Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.diagnostics.ConeSimpleDiagnostic
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.diagnostics.DiagnosticKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirArrayLiteral
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.builder.buildArgumentList
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.builder.buildArrayLiteral
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.builder.buildConstExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.builder.buildErrorExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.transformers.body.resolve.expectedConeType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.builder.buildResolvedTypeRef
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.ConstantValueKind
internal val JavaModifierListOwner.modality: Modality
get() = when {
isAbstract -> Modality.ABSTRACT
isFinal -> Modality.FINAL
else -> Modality.OPEN
val JavaClass.modality: Modality
get() = when {
isAnnotationType || isEnum -> Modality.FINAL
isSealed -> Modality.SEALED
isAbstract -> Modality.ABSTRACT
isFinal -> Modality.FINAL
else -> Modality.OPEN
val JavaClass.classKind: ClassKind
get() = when {
isAnnotationType -> ClassKind.ANNOTATION_CLASS
isInterface -> ClassKind.INTERFACE
isEnum -> ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS
else -> ClassKind.CLASS
fun JavaClass.hasMetadataAnnotation(): Boolean =
annotations.any { it.isResolvedTo(JvmAnnotationNames.METADATA_FQ_NAME) }
internal fun Any?.createConstantOrError(session: FirSession, expectedTypeRef: FirTypeRef? = null): FirExpression {
val coneType = expectedTypeRef?.coneTypeOrNull
val value = if (this is Int && coneType != null) {
// special case for Java literals in annotation default values:
// literal value is always integer, but an expected parameter type can be any other number type
when {
coneType.isByte -> this.toByte()
coneType.isShort -> this.toShort()
coneType.isLong -> this.toLong()
else -> this
} else this
return value.createConstantIfAny(session) ?: buildErrorExpression {
diagnostic = ConeSimpleDiagnostic("Unknown value in JavaLiteralAnnotationArgument: $this", DiagnosticKind.Java)
internal fun Any?.createConstantIfAny(session: FirSession, unsigned: Boolean = false): FirExpression? {
return when (this) {
is Byte -> buildConstExpression(
null, if (unsigned) ConstantValueKind.UnsignedByte else ConstantValueKind.Byte, this, setType = true
is Short -> buildConstExpression(
null, if (unsigned) ConstantValueKind.UnsignedShort else ConstantValueKind.Short, this, setType = true
is Int -> buildConstExpression(
null, if (unsigned) ConstantValueKind.UnsignedInt else ConstantValueKind.Int, this, setType = true
is Long -> buildConstExpression(
null, if (unsigned) ConstantValueKind.UnsignedLong else ConstantValueKind.Long, this, setType = true
is Char -> buildConstExpression(
null, ConstantValueKind.Char, this, setType = true
is Float -> buildConstExpression(
null, ConstantValueKind.Float, this, setType = true
is Double -> buildConstExpression(
null, ConstantValueKind.Double, this, setType = true
is Boolean -> buildConstExpression(
null, ConstantValueKind.Boolean, this, setType = true
is String -> buildConstExpression(
null, ConstantValueKind.String, this, setType = true
is ByteArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Byte)
is ShortArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Short)
is IntArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Int)
is LongArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Long)
is CharArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Char)
is FloatArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Float)
is DoubleArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Double)
is BooleanArray -> toList().createArrayLiteral(session, ConstantValueKind.Boolean)
null -> buildConstExpression(
null, ConstantValueKind.Null, null, setType = true
else -> null
private fun List.createArrayLiteral(session: FirSession, kind: ConstantValueKind): FirArrayLiteral {
return buildArrayLiteral {
argumentList = buildArgumentList {
for (element in this@createArrayLiteral) {
arguments += element.createConstantOrError(session)
typeRef = buildResolvedTypeRef {
type = kind.expectedConeType(session).createArrayType()
// For now, it's supported only for RxJava3 annotations, see KT-53041
fun extractNullabilityAnnotationOnBoundedWildcard(wildcardType: JavaWildcardType): JavaAnnotation? {
require(wildcardType.bound != null) { "Nullability annotations on unbounded wildcards aren't supported" }
return wildcardType.annotations.find { annotation -> RXJAVA3_ANNOTATIONS.any { annotation.classId?.asSingleFqName() == it } }
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