org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls.ConeOverloadConflictResolver.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license
* that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirMemberDeclaration
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.BodyResolveComponents
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.inference.ConeTypeParameterBasedTypeVariable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.inference.InferenceComponents
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.substitution.substitutorByMap
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.overrides
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.ConeTypeParameterLookupTag
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirCallableSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirNamedFunctionSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirPropertySymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.coneType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.unwrapSubstitutionOverrides
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.utils.exceptions.withFirEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.inference.model.NewConstraintSystemImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.inference.model.SimpleConstraintSystemConstraintPosition
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.results.FlatSignature
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.results.SimpleConstraintSystem
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.results.TypeSpecificityComparator
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.KotlinTypeMarker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.TypeParameterMarker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.TypeSubstitutorMarker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.TypeSystemInferenceExtensionContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.exceptions.errorWithAttachment
typealias CandidateSignature = FlatSignature
class ConeOverloadConflictResolver(
specificityComparator: TypeSpecificityComparator,
inferenceComponents: InferenceComponents,
transformerComponents: BodyResolveComponents,
) : AbstractConeCallConflictResolver(
considerMissingArgumentsInSignatures = false,
) {
override fun chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
candidates: Set,
discriminateAbstracts: Boolean,
): Set = chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(candidates, discriminateAbstracts, discriminateGenerics = true)
* Partial mirror of [org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.results.OverloadingConflictResolver.chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates]
private fun chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
candidates: Set,
discriminateAbstracts: Boolean,
// Set to 'false' only for property-for-invoke case
discriminateGenerics: Boolean,
): Set {
if (candidates.size == 1) return candidates
val fixedCandidates =
if (candidates.first().callInfo.candidateForCommonInvokeReceiver != null)
// The same logic as at
val noOverrides = filterOverrides(fixedCandidates)
return chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
discriminateSAMs = true,
discriminateSuspendConversions = true,
discriminateByUnwrappedSmartCastOrigin = true,
* See K1 version at OverridingUtil.filterOverrides
private fun filterOverrides(
candidateSet: Set,
): Set {
if (candidateSet.size <= 1) return candidateSet
val result = mutableSetOf()
// Assuming `overrides` is a partial order, this loop leaves minimal elements of `candidateSet` in `result`.
// Namely, it leaves in `result` only candidates, for any pair of them (x, y): !x.overrides(y) && !y.overrides(x)
// And for any pair original candidates (x, y) if x.overrides(y) && !y.overrides(x) then `x` belongs `result`
outerLoop@ for (me in candidateSet) {
val iterator = result.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val other =
if (me.overrides(other)) {
} else if (other.overrides(me)) {
require(result.isNotEmpty()) { "All candidates filtered out from $candidateSet" }
return result
private fun Candidate.overrides(other: Candidate): Boolean {
if (symbol !is FirCallableSymbol || other.symbol !is FirCallableSymbol) return false
val otherOriginal = other.symbol.unwrapSubstitutionOverrides()
if (symbol.unwrapSubstitutionOverrides>() == otherOriginal) return true
val scope = originScope as? FirTypeScope ?: return false
val overriddenProducer = when (symbol) {
is FirNamedFunctionSymbol -> FirTypeScope::processOverriddenFunctions as ProcessAllOverridden>
is FirPropertySymbol -> FirTypeScope::processOverriddenProperties as ProcessAllOverridden>
else -> return false
return overrides(MemberWithBaseScope(symbol, scope), otherOriginal, overriddenProducer)
private fun chooseCandidatesWithMostSpecificInvokeReceiver(candidates: Set): Set {
val propertyReceiverCandidates = candidates.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) {
?: error("If one candidate within a group is property+invoke, other should be the same, but $it found")
val bestInvokeReceiver =
chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(propertyReceiverCandidates, discriminateGenerics = false, discriminateAbstracts = false)
.singleOrNull() ?: return candidates
return candidates.filterTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.callInfo.candidateForCommonInvokeReceiver == bestInvokeReceiver }
private fun chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
candidates: Set,
discriminateGenerics: Boolean,
discriminateAbstracts: Boolean,
// Only set to 'false' by recursive calls when the relevant discrimination kind has been already applied
discriminateSAMs: Boolean,
discriminateSuspendConversions: Boolean,
discriminateByUnwrappedSmartCastOrigin: Boolean,
): Set {
findMaximallySpecificCall(candidates, false)?.let { return setOf(it) }
if (discriminateGenerics) {
findMaximallySpecificCall(candidates, true)?.let { return setOf(it) }
if (discriminateSAMs) {
val filtered = candidates.filterTo(mutableSetOf()) { !it.usesSAM }
when (filtered.size) {
1 -> return filtered
0, candidates.size -> {
else -> return chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
filtered, discriminateGenerics,
discriminateSAMs = false,
if (discriminateSuspendConversions) {
val filtered = candidates.filterTo(mutableSetOf()) { !it.usesFunctionConversion }
when (filtered.size) {
1 -> return filtered
0, candidates.size -> {
else -> return chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
discriminateSuspendConversions = false,
if (discriminateAbstracts) {
val filtered = candidates.filterTo(mutableSetOf()) { (it.symbol.fir as? FirMemberDeclaration)?.modality != Modality.ABSTRACT }
when (filtered.size) {
1 -> return filtered
0, candidates.size -> {
else -> return chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
discriminateAbstracts = false,
if (discriminateByUnwrappedSmartCastOrigin) {
// In case of MemberScopeTowerLevel with smart cast dispatch receiver, we may create candidates both from smart cast type and
// from the member scope of original expression's type (without smart cast).
