org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.backend.Fir2IrDeclarationStorage.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.backend
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtFakeSourceElementKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.StandardNames.BUILT_INS_PACKAGE_FQ_NAMES
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fileClasses.JvmFileClassUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.builder.buildProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirDefaultPropertyGetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirDefaultPropertySetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.descriptors.FirBuiltInsPackageFragment
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.descriptors.FirModuleDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.descriptors.FirPackageFragmentDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirComponentCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirConstExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirQualifiedAccessExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirExpressionStub
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.lazy.Fir2IrLazyClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.lazy.Fir2IrLazyConstructor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.lazy.Fir2IrLazyProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.lazy.Fir2IrLazySimpleFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.toResolvedBaseSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.toResolvedValueParameterSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.dfa.cfg.isLocalClassOrAnonymousObject
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.isKFunctionInvoke
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.providers.firProvider
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.toSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.unsubstitutedScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.utils.exceptions.withFirEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.FacadeClassSource
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.JvmClassName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.deserialization.descriptors.DeserializedContainerAbiStability
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.deserialization.descriptors.DeserializedContainerSource
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.runUnless
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.exceptions.errorWithAttachment
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.threadLocal
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
class Fir2IrDeclarationStorage(
private val components: Fir2IrComponents,
private val moduleDescriptor: FirModuleDescriptor,
commonMemberStorage: Fir2IrCommonMemberStorage
) : Fir2IrComponents by components {
private val fragmentCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private class ExternalPackageFragments(
val fragmentForDependencies: IrExternalPackageFragment,
val fragmentForPrecompiledBinaries: IrExternalPackageFragment
private val builtInsFragmentCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val fileCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val scriptCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val functionCache: ConcurrentHashMap = commonMemberStorage.functionCache
private val constructorCache: ConcurrentHashMap = commonMemberStorage.constructorCache
private val initializerCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val propertyCache: ConcurrentHashMap = commonMemberStorage.propertyCache
// interface A { /* $1 */ fun foo() }
// interface B : A {
// /* $2 */ fake_override fun foo()
// }
// interface C : B {
// /* $3 */ override fun foo()
// }
// We've got FIR declarations only for $1 and $3, but we've got a fake override for $2 in IR
// and just to simplify things we create a synthetic FIR for $2, while it can't be referenced from other FIR nodes.
// But when we're binding overrides for $3, we want it had $2 ad it's overridden,
// so remember that in class B there's a fake override $2 for real $1.
// Thus, we may obtain it by fakeOverridesInClass[ir(B)][fir(A::foo)] -> fir(B::foo)
// Note: reusing is necessary here, because sometimes (see testFakeOverridesInPlatformModule)
// we have to match fake override in platform class with overridden fake overrides in common class
private val fakeOverridesInClass: MutableMap> =
* FIR declarations for substitution and intersection overrides are session dependent, which means that in MPP project
* we can have two different functions for the same substitution overrides (in common and platform modules)
* So this cache is needed to have only one IR declaration for both overrides
* The key here is a pair of the original function (first not f/o) and lookup tag of class for which this fake override was created
* THe value is IR function, build for this fake override during fir2ir translation of the module that contains parent class of this function
private val irFakeOverridesForFirFakeOverrideMap: MutableMap =
data class FakeOverrideIdentifier(val originalSymbol: FirCallableSymbol<*>, val dispatchReceiverLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag)
sealed class FakeOverrideKey {
data class Signature(val signature: IdSignature) : FakeOverrideKey()
* Used for declarations which don't have id signature (e.g. members of local classes)
data class Declaration(val declaration: FirCallableDeclaration) : FakeOverrideKey()
private fun FirCallableDeclaration.asFakeOverrideKey(): FakeOverrideKey {
return when (val signature = signatureComposer.composeSignature(this)) {
null -> FakeOverrideKey.Declaration(this)
else -> FakeOverrideKey.Signature(signature)
// For pure fields (from Java) only
private val fieldToPropertyCache: ConcurrentHashMap, IrProperty> = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val delegatedReverseCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val fieldCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private data class FieldStaticOverrideKey(val lookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag, val name: Name)
private val fieldStaticOverrideCache: ConcurrentHashMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val localStorage: Fir2IrLocalCallableStorage by threadLocal { Fir2IrLocalCallableStorage() }
private fun areCompatible(firFunction: FirFunction, irFunction: IrFunction): Boolean {
if (firFunction is FirSimpleFunction && irFunction is IrSimpleFunction) {
if ( != return false
return irFunction.valueParameters.size == firFunction.valueParameters.size && { (irParameter, firParameter) ->
val irType = irParameter.type
val firType = firParameter.returnTypeRef.coneType
if (irType is IrSimpleType) {
when (val irClassifierSymbol = irType.classifier) {
is IrTypeParameterSymbol -> {
firType is ConeTypeParameterType
is IrClassSymbol -> {
val irClass = irClassifierSymbol.owner
firType is ConeClassLikeType && ==
is IrScriptSymbol -> {
} else {
internal fun preCacheBuiltinClassMembers(firClass: FirRegularClass, irClass: IrClass) {
for (declaration in firClass.declarations) {
when (declaration) {
is FirProperty -> {
val irProperty = { == }
if (irProperty != null) {
propertyCache[declaration] = irProperty
is FirSimpleFunction -> {
val irFunction = irClass.functions.find {
areCompatible(declaration, it)
if (irFunction != null) {
functionCache[declaration] = irFunction
is FirConstructor -> {
val irConstructor = irClass.constructors.find {
areCompatible(declaration, it)
if (irConstructor != null) {
constructorCache[declaration] = irConstructor
else -> {}
val scope = firClass.unsubstitutedScope(session, scopeSession, withForcedTypeCalculator = false, memberRequiredPhase = null)
scope.getCallableNames().forEach { callableName ->
buildList {
irClass, scope, callableName, firClass, this, realDeclarationSymbols = emptySet()
fun registerFile(firFile: FirFile, irFile: IrFile) {
fileCache[firFile] = irFile
fun getIrFile(firFile: FirFile): IrFile {
return fileCache[firFile]!!
fun enterScope(declaration: IrDeclaration) {
if (declaration is IrSimpleFunction ||
declaration is IrConstructor ||
declaration is IrAnonymousInitializer ||
declaration is IrProperty ||
declaration is IrEnumEntry ||
declaration is IrScript
) {
fun leaveScope(declaration: IrDeclaration) {
if (declaration is IrSimpleFunction ||
declaration is IrConstructor ||
declaration is IrAnonymousInitializer ||
declaration is IrProperty ||
declaration is IrEnumEntry ||
declaration is IrScript
) {
private fun FirTypeRef.toIrType(typeOrigin: ConversionTypeOrigin = ConversionTypeOrigin.DEFAULT): IrType =
with(typeConverter) { toIrType(typeOrigin) }
private fun ConeKotlinType.toIrType(typeOrigin: ConversionTypeOrigin = ConversionTypeOrigin.DEFAULT): IrType =
with(typeConverter) { toIrType(typeOrigin) }
private fun getIrExternalOrBuiltInsPackageFragment(fqName: FqName, firOrigin: FirDeclarationOrigin): IrExternalPackageFragment {
val isBuiltIn = fqName in BUILT_INS_PACKAGE_FQ_NAMES
return if (isBuiltIn) getIrBuiltInsPackageFragment(fqName) else getIrExternalPackageFragment(fqName, firOrigin)
private fun getIrBuiltInsPackageFragment(fqName: FqName): IrExternalPackageFragment {
return builtInsFragmentCache.getOrPut(fqName) {
createExternalPackageFragment(FirBuiltInsPackageFragment(fqName, moduleDescriptor))
fun getIrExternalPackageFragment(
fqName: FqName,
firOrigin: FirDeclarationOrigin = FirDeclarationOrigin.Library
): IrExternalPackageFragment {
val fragments = fragmentCache.getOrPut(fqName) {
fragmentForDependencies = createExternalPackageFragment(fqName, FirModuleDescriptor(session, moduleDescriptor.builtIns)),
fragmentForPrecompiledBinaries = createExternalPackageFragment(fqName, moduleDescriptor)
// Make sure that external package fragments have a different module descriptor. The module descriptors are compared
// to determine if objects need regeneration because they are from different modules.
