org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DescriptorVisibilities Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors;
import kotlin.collections.SetsKt;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.TypeAliasConstructorDescriptor;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.receivers.ReceiverValue;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.receivers.SuperCallReceiverValue;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.receivers.ThisClassReceiver;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.DynamicTypesKt;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.ModuleVisibilityHelper;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.CollectionsKt;
import java.util.*;
public class DescriptorVisibilities {
public static final DescriptorVisibility PRIVATE = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.Private.INSTANCE) {
private boolean hasContainingSourceFile(@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor descriptor) {
return DescriptorUtils.getContainingSourceFile(descriptor) != SourceFile.NO_SOURCE_FILE;
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
if (DescriptorUtils.isTopLevelDeclaration(what) && hasContainingSourceFile(from)) {
return inSameFile(what, from);
if (what instanceof ConstructorDescriptor) {
ClassifierDescriptorWithTypeParameters classDescriptor = ((ConstructorDescriptor) what).getContainingDeclaration();
if (useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
&& DescriptorUtils.isSealedClass(classDescriptor)
&& DescriptorUtils.isTopLevelDeclaration(classDescriptor)
&& from instanceof ConstructorDescriptor
&& DescriptorUtils.isTopLevelDeclaration(from.getContainingDeclaration())
&& inSameFile(what, from)) {
return true;
DeclarationDescriptor parent = what;
while (parent != null) {
parent = parent.getContainingDeclaration();
if ((parent instanceof ClassDescriptor && !DescriptorUtils.isCompanionObject(parent)) ||
parent instanceof PackageFragmentDescriptor) {
if (parent == null) {
return false;
DeclarationDescriptor fromParent = from;
while (fromParent != null) {
if (parent == fromParent) {
return true;
if (fromParent instanceof PackageFragmentDescriptor) {
return parent instanceof PackageFragmentDescriptor
&& ((PackageFragmentDescriptor) parent).getFqName().equals(((PackageFragmentDescriptor) fromParent).getFqName())
&& DescriptorUtils.areInSameModule(fromParent, parent);
fromParent = fromParent.getContainingDeclaration();
return false;
* This visibility is needed for the next case:
* class A(t: T) {
* private val t: T = t // visibility for t is PRIVATE_TO_THIS
* fun test() {
* val x: T = t // correct
* val y: T = this.t // also correct
* }
* fun foo(a: A) {
* val x: String = a.t // incorrect, because a.t can be Any
* }
* }
public static final DescriptorVisibility PRIVATE_TO_THIS = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.PrivateToThis.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue thisObject,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
if (PRIVATE.isVisible(thisObject, what, from, useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors)) {
// See Visibility.isVisible contract
if (thisObject == ALWAYS_SUITABLE_RECEIVER) return true;
if (thisObject == IRRELEVANT_RECEIVER) return false;
DeclarationDescriptor classDescriptor = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(what, ClassDescriptor.class);
if (classDescriptor != null && thisObject instanceof ThisClassReceiver) {
return ((ThisClassReceiver) thisObject).getClassDescriptor().getOriginal().equals(classDescriptor.getOriginal());
return false;
public static final DescriptorVisibility PROTECTED = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.Protected.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
ClassDescriptor givenDescriptorContainingClass = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(what, ClassDescriptor.class);
ClassDescriptor fromClass = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(from, ClassDescriptor.class, false);
if (fromClass == null) return false;
if (givenDescriptorContainingClass != null && DescriptorUtils.isCompanionObject(givenDescriptorContainingClass)) {
// Access to protected members inside companion is allowed to all subclasses
// Receiver type does not matter because objects are final
// NB: protected fake overrides in companion from super class should also be allowed
ClassDescriptor companionOwner = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(givenDescriptorContainingClass, ClassDescriptor.class);
if (companionOwner != null && DescriptorUtils.isSubclass(fromClass, companionOwner)) return true;
// The rest part of method checks visibility similarly to Java does for protected (see JLS p.6.6.2)
// Protected fake overrides can have only one protected overridden (as protected is not allowed for interface members)
DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility whatDeclaration = DescriptorUtils.unwrapFakeOverrideToAnyDeclaration(what);
