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 * Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.


import com.intellij.util.containers.SLRUCache
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DescriptorVisibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.module
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.filterIsInstanceAnd

val IrConstructor.constructedClass get() = this.parent as IrClass

fun IrClassifierSymbol?.isArrayOrPrimitiveArray(builtins: IrBuiltIns): Boolean =
    this == builtins.arrayClass || this in builtins.primitiveArraysToPrimitiveTypes

// Constructors can't be marked as inline in metadata, hence this check.
fun IrFunction.isInlineArrayConstructor(builtIns: IrBuiltIns): Boolean =
    this is IrConstructor && valueParameters.size == 2 && constructedClass.symbol.isArrayOrPrimitiveArray(builtIns)

val IrDeclarationParent.fqNameForIrSerialization: FqName
    get() = when (this) {
        is IrPackageFragment -> this.packageFqName
        is IrDeclarationWithName -> this.parent.fqNameForIrSerialization.child(
        else -> error(this)

 * Skips synthetic FILE_CLASS to make top-level functions look as in kotlin source
val IrDeclarationParent.kotlinFqName: FqName
    get() = when (this) {
        is IrPackageFragment -> this.packageFqName
        is IrClass -> {
            if (isFileClass) {
            } else {
        is IrDeclarationWithName -> this.parent.kotlinFqName.child(name)
        else -> error(this)

val IrClass.classId: ClassId?
    get() = classIdImpl

val IrTypeAlias.classId: ClassId?
    get() = classIdImpl

private val IrDeclarationWithName.classIdImpl: ClassId?
    get() = when (val parent = this.parent) {
        is IrClass -> parent.classId?.createNestedClassId(
        is IrPackageFragment -> ClassId.topLevel(parent.packageFqName.child(
        else -> null

val IrClass.classIdOrFail: ClassId
    get() = classIdOrFailImpl

val IrTypeAlias.classIdOrFail: ClassId
    get() = classIdOrFailImpl

private val IrDeclarationWithName.classIdOrFailImpl: ClassId
    get() = classIdImpl ?: error("No classId for $this")

val IrFunction.callableId: CallableId
    get() = callableIdImpl

val IrProperty.callableId: CallableId
    get() = callableIdImpl

val IrField.callableId: CallableId
    get() = callableIdImpl

val IrEnumEntry.callableId: CallableId
    get() = callableIdImpl

private val IrDeclarationWithName.callableIdImpl: CallableId
    get() {
        if (this.symbol is IrClassifierSymbol) error("Classifiers can not have callableId. Got $this")
        return when (val parent = this.parent) {
            is IrClass -> parent.classId?.let { CallableId(it, name) }
            is IrPackageFragment -> CallableId(parent.packageFqName, name)
            else -> null
        } ?: error("$this has no callableId")

    "This function is deprecated because it has confusing name and behavior. " +
            "Please use or IrDeclaration.getNameWithAssert",
    ReplaceWith("(this as? IrDeclarationWithName)?.name", ""),
val IrDeclaration.nameForIrSerialization: Name
    get() = when (this) {
        is IrDeclarationWithName ->
        is IrConstructor -> SpecialNames.INIT
        else -> error(this)

fun IrDeclaration.getNameWithAssert(): Name =
    if (this is IrDeclarationWithName) name else error(this)

val IrValueParameter.isVararg get() = this.varargElementType != null

val IrFunction.isSuspend get() = this is IrSimpleFunction && this.isSuspend

val IrFunction.isReal get() = !(this is IrSimpleFunction && isFakeOverride)

fun  IrOverridableDeclaration.overrides(other: IrOverridableDeclaration): Boolean {
    if (this == other) return true

    this.overriddenSymbols.forEach {
        if ((it.owner as IrOverridableDeclaration).overrides(other)) {
            return true

    return false

private val IrConstructorCall.annotationClass
    get() = this.symbol.owner.constructedClass

fun IrConstructorCall.isAnnotationWithEqualFqName(fqName: FqName): Boolean =

val IrClass.packageFqName: FqName?
    get() = symbol.signature?.packageFqName() ?: parent.getPackageFragment()?.packageFqName

fun IrDeclarationWithName.hasEqualFqName(fqName: FqName): Boolean =
    symbol.hasEqualFqName(fqName) || name == fqName.shortName() && when (val parent = parent) {
        is IrPackageFragment -> parent.packageFqName == fqName.parent()
        is IrDeclarationWithName -> parent.hasEqualFqName(fqName.parent())
        else -> false

fun IrSymbol.hasEqualFqName(fqName: FqName): Boolean {
    return this is IrClassPublicSymbolImpl && with(signature as? IdSignature.CommonSignature ?: return false) {
        FqName("$packageFqName.$declarationFqName") == fqName

fun List.hasAnnotation(fqName: FqName): Boolean =
    any { it.annotationClass.hasEqualFqName(fqName) }

fun List.findAnnotation(fqName: FqName): IrConstructorCall? =
    firstOrNull { it.annotationClass.hasEqualFqName(fqName) }

val IrDeclaration.fileEntry: IrFileEntry
    get() = parent.let {
        when (it) {
            is IrFile -> it.fileEntry
            is IrPackageFragment -> TODO("Unknown file")
            is IrDeclaration -> it.fileEntry
            else -> TODO("Unexpected declaration parent")

fun IrClass.companionObject(): IrClass? =
    this.declarations.singleOrNull { it is IrClass && it.isCompanion } as IrClass?

