org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.ktPsiUtil.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil
import com.intellij.extapi.psi.StubBasedPsiElementBase
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtNodeTypes
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KotlinLexer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtModifierKeywordToken
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens.MODALITY_MODIFIERS
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.stubs.KotlinClassOrObjectStub
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.expressions.OperatorConventions
import java.util.*
// NOTE: in this file we collect only Kotlin-specific methods working with PSI and not modifying it
// ----------- Calls and qualified expressions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun KtCallElement.getCallNameExpression(): KtSimpleNameExpression? {
val calleeExpression = calleeExpression ?: return null
return when (calleeExpression) {
is KtSimpleNameExpression -> calleeExpression
is KtConstructorCalleeExpression -> calleeExpression.constructorReferenceExpression
else -> null
* Returns enclosing qualifying element for given [[KtSimpleNameExpression]]
* ([[KtQualifiedExpression]] or [[KtUserType]] or original expression)
fun KtSimpleNameExpression.getQualifiedElement(): KtElement {
val baseExpression = (parent as? KtCallExpression) ?: this
val parent = baseExpression.parent
return when (parent) {
is KtQualifiedExpression -> if (parent.selectorExpression == baseExpression) parent else baseExpression
is KtUserType -> if (parent.referenceExpression == baseExpression) parent else baseExpression
else -> baseExpression
fun KtSimpleNameExpression.getQualifiedElementOrCallableRef(): KtElement {
val parent = parent
if (parent is KtCallableReferenceExpression && parent.callableReference == this) return parent
return getQualifiedElement()
fun KtSimpleNameExpression.getTopmostParentQualifiedExpressionForSelector(): KtQualifiedExpression? {
return generateSequence(this) {
val parentQualified = it.parent as? KtQualifiedExpression
if (parentQualified?.selectorExpression == it) parentQualified else null
}.last() as? KtQualifiedExpression
* Returns rightmost selector of the qualified element (null if there is no such selector)
fun KtElement.getQualifiedElementSelector(): KtElement? {
return when (this) {
is KtSimpleNameExpression -> this
is KtCallExpression -> calleeExpression
is KtQualifiedExpression -> {
val selector = selectorExpression
(selector as? KtCallExpression)?.calleeExpression ?: selector
is KtUserType -> referenceExpression
else -> null
fun KtSimpleNameExpression.getReceiverExpression(): KtExpression? {
val parent = parent
when {
parent is KtQualifiedExpression -> {
val receiverExpression = parent.receiverExpression
// Name expression can't be receiver for itself
if (receiverExpression != this) {
return receiverExpression
parent is KtCallExpression -> {
//This is in case `a().b()`
val grandParent = parent.parent
if (grandParent is KtQualifiedExpression) {
val parentsReceiver = grandParent.receiverExpression
if (parentsReceiver != parent) {
return parentsReceiver
parent is KtBinaryExpression && parent.operationReference == this -> {
return if (parent.operationToken in OperatorConventions.IN_OPERATIONS) parent.right else parent.left
parent is KtUnaryExpression && parent.operationReference == this -> {
return parent.baseExpression
parent is KtUserType -> {
val qualifier = parent.qualifier
if (qualifier != null) {
return qualifier.referenceExpression!!