ClassDescriptor classDescriptor = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(whatDeclaration, ClassDescriptor.class);
if (classDescriptor == null) return false;
if (DescriptorUtils.isSubclass(fromClass, classDescriptor)
&& doesReceiverFitForProtectedVisibility(receiver, whatDeclaration, fromClass)) {
return true;
return isVisible(receiver, what, fromClass.getContainingDeclaration(), useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors);
private boolean doesReceiverFitForProtectedVisibility(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility whatDeclaration,
@NotNull ClassDescriptor fromClass
) {
//noinspection deprecation
if (receiver == FALSE_IF_PROTECTED) return false;
// Do not check receiver for non-callable declarations
if (!(whatDeclaration instanceof CallableMemberDescriptor)) return true;
// Constructor accessibility check is performed manually
if (whatDeclaration instanceof ConstructorDescriptor) return true;
// See Visibility.isVisible contract
if (receiver == ALWAYS_SUITABLE_RECEIVER) return true;
if (receiver == IRRELEVANT_RECEIVER || receiver == null) return false;
KotlinType actualReceiverType = receiver instanceof SuperCallReceiverValue
? ((SuperCallReceiverValue) receiver).getThisType()
: receiver.getType();
return DescriptorUtils.isSubtypeOfClass(actualReceiverType, fromClass) || DynamicTypesKt.isDynamic(actualReceiverType);
public static final DescriptorVisibility INTERNAL = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.Internal.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
ModuleDescriptor whatModule = DescriptorUtils.getContainingModule(what);
ModuleDescriptor fromModule = DescriptorUtils.getContainingModule(from);
// Can't invert this condition because CLI compiler analyzes sources as like all in the one module
// and for modules with circular dependency (chunk) JPS provides sources of all modules,
// so we can't be sure that references to an internal member are correct.
if (!fromModule.shouldSeeInternalsOf(whatModule)) return false;
return MODULE_VISIBILITY_HELPER.isInFriendModule(what, from);
public static final DescriptorVisibility PUBLIC = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.Public.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
return true;
public static final DescriptorVisibility LOCAL = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.Local.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method shouldn't be invoked for LOCAL visibility");
public static final DescriptorVisibility INHERITED = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.Inherited.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Visibility is unknown yet"); //This method shouldn't be invoked for INHERITED visibility
/* Visibility for fake override invisible members (they are created for better error reporting) */
public static final DescriptorVisibility INVISIBLE_FAKE = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.InvisibleFake.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
return false;
// Currently used as default visibility of FunctionDescriptor
// It's needed to prevent NPE when requesting non-nullable visibility of descriptor before `initialize` has been called
public static final DescriptorVisibility UNKNOWN = new DelegatedDescriptorVisibility(Visibilities.Unknown.INSTANCE) {
public boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver, @NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what, @NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
return false;
public static final Set INVISIBLE_FROM_OTHER_MODULES =
Collections.unmodifiableSet(SetsKt.setOf(PRIVATE, PRIVATE_TO_THIS, INTERNAL, LOCAL));
private DescriptorVisibilities() {
public static boolean isVisible(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
return findInvisibleMember(receiver, what, from, useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors) == null;
* @see DescriptorVisibility.isVisible contract
public static boolean isVisibleIgnoringReceiver(
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
return findInvisibleMember(ALWAYS_SUITABLE_RECEIVER, what, from, useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors) == null;
* @see DescriptorVisibility.isVisible contract
* @see DescriptorVisibilities.RECEIVER_DOES_NOT_EXIST
public static boolean isVisibleWithAnyReceiver(
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
return findInvisibleMember(IRRELEVANT_RECEIVER, what, from, useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors) == null;
// Note that this method returns false if `from` declaration is `init` initializer
// because initializer does not have source element
public static boolean inSameFile(@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor what, @NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from) {
SourceFile fromContainingFile = DescriptorUtils.getContainingSourceFile(from);
