org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.lower.JvmOptimizationLowering.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.lower
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.FileLoweringPass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.AbstractVariableRemapper
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.createIrBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.irBlock
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.loops.isInductionVariable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.phaser.makeIrFilePhase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.JvmBackendContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.JvmLoweredStatementOrigin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.ir.IrInlineScopeResolver
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.ir.findInlineCallSites
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.IrElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.IrFileEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.IrStatement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irGetField
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irSetField
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.impl.IrVariableImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.symbols.impl.IrVariableSymbolImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.visitors.IrElementTransformer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.OperatorNameConventions
internal val jvmOptimizationLoweringPhase = makeIrFilePhase(
name = "JvmOptimizationLowering",
description = "Optimize code for JVM code generation"
class JvmOptimizationLowering(val context: JvmBackendContext) : FileLoweringPass {
private companion object {
private fun isNegation(expression: IrExpression): Boolean =
expression is IrCall && expression.symbol.owner.let { not ->
not.name == OperatorNameConventions.NOT &&
not.extensionReceiverParameter == null &&
not.valueParameters.isEmpty() &&
not.dispatchReceiverParameter.let { receiver ->
receiver != null && receiver.type.isBoolean()
private val IrFunction.isObjectEquals
get() = name.asString() == "equals" &&
valueParameters.count() == 1 &&
valueParameters[0].type.isNullableAny() &&
extensionReceiverParameter == null &&
dispatchReceiverParameter != null
private fun getOperandsIfCallToEQEQOrEquals(call: IrCall): Pair? =
when {
call.symbol == context.irBuiltIns.eqeqSymbol -> {
val left = call.getValueArgument(0)!!
val right = call.getValueArgument(1)!!
left to right
call.symbol.owner.isObjectEquals -> {
val left = call.dispatchReceiver!!
val right = call.getValueArgument(0)!!
left to right
else -> null
override fun lower(irFile: IrFile) {
irFile.transformChildren(Transformer(irFile.fileEntry, irFile.findInlineCallSites(context)), null)
private inner class Transformer(
private val fileEntry: IrFileEntry,
private val inlineScopeResolver: IrInlineScopeResolver
) : IrElementTransformer {
private val dontTouchTemporaryVals = HashSet()
override fun visitDeclaration(declaration: IrDeclarationBase, data: IrDeclaration?): IrStatement =
super.visitDeclaration(declaration, declaration)
override fun visitCall(expression: IrCall, data: IrDeclaration?): IrExpression {
expression.transformChildren(this, data)
val callee = expression.symbol.owner
if (callee.origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR) {
return optimizePropertyAccess(expression, data)
if (isNegation(expression) && isNegation(expression.dispatchReceiver!!)) {
return (expression.dispatchReceiver as IrCall).dispatchReceiver!!
getOperandsIfCallToEQEQOrEquals(expression)?.let { (left, right) ->
if (left.isNullConst() && right.isNullConst())
return IrConstImpl.constTrue(expression.startOffset, expression.endOffset, context.irBuiltIns.booleanType)
if (left.isNullConst() && right is IrConst<*> || right.isNullConst() && left is IrConst<*>)
return IrConstImpl.constFalse(expression.startOffset, expression.endOffset, context.irBuiltIns.booleanType)
return expression
private fun optimizePropertyAccess(expression: IrCall, data: IrDeclaration?): IrExpression {
val accessor = expression.symbol.owner as? IrSimpleFunction ?: return expression
if (accessor.modality != Modality.FINAL || accessor.isExternal) return expression
val property = accessor.correspondingPropertySymbol?.owner ?: return expression
if (property.isLateinit) return expression
val backingField = property.backingField ?: return expression
val scope = data?.let(inlineScopeResolver::findContainer) ?: return expression
if (scope != accessor.parent || scope != backingField.parent) return expression
val receiver = expression.dispatchReceiver
return context.createIrBuilder(expression.symbol, expression.startOffset, expression.endOffset).irBlock(expression) {
if (backingField.isStatic && receiver != null && receiver !is IrGetValue) {
// If the field is static, evaluate the receiver for potential side effects.
+receiver.coerceToUnit(context.irBuiltIns, [email protected])
if (accessor.valueParameters.isNotEmpty()) {
receiver.takeUnless { backingField.isStatic },
expression.getValueArgument(expression.valueArgumentsCount - 1)!!