// But keep original module descriptor for the fragments coming from parts compiled on the previous incremental step
return when (firOrigin) {
FirDeclarationOrigin.Precompiled -> fragments.fragmentForPrecompiledBinaries
else -> fragments.fragmentForDependencies
private fun createExternalPackageFragment(fqName: FqName, moduleDescriptor: FirModuleDescriptor): IrExternalPackageFragment {
return createExternalPackageFragment(FirPackageFragmentDescriptor(fqName, moduleDescriptor))
private fun createExternalPackageFragment(packageFragmentDescriptor: PackageFragmentDescriptor): IrExternalPackageFragment {
val symbol = IrExternalPackageFragmentSymbolImpl(packageFragmentDescriptor)
return IrExternalPackageFragmentImpl(symbol, packageFragmentDescriptor.fqName)
internal fun findIrParent(
packageFqName: FqName,
parentLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?,
firBasedSymbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>,
firOrigin: FirDeclarationOrigin
): IrDeclarationParent? {
if (parentLookupTag != null) {
return classifierStorage.findIrClass(parentLookupTag)
val parentPackage = when (firBasedSymbol) {
is FirCallableSymbol<*> -> {
getIrExternalPackageFragment(packageFqName, firOrigin)
else -> {
// TODO: All classes from BUILT_INS_PACKAGE_FQ_NAMES are considered built-ins now,
// which is not exact and can lead to some problems
getIrExternalOrBuiltInsPackageFragment(packageFqName, firOrigin)
val firProviderForSymbol = firBasedSymbol.moduleData.session.firProvider
val containerFile = when (firBasedSymbol) {
is FirCallableSymbol -> firProviderForSymbol.getFirCallableContainerFile(firBasedSymbol)
is FirClassLikeSymbol -> firProviderForSymbol.getFirClassifierContainerFileIfAny(firBasedSymbol)
else -> error("Unknown symbol: $firBasedSymbol")
if (containerFile != null) {
val existingFile = fileCache[containerFile]
if (existingFile != null) {
return existingFile
// Sudden declarations do not go through IR lowering process,
// so the parent file isn't replaced with a facade class, as in 'FileClassLowering'.
if (configuration.allowNonCachedDeclarations && firBasedSymbol is FirCallableSymbol<*>) {
val psiFile = containerFile.psi?.containingFile
if (psiFile is KtFile) {
val fileClassInfo = JvmFileClassUtil.getFileClassInfoNoResolve(psiFile)
val className = JvmClassName.byFqNameWithoutInnerClasses(fileClassInfo.fileClassFqName)
val facadeClassName: JvmClassName?
val declarationOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin
if (fileClassInfo.withJvmMultifileClass) {
facadeClassName = JvmClassName.byFqNameWithoutInnerClasses(fileClassInfo.facadeClassFqName)
declarationOrigin = IrDeclarationOrigin.JVM_MULTIFILE_CLASS
} else {
facadeClassName = null
declarationOrigin = IrDeclarationOrigin.FILE_CLASS
val facadeShortName = className.fqNameForClassNameWithoutDollars.shortName()
val containerSource = NonCachedSourceFacadeContainerSource(className, facadeClassName)
return NonCachedSourceFileFacadeClass(declarationOrigin, facadeShortName, containerSource).apply {
parent = parentPackage
return parentPackage
private class NonCachedSourceFileFacadeClass(
origin: IrDeclarationOrigin,
name: Name,
source: SourceElement,
) : IrClassImpl(
UNDEFINED_OFFSET, UNDEFINED_OFFSET, origin, IrClassSymbolImpl(), name,
ClassKind.CLASS, DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC, Modality.FINAL,
source = source
private class NonCachedSourceFacadeContainerSource(
override val className: JvmClassName,
override val facadeClassName: JvmClassName?
) : DeserializedContainerSource, FacadeClassSource {
override val incompatibility get() = null
override val isPreReleaseInvisible get() = false
override val abiStability get() = DeserializedContainerAbiStability.STABLE
override val presentableString get() = className.internalName
override fun getContainingFile(): SourceFile = SourceFile.NO_SOURCE_FILE
private fun computeThisReceiverOwner(parent: IrDeclarationParent?): IrClass? {
if (parent is IrClass && parent !is NonCachedSourceFileFacadeClass) {
return parent
return null
internal fun findIrParent(callableDeclaration: FirCallableDeclaration): IrDeclarationParent? {
val firBasedSymbol = callableDeclaration.symbol
val callableId = firBasedSymbol.callableId
val callableOrigin = callableDeclaration.origin
return findIrParent(callableId.packageName, callableDeclaration.containingClassLookupTag(), firBasedSymbol, callableOrigin)
private fun IrDeclaration.setAndModifyParent(irParent: IrDeclarationParent?) {
if (irParent != null) {
parent = irParent
if (irParent is IrExternalPackageFragment) {
irParent.declarations += this
private fun T.declareDefaultSetterParameter(type: IrType, firValueParameter: FirValueParameter?): T {
valueParameters = listOf(
createDefaultSetterParameter(startOffset, endOffset, type, parent = this, firValueParameter)
return this
internal fun createDefaultSetterParameter(
startOffset: Int,
endOffset: Int,
type: IrType,
parent: IrFunction,
firValueParameter: FirValueParameter?,
name: Name? = null,
isCrossinline: Boolean = false,
isNoinline: Boolean = false,
): IrValueParameter {
return irFactory.createValueParameter(
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED,
name = name ?: SpecialNames.IMPLICIT_SET_PARAMETER,
type = type,
isAssignable = false,
symbol = IrValueParameterSymbolImpl(),
index = parent.contextReceiverParametersCount,
varargElementType = null,
isCrossinline = isCrossinline,
isNoinline = isNoinline,
isHidden = false,
).apply {
this.parent = parent
if (firValueParameter != null) {
annotationGenerator.generate(this, firValueParameter)
private fun T.declareParameters(
function: FirFunction?,
containingClass: IrClass?,
isStatic: Boolean,
forSetter: Boolean,
// Can be not-null only for property accessors
parentPropertyReceiver: FirReceiverParameter?
) {
val parent = this
if (function is FirSimpleFunction || function is FirConstructor) {
with(classifierStorage) {
val typeOrigin = if (forSetter) ConversionTypeOrigin.SETTER else ConversionTypeOrigin.DEFAULT
if (function is FirDefaultPropertySetter) {
val valueParameter = function.valueParameters.first()
val type = valueParameter.returnTypeRef.toIrType(ConversionTypeOrigin.SETTER)
declareDefaultSetterParameter(type, valueParameter)
} else if (function != null) {
val contextReceivers = function.contextReceiversForFunctionOrContainingProperty()
contextReceiverParametersCount = contextReceivers.size
valueParameters = buildList {
addContextReceiverParametersTo(contextReceivers, parent, this)
function.valueParameters.mapIndexedTo(this) { index, valueParameter ->
valueParameter, index + contextReceiverParametersCount,
useStubForDefaultValueStub = function !is FirConstructor || containingClass?.name != Name.identifier("Enum"),
skipDefaultParameter = isFakeOverride || origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_MEMBER
).apply {
this.parent = parent
val thisOrigin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED
if (function !is FirConstructor) {
val receiver: FirReceiverParameter? =
if (function !is FirPropertyAccessor && function != null) function.receiverParameter
else parentPropertyReceiver
if (receiver != null) {
extensionReceiverParameter = receiver.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
val name = (function as? FirAnonymousFunction)?.label?.name?.let {
val suffix = it.takeIf(Name::isValidIdentifier) ?: "\$receiver"
} ?: SpecialNames.THIS
thisType = receiver.typeRef.toIrType(typeOrigin),
thisOrigin = thisOrigin,
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
name = name,
explicitReceiver = receiver,
// See [LocalDeclarationsLowering]: "local function must not have dispatch receiver."
