org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline.MethodInlinerUtil.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.common.FastMethodAnalyzer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.common.InsnSequence
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.common.isMeaningful
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.optimization.nullCheck.isCheckParameterIsNotNull
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.AsmTypes
fun MethodNode.remove(instructions: Sequence) =
instructions.forEach {
[email protected](it)
fun MethodNode.remove(instructions: Collection) {
instructions.forEach {
[email protected](it)
fun MethodNode.findCapturedFieldAssignmentInstructions(): Sequence {
return InsnSequence(instructions).filterIsInstance().filter { fieldNode ->
//filter captured field assignment
// aload 0
// aload x
// PUTFIELD $fieldName
val prevPrev = fieldNode.previous?.previous as? VarInsnNode
fieldNode.opcode == Opcodes.PUTFIELD &&
isCapturedFieldName( &&
fieldNode.previous is VarInsnNode && prevPrev != null && prevPrev.`var` == 0
fun AbstractInsnNode.getNextMeaningful(): AbstractInsnNode? {
var result: AbstractInsnNode? = next
while (result != null && !result.isMeaningful) {
result =
return result
// Interpreter, that analyzes functional arguments only, to replace SourceInterpreter, since SourceInterpreter's merge has O(N²) complexity
internal class FunctionalArgumentValue(
val functionalArgument: FunctionalArgument, basicValue: BasicValue?
) : BasicValue(basicValue?.type) {
override fun toString(): String = "$functionalArgument"
val BasicValue?.functionalArgument
get() = (this as? FunctionalArgumentValue)?.functionalArgument
internal class FunctionalArgumentInterpreter(private val inliner: MethodInliner) : BasicInterpreter(Opcodes.API_VERSION) {
override fun newParameterValue(isInstanceMethod: Boolean, local: Int, type: Type): BasicValue =
inliner.getFunctionalArgumentIfExists(local)?.let { FunctionalArgumentValue(it, newValue(type)) } ?: newValue(type)
override fun unaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: BasicValue): BasicValue? =
wrapArgumentInValueIfNeeded(insn, super.unaryOperation(insn, value))
override fun newOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode): BasicValue? =
wrapArgumentInValueIfNeeded(insn, super.newOperation(insn))
private fun wrapArgumentInValueIfNeeded(insn: AbstractInsnNode, basicValue: BasicValue?): BasicValue? =
if (insn is FieldInsnNode) // GETFIELD or GETSTATIC
inliner.getFunctionalArgumentIfExists(insn)?.let { FunctionalArgumentValue(it, basicValue) } ?: basicValue
override fun merge(v: BasicValue?, w: BasicValue?): BasicValue? =
if (v is FunctionalArgumentValue && w is FunctionalArgumentValue && v.functionalArgument == w.functionalArgument) v
else super.merge(v, w)
internal fun AbstractInsnNode.isAloadBeforeCheckParameterIsNotNull(): Boolean =
opcode == Opcodes.ALOAD && next?.opcode == Opcodes.LDC && next?.next?.isCheckParameterIsNotNull() == true
// Interpreter, that analyzes only ALOAD_0s, which are used as continuation arguments
internal class Aload0BasicValue private constructor(val indices: Set) : BasicValue(AsmTypes.OBJECT_TYPE) {
constructor(i: Int) : this(setOf(i)) {}
operator fun plus(other: Aload0BasicValue) = Aload0BasicValue(indices + other.indices)
internal class Aload0Interpreter(private val node: MethodNode) : BasicInterpreter(Opcodes.API_VERSION) {
override fun copyOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: BasicValue?): BasicValue? =
when {
insn.isAload0() -> Aload0BasicValue(node.instructions.indexOf(insn))
insn.opcode == Opcodes.ALOAD -> if (value == null) null else BasicValue(value.type)
else -> super.copyOperation(insn, value)
override fun merge(v: BasicValue?, w: BasicValue?): BasicValue =
if (v is Aload0BasicValue && w is Aload0BasicValue) v + w else super.merge(v, w)
internal fun AbstractInsnNode.isAload0() = opcode == Opcodes.ALOAD && (this as VarInsnNode).`var` == 0
internal fun analyzeMethodNodeWithInterpreter(
node: MethodNode,
interpreter: BasicInterpreter
): Array?> {
val analyzer = object : FastMethodAnalyzer("fake", node, interpreter, pruneExceptionEdges = true) {
override fun newFrame(nLocals: Int, nStack: Int): Frame {
return object : Frame(nLocals, nStack) {
override fun execute(insn: AbstractInsnNode, interpreter: Interpreter) {
// This can be a void non-local return from a non-void method; Frame#execute would throw and do nothing else.
if (insn.opcode == Opcodes.RETURN) return
super.execute(insn, interpreter)
try {
return analyzer.analyze()
} catch (e: AnalyzerException) {
throw RuntimeException(e)
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