org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.util.DependencyProcessor.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.util
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.file.use
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.properties.KonanPropertiesLoader
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.properties.Properties
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.properties.propertyList
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileNotFoundException
import java.io.RandomAccessFile
import java.net.InetAddress
import java.net.URL
import java.net.UnknownHostException
import java.nio.file.Paths
private val Properties.dependenciesUrl: String
get() = getProperty("dependenciesUrl")
?: throw IllegalStateException("No such property in konan.properties: dependenciesUrl")
private val Properties.airplaneMode : Boolean
get() = getProperty("airplaneMode")?.toBoolean() ?: false
private val Properties.downloadingAttempts : Int
get() = getProperty("downloadingAttempts")?.toInt()
?: DependencyDownloader.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS
private val Properties.downloadingAttemptIntervalMs : Long
get() = getProperty("downloadingAttemptPauseMs")?.toLong()
private fun Properties.findCandidates(dependencies: List): Map> {
val dependencyProfiles = this.propertyList("dependencyProfiles")
return dependencies.map { dependency ->
dependency to dependencyProfiles.flatMap { profile ->
val candidateSpecs = propertyList("$dependency.$profile")
if (profile == "default" && candidateSpecs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
candidateSpecs.map { candidateSpec ->
when (candidateSpec) {
"remote:public" -> DependencySource.Remote.Public
"remote:internal" -> DependencySource.Remote.Internal
else -> DependencySource.Local(File(candidateSpec))
private val KonanPropertiesLoader.dependenciesUrl : String get() = properties.dependenciesUrl
private val KonanPropertiesLoader.airplaneMode : Boolean get() = properties.airplaneMode
private val KonanPropertiesLoader.downloadingAttempts : Int get() = properties.downloadingAttempts
private val KonanPropertiesLoader.downloadingAttemptIntervalMs : Long get() = properties.downloadingAttemptIntervalMs
sealed class DependencySource {
data class Local(val path: File) : DependencySource()
sealed class Remote : DependencySource() {
object Public : Remote()
object Internal : Remote()
* Inspects [dependencies] and downloads all the missing ones into [dependenciesDirectory] from [dependenciesUrl].
* If [airplaneMode] is true will throw a RuntimeException instead of downloading.
class DependencyProcessor(
dependenciesRoot: File,
private val dependenciesUrl: String,
dependencyToCandidates: Map>,
homeDependencyCache: File = DependencyDirectories.getDependencyCacheDir(dependenciesRoot.absolutePath),
private val airplaneMode: Boolean = false,
maxAttempts: Int = DependencyDownloader.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS,
attemptIntervalMs: Long = DependencyDownloader.DEFAULT_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL_MS,
customProgressCallback: ProgressCallback? = null,
private val keepUnstable: Boolean = true,
private val deleteArchives: Boolean = true,
private val archiveType: ArchiveType = ArchiveType.systemDefault,
) {
private val dependenciesDirectory by lazy {
dependenciesRoot.apply { mkdirs() }
private val cacheDirectory by lazy {
homeDependencyCache.apply { mkdirs() }
private val lockFile by lazy {
File(cacheDirectory, ".lock").apply { if (!exists()) createNewFile() }
var showInfo = true
private var isInfoShown = false
private val downloader = DependencyDownloader(maxAttempts, attemptIntervalMs, customProgressCallback)
private val extractor = DependencyExtractor(archiveType)
constructor(dependenciesRoot: File,
properties: KonanPropertiesLoader,
dependenciesUrl: String = properties.dependenciesUrl,
keepUnstable:Boolean = true,
archiveType: ArchiveType = ArchiveType.systemDefault,
customProgressCallback: ProgressCallback? = null) : this(
keepUnstable = keepUnstable,
archiveType = archiveType,
customProgressCallback = customProgressCallback)
constructor(dependenciesRoot: File,
properties: Properties,
dependencies: List,
dependenciesUrl: String = properties.dependenciesUrl,
keepUnstable:Boolean = true,
archiveType: ArchiveType = ArchiveType.systemDefault,
customProgressCallback: ProgressCallback? = null ) : this(
dependencyToCandidates = properties.findCandidates(dependencies),
airplaneMode = properties.airplaneMode,
maxAttempts = properties.downloadingAttempts,
attemptIntervalMs = properties.downloadingAttemptIntervalMs,
keepUnstable = keepUnstable,
archiveType = archiveType,
customProgressCallback = customProgressCallback)
class DependencyFile(directory: File, fileName: String) {
val file = File(directory, fileName).apply { createNewFile() }
private val dependencies = file.readLines().toMutableSet()
fun contains(dependency: String) = dependencies.contains(dependency)
fun add(dependency: String) = dependencies.add(dependency)
fun remove(dependency: String) = dependencies.remove(dependency)
fun removeAndSave(dependency: String) {
fun addAndSave(dependency: String) {
fun save() {
val writer = file.writer()
writer.use {
dependencies.forEach {
private fun downloadDependency(dependency: String, baseUrl: String) {
val depDir = File(dependenciesDirectory, dependency)
val depName = depDir.name
val fileName = "$depName.${archiveType.fileExtension}"
val archive = cacheDirectory.resolve(fileName)
val url = URL("$baseUrl/$fileName")
val extractedDependencies = DependencyFile(dependenciesDirectory, ".extracted")
if (extractedDependencies.contains(depName) &&
depDir.exists() &&
depDir.isDirectory &&
depDir.list().isNotEmpty()) {
if (!keepUnstable && depDir.list().contains(".unstable")) {
// The downloaded version of the dependency is unstable -> redownload it.
