org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.file.ZipUtil.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.file
import java.nio.file.*
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime
import java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
// Zip filesystem provider doesn't allow creating several instances of ZipFileSystem from the same URI,
// so newFileSystem(URI, ...) throws a FileSystemAlreadyExistsException in this case.
// But FileSystemProvider.newFileSystem(File, ...) cannot throw this exception and allows creating several filesystems.
// See also:
internal fun File.zipFileSystem(create: Boolean = false): FileSystem {
val attributes = hashMapOf("create" to create.toString())
// There is no FileSystems.newFileSystem overload accepting the attribute map.
// So we have to manually iterate over the filesystem providers.
return FileSystemProvider.installedProviders().filter { it.scheme == "jar" }.mapNotNull {
try {
it.newFileSystem(this.toPath(), attributes)
} catch(e: Exception) {
when(e) {
is UnsupportedOperationException,
is IllegalArgumentException -> null
else -> throw e
fun FileSystem.file(file: File) = File(this.getPath(file.path))
fun FileSystem.file(path: String) = File(this.getPath(path))
private fun File.toPath() = Paths.get(this.path)
fun File.zipDirAs(unixFile: File) {
unixFile.withZipFileSystem(create = true) {
// Time attributes are not preserved to ensure that the output zip file bytes deterministic for a fixed set of
// input files.
this.recursiveCopyTo(it.file("/"), resetTimeAttributes = true)
* Unpacks the contents of a zip archive located in [this] into the [destinationDirectory].
* @param destinationDirectory The directory to unpack the contents to.
* @param resetTimeAttributes Whether to set the newly created files' time attributes
* (creation time, last access time, and last modification time) to zero.
* @param fromSubdirectory A subdirectory inside the archive to unpack. Specify "/" if you need to unpack the whole archive.
fun File.unzipTo(destinationDirectory: File, fromSubdirectory: File = File("/"), resetTimeAttributes: Boolean = false) {
withZipFileSystem {
it.file(fromSubdirectory).recursiveCopyTo(destinationDirectory, resetTimeAttributes)
* Unpacks the contents of a zip archive located in [this] into the [destinationDirectory].
* @param destinationDirectory The directory to unpack the contents to.
* @param resetTimeAttributes Whether to set the newly created files' time attributes
* (creation time, last access time, and last modification time) to zero.
* @param fromSubdirectory A subdirectory inside the archive to unpack. Specify "/" if you need to unpack the whole archive.
fun Path.unzipTo(destinationDirectory: Path, fromSubdirectory: Path = Paths.get("/"), resetTimeAttributes: Boolean = false) {
File(this).unzipTo(File(destinationDirectory), File(fromSubdirectory), resetTimeAttributes)
fun File.withZipFileSystem(create: Boolean, action: (FileSystem) -> T): T {
return this.zipFileSystem(create).use(action)
fun File.withZipFileSystem(action: (FileSystem) -> T): T = this.withZipFileSystem(false, action)
private fun File.recursiveCopyTo(destination: File, resetTimeAttributes: Boolean = false) {
val sourcePath = javaPath
val destPath = destination.javaPath
val destFs = destPath.fileSystem
val normalizedDestPath = destPath.normalize()
Files.walk(sourcePath).forEach next@{ oldPath ->
val relative = sourcePath.relativize(oldPath)
// We are copying files between file systems,
// so pass the relative path through the String.
val newPath = destFs.getPath(destPath.toString(), relative.toString())
// NOTE: this check is important, it prevents a potential ZipSlip vulnerability
if (!newPath.normalize().startsWith(normalizedDestPath)) {
throw ZipException("$relative attempted to escape the destination directory $destination")
// File systems don't allow replacing an existing root.
if (newPath == newPath.root) return@next
if (Files.isDirectory(newPath)) {
} else {
Files.copy(oldPath, newPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
if (resetTimeAttributes) {
val zero = FileTime.fromMillis(0)
Files.getFileAttributeView(newPath,, zero, zero);
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