Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.FunctionDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.PropertyDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.deserialization.descriptors.DeserializedContainerSource
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
interface DeserializableClass {
fun loadIr(): Boolean
open class StubGeneratorExtensions {
open fun computeExternalDeclarationOrigin(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): IrDeclarationOrigin? = null
open fun generateFacadeClass(
irFactory: IrFactory,
deserializedSource: DeserializedContainerSource,
stubGenerator: DeclarationStubGenerator,
): IrClass? = null
// Extension point for the JVM Debugger IDEA plug-in: it compiles fragments
// (conditions on breakpoints, "Evaluate expression...", watches, etc...)
// in the context of an open intellij project that is being debugged. These
// classes are supplied to the fragment evaluator as PSI, not class files,
// as the old backend assumes for external declarations. Hence, we need to
// intercept and supply "fake" deserialized sources.
open fun getContainerSource(descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor): DeserializedContainerSource? = null
// Extension point for the JVM Debugger IDEA plug-in: to replace accesses
// to private properties _without_ accessor implementations, the fragment
// compiler needs to predict the compilation output for properties.
// To do this, we need to know whether the property accessors have explicit
// bodies, information that is _not_ present in the IR structure, but _is_
// available in the corresponding PSI. See `CodeFragmentCompiler` in the
// plug-in for the implementation.
open fun isAccessorWithExplicitImplementation(accessor: IrSimpleFunction): Boolean = false
open fun isPropertyWithPlatformField(descriptor: PropertyDescriptor): Boolean = false
open fun isStaticFunction(descriptor: FunctionDescriptor): Boolean = false
open fun deserializeClass(
irClass: IrClass,
stubGenerator: DeclarationStubGenerator,
parent: IrDeclarationParent,
): Boolean = false
open val enhancedNullability: EnhancedNullability
get() = EnhancedNullability
open class EnhancedNullability {
open fun hasEnhancedNullability(kotlinType: KotlinType): Boolean = false
open fun stripEnhancedNullability(kotlinType: KotlinType): KotlinType = kotlinType
companion object Instance : EnhancedNullability()
open val irDeserializationEnabled: Boolean = false
open val flexibleNullabilityAnnotationConstructor: IrConstructor?
get() = null
open val flexibleMutabilityAnnotationConstructor: IrConstructor?
get() = null
open val enhancedNullabilityAnnotationConstructor: IrConstructor?
get() = null
open val rawTypeAnnotationConstructor: IrConstructor?
get() = null
open fun registerDeclarations(symbolTable: SymbolTable) {}
companion object {
val EMPTY = StubGeneratorExtensions()
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