} else {
if (showInfo && !isInfoShown) {
println("Downloading native dependencies (LLVM, sysroot etc). This is a one-time action performed only on the first run of the compiler.")
isInfoShown = true
if (!archive.exists()) {
if (airplaneMode) {
throw FileNotFoundException("""
Cannot find a dependency locally: $dependency.
Set `airplaneMode = false` in konan.properties to download it.
downloader.download(url, archive)
println("Extracting dependency: $archive into $dependenciesDirectory")
extractor.extract(archive, dependenciesDirectory)
if (deleteArchives) {
companion object {
val isInternalSeverAvailable: Boolean
get() = InternalServer.isAvailable
private val resolvedDependencies = dependencyToCandidates.map { (dependency, candidates) ->
val candidate = candidates.asSequence().mapNotNull { candidate ->
when (candidate) {
is DependencySource.Local -> candidate.takeIf { it.path.exists() }
DependencySource.Remote.Public -> candidate
DependencySource.Remote.Internal -> candidate.takeIf { InternalServer.isAvailable }
candidate ?: error("$dependency is not available; candidates:\n${candidates.joinToString("\n")}")
dependency to candidate
private fun resolveDependency(dependency: String): File {
val candidate = resolvedDependencies[dependency]
return when (candidate) {
is DependencySource.Local -> candidate.path
is DependencySource.Remote -> File(dependenciesDirectory, dependency)
null -> error("$dependency not declared as dependency")
* If given [path] is relative, resolves it relative to dependecies directory.
* In case of absolute path just wraps it into a [File].
* Support of both relative and absolute path kinds allows to substitute predefined
* dependencies with system ones.
* TODO: It looks like DependencyProcessor have two split responsibilities:
* * Dependency resolving
* * Dependency downloading
* Also it is tightly tied to KonanProperties.
fun resolve(path: String): File =
if (Paths.get(path).isAbsolute) File(path) else resolveRelative(path)
private fun resolveRelative(relative: String): File {
val path = Paths.get(relative)
if (path.isAbsolute) error("not a relative path: $relative")
val dependency = path.first().toString()
return resolveDependency(dependency).let {
if (path.nameCount > 1) {
it.toPath().resolve(path.subpath(1, path.nameCount)).toFile()
} else {
fun run() {
// We need a lock that can be shared between different classloaders (KT-39781).
// TODO: Rework dependencies downloading to avoid storing the lock in the system properties.
val lock = System.getProperties().computeIfAbsent("kotlin.native.dependencies.lock") {
// String literals are internalized so we create a new instance to avoid synchronization on a shared object.
val remoteDependencies = resolvedDependencies.mapNotNull { (dependency, candidate) ->
when (candidate) {
is DependencySource.Local -> null
is DependencySource.Remote -> dependency to candidate
if (remoteDependencies.isEmpty()) { return }
synchronized(lock) {
RandomAccessFile(lockFile, "rw").channel.lock().use {
remoteDependencies.forEach { (dependency, candidate) ->
val baseUrl = when (candidate) {
DependencySource.Remote.Public -> dependenciesUrl
DependencySource.Remote.Internal -> InternalServer.url
// TODO: consider using different caches for different remotes.
downloadDependency(dependency, baseUrl)
internal object InternalServer {
private const val host = "repo.labs.intellij.net"
const val url = "https://$host/kotlin-native"
private const val internalDomain = "labs.intellij.net"
val isAvailable: Boolean get() {
return when (val envValue = System.getenv(envKey)) {
null, "0" -> false
"1" -> true
"auto" -> isAccessible
else -> error("unexpected environment: $envKey=$envValue")
private val isAccessible by lazy { checkAccessible() }
private fun checkAccessible() = try {
if (!InetAddress.getLocalHost().canonicalHostName.endsWith(".$internalDomain")) {
// Fast path:
} else {
} catch (e: UnknownHostException) {
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