// It might be necessary because the ones from smart cast might be invisible (e.g., because they are protected in other class).
// open class A {
// open protected fun foo(a: Derived) {}
// fun f(a: A, d: Derived) {
// when (a) {
// is B -> {
// // should be resolved to A::foo, not the public B::foo
// }
// }
// }
// }
// class B : A() {
// override fun foo(a: Derived) {}
// public fun foo(a: Base) {}
// }
// If we would just resolve if a had a type B, then we would choose a public B::foo, because the other
// one foo is protected in B, so we can't call it outside the B subclasses.
// But that resolution result would be less precise result that the one before smart-cast applied (A::foo has more specific parameters),
// so at MemberScopeTowerLevel we create candidates both from A's and B's scopes on the same level.
// But in case when there would be successful candidates from both types, we discriminate ones from original type,
// thus sticking to the candidates from smart cast type.
// See more details at KT-51460, KT-55722, KT-56310 and relevant tests
// testData/diagnostics/tests/visibility/moreSpecificProtectedSimple.kt
// testData/diagnostics/tests/smartCasts/kt51460.kt
val filtered = candidates.filterTo(mutableSetOf()) { !it.isFromOriginalTypeInPresenceOfSmartCast }
when (filtered.size) {
1 -> return filtered
0, candidates.size -> {
else -> return chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
discriminateByUnwrappedSmartCastOrigin = false,
val filtered = candidates.filterTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.usesSAM }
if (filtered.isNotEmpty()) {
findMaximallySpecificCall(candidates, discriminateGenerics = false, useOriginalSamTypes = true)?.let { return setOf(it) }
return candidates
private fun findMaximallySpecificCall(
candidates: Set,
discriminateGenerics: Boolean,
useOriginalSamTypes: Boolean = false
): Candidate? {
if (candidates.size <= 1) return candidates.singleOrNull()
val candidateSignatures = { candidateCall ->
val bestCandidatesByParameterTypes = candidateSignatures.filter { signature ->
candidateSignatures.all { other ->
signature === other || isNotLessSpecificCallWithArgumentMapping(signature, other, discriminateGenerics, useOriginalSamTypes)
return bestCandidatesByParameterTypes.exactMaxWith()?.origin
* `call1` is not less specific than `call2`
private fun isNotLessSpecificCallWithArgumentMapping(
call1: CandidateSignature,
call2: CandidateSignature,
discriminateGenerics: Boolean,
useOriginalSamTypes: Boolean = false
): Boolean {
return compareCallsByUsedArguments(call1, call2, discriminateGenerics, useOriginalSamTypes)
private fun List.exactMaxWith(): CandidateSignature? {
var result: CandidateSignature? = null
for (candidate in this) {
if (result == null || isOfNotLessSpecificShape(candidate, result)) {
result = candidate
if (result == null) return null
if (any { it != result && isOfNotLessSpecificShape(it, result) }) {
return null
return result
private fun isOfNotLessSpecificShape(
call1: FlatSignature,
call2: FlatSignature
): Boolean {
val hasVarargs1 = call1.hasVarargs
val hasVarargs2 = call2.hasVarargs
if (hasVarargs1 && !hasVarargs2) return false
if (!hasVarargs1 && hasVarargs2) return true
if (call1.numDefaults > call2.numDefaults) {
return false
return true
class ConeSimpleConstraintSystemImpl(val system: NewConstraintSystemImpl, val session: FirSession) : SimpleConstraintSystem {
override fun registerTypeVariables(typeParameters: Collection): TypeSubstitutorMarker = with(context) {
val csBuilder = system.getBuilder()
val substitutionMap = typeParameters.associateBy({ (it as ConeTypeParameterLookupTag).typeParameterSymbol }) {
require(it is ConeTypeParameterLookupTag)
val variable = ConeTypeParameterBasedTypeVariable(it.typeParameterSymbol)
val substitutor = substitutorByMap(substitutionMap, session)
for (typeParameter in typeParameters) {
require(typeParameter is ConeTypeParameterLookupTag)
for (upperBound in typeParameter.symbol.resolvedBounds) {
?: errorWithAttachment("No ${} in substitution map") {
withFirEntry("typeParameter", typeParameter.symbol.fir)
return substitutor
override fun addSubtypeConstraint(subType: KotlinTypeMarker, superType: KotlinTypeMarker) {
system.addSubtypeConstraint(subType, superType, SimpleConstraintSystemConstraintPosition)
override fun hasContradiction(): Boolean = system.hasContradiction
override val captureFromArgument: Boolean
get() = true
override val context: TypeSystemInferenceExtensionContext
get() = system
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