if (fromContainingFile != SourceFile.NO_SOURCE_FILE) {
return fromContainingFile.equals(DescriptorUtils.getContainingSourceFile(what));
return false;
public static DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility findInvisibleMember(
@Nullable ReceiverValue receiver,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility what,
@NotNull DeclarationDescriptor from,
boolean useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors
) {
DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility parent = (DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility) what.getOriginal();
while (parent != null && parent.getVisibility() != LOCAL) {
if (!parent.getVisibility().isVisible(receiver, parent, from, useSpecialRulesForPrivateSealedConstructors)) {
return parent;
parent = DescriptorUtils.getParentOfType(parent, DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility.class);
if (what instanceof TypeAliasConstructorDescriptor) {
DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility invisibleUnderlying =
((TypeAliasConstructorDescriptor) what).getUnderlyingConstructorDescriptor(),
if (invisibleUnderlying != null) return invisibleUnderlying;
return null;
private static final Map ORDERED_VISIBILITIES;
static {
Map visibilities = CollectionsKt.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(4);
visibilities.put(PRIVATE_TO_THIS, 0);
visibilities.put(PRIVATE, 0);
visibilities.put(INTERNAL, 1);
visibilities.put(PROTECTED, 1);
visibilities.put(PUBLIC, 2);
ORDERED_VISIBILITIES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(visibilities);
static Integer compareLocal(@NotNull DescriptorVisibility first, @NotNull DescriptorVisibility second) {
if (first == second) return 0;
Integer firstIndex = ORDERED_VISIBILITIES.get(first);
Integer secondIndex = ORDERED_VISIBILITIES.get(second);
if (firstIndex == null || secondIndex == null || firstIndex.equals(secondIndex)) {
return null;
return firstIndex - secondIndex;
public static Integer compare(@NotNull DescriptorVisibility first, @NotNull DescriptorVisibility second) {
Integer result = first.compareTo(second);
if (result != null) {
return result;
Integer oppositeResult = second.compareTo(first);
if (oppositeResult != null) {
return -oppositeResult;
return null;
public static final DescriptorVisibility DEFAULT_VISIBILITY = PUBLIC;
* This value should be used for receiverValue parameter of Visibility.isVisible
* iff there is intention to determine if member is visible for any receiver.
private static final ReceiverValue IRRELEVANT_RECEIVER = new ReceiverValue() {
public KotlinType getType() {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method should not be called");
public ReceiverValue replaceType(@NotNull KotlinType newType) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method should not be called");
public ReceiverValue getOriginal() {
return this;
* This value should be used for receiverValue parameter of Visibility.isVisible
* iff there is intention to determine if member is visible without receiver related checks being performed.
public static final ReceiverValue ALWAYS_SUITABLE_RECEIVER = new ReceiverValue() {
public KotlinType getType() {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method should not be called");
public ReceiverValue replaceType(@NotNull KotlinType newType) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method should not be called");
public ReceiverValue getOriginal() {
return this;
// This constant is not intended to use somewhere else from
public static final ReceiverValue FALSE_IF_PROTECTED = new ReceiverValue() {
public KotlinType getType() {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method should not be called");
public ReceiverValue replaceType(@NotNull KotlinType newType) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method should not be called");
public ReceiverValue getOriginal() {
return this;
public static boolean isPrivate(@NotNull DescriptorVisibility visibility) {
return visibility == PRIVATE || visibility == PRIVATE_TO_THIS;
private static final ModuleVisibilityHelper MODULE_VISIBILITY_HELPER;
static {
Iterator iterator = ServiceLoader.load(ModuleVisibilityHelper.class, ModuleVisibilityHelper.class.getClassLoader()).iterator();
MODULE_VISIBILITY_HELPER = iterator.hasNext() ? : ModuleVisibilityHelper.EMPTY.INSTANCE;
private static final Map visibilitiesMapping = new HashMap();
private static void recordVisibilityMapping(DescriptorVisibility visibility) {
visibilitiesMapping.put(visibility.getDelegate(), visibility);
static {
public static DescriptorVisibility toDescriptorVisibility(@NotNull Visibility visibility) {
DescriptorVisibility correspondingVisibility = visibilitiesMapping.get(visibility);
if (correspondingVisibility == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inapplicable visibility: " + visibility);
return correspondingVisibility;
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