org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.BoxedVsPrimitiveBranchedValues.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.Label
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.Type
import org.jetbrains.org.objectweb.asm.commons.InstructionAdapter
abstract class NumberLikeCompare(
left: StackValue,
right: StackValue,
operandType: Type,
private val opToken: IElementType
) : BranchedValue(left, right, operandType, NumberCompare.getNumberCompareOpcode(opToken)) {
override fun patchOpcode(opcode: Int, v: InstructionAdapter): Int =
NumberCompare.patchOpcode(opcode, v, opToken, operandType)
abstract class SafeCallFusedWithPrimitiveEqualityBase(
opToken: IElementType,
operandType: Type,
left: StackValue,
right: StackValue
) : NumberLikeCompare(left, right, operandType, opToken) {
private val trueIfEqual = opToken == KtTokens.EQEQ || opToken == KtTokens.EQEQEQ
protected abstract fun cleanupOnNullReceiver(v: InstructionAdapter)
override fun condJump(jumpLabel: Label, v: InstructionAdapter, jumpIfFalse: Boolean) {
val endLabel = Label()
arg1.put(operandType, v)
arg2!!.put(operandType, v)
v.visitJumpInsn(patchOpcode(if (jumpIfFalse) opcode else negatedOperations[opcode]!!, v), jumpLabel)
if (jumpIfFalse == trueIfEqual) {
override fun putSelector(type: Type, kotlinType: KotlinType?, v: InstructionAdapter) {
val falseLabel = Label()
val endLabel = Label()
arg1.put(operandType, v)
arg2!!.put(operandType, v)
v.visitJumpInsn(patchOpcode(opcode, v), falseLabel)
if (!trueIfEqual) {
val trueLabel = Label()
if (trueIfEqual) {
coerceTo(type, kotlinType, v)
class SafeCallToPrimitiveEquality(
opToken: IElementType,
operandType: Type,
left: StackValue,
right: StackValue,
private val safeReceiverType: Type,
private val safeReceiverIsNull: Label
) : SafeCallFusedWithPrimitiveEqualityBase(opToken, operandType, left, right) {
override fun cleanupOnNullReceiver(v: InstructionAdapter) {
AsmUtil.pop(v, safeReceiverType)
class PrimitiveToSafeCallEquality(
opToken: IElementType,
operandType: Type,
left: StackValue,
right: StackValue,
private val safeReceiverType: Type,
private val safeReceiverIsNull: Label
) : SafeCallFusedWithPrimitiveEqualityBase(opToken, operandType, left, right) {
override fun cleanupOnNullReceiver(v: InstructionAdapter) {
AsmUtil.pop(v, safeReceiverType)
AsmUtil.pop(v, arg1.type)
class BoxedToPrimitiveEquality private constructor(
leftBoxed: StackValue,
rightPrimitive: StackValue,
primitiveType: Type,
private val frameMap: FrameMap
) : NumberLikeCompare(leftBoxed, rightPrimitive, primitiveType, KtTokens.EQEQ) {
private val boxedType = arg1.type
override fun condJump(jumpLabel: Label, v: InstructionAdapter, jumpIfFalse: Boolean) {
if (arg2!!.canHaveSideEffects()) {
val tmp = frameMap.enterTemp(operandType)
v, jumpLabel, jumpIfFalse,
arg1.put(boxedType, v)
arg2.put(operandType, v)
v.store(tmp, operandType)
{ v.load(tmp, operandType) }
} else {
v, jumpLabel, jumpIfFalse,
{ arg1.put(boxedType, v) },
{ arg2.put(operandType, v) }
private inline fun doJump(
v: InstructionAdapter,
jumpLabel: Label,
jumpIfFalse: Boolean,
putArg1: () -> Unit,
putArg2: () -> Unit
) {
val notNullLabel = Label()
val endLabel = Label()
AsmUtil.dup(v, boxedType)
AsmUtil.pop(v, boxedType)
if (jumpIfFalse) v.goTo(jumpLabel) else v.goTo(endLabel)
coerce(boxedType, operandType, v)
v.visitJumpInsn(patchOpcode(if (jumpIfFalse) opcode else negatedOperations[opcode]!!, v), jumpLabel)
companion object {
fun create(
opToken: IElementType,
left: StackValue,
leftType: Type,
right: StackValue,
rightType: Type,
frameMap: FrameMap
): BranchedValue =
if (!isApplicable(opToken, leftType, rightType))
throw IllegalArgumentException("Not applicable for $opToken, $leftType, $rightType")
else when (opToken) {
KtTokens.EQEQ -> BoxedToPrimitiveEquality(left, right, rightType, frameMap)
KtTokens.EXCLEQ -> Invert(BoxedToPrimitiveEquality(left, right, rightType, frameMap))
else -> throw AssertionError("Unexpected opToken: $opToken")
fun isApplicable(opToken: IElementType, leftType: Type, rightType: Type) =
(opToken == KtTokens.EQEQ || opToken == KtTokens.EXCLEQ) &&
AsmUtil.isIntOrLongPrimitive(rightType) &&
AsmUtil.isBoxedTypeOf(leftType, rightType)
abstract class PrimitiveToSomethingEquality
protected constructor(
leftPrimitive: StackValue,
right: StackValue,
primitiveType: Type
) : NumberLikeCompare(leftPrimitive, right, primitiveType, KtTokens.EQEQ) {
protected val primitiveType = leftPrimitive.type
protected val rightType = right.type
override fun condJump(jumpLabel: Label, v: InstructionAdapter, jumpIfFalse: Boolean) {
val notNullLabel = Label()
val endLabel = Label()
