
        LightReferenceListBuilder(manager, language, PsiReferenceList.Role.THROWS_LIST).apply {
            if (kind == Kind.VALUE_OF) {

    override fun getParent(): PsiElement = enumClass
    override fun getContainingClass(): KtExtensibleLightClass = enumClass
    override fun getContainingFile(): PsiFile = enumClass.containingFile

    override fun getBody(): PsiCodeBlock? = null
    override fun isConstructor(): Boolean = false
    override fun isVarArgs(): Boolean = false
    override fun getSignature(substitutor: PsiSubstitutor): MethodSignature = MethodSignatureBackedByPsiMethod.create(this, substitutor)
    override fun getNameIdentifier(): PsiIdentifier = LightIdentifier(manager, name)
    override fun getName() = kind.methodName

    override fun findSuperMethods(): Array = PsiSuperMethodImplUtil.findSuperMethods(this)
    override fun findSuperMethods(checkAccess: Boolean): Array = PsiSuperMethodImplUtil.findSuperMethods(this, checkAccess)
    override fun findSuperMethods(parentClass: PsiClass): Array = PsiSuperMethodImplUtil.findSuperMethods(this, parentClass)

    override fun findSuperMethodSignaturesIncludingStatic(checkAccess: Boolean): List {
        return PsiSuperMethodImplUtil.findSuperMethodSignaturesIncludingStatic(this, checkAccess)

    override fun findDeepestSuperMethod(): PsiMethod? = PsiSuperMethodImplUtil.findDeepestSuperMethod(this)

    override fun findDeepestSuperMethods(): Array = PsiMethod.EMPTY_ARRAY
    override fun getModifierList(): PsiModifierList = modifierList
    override fun hasModifierProperty(name: String) = name == PsiModifier.PUBLIC || name == PsiModifier.STATIC
    override fun setName(name: String): PsiElement = throw IncorrectOperationException()
    override fun getHierarchicalMethodSignature() = PsiSuperMethodImplUtil.getHierarchicalMethodSignature(this)
    override fun getDefaultValue(): PsiAnnotationMemberValue? = null

    override fun hasTypeParameters(): Boolean = false
    override fun getTypeParameterList(): PsiTypeParameterList? = null
    override fun getTypeParameters(): Array = PsiTypeParameter.EMPTY_ARRAY

    override val isMangled: Boolean get() = false
    override val lightMemberOrigin: LightMemberOrigin? get() = null
    override val kotlinOrigin: KtDeclaration? get() = null

    override fun getText(): String = ""
    override fun getTextRange(): TextRange = TextRange.EMPTY_RANGE

    private companion object {
        private fun makeNotNullAnnotation(context: PsiClass): PsiAnnotation {
            return PsiElementFactory.getInstance(context.project).createAnnotationFromText(

private val PsiClass.isAnonymous: Boolean
    get() = name == null || this is PsiAnonymousClass

private fun  copy(value: Array): Array {
    return if (value.isEmpty()) value else value.clone()

fun getEnumEntriesPsiMethod(enumClass: KtExtensibleLightClass): PsiMethod =
    KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod(enumClass, KotlinEnumSyntheticMethod.Kind.ENTRIES)

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