val IrDeclaration.isGetter get() = this is IrSimpleFunction && this == this.correspondingPropertySymbol?.owner?.getter

val IrDeclaration.isSetter get() = this is IrSimpleFunction && this == this.correspondingPropertySymbol?.owner?.setter

val IrDeclaration.isAccessor get() = this.isGetter || this.isSetter

val IrDeclaration.isPropertyAccessor get() =
    this is IrSimpleFunction && this.correspondingPropertySymbol != null

val IrDeclaration.isPropertyField get() =
    this is IrField && this.correspondingPropertySymbol != null

val IrDeclaration.isJvmInlineClassConstructor get() =
    this is IrSimpleFunction && name.asString() == "constructor-impl"

val IrDeclaration.isTopLevelDeclaration get() =
    parent !is IrDeclaration && !this.isPropertyAccessor && !this.isPropertyField

val IrDeclaration.isAnonymousObject get() = this is IrClass && name == SpecialNames.NO_NAME_PROVIDED

val IrDeclaration.isAnonymousFunction get() = this is IrSimpleFunction && name == SpecialNames.NO_NAME_PROVIDED

val IrDeclaration.isLocal: Boolean
    get() {
        var current: IrElement = this
        while (current !is IrPackageFragment) {
            require(current is IrDeclaration)

            if (current is IrDeclarationWithVisibility) {
                if (current.visibility == DescriptorVisibilities.LOCAL) return true

            if (current.isAnonymousObject) return true
            if (current is IrScript || (current is IrClass && current.origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.SCRIPT_CLASS)) return true

            current = current.parent

        return false

val IrDeclaration.module get() = this.descriptor.module

const val SYNTHETIC_OFFSET = -2

val File.lineStartOffsets: IntArray
    get() {
        // TODO: could be incorrect, if file is not in system's line terminator format.
        // Maybe use (0..document.lineCount - 1)
        //                .map { document.getLineStartOffset(it) }
        //                .toIntArray()
        // as in PSI.
        val separatorLength = System.lineSeparator().length
        val buffer = mutableListOf()
        var currentOffset = 0
        this.forEachLine { line ->
            currentOffset += line.length + separatorLength
        return buffer.toIntArray()

val IrFileEntry.lineStartOffsets: IntArray
    get() = when (this) {
        is PsiIrFileEntry -> this.getLineOffsets()
        else -> File(name).let { if (it.exists() && it.isFile) it.lineStartOffsets else IntArray(0) }

class NaiveSourceBasedFileEntryImpl(
    override val name: String,
    private val lineStartOffsets: IntArray = intArrayOf(),
    override val maxOffset: Int = UNDEFINED_OFFSET
) : IrFileEntry {
    val lineStartOffsetsAreEmpty: Boolean
        get() = lineStartOffsets.isEmpty()

    private val MAX_SAVED_LINE_NUMBERS = 50

    // Map with several last calculated line numbers.
    // Calculating for same offset is made many times during code and debug info generation.
    // In the worst case at least getting column recalculates line because it is usually called after getting line.
    private val calculatedBeforeLineNumbers = object : SLRUCache(
    ) {
        override fun createValue(key: Int): Int {
            val index = lineStartOffsets.binarySearch(key)
            return if (index >= 0) index else -index - 2

    private val lineNumberLock = Any()

    override fun getLineNumber(offset: Int): Int {
        if (offset == SYNTHETIC_OFFSET) return 0
        if (offset < 0) return UNDEFINED_LINE_NUMBER
        return synchronized(lineNumberLock) { calculatedBeforeLineNumbers.get(offset) }

    override fun getColumnNumber(offset: Int): Int {
        if (offset == SYNTHETIC_OFFSET) return 0
        if (offset < 0) return UNDEFINED_COLUMN_NUMBER
        val lineNumber = getLineNumber(offset)
        return if (lineNumber < 0) UNDEFINED_COLUMN_NUMBER else offset - lineStartOffsets[lineNumber]

    override fun getSourceRangeInfo(beginOffset: Int, endOffset: Int): SourceRangeInfo =
            filePath = name,
            startOffset = beginOffset,
            startLineNumber = getLineNumber(beginOffset),
            startColumnNumber = getColumnNumber(beginOffset),
            endOffset = endOffset,
            endLineNumber = getLineNumber(endOffset),
            endColumnNumber = getColumnNumber(endOffset)

private fun IrClass.getPropertyDeclaration(name: String): IrProperty? {
    val properties = declarations.filterIsInstanceAnd { == name }
    if (properties.size > 1) {
            "More than one property with name $name in class $fqNameWhenAvailable:\n" +
                    properties.joinToString("\n", transform = IrProperty::render)
    return properties.firstOrNull()

fun IrClass.getSimpleFunction(name: String): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol? =
    findDeclaration { == name }?.symbol

fun IrClass.getPropertyGetter(name: String): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol? =
        ?: getSimpleFunction("").also { assert(it?.owner?.correspondingPropertySymbol?.owner?.name?.asString() == name) }

fun IrClass.getPropertySetter(name: String): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol? =
        ?: getSimpleFunction("").also { assert(it?.owner?.correspondingPropertySymbol?.owner?.name?.asString() == name) }

fun IrClassSymbol.getSimpleFunction(name: String): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol? = owner.getSimpleFunction(name)
fun IrClassSymbol.getPropertyGetter(name: String): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol? = owner.getPropertyGetter(name)
fun IrClassSymbol.getPropertySetter(name: String): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol? = owner.getPropertySetter(name)

fun filterOutAnnotations(fqName: FqName, annotations: List): List {
    return annotations.filterNot { it.annotationClass.hasEqualFqName(fqName) }