arg1.put(primitiveType, v)
arg2!!.put(rightType, v)
AsmUtil.dup(v, rightType)
jumpIfCanCompareTopWithPrimitive(v, notNullLabel)
AsmUtil.pop(v, rightType)
AsmUtil.pop(v, primitiveType)
if (jumpIfFalse) v.goTo(jumpLabel) else v.goTo(endLabel)
v.visitJumpInsn(patchOpcode(if (jumpIfFalse) opcode else negatedOperations[opcode]!!, v), jumpLabel)
protected abstract fun jumpIfCanCompareTopWithPrimitive(v: InstructionAdapter, label: Label)
protected abstract fun coerceRightToPrimitive(v: InstructionAdapter)
class PrimitiveToBoxedEquality private constructor(
leftPrimitive: StackValue,
rightBoxed: StackValue,
primitiveType: Type
) : PrimitiveToSomethingEquality(leftPrimitive, rightBoxed, primitiveType) {
private val boxedType = rightBoxed.type
override fun jumpIfCanCompareTopWithPrimitive(v: InstructionAdapter, label: Label) {
override fun coerceRightToPrimitive(v: InstructionAdapter) {
coerce(boxedType, primitiveType, v)
companion object {
fun create(opToken: IElementType, left: StackValue, leftType: Type, right: StackValue, rightType: Type): BranchedValue =
if (!isApplicable(opToken, leftType, rightType))
throw IllegalArgumentException("Not applicable for $opToken, $leftType, $rightType")
else when (opToken) {
KtTokens.EQEQ -> PrimitiveToBoxedEquality(left, right, leftType)
KtTokens.EXCLEQ -> Invert(PrimitiveToBoxedEquality(left, right, leftType))
else -> throw AssertionError("Unexpected opToken: $opToken")
fun isApplicable(opToken: IElementType, leftType: Type, rightType: Type) =
(opToken == KtTokens.EQEQ || opToken == KtTokens.EXCLEQ) &&
AsmUtil.isIntOrLongPrimitive(leftType) &&
AsmUtil.isBoxedTypeOf(rightType, leftType)
class PrimitiveToObjectEquality private constructor(
leftPrimitive: StackValue,
rightObject: StackValue,
primitiveType: Type
) : PrimitiveToSomethingEquality(leftPrimitive, rightObject, primitiveType) {
private val boxedType = AsmUtil.boxType(primitiveType)
override fun jumpIfCanCompareTopWithPrimitive(v: InstructionAdapter, label: Label) {
override fun coerceRightToPrimitive(v: InstructionAdapter) {
coerce(rightType, boxedType, v)
coerce(boxedType, primitiveType, v)
companion object {
fun create(opToken: IElementType, left: StackValue, leftType: Type, right: StackValue, rightType: Type): BranchedValue =
if (!isApplicable(opToken, leftType, rightType))
throw IllegalArgumentException("Not applicable for $opToken, $leftType, $rightType")
else when (opToken) {
KtTokens.EQEQ -> PrimitiveToObjectEquality(left, right, leftType)
KtTokens.EXCLEQ -> Invert(PrimitiveToObjectEquality(left, right, leftType))
else -> throw AssertionError("Unexpected opToken: $opToken")
fun isApplicable(opToken: IElementType, leftType: Type, rightType: Type) =
(opToken == KtTokens.EQEQ || opToken == KtTokens.EXCLEQ) &&
AsmUtil.isIntOrLongPrimitive(leftType) &&
rightType.sort == Type.OBJECT
class Ieee754Equality private constructor(
private val frameMap: FrameMap,
left: StackValue,
right: StackValue,
operandType: Type
) : NumberLikeCompare(left, right, operandType, KtTokens.EQEQ) {
init {
assert(operandType == Type.FLOAT_TYPE || operandType == Type.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
"Unexpected operandType for IEEE 754 equality (should be F or D): $operandType"
private val leftType = left.type
private val rightType = right.type
override fun condJump(jumpLabel: Label, v: InstructionAdapter, jumpIfFalse: Boolean) {
val leftIsBoxed = !AsmUtil.isPrimitive(leftType)
val rightIsBoxed = !AsmUtil.isPrimitive(rightType)
frameMap.evaluateOnce(arg1, leftType, v) { left ->
frameMap.evaluateOnce(arg2!!, rightType, v) { right ->
val endLabel = Label()
val bothNonNullLabel = Label()
when {
leftIsBoxed && rightIsBoxed -> {
val leftNonNullLabel = Label()
left.put(leftType, v)
// left == null
right.put(rightType, v)
v.ifnonnull(if (jumpIfFalse) jumpLabel else endLabel)
// left == null && right == null
if (jumpIfFalse) v.goTo(endLabel) else v.goTo(jumpLabel)
// left != null
right.put(rightType, v)
v.ifnull(if (jumpIfFalse) jumpLabel else endLabel)
leftIsBoxed -> {
left.put(leftType, v)
v.ifnull(if (jumpIfFalse) jumpLabel else endLabel)
rightIsBoxed -> {
right.put(rightType, v)
v.ifnull(if (jumpIfFalse) jumpLabel else endLabel)
left.put(operandType, v)
right.put(operandType, v)
if (jumpIfFalse) {
} else {
companion object {
fun create(frameMap: FrameMap, left: StackValue, right: StackValue, comparisonType: Type, opToken: IElementType) =
Ieee754Equality(frameMap, left, right, comparisonType).let {
when (opToken) {
KtTokens.EQEQ -> it
KtTokens.EXCLEQ -> Invert(it)
else -> throw AssertionError("Unexpected operator: $opToken")
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