org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.wasm.ir2wasm.ConstantData.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.wasm.ir2wasm
// Representation of constant data in Wasm memory
internal const val CHAR_SIZE_BYTES = 2
internal const val BYTE_SIZE_BYTES = 1
internal const val SHORT_SIZE_BYTES = 2
internal const val INT_SIZE_BYTES = 4
internal const val LONG_SIZE_BYTES = 8
sealed class ConstantDataElement {
abstract val sizeInBytes: Int
abstract fun dump(indent: String = "", startAddress: Int = 0): String
abstract fun toBytes(): ByteArray
private fun addressToString(address: Int): String =
address.toString().padEnd(6, ' ')
class ConstantDataCharField(val name: String, val value: WasmSymbol) : ConstantDataElement() {
constructor(name: String, value: Char) : this(name, WasmSymbol(value))
override fun toBytes(): ByteArray = value.owner.toLittleEndianBytes()
override fun dump(indent: String, startAddress: Int): String {
return "${addressToString(startAddress)}: $indent i32 : ${value.owner} ;; $name\n"
override val sizeInBytes: Int = CHAR_SIZE_BYTES
class ConstantDataIntField(val name: String, val value: WasmSymbol) : ConstantDataElement() {
constructor(name: String, value: Int) : this(name, WasmSymbol(value))
override fun toBytes(): ByteArray = value.owner.toLittleEndianBytes()
override fun dump(indent: String, startAddress: Int): String {
return "${addressToString(startAddress)}: $indent i32 : ${value.owner} ;; $name\n"
override val sizeInBytes: Int = INT_SIZE_BYTES
class ConstantDataIntegerArray(val name: String, val value: List, private val integerSize: Int) : ConstantDataElement() {
override fun toBytes(): ByteArray {
val array = ByteArray(value.size * integerSize)
repeat(value.size) { i ->
value[i].toLittleEndianBytesTo(array, i * integerSize, integerSize)
return array
override fun dump(indent: String, startAddress: Int): String {
if (value.isEmpty()) return ""
return "${addressToString(startAddress)}: $indent i${integerSize * 8}[] : ${toBytes().contentToString()} ;; $name\n"
override val sizeInBytes: Int = value.size * integerSize
class ConstantDataIntArray(val name: String, val value: List>) : ConstantDataElement() {
override fun toBytes(): ByteArray {
return value.fold(byteArrayOf()) { acc, el -> acc + el.owner.toLittleEndianBytes() }
override fun dump(indent: String, startAddress: Int): String {
if (value.isEmpty()) return ""
return "${addressToString(startAddress)}: $indent i32[] : ${ { it.owner }.toIntArray().contentToString()} ;; $name\n"
override val sizeInBytes: Int = value.size * INT_SIZE_BYTES
class ConstantDataCharArray(val name: String, val value: List>) : ConstantDataElement() {
constructor(name: String, value: CharArray) : this(name, { WasmSymbol(it) })
override fun toBytes(): ByteArray {
return value
.map { it.owner.toLittleEndianBytes() }
.fold(byteArrayOf(), ByteArray::plus)
override fun dump(indent: String, startAddress: Int): String {
if (value.isEmpty()) return ""
return "${addressToString(startAddress)}: $indent i16[] : ${ { it.owner }.toCharArray().contentToString()} ;; $name\n"
override val sizeInBytes: Int = value.size * CHAR_SIZE_BYTES
class ConstantDataStruct(val name: String, val elements: List) : ConstantDataElement() {
override fun toBytes(): ByteArray {
return elements.fold(byteArrayOf()) { acc, el -> acc + el.toBytes() }
override fun dump(indent: String, startAddress: Int): String {
var res = "$indent;; $name\n"
var elemStartAddr = startAddress
for (el in elements) {
res += el.dump("$indent ", elemStartAddr)
elemStartAddr += el.sizeInBytes
return res
override val sizeInBytes: Int = { it.sizeInBytes }.sum()
fun Long.toLittleEndianBytesTo(to: ByteArray, offset: Int, size: Int) {
for (i in 0 until size) {
to[offset + i] = (this ushr (i * 8)).toByte()
fun Int.toLittleEndianBytes(): ByteArray {
return ByteArray(4) {
(this ushr (it * 8)).toByte()
fun Char.toLittleEndianBytes(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf((this.code and 0xFF).toByte(), (this.code ushr Byte.SIZE_BITS).toByte())
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