val isLocal = function is FirSimpleFunction && function.isLocal
if (function !is FirAnonymousFunction && containingClass != null && !isStatic && !isLocal) {
dispatchReceiverParameter = declareThisReceiverParameter(
thisType = containingClass.thisReceiver?.type ?: error("No this receiver"),
thisOrigin = thisOrigin
} else {
// Set dispatch receiver parameter for inner class's constructor.
val outerClass = containingClass?.parentClassOrNull
if (containingClass?.isInner == true && outerClass != null) {
dispatchReceiverParameter = declareThisReceiverParameter(
thisType = outerClass.thisReceiver!!.type,
thisOrigin = thisOrigin
fun addContextReceiverParametersTo(
contextReceivers: List,
parent: IrFunction,
result: MutableList,
) {
contextReceivers.mapIndexedTo(result) { index, contextReceiver ->
createIrParameterFromContextReceiver(contextReceiver, index).apply {
this.parent = parent
private fun T.bindAndDeclareParameters(
function: FirFunction?,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent?,
thisReceiverOwner: IrClass?,
isStatic: Boolean,
forSetter: Boolean,
parentPropertyReceiver: FirReceiverParameter? = null
): T {
declareParameters(function, thisReceiverOwner, isStatic, forSetter, parentPropertyReceiver)
return this
fun T.putParametersInScope(function: FirFunction): T {
val contextReceivers = function.contextReceiversForFunctionOrContainingProperty()
for ((firParameter, irParameter) in {
localStorage.putParameter(firParameter, irParameter)
return this
fun getCachedIrFunction(function: FirFunction): IrSimpleFunction? {
return if (function is FirSimpleFunction) getCachedIrFunction(function)
else localStorage.getLocalFunction(function)
fun getCachedIrFunction(function: FirSimpleFunction): IrSimpleFunction? {
return getCachedIrFunction(function, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = null) { signatureComposer.composeSignature(function) }
fun getCachedIrFunction(
function: FirSimpleFunction,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?,
signatureCalculator: () -> IdSignature?
): IrSimpleFunction? {
if (function.visibility == Visibilities.Local) {
return localStorage.getLocalFunction(function)
val cachedIrCallable = getCachedIrCallable(
) { signature ->
return cachedIrCallable
internal fun cacheDelegationFunction(function: FirSimpleFunction, irFunction: IrSimpleFunction) {
functionCache[function] = irFunction
delegatedReverseCache[irFunction] = function
fun originalDeclarationForDelegated(irDeclaration: IrDeclaration): FirDeclaration? = delegatedReverseCache[irDeclaration]
internal fun declareIrSimpleFunction(
signature: IdSignature?,
factory: (IrSimpleFunctionSymbol) -> IrSimpleFunction
): IrSimpleFunction =
if (signature == null) {
} else {
symbolTable.declareSimpleFunction(signature, { Fir2IrSimpleFunctionSymbol(signature) }, factory)
fun getOrCreateIrFunction(
function: FirSimpleFunction,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent?,
isLocal: Boolean = false,
): IrSimpleFunction {
getCachedIrFunction(function)?.let { return it }
return createIrFunction(
isLocal = isLocal,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = function.containingClassLookupTag()
fun createIrFunction(
function: FirFunction,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent?,
thisReceiverOwner: IrClass? = computeThisReceiverOwner(irParent),
predefinedOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin? = null,
isLocal: Boolean = false,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag? = null,
): IrSimpleFunction = convertCatching(function) {
val simpleFunction = function as? FirSimpleFunction
val isLambda = function is FirAnonymousFunction && function.isLambda
val updatedOrigin = when {
isLambda -> IrDeclarationOrigin.LOCAL_FUNCTION_FOR_LAMBDA
function.symbol.callableId.isKFunctionInvoke() -> IrDeclarationOrigin.FAKE_OVERRIDE
simpleFunction?.isStatic == true && in ENUM_SYNTHETIC_NAMES -> IrDeclarationOrigin.ENUM_CLASS_SPECIAL_MEMBER
// Kotlin built-in class and Java originated method (Collection.forEach, etc.)
// It's necessary to understand that such methods do not belong to DefaultImpls but actually generated as default
// See org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.lower.InheritedDefaultMethodsOnClassesLoweringKt.isDefinitelyNotDefaultImplsMethod
(irParent as? IrClass)?.origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB &&
function.isJavaOrEnhancement -> IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_EXTERNAL_JAVA_DECLARATION_STUB
else -> function.computeIrOrigin(predefinedOrigin)
// We don't generate signatures for local classes
// We attempt to avoid signature generation for non-local classes, with the following exceptions:
// - special mode (generateSignatures) oriented on special backend modes
// - lazy classes (they still use signatures)
// - primitive types (they can be from built-ins and don't have FIR counterpart)
// - overrides and fake overrides (sometimes we perform "receiver replacement" in FIR2IR breaking FIR->IR relation,
// or FIR counterpart can be just created on the fly)
val signature =
isLocal ||
!configuration.linkViaSignatures && irParent !is Fir2IrLazyClass &&
function.dispatchReceiverType?.isPrimitive != true && function.containerSource == null &&
updatedOrigin != IrDeclarationOrigin.FAKE_OVERRIDE && !function.isOverride
) {
signatureComposer.composeSignature(function, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
if (irParent is Fir2IrLazyClass && signature != null) {
// For private functions signature is null, fallback to non-lazy function
return createIrLazyFunction(function as FirSimpleFunction, signature, irParent, updatedOrigin)
val name = simpleFunction?.name
?: if (isLambda) SpecialNames.ANONYMOUS else SpecialNames.NO_NAME_PROVIDED
val visibility = simpleFunction?.visibility ?: Visibilities.Local
val isSuspend =
if (isLambda) ((function as FirAnonymousFunction).typeRef as? FirResolvedTypeRef)?.type?.isSuspendOrKSuspendFunctionType(session) == true
else function.isSuspend
val created = function.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
val result = declareIrSimpleFunction(signature) { symbol ->
classifierStorage.preCacheTypeParameters(function, symbol)
startOffset = if (updatedOrigin == IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_MEMBER) SYNTHETIC_OFFSET else startOffset,
endOffset = if (updatedOrigin == IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_MEMBER) SYNTHETIC_OFFSET else endOffset,
origin = updatedOrigin,
name = name,
visibility = components.visibilityConverter.convertToDescriptorVisibility(visibility),
isInline = simpleFunction?.isInline == true,
isExpect = simpleFunction?.isExpect == true,
returnType = function.returnTypeRef.toIrType(),
modality = simpleFunction?.modality ?: Modality.FINAL,
symbol = symbol,
isTailrec = simpleFunction?.isTailRec == true,
isSuspend = isSuspend,
isOperator = simpleFunction?.isOperator == true,
isInfix = simpleFunction?.isInfix == true,
isExternal = simpleFunction?.isExternal == true,
containerSource = simpleFunction?.containerSource,
).apply {
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Function(function)
function, irParent,
thisReceiverOwner, isStatic = simpleFunction?.isStatic == true,
forSetter = false,
convertAnnotationsForNonDeclaredMembers(function, origin)
if (visibility == Visibilities.Local) {
localStorage.putLocalFunction(function, created)
return created
if (function.symbol.callableId.isKFunctionInvoke()) {
(function.symbol.originalForSubstitutionOverride as? FirNamedFunctionSymbol)?.let {
created.overriddenSymbols += getIrFunctionSymbol(it) as IrSimpleFunctionSymbol
if (function.isFakeOverride(fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)) {
val originalFunction = function.unwrapFakeOverrides()
val key = FakeOverrideIdentifier(
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag ?: function.containingClassLookupTag()!!