} else {
+irGetField(receiver.takeUnless { backingField.isStatic }, backingField)
override fun visitWhen(expression: IrWhen, data: IrDeclaration?): IrExpression {
val isCompilerGenerated = expression.origin == null
expression.transformChildren(this, data)
// Remove all branches with constant false condition.
expression.branches.removeIf {
it.condition.isFalseConst() && isCompilerGenerated
if (expression.origin == IrStatementOrigin.ANDAND) {
&& expression.branches.size == 2
&& expression.branches[1].condition.isTrueConst()
&& expression.branches[1].result.isFalseConst()
) {
"ANDAND condition should have an 'if true then false' body on its second branch. " +
"Failing expression: ${expression.dump()}"
// Replace conjunction condition with intrinsic "and" function call
return IrCallImpl.fromSymbolOwner(
).apply {
putValueArgument(0, expression.branches[0].condition)
putValueArgument(1, expression.branches[0].result)
if (expression.origin == IrStatementOrigin.OROR) {
&& expression.branches.size == 2
&& expression.branches[0].result.isTrueConst()
&& expression.branches[1].condition.isTrueConst()
) {
"OROR condition should have an 'if a then true' body on its first branch, " +
"and an 'if true then b' body on its second branch. " +
"Failing expression: ${expression.dump()}"
return IrCallImpl.fromSymbolOwner(
).apply {
putValueArgument(0, expression.branches[0].condition)
putValueArgument(1, expression.branches[1].result)
// If there are no conditions left, remove the 'when' entirely and replace it with an empty block.
if (expression.branches.size == 0) {
return IrBlockImpl(expression.startOffset, expression.endOffset, context.irBuiltIns.unitType)
// If the only condition that is left has a constant true condition, remove the 'when' in favor of the result.
val firstBranch = expression.branches.first()
if (firstBranch.condition.isTrueConst() && isCompilerGenerated) {
return firstBranch.result
return expression
private fun getInlineableValueForTemporaryVal(statement: IrStatement): IrExpression? {
val variable = statement as? IrVariable ?: return null
if (variable.origin != IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE || variable.isVar) return null
if (variable in dontTouchTemporaryVals) return null
when (val initializer = variable.initializer) {
is IrConst<*> ->
return initializer
is IrGetValue ->
when (val initializerValue = initializer.symbol.owner) {
is IrVariable ->
return when {
initializerValue.isVar ->
initializerValue.origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE ->
?: initializer
else ->
is IrValueParameter ->
return if (initializerValue.isAssignable)
return null
private fun removeUnnecessaryTemporaryVariables(statements: MutableList) {
// Remove declarations of immutable temporary variables that can be inlined.
statements.removeIf {
getInlineableValueForTemporaryVal(it) != null
// Remove a block that contains only two statements: the declaration of a temporary
// variable and a load of the value of that temporary variable with just the initializer
// for the temporary variable. We only perform this transformation for compiler generated
// temporary variables. Local variables can be changed at runtime and therefore eliminating
// an actual local variable changes debugging behavior.
// This helps avoid temporary variables even for side-effecting expressions when they are
// not needed. Having a temporary variable leads to local loads and stores in the
// generated java bytecode which are not necessary. For example
// 42.toLong()!!
// introduces a temporary variable for the toLong() call and a null check
// block
// temp = 42.toLong()
// when (eq(temp, null))
// (true) -> throwNep()
// (false) -> temp
// the when is simplified because long is a primitive type, which leaves us with
// block
// temp = 42.toLong()
// temp
// which can be simplified to simply
// block
// 42.toLong()
// Doing so we avoid local loads and stores.
if (statements.size == 2) {
val first = statements[0]
val second = statements[1]
if (first is IrVariable
&& first.origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE
&& second is IrGetValue
&& first.symbol == second.symbol
) {
first.initializer?.let { statements.add(it) }
override fun visitBlockBody(body: IrBlockBody, data: IrDeclaration?): IrBody {
body.transformChildren(this, data)
return body
override fun visitContainerExpression(expression: IrContainerExpression, data: IrDeclaration?): IrExpression {
if (expression.origin == IrStatementOrigin.WHEN) {
// Don't optimize out 'when' subject initialized with a variable,
// otherwise we might get somewhat weird debugging behavior.
