org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.file.File.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.file
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.removeSuffixIfPresent
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel
import java.nio.file.*
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
data class File constructor(internal val javaPath: Path) {
constructor(parent: Path, child: String): this(parent.resolve(child))
constructor(parent: File, child: String): this(parent.javaPath.resolve(child))
constructor(parent: File, child: File): this(parent.javaPath.resolve(child.javaPath))
constructor(path: String): this(Paths.get(path))
constructor(parent: String, child: String): this(Paths.get(parent, child))
val path: String
get() = javaPath.toString()
val absolutePath: String
get() = javaPath.toAbsolutePath().toString()
val absoluteFile: File
get() = File(absolutePath)
val canonicalPath: String
get() = javaPath.toFile().canonicalPath
val canonicalFile: File
get() = File(canonicalPath)
val name: String
get() = javaPath.fileName.toString().removeSuffixIfPresent(separator) //
val extension: String
get() = name.substringAfterLast('.', "")
val parent: String
get() = javaPath.parent.toString()
val parentFile: File
get() = File(javaPath.parent)
val exists
get() = Files.exists(javaPath)
val isDirectory
get() = Files.isDirectory(javaPath)
val isFile
get() = Files.isRegularFile(javaPath)
val isAbsolute
get() = javaPath.isAbsolute
val listFiles: List
get() = Files.newDirectoryStream(javaPath).use { stream -> }
val listFilesOrEmpty: List
get() = if (exists) listFiles else emptyList()
fun child(name: String) = File(this, name)
fun startsWith(another: File) = javaPath.startsWith(another.javaPath)
fun copyTo(destination: File) {
Files.copy(javaPath, destination.javaPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
fun renameTo(destination: File) = javaPath.toFile().renameTo(destination.javaPath.toFile())
fun mkdirs() = Files.createDirectories(javaPath)
fun delete() = Files.deleteIfExists(javaPath)
fun deleteRecursively() = postorder{Files.delete(it)}
fun deleteOnExitRecursively() = preorder{File(it).deleteOnExit()}
fun preorder(task: (Path) -> Unit) {
if (!this.exists) return
Files.walkFileTree(javaPath, object: SimpleFileVisitor() {
override fun visitFile(file: Path?, attrs: BasicFileAttributes?): FileVisitResult {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE
override fun preVisitDirectory(dir: Path?, attrs: BasicFileAttributes?): FileVisitResult {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE
fun postorder(task: (Path) -> Unit) {
if (!this.exists) return
Files.walkFileTree(javaPath, object: SimpleFileVisitor() {
override fun visitFile(file: Path?, attrs: BasicFileAttributes?): FileVisitResult {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE
override fun postVisitDirectory(dir: Path?, exc: FileVisitResult {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE
fun map(mode: FileChannel.MapMode = FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY,
start: Long = 0, size: Long = -1): MappedByteBuffer {
val file = RandomAccessFile(path,
if (mode == FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY) "r" else "rw")
val fileSize = if (mode == FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY)
file.length() else size.also { assert(size != -1L) }
val channel =
return, start, fileSize).also { channel.close() }
fun deleteOnExit(): File {
// Works only on the default file system,
// but that's okay for now.
return this // Allow streaming.
fun createNew() = javaPath.toFile().createNewFile()
fun readBytes() = Files.readAllBytes(javaPath)
fun writeBytes(bytes: ByteArray) = Files.write(javaPath, bytes)
fun appendBytes(bytes: ByteArray)
= Files.write(javaPath, bytes, StandardOpenOption.APPEND)
fun writeLines(lines: Iterable) {
Files.write(javaPath, lines)
fun writeText(text: String): Unit = writeLines(listOf(text))
fun appendLines(lines: Iterable) {
Files.write(javaPath, lines, StandardOpenOption.APPEND)
fun appendText(text: String): Unit = appendLines(listOf(text))
fun forEachLine(action: (String) -> Unit) {
Files.lines(javaPath).use { lines ->
lines.forEach { action(it) }
fun createAsSymlink(target: String) {
val targetPath = Paths.get(target)
if (Files.isSymbolicLink(this.javaPath) && Files.readSymbolicLink(javaPath) == targetPath) {
Files.createSymbolicLink(this.javaPath, targetPath)
override fun toString() = path
// TODO: Consider removeing these after konanazing java.util.Properties.
fun bufferedReader() = Files.newBufferedReader(javaPath)
fun outputStream() = Files.newOutputStream(javaPath)
fun printWriter() = javaPath.toFile().printWriter()
companion object {
val userDir
get() = File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))
val userHome
get() = File(System.getProperty("user.home"))
val javaHome
get() = File(System.getProperty("java.home"))
val pathSeparator =
val separator =
val separatorChar =
fun readStrings() = mutableListOf().also { list -> forEachLine{list.add(it)}}
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
val otherFile = other as? File ?: return false
return otherFile.javaPath.toAbsolutePath() == javaPath.toAbsolutePath()
override fun hashCode() = javaPath.toAbsolutePath().hashCode()
fun String.File(): File = File(this)
fun Path.File(): File = File(this)
fun createTempFile(name: String, suffix: String? = null)
= Files.createTempFile(name, suffix).File()
fun createTempDir(name: String): File
= Files.createTempDirectory(name).File()
fun bufferedReader(errorStream: InputStream?) = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(errorStream))
// stdlib `use` function adapted for AutoCloseable.
inline fun T.use(block: (T) -> R): R {
var closed = false
try {
return block(this)
} catch (e: Exception) {
closed = true
try {
} catch (closeException: Exception) {
throw e
} finally {
if (!closed) {
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