org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.lightTree.converter.AbstractLightTreeRawFirBuilder.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.lightTree.converter
import com.intellij.lang.LighterASTNode
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref
import com.intellij.psi.TokenType
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
import com.intellij.util.diff.FlyweightCapableTreeStructure
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ElementTypeUtils.isExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.builder.AbstractRawFirBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.builder.Context
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.builder.escapedStringToCharacter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.impl.FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtToken
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens.*
abstract class AbstractLightTreeRawFirBuilder(
baseSession: FirSession,
val tree: FlyweightCapableTreeStructure,
context: Context = Context()
) : AbstractRawFirBuilder(baseSession, context) {
protected val implicitType = FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource
override fun LighterASTNode.toFirSourceElement(kind: KtFakeSourceElementKind?): KtLightSourceElement {
val startOffset = tree.getStartOffset(this)
val endOffset = tree.getEndOffset(this)
return toKtLightSourceElement(tree, kind ?: context.forcedElementSourceKind ?: KtRealSourceElementKind, startOffset, endOffset)
override val LighterASTNode.elementType: IElementType
get() = this.tokenType
override val LighterASTNode.asText: String
get() = this.toString()
override val LighterASTNode.unescapedValue: String
get() {
val escape = this.asText
return escapedStringToCharacter(escape).value?.toString()
?: escape.replace("\\", "").replace("u", "\\u")
override fun LighterASTNode.getReferencedNameAsName(): Name {
return this.asText.nameAsSafeName()
override fun LighterASTNode.getLabelName(): String? {
if (tokenType == KtNodeTypes.FUN) {
return getParent()?.getLabelName()
this.forEachChildren {
when (it.tokenType) {
KtNodeTypes.LABEL_QUALIFIER -> return it.asText.replaceFirst("@", "")
return null
override fun LighterASTNode.getExpressionInParentheses() = getFirstChildExpression()
override fun LighterASTNode.getAnnotatedExpression() = getFirstChildExpression()
override fun LighterASTNode.getLabeledExpression() = getLastChildExpression()
private fun LighterASTNode.getFirstChildExpression(): LighterASTNode? {
forEachChildren {
if (it.isExpression()) return it
return null
protected fun LighterASTNode.getFirstChildExpressionUnwrapped(): LighterASTNode? {
val expression = getFirstChildExpression() ?: return null
return if (expression.tokenType == KtNodeTypes.PARENTHESIZED) {
} else {
private fun LighterASTNode.getLastChildExpression(): LighterASTNode? {
var result: LighterASTNode? = null
forEachChildren {
if (it.isExpression()) {
result = it
return result
override fun LighterASTNode.getChildNodeByType(type: IElementType): LighterASTNode? {
return getChildrenAsArray().firstOrNull { it?.tokenType == type }
override val LighterASTNode?.receiverExpression: LighterASTNode?
get() {
var candidate: LighterASTNode? = null
this?.forEachChildren {
when (it.tokenType) {
DOT, SAFE_ACCESS -> return if (candidate?.elementType != TokenType.ERROR_ELEMENT) candidate else null
else -> candidate = it
return null
override val LighterASTNode?.selectorExpression: LighterASTNode?
get() {
var isSelector = false
this?.forEachChildren {
when (it.tokenType) {
DOT, SAFE_ACCESS -> isSelector = true
else -> if (isSelector) return if (it.elementType != TokenType.ERROR_ELEMENT) it else null
return null
override val LighterASTNode?.arrayExpression: LighterASTNode?
get() = this?.getFirstChildExpression()
override val LighterASTNode?.indexExpressions: List?
get() = this?.getLastChildExpression()?.getChildrenAsArray()?.filterNotNull()?.filter { it.isExpression() }
override val LighterASTNode.isVararg: Boolean
get() = getChildNodeByType(KtNodeTypes.MODIFIER_LIST)?.getChildNodeByType(VARARG_KEYWORD) != null
fun LighterASTNode.getParent(): LighterASTNode? {
return tree.getParent(this)
fun LighterASTNode?.getChildNodesByType(type: IElementType): List {
return this?.forEachChildrenReturnList { node, container ->
when (node.tokenType) {
type -> container += node
} ?: emptyList()
fun LighterASTNode?.getChildrenAsArray(): Array {
if (this == null) return arrayOf()
val kidsRef = Ref>()
tree.getChildren(this, kidsRef)
return kidsRef.get()
fun LighterASTNode?.getFirstChild(): LighterASTNode? {
return getChildrenAsArray().firstOrNull()
protected inline fun LighterASTNode.forEachChildren(vararg skipTokens: KtToken, f: (LighterASTNode) -> Unit) {
val kidsArray = this.getChildrenAsArray()
for (kid in kidsArray) {
if (kid == null) break
val tokenType = kid.tokenType
if (COMMENTS.contains(tokenType) || tokenType == WHITE_SPACE || tokenType == SEMICOLON || tokenType in skipTokens || tokenType == TokenType.ERROR_ELEMENT) continue
protected inline fun LighterASTNode.forEachChildrenReturnList(f: (LighterASTNode, MutableList) -> Unit): List {
val kidsArray = this.getChildrenAsArray()
val container = mutableListOf()
for (kid in kidsArray) {
if (kid == null) break
val tokenType = kid.tokenType
if (COMMENTS.contains(tokenType) || tokenType == WHITE_SPACE || tokenType == SEMICOLON || tokenType == TokenType.ERROR_ELEMENT) continue
f(kid, container)
return container
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