irFakeOverridesForFirFakeOverrideMap[key] = created
} else {
functionCache[function] = created
return created
fun getCachedIrAnonymousInitializer(anonymousInitializer: FirAnonymousInitializer): IrAnonymousInitializer? =
fun createIrAnonymousInitializer(
anonymousInitializer: FirAnonymousInitializer,
irParent: IrClass
): IrAnonymousInitializer = convertCatching(anonymousInitializer) {
return anonymousInitializer.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
).apply {
this.parent = irParent
initializerCache[anonymousInitializer] = this
fun getCachedIrConstructor(
constructor: FirConstructor,
signatureCalculator: () -> IdSignature? = { null }
): IrConstructor? {
return constructorCache[constructor] ?: signatureCalculator()?.let { signature ->
symbolTable.referenceConstructorIfAny(signature)?.let { irConstructorSymbol ->
val irConstructor = irConstructorSymbol.owner
constructorCache[constructor] = irConstructor
private fun declareIrConstructor(signature: IdSignature?, factory: (IrConstructorSymbol) -> IrConstructor): IrConstructor =
if (signature == null)
symbolTable.declareConstructor(signature, { Fir2IrConstructorSymbol(signature) }, factory)
fun createIrConstructor(
constructor: FirConstructor,
irParent: IrClass,
predefinedOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin? = null,
isLocal: Boolean = false,
): IrConstructor = convertCatching(constructor) {
val origin = constructor.computeIrOrigin(predefinedOrigin)
val isPrimary = constructor.isPrimary
val signature =
runUnless(isLocal || !configuration.linkViaSignatures) {
val visibility = if (irParent.isAnonymousObject) Visibilities.Public else constructor.visibility
return constructor.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
declareIrConstructor(signature) { symbol ->
classifierStorage.preCacheTypeParameters(constructor, symbol)
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name = SpecialNames.INIT,
visibility = components.visibilityConverter.convertToDescriptorVisibility(visibility),
isInline = false,
isExpect = constructor.isExpect,
returnType = constructor.returnTypeRef.toIrType(),
symbol = symbol,
isPrimary = isPrimary,
isExternal = false,
).apply {
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Function(constructor)
// Add to cache before generating parameters to prevent an infinite loop when an annotation value parameter is annotated
// with the annotation itself.
constructorCache[constructor] = this
bindAndDeclareParameters(constructor, irParent, irParent, isStatic = false, forSetter = false)
fun getOrCreateIrConstructor(
constructor: FirConstructor,
irParent: IrClass,
predefinedOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin? = null,
isLocal: Boolean = false,
): IrConstructor {
getCachedIrConstructor(constructor)?.let { return it }
return createIrConstructor(constructor, irParent, predefinedOrigin, isLocal)
private fun declareIrAccessor(
signature: IdSignature?,
factory: (IrSimpleFunctionSymbol) -> IrSimpleFunction
): IrSimpleFunction =
if (signature == null)
symbolTable.declareSimpleFunction(signature, { Fir2IrSimpleFunctionSymbol(signature) }, factory)
private fun createIrPropertyAccessor(
propertyAccessor: FirPropertyAccessor?,
property: FirProperty,
correspondingProperty: IrDeclarationWithName,
propertyType: IrType,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent?,
thisReceiverOwner: IrClass? = computeThisReceiverOwner(irParent),
isSetter: Boolean,
origin: IrDeclarationOrigin,
startOffset: Int,
endOffset: Int,
dontUseSignature: Boolean = false,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag? = null,
propertyAccessorForAnnotations: FirPropertyAccessor? = propertyAccessor,
): IrSimpleFunction = convertCatching(propertyAccessor ?: property) {
val prefix = if (isSetter) "set" else "get"
val signature =
runUnless(dontUseSignature) {
signatureComposer.composeAccessorSignature(property, isSetter, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
val containerSource = (correspondingProperty as? IrProperty)?.containerSource
return declareIrAccessor(
) { symbol ->
val accessorReturnType = if (isSetter) irBuiltIns.unitType else propertyType
val visibility = propertyAccessor?.visibility?.let {
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name = Name.special("<$prefix-${}>"),
visibility = visibility ?: (correspondingProperty as IrDeclarationWithVisibility).visibility,
isInline = propertyAccessor?.isInline == true,
isExpect = false,
returnType = accessorReturnType,
modality = (correspondingProperty as? IrOverridableMember)?.modality ?: Modality.FINAL,
symbol = symbol,
isTailrec = false,
isSuspend = false,
isOperator = false,
isInfix = false,
isExternal = propertyAccessor?.isExternal == true,
containerSource = containerSource,
).apply {
correspondingPropertySymbol = (correspondingProperty as? IrProperty)?.symbol
if (propertyAccessor != null) {
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Function(propertyAccessor)
// Note that deserialized annotations are stored in the accessor, not the property.
convertAnnotationsForNonDeclaredMembers(propertyAccessor, origin)
if (propertyAccessorForAnnotations != null) {
convertAnnotationsForNonDeclaredMembers(propertyAccessorForAnnotations, origin)
with(classifierStorage) {
property, if (isSetter) ConversionTypeOrigin.SETTER else ConversionTypeOrigin.DEFAULT
// NB: we should enter accessor' scope before declaring its parameters
// (both setter default and receiver ones, if any)
if (propertyAccessor == null && isSetter) {
firValueParameter = null
propertyAccessor, irParent,
thisReceiverOwner, isStatic = irParent !is IrClass || propertyAccessor?.isStatic == true,
forSetter = isSetter,
parentPropertyReceiver = property.receiverParameter,
if (irParent != null) {
parent = irParent
if (correspondingProperty is Fir2IrLazyProperty && correspondingProperty.containingClass != null && !isFakeOverride && thisReceiverOwner != null) {
this.overriddenSymbols = correspondingProperty.fir.generateOverriddenAccessorSymbols(
correspondingProperty.containingClass, !isSetter
internal fun IrProperty.createBackingField(
property: FirProperty,
origin: IrDeclarationOrigin,
visibility: DescriptorVisibility,
name: Name,
isFinal: Boolean,
firInitializerExpression: FirExpression?,
type: IrType? = null
): IrField = convertCatching(property) {
val inferredType = type ?: firInitializerExpression!!.typeRef.toIrType()
return declareIrField { symbol ->
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name = name,
visibility = visibility,
symbol = symbol,
type = inferredType,
isFinal = isFinal,
isStatic = property.isStatic || !(parent is IrClass || parent is IrScript),
isExternal = property.isExternal,
).also {
it.correspondingPropertySymbol = [email protected]
}.apply {
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Property(property)
convertAnnotationsForNonDeclaredMembers(property, origin)
private val FirProperty.fieldVisibility: Visibility
get() = when {
hasExplicitBackingField -> backingField?.visibility ?: status.visibility
isLateInit -> setter?.visibility ?: status.visibility
isConst -> status.visibility
hasJvmFieldAnnotation(session) -> status.visibility
origin == FirDeclarationOrigin.ScriptCustomization.ResultProperty -> status.visibility
else -> Visibilities.Private
private fun declareIrProperty(
signature: IdSignature?,
factory: (IrPropertySymbol) -> IrProperty
): IrProperty =
if (signature == null)
symbolTable.declareProperty(signature, { Fir2IrPropertySymbol(signature) }, factory)
private fun declareIrField(factory: (IrFieldSymbol) -> IrField): IrField =
fun getOrCreateIrProperty(
property: FirProperty,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent?,
isLocal: Boolean = false,
): IrProperty {
getCachedIrProperty(property)?.let { return it }
return createIrProperty(property, irParent, isLocal = isLocal)
fun getOrCreateIrPropertyByPureField(
field: FirField,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent
): IrProperty {
return fieldToPropertyCache.getOrPut(field to irParent) {
val containingClassId = (irParent as? IrClass)?.classId
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = containingClassId?.toLookupTag()
private fun FirField.toStubProperty(): FirProperty {
val field = this
return buildProperty {
source = field.source
moduleData = field.moduleData
origin = field.origin
returnTypeRef = field.returnTypeRef
name =
isVar = field.isVar
getter = field.getter
setter = field.setter
symbol = FirPropertySymbol(field.symbol.callableId)
isLocal = false
status = field.status
}.apply {
isStubPropertyForPureField = true
private object IsStubPropertyForPureFieldKey : FirDeclarationDataKey()
private var FirProperty.isStubPropertyForPureField: Boolean? by
fun createIrProperty(
property: FirProperty,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent?,
thisReceiverOwner: IrClass? = computeThisReceiverOwner(irParent),
predefinedOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin? = null,
isLocal: Boolean = false,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag? = null,
): IrProperty = convertCatching(property) {
val origin =
if (property.isStatic && in ENUM_SYNTHETIC_NAMES) IrDeclarationOrigin.ENUM_CLASS_SPECIAL_MEMBER