return null
fun KtElement.getQualifiedExpressionForSelector(): KtQualifiedExpression? {
val parent = parent
return if (parent is KtQualifiedExpression && parent.selectorExpression == this) parent else null
fun KtExpression.getQualifiedExpressionForSelectorOrThis(): KtExpression {
return getQualifiedExpressionForSelector() ?: this
fun KtExpression.getQualifiedExpressionForReceiver(): KtQualifiedExpression? {
val parent = parent
return if (parent is KtQualifiedExpression && parent.receiverExpression == this) parent else null
fun KtExpression.getQualifiedExpressionForReceiverOrThis(): KtExpression {
return getQualifiedExpressionForReceiver() ?: this
fun KtExpression.isDotReceiver(): Boolean =
(parent as? KtDotQualifiedExpression)?.receiverExpression == this
fun KtExpression.isDotSelector(): Boolean =
(parent as? KtDotQualifiedExpression)?.selectorExpression == this
fun KtExpression.getPossiblyQualifiedCallExpression(): KtCallExpression? =
((this as? KtQualifiedExpression)?.selectorExpression ?: this) as? KtCallExpression
// ---------- Block expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun KtElement.blockExpressionsOrSingle(): Sequence =
if (this is KtBlockExpression) statements.asSequence() else sequenceOf(this)
fun KtExpression.lastBlockStatementOrThis(): KtExpression = (this as? KtBlockExpression)?.statements?.lastOrNull() ?: this
fun KtBlockExpression.contentRange(): PsiChildRange {
val lBrace = this.lBrace ?: return PsiChildRange.EMPTY
val rBrace = this.rBrace ?: return PsiChildRange.EMPTY
val first = lBrace.siblings(withItself = false).firstOrNull { it !is PsiWhiteSpace }
if (first == rBrace) return PsiChildRange.EMPTY
val last = rBrace.siblings(forward = false, withItself = false).first { it !is PsiWhiteSpace }
if (last == lBrace) return PsiChildRange.EMPTY
return PsiChildRange(first, last)
// ----------- Inheritance -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun KtClass.isAbstract(): Boolean = isInterface() || hasModifier(KtTokens.ABSTRACT_KEYWORD)
* Returns the list of unqualified names that are indexed as the superclass names of this class. For the names that might be imported
* via an aliased import, includes both the original and the aliased name (reference resolution during inheritor search will sort this out).
* @return the list of possible superclass names
fun StubBasedPsiElementBase>.getSuperNames(): List {
fun addSuperName(result: MutableList, referencedName: String) {
val file = containingFile
if (file is KtFile) {
val directive = file.findImportByAlias(referencedName)
if (directive != null) {
var reference = directive.importedReference
while (reference is KtDotQualifiedExpression) {
reference = reference.selectorExpression
if (reference is KtSimpleNameExpression) {
require(this is KtClassOrObject) { "it should be ${KtClassOrObject::class} but it is a ${}" }
val stub = stub
if (stub != null) {
return stub.getSuperNames()
val specifiers = this.superTypeListEntries
if (specifiers.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList()
val result = ArrayList()
for (specifier in specifiers) {
val superType = specifier.typeAsUserType
if (superType != null) {
val referencedName = superType.referencedName
if (referencedName != null) {
addSuperName(result, referencedName)
return result
// ------------ Annotations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Annotations on labeled expression lies on it's base expression
fun KtExpression.getAnnotationEntries(): List {
val parent = parent
return when (parent) {
is KtAnnotatedExpression -> parent.annotationEntries
is KtLabeledExpression -> parent.getAnnotationEntries()
else -> emptyList()
fun KtAnnotationsContainer.collectAnnotationEntriesFromStubOrPsi(): List {
return when (this) {
is StubBasedPsiElementBase<*> -> stub?.collectAnnotationEntriesFromStubElement() ?: collectAnnotationEntriesFromPsi()
else -> collectAnnotationEntriesFromPsi()
private fun StubElement<*>.collectAnnotationEntriesFromStubElement(): List {
return childrenStubs.flatMap { child ->
when (child.stubType) {
KtNodeTypes.ANNOTATION_ENTRY -> listOf(child.psi as KtAnnotationEntry)
KtNodeTypes.ANNOTATION -> (child.psi as KtAnnotation).entries
else -> emptyList()
private fun KtAnnotationsContainer.collectAnnotationEntriesFromPsi(): List {
return children.flatMap { child ->
when (child) {
is KtAnnotationEntry -> listOf(child)
is KtAnnotation -> child.entries
else -> emptyList()
// -------- Recursive tree visiting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calls `block` on each descendant of T type
// Note, that calls happen in order of DFS-exit, so deeper nodes are applied earlier