val subject = expression.statements.firstOrNull()
if (subject is IrVariable && subject.initializer is IrGetValue) {
if (expression.origin == IrStatementOrigin.POSTFIX_DECR || expression.origin == IrStatementOrigin.POSTFIX_INCR) {
expression.rewritePostfixIncrDecr()?.let { return it }
if (expression.origin == IrStatementOrigin.FOR_LOOP) {
expression.transformChildren(this, data)
return expression
private fun reuseLoopVariableAsInductionVariableIfPossible(irForLoopBlock: IrContainerExpression) {
if (irForLoopBlock.statements.size != 2) return
val loopInitialization = irForLoopBlock.statements[0] as? IrComposite ?: return
val inductionVariableIndex = loopInitialization.statements.indexOfFirst { it.isInductionVariable(context) }
if (inductionVariableIndex < 0) return
val inductionVariable = loopInitialization.statements[inductionVariableIndex] as? IrVariable ?: return
val loopVariablePosition = findLoopVariablePosition(irForLoopBlock.statements[1]) ?: return
val (loopVariableContainer, loopVariableIndex) = loopVariablePosition
val loopVariable = loopVariableContainer.statements[loopVariableIndex] as? IrVariable ?: return
val loopVariableInitializer = loopVariable.initializer ?: return
if (loopVariableInitializer !is IrGetValue) return
if (loopVariableInitializer.symbol != inductionVariable.symbol) return
val inductionVariableType = inductionVariable.type
val loopVariableType = loopVariable.type
if (loopVariableType.isNullable()) return
if (loopVariableType.classifierOrNull != inductionVariableType.classifierOrNull) return
val newLoopVariable = IrVariableImpl(
loopVariable.startOffset, loopVariable.endOffset, loopVariable.origin,
loopVariable.name, loopVariableType,
isVar = true, // NB original loop variable is 'val'
isConst = false, isLateinit = false
newLoopVariable.initializer = inductionVariable.initializer
newLoopVariable.parent = inductionVariable.parent
loopInitialization.statements[inductionVariableIndex] = newLoopVariable
val remapper = object : AbstractVariableRemapper() {
override fun remapVariable(value: IrValueDeclaration): IrValueDeclaration? =
if (value == inductionVariable || value == loopVariable) newLoopVariable else null
irForLoopBlock.statements[1].transformChildren(remapper, null)
private fun findLoopVariablePosition(statement: IrStatement): Pair? {
when (statement) {
is IrDoWhileLoop -> {
// Expecting counter loop
val doWhileLoop = statement as? IrDoWhileLoop ?: return null
if (doWhileLoop.origin != JvmLoweredStatementOrigin.DO_WHILE_COUNTER_LOOP) return null
val doWhileLoopBody = doWhileLoop.body as? IrComposite ?: return null
if (doWhileLoopBody.origin != IrStatementOrigin.FOR_LOOP_INNER_WHILE) return null
val iterationInitialization = doWhileLoopBody.statements[0] as? IrComposite ?: return null
val loopVariableIndex = iterationInitialization.statements.indexOfFirst { it.isLoopVariable() }
if (loopVariableIndex < 0) return null
return iterationInitialization to loopVariableIndex
is IrWhen -> {
// Expecting if-guarded counter loop
val doWhileLoop = statement.branches[0].result as? IrDoWhileLoop ?: return null
return findLoopVariablePosition(doWhileLoop)
else -> {
return null
private fun IrStatement.isLoopVariable() =
this is IrVariable && origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.FOR_LOOP_VARIABLE
private fun IrContainerExpression.rewritePostfixIncrDecr(): IrCall? {
if (origin != IrStatementOrigin.POSTFIX_INCR && origin != IrStatementOrigin.POSTFIX_DECR) return null
val tmpVar = this.statements[0] as? IrVariable ?: return null
val getIncrVar = tmpVar.initializer as? IrGetValue ?: return null
if (!getIncrVar.type.isInt()) return null
val setVar = this.statements[1] as? IrSetValue ?: return null
if (setVar.symbol != getIncrVar.symbol) return null
val setVarValue = setVar.value as? IrCall ?: return null
val calleeName = setVarValue.symbol.owner.name
if (calleeName != OperatorNameConventions.INC && calleeName != OperatorNameConventions.DEC) return null
val calleeArg = setVarValue.dispatchReceiver as? IrGetValue ?: return null
if (calleeArg.symbol != tmpVar.symbol) return null
val getTmpVar = this.statements[2] as? IrGetValue ?: return null
if (getTmpVar.symbol != tmpVar.symbol) return null
val delta = if (calleeName == OperatorNameConventions.INC)
IrConstImpl.int(startOffset, endOffset, context.irBuiltIns.intType, 1)
IrConstImpl.int(startOffset, endOffset, context.irBuiltIns.intType, -1)
return IrCallImpl.fromSymbolOwner(this.startOffset, this.endOffset, context.ir.symbols.intPostfixIncrDecr).apply {
putValueArgument(0, getIncrVar)
putValueArgument(1, delta)
override fun visitGetValue(expression: IrGetValue, data: IrDeclaration?): IrExpression {
// Replace IrGetValue of an immutable temporary variable with a constant
// initializer with the constant initializer.
