org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.OrphanedExpectUtils.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.module
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.multiplatform.findCompatibleActualsForExpected
* Replaces `expect` symbols for which no `actual` counterpart exists with an `actual` stub in all files of the [IrModuleFragment]. The
* implementation keeps track of generated stubs and only generates a single stub for each unique `expect` symbol.
* [stubOrphanedExpectSymbols] is used by the IDE bytecode tool window to allow compiling source files with `expect` declarations for which
* the compiled module has no `actual` declaration. (The `actual` declaration would be defined in a module dependent on the compiled
* module, but choosing this module is non-trivial due to possibly multiple implementations of the same `expect` symbol. In addition, when
* generating bytecode for a single source file, the number of source files to compile should be kept low. Stubbing helps with that.)
internal fun IrModuleFragment.stubOrphanedExpectSymbols(stubGenerator: DeclarationStubGenerator) {
val transformer = StubOrphanedExpectSymbolTransformer(stubGenerator)
private class StubOrphanedExpectSymbolTransformer(val stubGenerator: DeclarationStubGenerator) : ExpectSymbolTransformer() {
private val stubbedClasses = mutableMapOf()
private val stubbedProperties = mutableMapOf()
private val stubbedConstructors = mutableMapOf()
private val stubbedFunctions = mutableMapOf()
override fun getActualClass(descriptor: ClassDescriptor): IrClassSymbol? {
if (!descriptor.isOrphanedExpect()) return null
return stubbedClasses.getOrPut(descriptor) {
override fun getActualProperty(descriptor: PropertyDescriptor): ActualPropertyResult? {
if (!descriptor.isOrphanedExpect()) return null
return stubbedProperties.getOrPut(descriptor) {
val irProperty =
stubGenerator.generatePropertyStub(FakeActualPropertyDescriptor(descriptor)).apply { ensureClassParent(descriptor) }
val irGetter = descriptor.getter?.let(::getActualFunction)
val irSetter = descriptor.setter?.let(::getActualFunction)
ActualPropertyResult(irProperty.symbol, irGetter, irSetter)
override fun getActualConstructor(descriptor: ClassConstructorDescriptor): IrConstructorSymbol? {
if (!descriptor.isOrphanedExpect()) return null
return stubbedConstructors.getOrPut(descriptor) {
override fun getActualFunction(descriptor: FunctionDescriptor): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol? {
if (!descriptor.isOrphanedExpect()) return null
return stubbedFunctions.getOrPut(descriptor) {
.generateFunctionStub(FakeActualFunctionDescriptor(descriptor), createPropertyIfNeeded = false)
.apply { ensureClassParent(descriptor) }
* Property getters and setters are not marked as `isExpect` even if the corresponding property is. However, we still need to stub such
* getters and setters, so [isTargetDeclaration] allows it.
override fun isTargetDeclaration(declaration: IrDeclaration): Boolean =
super.isTargetDeclaration(declaration) ||
declaration is IrSimpleFunction && declaration.correspondingPropertySymbol?.owner?.isExpect == true
* If an `actual` symbol exists, we shouldn't stub the `expect` symbol. This will be performed by
* [org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.ExpectDeclarationsRemoveLowering] during lowering.
private fun MemberDescriptor.isOrphanedExpect(): Boolean = findCompatibleActualsForExpected(module).isEmpty()
* [descriptor] should be the original descriptor, because the copied `actual` descriptor has no source.
private fun IrDeclaration.ensureClassParent(descriptor: MemberDescriptor) {
if (parent !is IrClass) {
parent = stubGenerator.generateOrGetFacadeClass(descriptor) ?: return
private class FakeActualClassDescriptor(original: ClassDescriptor) : ClassDescriptor by original {
override fun isActual(): Boolean = true
override fun isExpect(): Boolean = false
override fun getSource(): SourceElement = SourceElement.NO_SOURCE
override fun getOriginal(): ClassDescriptor = this
private class FakeActualPropertyDescriptor(original: PropertyDescriptor) : PropertyDescriptor by original {
override fun isActual(): Boolean = true
override fun isExpect(): Boolean = false
override fun getSource(): SourceElement = SourceElement.NO_SOURCE
override fun getOriginal(): PropertyDescriptor = this
private class FakeActualClassConstructorDescriptor(original: ClassConstructorDescriptor) : ClassConstructorDescriptor by original {
override fun isActual(): Boolean = true
override fun isExpect(): Boolean = false
override fun getSource(): SourceElement = SourceElement.NO_SOURCE
override fun getOriginal(): ClassConstructorDescriptor = this
private class FakeActualFunctionDescriptor(original: FunctionDescriptor) : FunctionDescriptor by original {
override fun isActual(): Boolean = true
override fun isExpect(): Boolean = false
// `actual` functions are stubbed without providing a body. Hence, they may not be inlined, even if the `expect` function is marked as
// `inline`. Given that inlining requires meaningful bodies (assuming the generated bytecode is of interest), it does not suffice to
// just supply an empty body stub.
override fun isInline(): Boolean = false
override fun getSource(): SourceElement = SourceElement.NO_SOURCE
override fun getOriginal(): FunctionDescriptor = this
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