inline fun forEachDescendantOfTypeVisitor(noinline block: (T) -> Unit): KtVisitorVoid {
return object : KtTreeVisitorVoid() {
override fun visitKtElement(element: KtElement) {
if (element is T) {
inline fun flatMapDescendantsOfTypeVisitor(
accumulator: MutableCollection,
noinline map: (T) -> Collection,
): KtVisitorVoid {
return forEachDescendantOfTypeVisitor { accumulator.addAll(map(it)) }
// ----------- Contracts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun KtNamedFunction.isContractPresentPsiCheck(isAllowedOnMembers: Boolean): Boolean {
val contractAllowedHere =
(isAllowedOnMembers || isTopLevel) &&
hasBlockBody() &&
if (!contractAllowedHere) return false
val firstExpression = (this as? KtFunction)?.bodyBlockExpression?.statements?.firstOrNull() ?: return false
return firstExpression.isContractDescriptionCallPsiCheck()
fun KtExpression.isContractDescriptionCallPsiCheck(): Boolean =
(this is KtCallExpression && calleeExpression?.text == "contract") || (this is KtQualifiedExpression && isContractDescriptionCallPsiCheck())
fun KtQualifiedExpression.isContractDescriptionCallPsiCheck(): Boolean {
val expression = selectorExpression ?: return false
return receiverExpression.text == "kotlin.contracts" && expression.isContractDescriptionCallPsiCheck()
fun KtElement.isFirstStatement(): Boolean {
var parent = parent
var element = this
if (parent is KtDotQualifiedExpression) {
element = parent
parent = parent.parent
return parent is KtBlockExpression && parent.firstStatement == element
// ----------- Other -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun KtClassOrObject.effectiveDeclarations(): List {
return when (this) {
is KtClass -> getDeclarations() + getPrimaryConstructorParameters().filter { p -> p.hasValOrVar() }
else -> declarations
fun PsiElement.isExtensionDeclaration(): Boolean {
val callable: KtCallableDeclaration? = when (this) {
is KtNamedFunction, is KtProperty -> this as KtCallableDeclaration
is KtPropertyAccessor -> getNonStrictParentOfType()
else -> null
return callable?.receiverTypeReference != null
fun KtElement.isContextualDeclaration(): Boolean {
val contextReceivers = when (this) {
is KtCallableDeclaration -> contextReceivers
is KtClassOrObject -> contextReceivers
else -> emptyList()
return contextReceivers.isNotEmpty()
fun KtClassOrObject.isObjectLiteral(): Boolean = this is KtObjectDeclaration && isObjectLiteral()
//TODO: strange method, and not only Kotlin specific (also Java)
fun PsiElement.parameterIndex(): Int {
val parent = parent
return when {
this is KtParameter && parent is KtParameterList -> parent.parameters.indexOf(this)
this is PsiParameter && parent is PsiParameterList -> parent.getParameterIndex(this)
else -> -1
val KtValueArgument.argumentIndex: Int get() = (parent as KtValueArgumentList).arguments.indexOf(this)
fun KtModifierListOwner.isPrivate(): Boolean = hasModifier(KtTokens.PRIVATE_KEYWORD)
fun KtModifierListOwner.isProtected(): Boolean = hasModifier(KtTokens.PROTECTED_KEYWORD)
fun KtSimpleNameExpression.isImportDirectiveExpression(): Boolean {
val parent = parent
return parent is KtImportDirective || parent.parent is KtImportDirective
fun KtSimpleNameExpression.isPackageDirectiveExpression(): Boolean {
val parent = parent
return parent is KtPackageDirective || parent.parent is KtPackageDirective
fun KtExpression.isInImportDirective(): Boolean {
return parents.takeWhile { it !is KtDeclaration && it !is KtBlockExpression }.any { it is KtImportDirective }
fun KtExpression.isLambdaOutsideParentheses(): Boolean {
val parent = parent
return when (parent) {
is KtLambdaArgument -> true
is KtLabeledExpression -> parent.isLambdaOutsideParentheses()
else -> false
fun KtExpression.getAssignmentByLHS(): KtBinaryExpression? {
val parent = parent as? KtBinaryExpression ?: return null
return if (KtPsiUtil.isAssignment(parent) && parent.left == this) parent else null
tailrec fun findAssignment(element: PsiElement?): KtBinaryExpression? =
when (val parent = element?.parent) {
is KtBinaryExpression -> if (parent.left == element && parent.operationToken == KtTokens.EQ) parent else null
is KtQualifiedExpression -> findAssignment(element.parent)
is KtSimpleNameExpression -> findAssignment(element.parent)
else -> null
fun KtStringTemplateExpression.getContentRange(): TextRange {
val start = node.firstChildNode.textLength
val lastChild = node.lastChildNode
val length = textLength
return TextRange(start, if (lastChild.elementType == KtTokens.CLOSING_QUOTE) length - lastChild.textLength else length)
* Check expression might be a callee of call with the same name.