else property.computeIrOrigin(predefinedOrigin)
// See similar comments in createIrFunction above
val signature =
isLocal ||
!configuration.linkViaSignatures && irParent !is Fir2IrLazyClass &&
property.dispatchReceiverType?.isPrimitive != true && property.containerSource == null &&
origin != IrDeclarationOrigin.FAKE_OVERRIDE && !property.isOverride
) {
signatureComposer.composeSignature(property, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
if (irParent is Fir2IrLazyClass && signature != null) {
// For private functions signature is null, fallback to non-lazy property
return createIrLazyProperty(property, signature, irParent, origin)
return property.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
val result = declareIrProperty(signature) { symbol ->
classifierStorage.preCacheTypeParameters(property, symbol)
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name =,
visibility = components.visibilityConverter.convertToDescriptorVisibility(property.visibility),
modality = property.modality!!,
symbol = symbol,
isVar = property.isVar,
isConst = property.isConst,
isLateinit = property.isLateInit,
isDelegated = property.delegate != null,
isExternal = property.isExternal,
containerSource = property.containerSource,
isExpect = property.isExpect,
).apply {
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Property(property)
convertAnnotationsForNonDeclaredMembers(property, origin)
if (irParent != null) {
parent = irParent
val type = property.returnTypeRef.toIrType()
val delegate = property.delegate
val getter = property.getter
val setter = property.setter
if (delegate != null || property.hasBackingField) {
backingField = if (delegate != null) {
((delegate as? FirQualifiedAccessExpression)?.calleeReference?.toResolvedBaseSymbol()?.fir as? FirTypeParameterRefsOwner)?.let {
classifierStorage.preCacheTypeParameters(it, symbol)
property, IrDeclarationOrigin.PROPERTY_DELEGATE,
NameUtils.propertyDelegateName(, true, delegate
} else {
val initializer = property.backingField?.initializer ?: property.initializer
// There are cases when we get here for properties
// that have no backing field. For example, in the
// funExpression.kt test there's an attempt
// to access the `javaClass` property of the `foo0`'s
// `block` argument
val typeToUse = property.backingField?.returnTypeRef?.toIrType() ?: type
property, IrDeclarationOrigin.PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD,
components.visibilityConverter.convertToDescriptorVisibility(property.fieldVisibility),, property.isVal, initializer, typeToUse
).also { field ->
if (initializer is FirConstExpression<*>) {
val constType = initializer.typeRef.toIrType()
field.initializer = factory.createExpressionBody(initializer.toIrConst(constType))
if (irParent != null) {
backingField?.parent = irParent
this.getter = createIrPropertyAccessor(
getter, property, this, type, irParent, thisReceiverOwner, false,
when {
origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB -> origin
origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.ENUM_CLASS_SPECIAL_MEMBER -> origin
delegate != null -> IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR
origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.FAKE_OVERRIDE -> origin
origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_MEMBER -> origin
getter == null || getter is FirDefaultPropertyGetter -> IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR
else -> origin
startOffset, endOffset,
dontUseSignature = signature == null, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag,
if (property.isVar) {
this.setter = createIrPropertyAccessor(
setter, property, this, type, irParent, thisReceiverOwner, true,
when {
delegate != null -> IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR
origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.FAKE_OVERRIDE -> origin
origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_MEMBER -> origin
setter is FirDefaultPropertySetter -> IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR
else -> origin
startOffset, endOffset,
dontUseSignature = signature == null, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag,
if (property.isFakeOverride(fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)) {
val originalProperty = property.unwrapFakeOverrides()
val key = FakeOverrideIdentifier(
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag ?: property.containingClassLookupTag()!!
irFakeOverridesForFirFakeOverrideMap[key] = result
} else {
propertyCache[property] = result
fun getCachedIrProperty(property: FirProperty): IrProperty? {
return getCachedIrProperty(property, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = null) {
fun getCachedIrProperty(
property: FirProperty,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?,
signatureCalculator: () -> IdSignature?
): IrProperty? {
return getCachedIrCallable(
) { signature ->
private inline fun getCachedIrCallable(
declaration: FC,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?,
cache: MutableMap,
signatureCalculator: () -> IdSignature?,
referenceIfAny: (IdSignature) -> IC?
): IC? {
* There should be two types of declarations:
* 1. Real declarations. They are stored in simple FirDeclaration -> IrDeclaration [cache]
* 2. Fake overrides. They are stored in [irFakeOverridesForRealFirFakeOverrideMap], where the key is the original real declaration and
* specific dispatch receiver of particular fake override. This cache is needed, because we can have two different FIR
* f/o for common and platform modules (because they are session dependent), but we should create IR declaration for them
* only once. So [irFakeOverridesForFirFakeOverrideMap] is shared between fir2ir conversion for different MPP modules
* (see KT-58229)
* Unfortunately, in the current implementation, there is a special case.
* If the fake override exists in FIR (i.e., it is an intersection or substitution override), and it comes from dependency module,
* corresponding LazyIrFunction or LazyIrProperty can be created, ignoring the fact that it is a fake override.
* In that case, it can sometimes be put to the wrong cache, as a normal declaration.
* To workaround this, we look up such declarations in both caches.
val isFakeOverride = declaration.isFakeOverride(fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
if (isFakeOverride) {
val key = FakeOverrideIdentifier(
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag ?: declaration.containingClassLookupTag()!!
irFakeOverridesForFirFakeOverrideMap[key]?.let { return it as IC }
} else {
cache[declaration]?.let { return it }
// TODO: Special case mentioned above. Should be removed after fixing creation. KT-61085
if (declaration.isSubstitutionOrIntersectionOverride) {
cache[declaration]?.let { return it }
return signatureCalculator()?.let { signature ->
referenceIfAny(signature)?.let { irDeclaration ->
if (!isFakeOverride) {
cache[declaration] = irDeclaration
internal fun cacheDelegatedProperty(property: FirProperty, irProperty: IrProperty) {
propertyCache[property] = irProperty
delegatedReverseCache[irProperty] = property
internal fun saveFakeOverrideInClass(
irClass: IrClass,
originalDeclaration: FirCallableDeclaration,
fakeOverride: FirCallableDeclaration
) {
fakeOverridesInClass.getOrPut(irClass, ::mutableMapOf)[originalDeclaration.asFakeOverrideKey()] = fakeOverride
fun getFakeOverrideInClass(
irClass: IrClass,
callableDeclaration: FirCallableDeclaration
): FirCallableDeclaration? {
if (irClass is Fir2IrLazyClass) {
val map = fakeOverridesInClass[irClass]
return map?.get(callableDeclaration.asFakeOverrideKey())
fun getCachedIrDelegateOrBackingField(field: FirField): IrField? = fieldCache[field]
fun getCachedIrFieldStaticFakeOverrideByDeclaration(field: FirField): IrField? {
val ownerLookupTag = field.containingClassLookupTag() ?: return null
return fieldStaticOverrideCache[FieldStaticOverrideKey(ownerLookupTag,]
fun createIrFieldAndDelegatedMembers(field: FirField, owner: FirClass, irClass: IrClass): IrField? {
// Either take a corresponding constructor property backing field,
// or create a separate delegate field
val irField = getOrCreateDelegateIrField(field, owner, irClass)
delegatedMemberGenerator.generate(irField, field, owner, irClass)
if (owner.isLocalClassOrAnonymousObject()) {
// If it's a property backing field, it should not be added to the class in Fir2IrConverter, so it's not returned
return irField.takeIf { it.correspondingPropertySymbol == null }
private fun getOrCreateDelegateIrField(field: FirField, owner: FirClass, irClass: IrClass): IrField {
val initializer = field.initializer
if (initializer is FirQualifiedAccessExpression && initializer.explicitReceiver == null) {
val resolvedSymbol = initializer.calleeReference.toResolvedValueParameterSymbol()
if (resolvedSymbol is FirValueParameterSymbol) {
val name =
val constructorProperty = owner.declarations.filterIsInstance().find { == name && it.source?.kind is KtFakeSourceElementKind.PropertyFromParameter
if (constructorProperty != null) {
val irProperty = getOrCreateIrProperty(constructorProperty, irClass)
val backingField = irProperty.backingField!!