val variable = expression.symbol.owner
return when (val replacement = getInlineableValueForTemporaryVal(variable)) {
is IrConst<*> ->
replacement.copyWithOffsets(expression.startOffset, expression.endOffset)
is IrGetValue ->
replacement.copyWithOffsets(expression.startOffset, expression.endOffset)
else ->
override fun visitSetValue(expression: IrSetValue, data: IrDeclaration?): IrExpression {
expression.transformChildren(this, data)
return rewritePrefixIncrDecr(expression) ?: expression
private fun rewritePrefixIncrDecr(expression: IrSetValue): IrExpression? {
if (!expression.symbol.owner.type.isInt())
return null
when (expression.origin) {
IrStatementOrigin.PREFIX_INCR, IrStatementOrigin.PREFIX_DECR -> {
return prefixIncr(expression, if (expression.origin == IrStatementOrigin.PREFIX_INCR) 1 else -1)
IrStatementOrigin.PLUSEQ, IrStatementOrigin.MINUSEQ -> {
val argument = (expression.value as IrCall).getValueArgument(0)!!
if (!hasSameLineNumber(argument, expression)) {
return null
return rewriteCompoundAssignmentAsPrefixIncrDecr(expression, argument, expression.origin is IrStatementOrigin.MINUSEQ)
IrStatementOrigin.EQ -> {
val value = expression.value
if (!hasSameLineNumber(value, expression)) {
return null
if (value is IrCall) {
val receiver = value.dispatchReceiver
?: return null
val symbol = expression.symbol
if (!hasSameLineNumber(receiver, expression)) {
return null
if (value.origin == IrStatementOrigin.PLUS || value.origin == IrStatementOrigin.MINUS) {
val argument = value.getValueArgument(0)!!
if (receiver is IrGetValue && receiver.symbol == symbol && hasSameLineNumber(argument, expression)) {
return rewriteCompoundAssignmentAsPrefixIncrDecr(
expression, argument, value.origin == IrStatementOrigin.MINUS
return null
private fun rewriteCompoundAssignmentAsPrefixIncrDecr(
expression: IrSetValue,
value: IrExpression?,
isMinus: Boolean
): IrExpression? {
if (value is IrConst<*> && value.kind == IrConstKind.Int) {
val delta = IrConstKind.Int.valueOf(value)
val upperBound = Byte.MAX_VALUE.toInt() + (if (isMinus) 1 else 0)
val lowerBound = Byte.MIN_VALUE.toInt() + (if (isMinus) 1 else 0)
if (delta in lowerBound..upperBound) {
return prefixIncr(expression, if (isMinus) -delta else delta)
return null
private fun prefixIncr(expression: IrSetValue, delta: Int): IrExpression {
val startOffset = expression.startOffset
val endOffset = expression.endOffset
return IrCallImpl.fromSymbolOwner(startOffset, endOffset, context.ir.symbols.intPrefixIncrDecr).apply {
putValueArgument(0, IrGetValueImpl(startOffset, endOffset, expression.symbol))
putValueArgument(1, IrConstImpl.int(startOffset, endOffset, context.irBuiltIns.intType, delta))
private fun hasSameLineNumber(e1: IrElement, e2: IrElement) =
getLineNumberForOffset(e1.startOffset) == getLineNumberForOffset(e2.startOffset)
private fun getLineNumberForOffset(offset: Int): Int =
fileEntry.getLineNumber(offset) + 1
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