org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.references.KtReference.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.references
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.resolve.ResolveCache
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.unwrapped
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getLabeledParent
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getNonStrictParentOfType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getParentOfTypeAndBranch
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.OperatorNameConventions
interface KtReference : PsiPolyVariantReference {
val resolver: ResolveCache.PolyVariantResolver
override fun getElement(): KtElement
val resolvesByNames: Collection
abstract class AbstractKtReference(element: T) : PsiPolyVariantReferenceBase(element), KtReference {
val expression: T
get() = element
override fun multiResolve(incompleteCode: Boolean): Array =
ResolveCache.getInstance(expression.project).resolveWithCaching(this, resolver, false, incompleteCode)
override fun getCanonicalText(): String = expression.text
open fun canRename(): Boolean = false
override fun handleElementRename(newElementName: String): PsiElement? =
if (canRename())
getKtReferenceMutateService().handleElementRename(this, newElementName)
override fun bindToElement(element: PsiElement): PsiElement =
getKtReferenceMutateService().bindToElement(this, element)
protected fun getKtReferenceMutateService(): KtReferenceMutateService =
?: throw IllegalStateException("Cannot handle element rename because KtReferenceMutateService is missing")
override fun getVariants(): Array = PsiReference.EMPTY_ARRAY as Array
override fun isSoft(): Boolean = false
override fun toString() = + ": " + expression.text
protected open fun canBeReferenceTo(candidateTarget: PsiElement): Boolean = true
protected open fun isReferenceToImportAlias(alias: KtImportAlias): Boolean = false
override fun isReferenceTo(candidateTarget: PsiElement): Boolean {
if (!canBeReferenceTo(candidateTarget)) return false
val unwrappedCandidate = candidateTarget.unwrapped?.originalElement ?: return false
// Optimizations to return early for cases where this reference cannot
// refer to the candidate target.
when (this) {
is KtInvokeFunctionReference -> {
if (candidateTarget !is KtNamedFunction && candidateTarget !is PsiMethod) return false
if ((candidateTarget as PsiNamedElement).name != OperatorNameConventions.INVOKE.asString()) {
return false
is KtDestructuringDeclarationReference -> {
if (candidateTarget !is KtNamedFunction && candidateTarget !is KtParameter && candidateTarget !is PsiMethod) return false
is KtSimpleNameReference -> {
if (unwrappedCandidate is PsiMethod && !canBePsiMethodReference()) return false
val element = element
if (candidateTarget is KtImportAlias &&
(element is KtSimpleNameExpression && element.getReferencedName() == ||
this is KDocReference && this.canonicalText ==
) {
return isReferenceToImportAlias(candidateTarget)
if (element is KtLabelReferenceExpression) {
when ((element.parent as? KtContainerNode)?.parent) {
is KtReturnExpression -> unwrappedTargets.forEach {
if (it !is KtFunctionLiteral && !(it is KtNamedFunction && return@forEach
it as KtFunction
val labeledExpression = it.getLabeledParent(element.getReferencedName())
if (labeledExpression != null) {
if (candidateTarget == labeledExpression) return true else return@forEach
val calleeReference = it.getCalleeByLambdaArgument()?.mainReference ?: return@forEach
if (calleeReference.isReferenceTo(candidateTarget)) return true
is KtBreakExpression, is KtContinueExpression -> unwrappedTargets.forEach {
val labeledExpression = (it as? KtExpression)?.getLabeledParent(element.getReferencedName()) ?: return@forEach
if (candidateTarget == labeledExpression) return true
val targets = unwrappedTargets
val manager = candidateTarget.manager
if (targets.any { manager.areElementsEquivalent(unwrappedCandidate, it) }) {
return true
return targets.any {
it.isConstructorOf(unwrappedCandidate) ||
it is KtObjectDeclaration && it.isCompanion() && it.getNonStrictParentOfType() == unwrappedCandidate
private fun KtSimpleNameReference.canBePsiMethodReference(): Boolean {
// NOTE: Accessor references are handled separately, see SyntheticPropertyAccessorReference
if (element == (element.parent as? KtCallExpression)?.calleeExpression) return true
val callableReference = element.getParentOfTypeAndBranch { callableReference }
if (callableReference != null) return true
val binaryOperator = element.getParentOfTypeAndBranch { operationReference }
if (binaryOperator != null) return true
val unaryOperator = element.getParentOfTypeAndBranch { operationReference }
if (unaryOperator != null) return true
if (element.getNonStrictParentOfType() != null) return true
return false
private fun PsiElement.isConstructorOf(unwrappedCandidate: PsiElement) =
when {
// call to Java constructor
this is PsiMethod && isConstructor && containingClass == unwrappedCandidate -> true
// call to Kotlin constructor
this is KtConstructor<*> && getContainingClassOrObject().isEquivalentTo(unwrappedCandidate) -> true
else -> false
abstract class KtSimpleReference(expression: T) : AbstractKtReference(expression)
abstract class KtMultiReference(expression: T) : AbstractKtReference(expression)
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