fieldCache[field] = backingField
return backingField
return createIrField(
irParent = irClass,
typeRef = initializer?.typeRef ?: field.returnTypeRef,
origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATE
).apply {
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Field(field)
internal fun createIrField(
field: FirField,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent?,
typeRef: FirTypeRef = field.returnTypeRef,
origin: IrDeclarationOrigin = IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_EXTERNAL_JAVA_DECLARATION_STUB
): IrField = convertCatching(field) {
val type = typeRef.toIrType()
val classId = (irParent as? IrClass)?.classId
val containingClassLookupTag = classId?.toLookupTag()
val signature = signatureComposer.composeSignature(field, containingClassLookupTag)
return field.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
if (signature != null) {
signature, symbolFactory = { IrFieldPublicSymbolImpl(signature) }
) { symbol ->
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name =,
visibility = components.visibilityConverter.convertToDescriptorVisibility(field.visibility),
symbol = symbol,
type = type,
isFinal = field.modality == Modality.FINAL,
isStatic = field.isStatic,
isExternal = false
} else {
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name =,
visibility = components.visibilityConverter.convertToDescriptorVisibility(field.visibility),
symbol = IrFieldSymbolImpl(),
type = type,
isFinal = field.modality == Modality.FINAL,
isStatic = field.isStatic,
isExternal = false
}.apply {
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Field(field)
val staticFakeOverrideKey = getFieldStaticFakeOverrideKey(field, containingClassLookupTag)
if (staticFakeOverrideKey == null) {
fieldCache[field] = this
} else {
fieldStaticOverrideCache[staticFakeOverrideKey] = this
val initializer = field.unwrapFakeOverrides().initializer
if (initializer is FirConstExpression<*>) {
this.initializer = factory.createExpressionBody(initializer.toIrConst(type))
// This function returns null if this field/ownerClassId combination does not describe static fake override
private fun getFieldStaticFakeOverrideKey(field: FirField, ownerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?): FieldStaticOverrideKey? {
if (ownerLookupTag == null || !field.isStatic ||
!field.isSubstitutionOrIntersectionOverride && ownerLookupTag == field.containingClassLookupTag()
) return null
return FieldStaticOverrideKey(ownerLookupTag,
internal fun createIrParameter(
valueParameter: FirValueParameter,
useStubForDefaultValueStub: Boolean = true,
typeOrigin: ConversionTypeOrigin = ConversionTypeOrigin.DEFAULT,
skipDefaultParameter: Boolean = false,
// Use this parameter if you want to insert the actual default value instead of the stub (overrides useStubForDefaultValueStub parameter).
// This parameter is intended to be used for default values of annotation parameters where they are needed and
// may produce incorrect results for values that may be encountered outside annotations.
// Does not do anything if valueParameter.defaultValue is already FirExpressionStub.
forcedDefaultValueConversion: Boolean = false,
): IrValueParameter = convertCatching(valueParameter) {
val origin = valueParameter.computeIrOrigin()
val type = valueParameter.returnTypeRef.toIrType(typeOrigin)
val irParameter = valueParameter.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name =,
type = type,
isAssignable = false,
symbol = IrValueParameterSymbolImpl(),
index = index,
varargElementType =
if (!valueParameter.isVararg) null
else valueParameter.returnTypeRef.coneType.arrayElementType()?.toIrType(typeOrigin),
isCrossinline = valueParameter.isCrossinline,
isNoinline = valueParameter.isNoinline,
isHidden = false,
).apply {
val defaultValue = valueParameter.defaultValue
if (!skipDefaultParameter && defaultValue != null) {
this.defaultValue = when {
forcedDefaultValueConversion && defaultValue !is FirExpressionStub ->
useStubForDefaultValueStub || defaultValue !is FirExpressionStub ->
"Stub expression for default value of ${}"
else -> null
annotationGenerator.generate(this, valueParameter)
localStorage.putParameter(valueParameter, irParameter)
return irParameter
private fun createIrParameterFromContextReceiver(
contextReceiver: FirContextReceiver,
index: Int,
): IrValueParameter = convertCatching(contextReceiver) {
val type = contextReceiver.typeRef.toIrType()
return contextReceiver.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED,
name = NameUtils.contextReceiverName(index),
type = type,
isAssignable = false,
symbol = IrValueParameterSymbolImpl(),
index = index,
varargElementType = null,
isCrossinline = false,
isNoinline = false,
isHidden = false,
// TODO: KT-58686
private var lastTemporaryIndex: Int = 0
private fun nextTemporaryIndex(): Int = lastTemporaryIndex++
private fun getNameForTemporary(nameHint: String?): String {
val index = nextTemporaryIndex()
return if (nameHint != null) "tmp${index}_$nameHint" else "tmp$index"
private fun declareIrVariable(
startOffset: Int, endOffset: Int,
origin: IrDeclarationOrigin, name: Name, type: IrType,
isVar: Boolean, isConst: Boolean, isLateinit: Boolean
): IrVariable =
startOffset, endOffset, origin, IrVariableSymbolImpl(), name, type,
isVar, isConst, isLateinit
fun createIrVariable(
variable: FirVariable,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent,
givenOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin? = null
): IrVariable = convertCatching(variable) {
// Note: for components call, we have to change type here (to original component type) to keep compatibility with PSI2IR
// Some backend optimizations related to withIndex() probably depend on this type: index should always be Int
// See e.g. forInStringWithIndexWithExplicitlyTypedIndexVariable.kt from codegen box tests
val type = ((variable.initializer as? FirComponentCall)?.typeRef ?: variable.returnTypeRef).toIrType()
// Some temporary variables are produced in RawFirBuilder, but we consistently use special names for them.
