org.jetbrains.kotlin.buildtools.api.jvm.JvmCompilationConfiguration.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.buildtools.api.jvm
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.buildtools.api.ExperimentalBuildToolsApi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.buildtools.api.KotlinLogger
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.buildtools.api.SourcesChanges
* Allows users to customize the compilation process and to observe the configured settings (or the default ones).
* This interface defines a set of properties and methods that allow users to customize the compilation process.
* It provides control over various aspects of compilation, such as incremental compilation, logging customization and other.
* This interface is not intended to be implemented by the API consumers.
public interface JvmCompilationConfiguration {
* A logger used during the compilation.
* Managed by [useLogger]
* Default logger is a logger just printing messages to stdin and stderr.
public val logger: KotlinLogger
* @see [JvmCompilationConfiguration.logger]
public fun useLogger(logger: KotlinLogger): JvmCompilationConfiguration
* A set of additional to the `.kt` and `.kts` Kotlin script extensions.
* Managed by [useKotlinScriptFilenameExtensions]
* Default value is an empty set.
public val kotlinScriptFilenameExtensions: Set
* @see [JvmCompilationConfiguration.kotlinScriptFilenameExtensions]
public fun useKotlinScriptFilenameExtensions(kotlinScriptExtensions: Collection): JvmCompilationConfiguration
* Provides a default [ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration] allowing to use it as is or customizing for specific requirements.
* Could be used as an overview to default values of the options (as they are implementation-specific).
* @see [useIncrementalCompilation]
public fun makeClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalCompilationConfiguration(): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* Configures usage of incremental compilation.
* @param workingDirectory a working directory for incremental compilation internal state
* @param sourcesChanges an instance of [SourcesChanges]
* @param approachParameters an object representing mandatory parameters specific for the selected incremental compilation approach
* @param options an object representing optional parameters and handles specific for the selected incremental compilation approach
* @see [makeClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalCompilationConfiguration]
public fun useIncrementalCompilation(
workingDirectory: File,
sourcesChanges: SourcesChanges,
approachParameters: P,
options: IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
) {
error("This version of the Build Tools API does not support incremental compilation")
* Allows to observe and customize general JVM incremental compilation settings.
* This interface is not intended to be implemented by the API consumers.
public interface IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* The root project directory, used for computing relative paths in the incremental compilation caches.
* If it is not specified, incremental compilation caches will be non-relocatable.
* Managed by [setRootProjectDir]
* Default value is `null`
public val rootProjectDir: File?
* @see [IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration.rootProjectDir]
public fun setRootProjectDir(rootProjectDir: File): IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* The build directory, used for computing relative paths in the incremental compilation caches.
* If it is not specified, incremental compilation caches will be non-relocatable.
* Managed by [setBuildDir]
* Default value is `null`
public val buildDir: File?
* @see [IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration.buildDir]
public fun setBuildDir(buildDir: File): IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* An indicator whether incremental compilation will analyze Java files precisely for better changes detection
* Managed by [usePreciseJavaTracking]
* Default value is defined by implementation of the API
public val preciseJavaTrackingEnabled: Boolean
* @see [IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration.preciseJavaTrackingEnabled]
public fun usePreciseJavaTracking(value: Boolean): IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* An indicator whether incremental compilation should perform file-by-file backup of files and revert them in the case of a failure
* Managed by [usePreciseCompilationResultsBackup]
* Default value is defined by implementation of the API
public val preciseCompilationResultsBackupEnabled: Boolean
* @see [IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration.preciseCompilationResultsBackupEnabled]
public fun usePreciseCompilationResultsBackup(value: Boolean): IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* Incremental compilation uses the PersistentHashMap of the intellij platform for storing caches.
* An indicator whether the changes should remain in memory and not being flushed to the disk until we could mark the compilation as successful.
* Managed by [keepIncrementalCompilationCachesInMemory]
* Default value is defined by implementation of the API
public val incrementalCompilationCachesKeptInMemory: Boolean
* @see [IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration.incrementalCompilationCachesKeptInMemory]
public fun keepIncrementalCompilationCachesInMemory(value: Boolean): IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* An indicator whether the non-incremental mode of the incremental compiler is forced.
* The non-incremental mode of the incremental compiler means that during the non-incremental compilation
* the compiler will collect enough information to perform the following builds incrementally.
* Manager by [forceNonIncrementalMode]
* By default, the compilation is considered incremental
public val forcedNonIncrementalMode: Boolean
* @see [forcedNonIncrementalMode]
public fun forceNonIncrementalMode(value: Boolean = true): IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* The directories that the compiler will clean in the case of fallback to non-incremental compilation.
* The default ones are calculated in the case of a `null` value as a set of the incremental compilation working directory
* passed to [JvmCompilationConfiguration.useIncrementalCompilation] and the classes output directory from the compiler arguments.
* If the value is set explicitly, it must contain the above-mentioned default directories.
public val outputDirs: Set?
* @see [IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration.outputDirs]]
public fun useOutputDirs(outputDirs: Collection): IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* Allows to observe and customize JVM incremental compilation settings specific to the classpath snapshots based approach.
* This interface is not intended to be implemented by the API consumers.
public interface ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration :
IncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration {
* An indicator whether classpath snapshots comparing should be avoided.
* Could be used if the check is already performed by the API consumer for the sake of optimization
* Managed by [assureNoClasspathSnapshotsChanges]
* By default, the incremental compiler will compare the snapshots itself.
public val assuredNoClasspathSnapshotsChanges: Boolean
* @see [assuredNoClasspathSnapshotsChanges]
public fun assureNoClasspathSnapshotsChanges(value: Boolean = true): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
override fun setRootProjectDir(rootProjectDir: File): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
override fun setBuildDir(buildDir: File): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
override fun usePreciseJavaTracking(value: Boolean): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
override fun usePreciseCompilationResultsBackup(value: Boolean): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
override fun keepIncrementalCompilationCachesInMemory(value: Boolean): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
override fun forceNonIncrementalMode(value: Boolean): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
override fun useOutputDirs(outputDirs: Collection): ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalJvmCompilationConfiguration
* Mandatory parameters for an incremental compilation approach
public sealed interface IncrementalCompilationApproachParameters
* Mandatory parameters of the classpath snapshots based incremental compilation approach
public class ClasspathSnapshotBasedIncrementalCompilationApproachParameters(
* The classpath snapshots files actual at the moment of compilation
public val newClasspathSnapshotFiles: List,
* The shrunk classpath snapshot, a result of the previous compilation. Could point to a non-existent file.
* At the successful end of the compilation, the shrunk version of the [newClasspathSnapshotFiles] will be stored at this path.
public val shrunkClasspathSnapshot: File,
) : IncrementalCompilationApproachParameters