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org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.when.SwitchCodegen.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.`when`
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cfg.WhenChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.ExpressionCodegen
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.StackValue
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.VariableDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtWhenEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtWhenExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.constants.ConstantValue
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.constants.NullValue
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.TypeUtils
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
abstract class SwitchCodegen(
protected val expression: KtWhenExpression,
protected val isStatement: Boolean,
private val isExhaustive: Boolean,
protected val codegen: ExpressionCodegen,
subjectType: Type?
) {
protected val bindingContext: BindingContext = codegen.bindingContext
protected val subjectVariable = expression.subjectVariable
protected val subjectExpression = expression.subjectExpression ?: throw AssertionError("No subject expression: ${expression.text}")
protected val subjectKotlinType = WhenChecker.whenSubjectTypeWithoutSmartCasts(expression, bindingContext)
?: throw AssertionError("No subject type: $expression")
protected val subjectType = subjectType ?: codegen.asmType(subjectKotlinType)
protected var subjectLocal = -1
protected val resultKotlinType: KotlinType? = if (!isStatement) codegen.kotlinType(expression) else null
protected val resultType: Type = if (isStatement) Type.VOID_TYPE else codegen.expressionType(expression)
protected val v: InstructionAdapter = codegen.v
protected val transitionsTable: NavigableMap = TreeMap()
private val entryLabels: MutableList = ArrayList()
private var elseLabel = Label()
private var endLabel = Label()
protected lateinit var defaultLabel: Label
private val switchCodegenProvider = SwitchCodegenProvider(codegen)
* Generates bytecode for entire when expression
open fun generate() {
val frameMapAtStart = codegen.frameMap.mark()
val hasElse = expression.elseExpression != null
// if there is no else-entry and it's statement then default --- endLabel
defaultLabel = if (hasElse || !isStatement || isExhaustive) elseLabel else endLabel
val beginLabel = Label()
// there is no else-entry but this is not statement, so we should return Unit
if (!hasElse && (!isStatement || isExhaustive)) {
codegen.putUnitInstanceOntoStackForNonExhaustiveWhen(expression, isStatement)
codegen.markLineNumber(expression, isStatement)
subjectVariableDescriptor?.let {
v.visitLocalVariable(, subjectType.descriptor, null,
beginLabel, endLabel, subjectLocal
* Sets up transitionsTable and maybe something else needed in a special case
* Behaviour may be changed by overriding processConstant
private fun prepareConfiguration() {
for (entry in expression.entries) {
val entryLabel = Label()
for (constant in switchCodegenProvider.getConstantsFromEntry(entry)) {
if (constant is NullValue || constant == null) continue
processConstant(constant, entryLabel, entry)
if (entry.isElse) {
elseLabel = entryLabel
protected abstract fun processConstant(constant: ConstantValue<*>, entryLabel: Label, entry: KtWhenEntry)
protected fun putTransitionOnce(value: Int, entryLabel: Label) {
if (!transitionsTable.containsKey(value)) {
transitionsTable[value] = entryLabel
private var subjectVariableDescriptor: VariableDescriptor? = null
* Generates subject value on top of the stack.
* If the subject is a variable, it's stored and loaded.
private fun generateSubjectValue() {
if (subjectVariable != null) {
val mySubjectVariable = bindingContext[BindingContext.VARIABLE, subjectVariable]
?: throw AssertionError("Unresolved subject variable: $expression")
subjectLocal = codegen.frameMap.enter(mySubjectVariable, subjectType)
codegen.visitProperty(subjectVariable, null)
StackValue.local(subjectLocal, subjectType, subjectKotlinType).put(subjectType, subjectKotlinType, codegen.v)
subjectVariableDescriptor = mySubjectVariable
} else {
codegen.gen(subjectExpression, subjectType, subjectKotlinType)
subjectVariableDescriptor = null
* Given a subject value on stack (after [generateSubjectValue]),
* produces int value to be used in switch.
protected abstract fun generateSubjectValueToIndex()
protected fun generateNullCheckIfNeeded() {
if (TypeUtils.isNullableType(subjectKotlinType)) {
val nullEntryIndex = findNullEntryIndex(expression)
val nullLabel = if (nullEntryIndex == -1) defaultLabel else entryLabels[nullEntryIndex]
val notNullLabel = Label()
with(v) {
private fun findNullEntryIndex(expression: KtWhenExpression) =
expression.entries.withIndex().firstOrNull { (_, entry) ->
switchCodegenProvider.getConstantsFromEntry(entry).any { it is NullValue }
}?.index ?: -1
private fun generateSwitchInstructionByTransitionsTable() {
val keys = transitionsTable.keys.toIntArray()
val labelsNumber = keys.size
val maxValue = keys.last()
val minValue = keys.first()
val rangeLength = maxValue.toLong() - minValue.toLong() + 1L
if (preferLookupOverSwitch(labelsNumber, rangeLength)) {
val labels = transitionsTable.values.toTypedArray()
v.lookupswitch(defaultLabel, keys, labels)
val sparseLabels = Array(rangeLength.toInt()) { index ->
transitionsTable[index + minValue] ?: defaultLabel
v.tableswitch(minValue, maxValue, defaultLabel, *sparseLabels)
protected open fun generateEntries() {
// resolving entries' entryLabels and generating entries' code
val entryLabelsIterator = entryLabels.iterator()
for (entry in expression.entries) {
val mark = codegen.myFrameMap.mark()
codegen.gen(entry.expression, resultType, resultKotlinType)
if (!entry.isElse) {
companion object {
// In modern JVM implementations it shouldn't matter very much for runtime performance
// whether to choose lookupswitch or tableswitch.
// The only metric that really matters is bytecode size and here we can estimate:
// - lookupswitch: ~ 2 * labelsNumber
// - tableswitch: ~ rangeLength
fun preferLookupOverSwitch(labelsNumber: Int, rangeLength: Long) = rangeLength > 2L * labelsNumber || rangeLength > Int.MAX_VALUE