val origin = when {
givenOrigin != null -> givenOrigin == SpecialNames.ITERATOR -> IrDeclarationOrigin.FOR_LOOP_ITERATOR -> IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE
else -> IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED
val isLateInit = if (variable is FirProperty) variable.isLateInit else false
val irVariable = variable.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
startOffset, endOffset, origin,, type, variable.isVar, isConst = false, isLateinit = isLateInit
irVariable.parent = irParent
localStorage.putVariable(variable, irVariable)
return irVariable
fun createIrLocalDelegatedProperty(
property: FirProperty,
irParent: IrDeclarationParent
): IrLocalDelegatedProperty = convertCatching(property) {
val type = property.returnTypeRef.toIrType()
val origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED
val irProperty = property.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
name =,
symbol = IrLocalDelegatedPropertySymbolImpl(),
type = type,
isVar = property.isVar
}.apply {
parent = irParent
metadata = FirMetadataSource.Property(property)
delegate = declareIrVariable(
startOffset, endOffset, IrDeclarationOrigin.PROPERTY_DELEGATE,
NameUtils.propertyDelegateName(, property.delegate!!.typeRef.toIrType(),
isVar = false, isConst = false, isLateinit = false
delegate.parent = irParent
getter = createIrPropertyAccessor(
property.getter, property, this, type, irParent, null, false,
IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR, startOffset, endOffset, dontUseSignature = true
if (property.isVar) {
setter = createIrPropertyAccessor(
property.setter, property, this, type, irParent, null, true,
IrDeclarationOrigin.DELEGATED_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR, startOffset, endOffset, dontUseSignature = true
localStorage.putDelegatedProperty(property, irProperty)
return irProperty
fun declareTemporaryVariable(base: IrExpression, nameHint: String? = null): IrVariable {
return declareIrVariable(
base.startOffset, base.endOffset, IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE,
Name.identifier(getNameForTemporary(nameHint)), base.type,
isVar = false, isConst = false, isLateinit = false
).apply {
initializer = base
fun getIrConstructorSymbol(firConstructorSymbol: FirConstructorSymbol): IrConstructorSymbol {
val fir = firConstructorSymbol.fir
return getIrCallableSymbol(
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = null,
getCachedIrDeclaration = { constructor: FirConstructor, _, calculator -> getCachedIrConstructor(constructor, calculator) },
createIrDeclaration = { parent, origin ->
createIrConstructor(fir, parent as IrClass, predefinedOrigin = origin)
createIrLazyDeclaration = { signature, lazyParent, declarationOrigin ->
val symbol = Fir2IrConstructorSymbol(signature)
val irConstructor = fir.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
symbolTable.declareConstructor(signature, { symbol }) {
components, startOffset, endOffset, declarationOrigin, fir, symbol
).apply {
parent = lazyParent
constructorCache[fir] = irConstructor
// NB: this is needed to prevent recursions in case of self bounds
(irConstructor as Fir2IrLazyConstructor).prepareTypeParameters()
) as IrConstructorSymbol
fun getIrFunctionSymbol(
firFunctionSymbol: FirFunctionSymbol<*>,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag? = null,
): IrFunctionSymbol {
return when (val fir = firFunctionSymbol.fir) {
is FirAnonymousFunction -> {
getCachedIrFunction(fir)?.let { return it.symbol }
val irParent = findIrParent(fir)
val parentOrigin = (irParent as? IrDeclaration)?.origin ?: IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED
val declarationOrigin = computeDeclarationOrigin(firFunctionSymbol, parentOrigin)
createIrFunction(fir, irParent, predefinedOrigin = declarationOrigin).symbol
is FirSimpleFunction -> {
val unmatchedOwner = fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag != firFunctionSymbol.containingClassLookupTag()
if (unmatchedOwner) {
generateLazyFakeOverrides(, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
val originalSymbol = getIrCallableSymbol(
getCachedIrDeclaration = ::getCachedIrFunction,
createIrDeclaration = { parent, origin ->
fir, parent,
predefinedOrigin = origin,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag,
createIrLazyDeclaration = { signature, lazyParent, declarationOrigin ->
createIrLazyFunction(fir, signature, lazyParent, declarationOrigin)
) as IrFunctionSymbol
if (unmatchedOwner && fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag is ConeClassLookupTagWithFixedSymbol) {
val originalFunction = originalSymbol.owner as IrSimpleFunction
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag.findIrFakeOverride(, originalFunction) as IrFunctionSymbol? ?: originalSymbol
} else {
is FirConstructor -> {
else -> error("Unknown kind of function: ${}: ${fir.render()}")
private fun createIrLazyFunction(
fir: FirSimpleFunction,
signature: IdSignature,
lazyParent: IrDeclarationParent,
declarationOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin
): IrSimpleFunction {
val symbol = symbolTable.referenceSimpleFunction(signature)
val irFunction = fir.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
symbolTable.declareSimpleFunction(signature, { symbol }) {
val isFakeOverride = fir.isSubstitutionOrIntersectionOverride
components, startOffset, endOffset, declarationOrigin,
fir, (lazyParent as? Fir2IrLazyClass)?.fir, symbol, isFakeOverride
).apply {
this.parent = lazyParent
functionCache[fir] = irFunction
// NB: this is needed to prevent recursions in case of self bounds
(irFunction as Fir2IrLazySimpleFunction).prepareTypeParameters()
return irFunction
fun getIrPropertySymbol(
firPropertySymbol: FirPropertySymbol,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag? = null,
): IrSymbol {
val fir = firPropertySymbol.fir
if (fir.isLocal) {
return localStorage.getDelegatedProperty(fir)?.symbol ?: getIrVariableSymbol(fir)
val containingClassLookupTag = firPropertySymbol.containingClassLookupTag()
val unmatchedOwner = fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag != containingClassLookupTag
if (unmatchedOwner) {
generateLazyFakeOverrides(, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
fun ConeClassLikeLookupTag?.getIrCallableSymbol() = getIrCallableSymbol(
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = this,
getCachedIrDeclaration = ::getCachedIrProperty,
createIrDeclaration = { parent, origin ->
fir, parent, predefinedOrigin = origin, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag = fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag,
createIrLazyDeclaration = { signature, lazyParent, declarationOrigin ->
createIrLazyProperty(fir, signature, lazyParent, declarationOrigin)
val originalSymbol = fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag.getIrCallableSymbol()
val originalProperty = originalSymbol.owner as IrProperty
fun IrProperty.isIllegalFakeOverride(): Boolean {
if (!isFakeOverride) return false
val overriddenSymbols = overriddenSymbols
return overriddenSymbols.isEmpty() || overriddenSymbols.any { it.owner.isIllegalFakeOverride() }
if (fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag != null &&
firPropertySymbol is FirSyntheticPropertySymbol &&
) {
// Fallback for a synthetic property complex case
return containingClassLookupTag.getIrCallableSymbol()
return if (unmatchedOwner && fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag is ConeClassLookupTagWithFixedSymbol) {
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag.findIrFakeOverride(, originalProperty) as IrPropertySymbol
} else {
private fun createIrLazyProperty(
fir: FirProperty,
signature: IdSignature,
lazyParent: IrDeclarationParent,
declarationOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin
): IrProperty {
val symbol = Fir2IrPropertySymbol(signature)
val firPropertySymbol = fir.symbol
fun create(startOffset: Int, endOffset: Int): Fir2IrLazyProperty {
val isFakeOverride =
fir.isSubstitutionOrIntersectionOverride &&
firPropertySymbol.dispatchReceiverClassLookupTagOrNull() !=
return Fir2IrLazyProperty(
components, startOffset, endOffset, declarationOrigin,
fir, (lazyParent as? Fir2IrLazyClass)?.fir, symbol, isFakeOverride
).apply {
this.parent = lazyParent
val irProperty = fir.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
if (fir.isStubPropertyForPureField == true) {
// Very special case when two similar properties can exist so conflicts in SymbolTable are possible.
