org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.elements.KtLightMethodImpl.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.elements
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.scope.PsiScopeProcessor
import com.intellij.psi.util.MethodSignature
import com.intellij.psi.util.MethodSignatureBackedByPsiMethod
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.builder.LightMemberOriginForDeclaration
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.classes.KtLightClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.classes.cannotModify
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.classes.lazyPub
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fileClasses.JvmFileClassUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
abstract class KtLightMethodImpl protected constructor(
lightMemberOrigin: LightMemberOriginForDeclaration?,
containingClass: KtLightClass,
) : KtLightMemberImpl(lightMemberOrigin, containingClass), KtLightMethod {
private val calculatingReturnType = ThreadLocal()
private val paramsList: PsiParameterList by lazyPub {
val parameters = buildParametersForList()
KtLightParameterList(this, parameters.size) {
protected abstract fun buildParametersForList(): List
private val typeParamsList: PsiTypeParameterList? by lazyPub { buildTypeParameterList() }
protected abstract fun buildTypeParameterList(): PsiTypeParameterList?
override fun accept(visitor: PsiElementVisitor) {
if (visitor is JavaElementVisitor) {
} else {
override val isMangled: Boolean get() = checkIsMangled()
override fun setName(name: String): PsiElement? {
val jvmNameAnnotation = modifierList.findAnnotation(JvmFileClassUtil.JVM_NAME.asString())?.unwrapped as? KtAnnotationEntry
val demangledName = (if (isMangled) demangleInternalName(name) else null) ?: name
val newNameForOrigin = propertyNameByAccessor(demangledName, this) ?: demangledName
if (newNameForOrigin == kotlinOrigin?.name) {
return this
val nameExpression = jvmNameAnnotation?.let { JvmFileClassUtil.getLiteralStringEntryFromAnnotation(it) }
if (nameExpression != null) {
} else {
val toRename = kotlinOrigin as? PsiNamedElement ?: cannotModify()
return this
override fun delete() {
kotlinOrigin?.let {
if (it.isValid) {
} ?: cannotModify()
abstract override fun getModifierList(): PsiModifierList
override fun getParameterList() = paramsList
override fun getTypeParameterList() = typeParamsList
override fun getTypeParameters(): Array =
typeParameterList?.typeParameters ?: PsiTypeParameter.EMPTY_ARRAY
override fun hasTypeParameters() = typeParameters.isNotEmpty()
abstract override fun getSignature(substitutor: PsiSubstitutor): MethodSignature
override fun processDeclarations(
processor: PsiScopeProcessor,
state: ResolveState,
lastParent: PsiElement?,
place: PsiElement
): Boolean {
return typeParameters.all { processor.execute(it, state) }
/* comparing origin and member index should be enough to determine equality:
for compiled elements origin contains delegate
for source elements index is unique to each member
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other === this ||
other is KtLightMethodImpl &&
other.javaClass == javaClass &&
other.containingClass == containingClass &&
other.lightMemberOrigin == lightMemberOrigin
override fun hashCode(): Int = name.hashCode().times(31).plus(containingClass.hashCode())
abstract override fun getDefaultValue(): PsiAnnotationMemberValue?
abstract override fun getReturnTypeElement(): PsiTypeElement?
override fun getReturnType(): PsiType? {
try {
return returnTypeElement?.type
} finally {
private inline fun getTextVariantFromPropertyAccessorIfNeeded(
retriever: (KtPropertyAccessor) -> R
): R? {
val auxiliaryOrigin = lightMemberOrigin?.auxiliaryOriginalElement
return (auxiliaryOrigin as? KtPropertyAccessor)?.let(retriever)
override fun getText(): String {
return getTextVariantFromPropertyAccessorIfNeeded(KtPropertyAccessor::getText)
?: super.getText()
override fun getTextOffset(): Int {
return getTextVariantFromPropertyAccessorIfNeeded(KtPropertyAccessor::getTextOffset)
?: super.getTextOffset()
override fun getTextRange(): TextRange {
return getTextVariantFromPropertyAccessorIfNeeded(KtPropertyAccessor::getTextRange)
?: super.getTextRange()
abstract override fun getThrowsList(): PsiReferenceList
abstract override fun isVarArgs(): Boolean
abstract override fun isConstructor(): Boolean
abstract override fun getHierarchicalMethodSignature(): HierarchicalMethodSignature
abstract override fun findSuperMethodSignaturesIncludingStatic(checkAccess: Boolean): List
override fun getBody() = null
abstract override fun findDeepestSuperMethod(): PsiMethod?
abstract override fun findDeepestSuperMethods(): Array
abstract override fun findSuperMethods(): Array
abstract override fun findSuperMethods(checkAccess: Boolean): Array
abstract override fun findSuperMethods(parentClass: PsiClass?): Array
fun KtLightMethod.isTraitFakeOverride(): Boolean {
val methodOrigin = this.kotlinOrigin
if (!(methodOrigin is KtNamedFunction || methodOrigin is KtPropertyAccessor || methodOrigin is KtProperty)) {
return false
val parentOfMethodOrigin = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(methodOrigin,
val thisClassDeclaration = this.containingClass.kotlinOrigin
// Method was generated from declaration in some other trait
return (parentOfMethodOrigin != null && thisClassDeclaration !== parentOfMethodOrigin && KtPsiUtil.isTrait(parentOfMethodOrigin))
fun KtLightMethod.isAccessor(getter: Boolean): Boolean {
val origin = kotlinOrigin as? KtCallableDeclaration ?: return false
if (origin !is KtProperty && origin !is KtParameter) return false
val expectedParametersCount = (if (getter) 0 else 1) + (if (origin.receiverTypeReference != null) 1 else 0)
return parameterList.parametersCount == expectedParametersCount
val KtLightMethod.isGetter: Boolean
get() = isAccessor(true)
val KtLightMethod.isSetter: Boolean
get() = isAccessor(false)
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