Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.PrivateForInline
abstract class SymbolTableSlice(val lock: IrLock)
where SymbolOwner : IrSymbolOwner,
Symbol : IrBindableSymbol<*, SymbolOwner> {
* With the partial linkage turned on it's hard to predict whether a newly created [IrSymbol] that is added to the [SymbolTable]
* via one of referenceXXX() calls will or won't be bound to some declaration. The latter may happen in certain cases,
* for example when the symbol refers from an IR expression to a non-top level declaration that was removed in newer version
* of Kotlin library (KLIB). Unless such symbol is registered as "probably unbound" it remains invisible for the linkage process.
* The optimization that allows to reference symbols without registering them as "probably unbound" is fragile. It's better
* to avoid calling any referenceXXX(reg = false) functions. Instead, wherever it is s suitable it is recommended to use one
* of the appropriate declareXXX() calls.
* For the future: Consider implementing the optimization once again for the new "flat" ID signatures.
val unboundSymbols = linkedSetOf()
abstract fun get(key: Key): Symbol?
abstract fun set(key: Key, symbol: Symbol)
inline fun declare(key: Key, createSymbol: () -> Symbol, createOwner: (Symbol) -> SymbolOwner): SymbolOwner {
synchronized(lock) {
val existing = get(key)
val symbol = if (existing == null) {
createSymbol().also { set(key, it) }
} else {
return createOwnerSafe(symbol, createOwner)
inline fun referenced(key: Key, orElse: () -> Symbol): Symbol {
synchronized(lock) {
return get(key) ?: run {
val new = orElse()
assert(unboundSymbols.add(new)) { "Symbol for ${new.signature} was already referenced" }
set(key, new)
inline fun declareIfNotExists(
key: Key,
createSymbol: () -> Symbol,
createOwner: (Symbol) -> SymbolOwner,
): SymbolOwner {
synchronized(lock) {
val existing = get(key)
val symbol = if (existing == null) {
val new = createSymbol()
set(key, new)
} else {
if (existing.isBound) {
return existing.owner
return createOwnerSafe(symbol, createOwner)
internal inline fun createOwnerSafe(symbol: Symbol, createOwner: (Symbol) -> SymbolOwner): SymbolOwner {
val owner = createOwner(symbol)
require(symbol.owner === owner) {
"Attempt to rebind an IR symbol or to re-create its owner: old owner ${symbol.owner.render()}, new owner ${owner.render()}"
return owner
class Flat(lock: IrLock, val symbolFilter: (Symbol) -> Boolean = { true }) : SymbolTableSlice(lock)
where SymbolOwner : IrSymbolOwner, Symbol : IrBindableSymbol<*, SymbolOwner> {
private val signatureToSymbol = hashMapOf()
override fun get(key: Key): Symbol? {
return signatureToSymbol[key]
override fun set(key: Key, symbol: Symbol) {
if (symbolFilter(symbol)) {
signatureToSymbol[key] = symbol
internal fun forEachSymbol(block: (IrSymbol) -> Unit) {
signatureToSymbol.forEach { (_, symbol) -> block(symbol) }
class Scoped(lock: IrLock) : SymbolTableSlice(lock)
where SymbolOwner : IrSymbolOwner, Symbol : IrBindableSymbol<*, SymbolOwner> {
override fun set(key: Key, symbol: Symbol) {
val scope = currentScope ?: noScope()
scope[key] = symbol
internal var currentScope: SliceScope? = null
private set
override fun get(key: Key): Symbol? {
return currentScope?.get(key)
inline fun declareLocal(key: Key, createSymbol: () -> Symbol, createOwner: (Symbol) -> SymbolOwner): SymbolOwner {
val scope = currentScope ?: noScope()
val symbol = scope.getLocal(key) ?: createSymbol().also { scope[key] = it }
return createOwnerSafe(symbol, createOwner)
fun introduceLocal(descriptor: Key, symbol: Symbol) {
val scope = currentScope ?: noScope()
scope[descriptor]?.let { error("$descriptor is already bound to $it") }
scope[descriptor] = symbol
fun enterScope(owner: IrSymbol) {
currentScope = SliceScope(owner, currentScope)
fun leaveScope(owner: IrSymbol) {
currentScope?.owner.let {
require(it == owner) { "Unexpected leaveScope: owner=$owner, currentScope.owner=$it" }
currentScope = currentScope?.parent
if (currentScope != null && unboundSymbols.isNotEmpty()) {
error("Local scope contains unbound symbols: ${unboundSymbols.joinToString { it.descriptor.toString() }}")
fun dump(): String {
return currentScope?.dump() ?: ""
internal fun noScope(): Nothing = error("No active scope")
internal class SliceScope(val owner: IrSymbol, val parent: SliceScope?) {
private val signatureToSymbol = hashMapOf()
operator fun get(descriptor: Key): Symbol? {
return signatureToSymbol[descriptor] ?: parent?.get(descriptor)
fun getLocal(descriptor: Key): Symbol? {
return signatureToSymbol[descriptor]
operator fun set(descriptor: Key, symbol: Symbol) {
signatureToSymbol[descriptor] = symbol
fun dumpTo(stringBuilder: StringBuilder): StringBuilder {
return stringBuilder.also {
it.append("; ")
signatureToSymbol.keys.joinTo(prefix = "[", postfix = "]", buffer = it)
fun dump(): String = dumpTo(StringBuilder()).toString()
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