// See javaCloseFieldAndKotlinProperty.kt in BB tests
symbolTable.declarePropertyWithSignature(signature, symbol)
create(startOffset, endOffset)
} else {
symbolTable.declareProperty(signature, { symbol }) {
create(startOffset, endOffset)
propertyCache[fir] = irProperty
return irProperty
private inline fun > ConeClassLookupTagWithFixedSymbol.findIrFakeOverride(
name: Name, originalDeclaration: IrOverridableDeclaration
): IrSymbol? {
val dispatchReceiverIrClass =
classifierStorage.getIrClassSymbol(toSymbol(session) as FirClassSymbol).owner
return dispatchReceiverIrClass.declarations.find {
it is D && it.isFakeOverride && == name && it.overrides(originalDeclaration)
private fun generateLazyFakeOverrides(name: Name, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?) {
val firClassSymbol = fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag?.toSymbol(session) as? FirClassSymbol
if (firClassSymbol != null) {
val irClass = classifierStorage.getIrClassSymbol(firClassSymbol).owner
if (irClass is Fir2IrLazyClass) {
private inline fun <
reified FS : FirCallableSymbol<*>,
reified F : FirCallableDeclaration,
I : IrSymbolOwner,
> getIrCallableSymbol(
firSymbol: FS,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?,
getCachedIrDeclaration: (firDeclaration: F, dispatchReceiverLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?, () -> IdSignature?) -> I?,
createIrDeclaration: (parent: IrDeclarationParent?, origin: IrDeclarationOrigin) -> I,
createIrLazyDeclaration: (signature: IdSignature, lazyOwner: IrDeclarationParent, origin: IrDeclarationOrigin) -> I,
): IrSymbol {
val fir = firSymbol.fir as F
val irParent by lazy { findIrParent(fir) }
val signature by lazy {
forceExpect = fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag?.toSymbol(session)?.isExpect == true
synchronized(symbolTable.lock) {
getCachedIrDeclaration(fir, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag.takeIf { it !is ConeClassLookupTagWithFixedSymbol }) {
// Parent calculation provokes declaration calculation for some members from IrBuiltIns
@Suppress("UNUSED_EXPRESSION") irParent
}?.let { return it.symbol }
val parentOrigin = (irParent as? IrDeclaration)?.origin ?: IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED
val declarationOrigin = computeDeclarationOrigin(firSymbol, parentOrigin)
when (val parent = irParent) {
is Fir2IrLazyClass -> {
assert(parentOrigin != IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED || configuration.allowNonCachedDeclarations) {
"Should not have reference to public API uncached property from source code"
signature?.let {
return createIrLazyDeclaration(it, parent, declarationOrigin).symbol
is IrLazyClass -> {
val unwrapped = fir.unwrapFakeOverrides()
if (unwrapped !== fir) {
when (unwrapped) {
is FirSimpleFunction -> {
return getIrFunctionSymbol(unwrapped.symbol)
is FirProperty -> {
return getIrPropertySymbol(unwrapped.symbol)
is IrExternalPackageFragment -> {
signature?.let {
return createIrLazyDeclaration(it, parent, declarationOrigin).symbol
return createIrDeclaration(irParent, declarationOrigin).apply {
(this as IrDeclaration).setAndModifyParent(irParent)
private fun computeDeclarationOrigin(
symbol: FirCallableSymbol<*>,
parentOrigin: IrDeclarationOrigin
): IrDeclarationOrigin = when {
symbol.fir.isIntersectionOverride || symbol.fir.isSubstitutionOverride -> IrDeclarationOrigin.FAKE_OVERRIDE
parentOrigin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB && symbol.isJavaOrEnhancement -> {
symbol.origin is FirDeclarationOrigin.Plugin -> GeneratedByPlugin((symbol.origin as FirDeclarationOrigin.Plugin).key)
else -> parentOrigin
fun getIrFieldSymbol(
firFieldSymbol: FirFieldSymbol,
fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag? = null
): IrFieldSymbol {
val fir = firFieldSymbol.fir
val staticFakeOverrideKey = getFieldStaticFakeOverrideKey(fir, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
if (staticFakeOverrideKey == null) {
fieldCache[fir]?.let { return it.symbol }
} else {
generateLazyFakeOverrides(, fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag)
// Lazy static fake override should always exist
return fieldStaticOverrideCache[staticFakeOverrideKey]!!.symbol
// In case of type parameters from the parent as the field's return type, find the parent ahead to cache type parameters.
val irParent = findIrParent(fir)
val unwrapped = fir.unwrapFakeOverrides()
if (unwrapped !== fir) {
return getIrFieldSymbol(unwrapped.symbol)
return createIrField(fir, irParent).symbol
fun getIrBackingFieldSymbol(firBackingFieldSymbol: FirBackingFieldSymbol): IrSymbol {
return getIrPropertyForwardedSymbol(firBackingFieldSymbol.fir.propertySymbol.fir)
fun getIrDelegateFieldSymbol(firVariableSymbol: FirVariableSymbol<*>): IrSymbol {
return getIrPropertyForwardedSymbol(firVariableSymbol.fir)
fun getCachedIrScript(script: FirScript): IrScript? = scriptCache[script]
fun getOrCreateIrScript(script: FirScript): IrScript =
getCachedIrScript(script) ?: script.convertWithOffsets { startOffset, endOffset ->
val signature = signatureComposer.composeSignature(script)!!
symbolTable.declareScript(signature, { Fir2IrScriptSymbol(signature) }) { symbol ->
IrScriptImpl(symbol,, irFactory, startOffset, endOffset).also { irScript ->
irScript.origin = SCRIPT_K2_ORIGIN
irScript.metadata = FirMetadataSource.Script(script)
irScript.implicitReceiversParameters = emptyList()
irScript.providedProperties = emptyList()
irScript.providedPropertiesParameters = emptyList()
scriptCache[script] = irScript
private fun getIrPropertyForwardedSymbol(fir: FirVariable): IrSymbol {
return when (fir) {
is FirProperty -> {
if (fir.isLocal) {
return localStorage.getDelegatedProperty(fir)?.delegate?.symbol ?: getIrVariableSymbol(fir)
propertyCache[fir]?.let { return it.backingField!!.symbol }
val irParent = findIrParent(fir)
val parentOrigin = (irParent as? IrDeclaration)?.origin ?: IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED
createIrProperty(fir, irParent, predefinedOrigin = parentOrigin).apply {
else -> {
private fun getIrVariableSymbol(firVariable: FirVariable): IrVariableSymbol {
return localStorage.getVariable(firVariable)?.symbol
?: run {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find variable ${firVariable.render()} in local storage")
fun getIrValueSymbol(firVariableSymbol: FirVariableSymbol<*>): IrSymbol {
return when (val firDeclaration = firVariableSymbol.fir) {
is FirEnumEntry -> {
classifierStorage.getCachedIrEnumEntry(firDeclaration)?.let { return it.symbol }
val irParentClass = firDeclaration.containingClassLookupTag()?.let { classifierStorage.findIrClass(it) }
val firProviderForSymbol = firVariableSymbol.moduleData.session.firProvider
val containingFile = firProviderForSymbol.getFirCallableContainerFile(firVariableSymbol)
irParent = irParentClass,
predefinedOrigin = if (containingFile != null) IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFINED else
irParentClass?.origin ?: IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_STUB
is FirValueParameter -> {
// catch parameter is FirValueParameter in FIR but IrVariable in IR
?: return getIrVariableSymbol(firDeclaration)
else -> {
private fun IrMutableAnnotationContainer.convertAnnotationsForNonDeclaredMembers(
firAnnotationContainer: FirAnnotationContainer, origin: IrDeclarationOrigin,
) {
if ((firAnnotationContainer as? FirDeclaration)?.let { it.isFromLibrary || it.isPrecompiled } == true
|| origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.FAKE_OVERRIDE
) {
annotationGenerator.generate(this, firAnnotationContainer)
companion object {
internal val ENUM_SYNTHETIC_NAMES = mapOf(
Name.identifier("values") to IrSyntheticBodyKind.ENUM_VALUES,
Name.identifier("valueOf") to IrSyntheticBodyKind.ENUM_VALUEOF,
Name.identifier("entries") to IrSyntheticBodyKind.ENUM_ENTRIES
private inline fun convertCatching(element: FirElement, block: () -> R): R {
try {
return block()
} catch (e: ProcessCanceledException) {
throw e
} catch (e: Exception) {
errorWithAttachment("Exception was thrown during transformation of ${}", cause = e) {
withFirEntry("element", element)
private fun FirCallableDeclaration.isFakeOverride(fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag: ConeClassLikeLookupTag?): Boolean {
if (isSubstitutionOrIntersectionOverride) return true
if (fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag == null) return false
// this condition is true for all places when we are trying to create "fake" fake overrides in IR
// "fake" fake overrides are f/o which are presented in IR but have no corresponding FIR f/o
return fakeOverrideOwnerLookupTag != containingClassLookupTag()
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