* Note that 'this' in 'this(args)' isn't considered to be a callee, also 'name' is not a callee in 'name++'.
fun KtSimpleNameExpression.isCallee(): Boolean {
val parent = parent
return when (parent) {
is KtCallElement -> parent.calleeExpression == this
is KtBinaryExpression -> parent.operationReference == this
else -> {
val callElement =
if (callElement != null) {
val ktConstructorCalleeExpression = callElement.calleeExpression as? KtConstructorCalleeExpression
(ktConstructorCalleeExpression?.typeReference?.typeElement as? KtUserType)?.referenceExpression == this
} else {
val KtStringTemplateExpression.plainContent: String
get() = getContentRange().substring(text)
fun KtStringTemplateExpression.isSingleQuoted(): Boolean = node.firstChildNode.textLength == 1
val KtNamedDeclaration.isPrivateNestedClassOrObject: Boolean get() = this is KtClassOrObject && isPrivate() && !isTopLevel()
fun KtNamedDeclaration.getValueParameters(): List {
return getValueParameterList()?.parameters ?: Collections.emptyList()
fun KtNamedDeclaration.getValueParameterList(): KtParameterList? {
return when (this) {
is KtCallableDeclaration -> valueParameterList
is KtClass -> getPrimaryConstructorParameterList()
else -> null
fun KtExpression.asAssignment(): KtBinaryExpression? =
if (KtPsiUtil.isAssignment(this)) this as KtBinaryExpression else null
private fun KtModifierList.modifierFromTokenSet(set: TokenSet): PsiElement? {
return set.types
.map { getModifier(it as KtModifierKeywordToken) }
.firstOrNull { it != null }
private fun KtModifierListOwner.modifierFromTokenSet(set: TokenSet) = modifierList?.modifierFromTokenSet(set)
fun KtModifierList.visibilityModifier() = modifierFromTokenSet(KtTokens.VISIBILITY_MODIFIERS)
fun KtModifierList.visibilityModifierType(): KtModifierKeywordToken? = visibilityModifier()?.node?.elementType as KtModifierKeywordToken?
fun KtModifierListOwner.visibilityModifier() = modifierList?.modifierFromTokenSet(KtTokens.VISIBILITY_MODIFIERS)
val KtModifierListOwner.isPublic: Boolean
get() {
if (this is KtDeclaration && KtPsiUtil.isLocal(this)) return false
val visibilityModifier = visibilityModifierType()
return visibilityModifier == null || visibilityModifier == KtTokens.PUBLIC_KEYWORD
fun KtModifierListOwner.visibilityModifierType(): KtModifierKeywordToken? =
visibilityModifier()?.node?.elementType as KtModifierKeywordToken?
fun KtModifierListOwner.visibilityModifierTypeOrDefault(): KtModifierKeywordToken =
visibilityModifierType() ?: KtTokens.DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_KEYWORD
fun KtDeclaration.modalityModifier() = modifierFromTokenSet(MODALITY_MODIFIERS)
fun KtDeclaration.modalityModifierType(): KtModifierKeywordToken? = modalityModifier()?.node?.elementType as KtModifierKeywordToken?
fun KtStringTemplateExpression.isPlain() = entries.all { it is KtLiteralStringTemplateEntry }
fun KtStringTemplateExpression.isPlainWithEscapes() =
entries.all { it is KtLiteralStringTemplateEntry || it is KtEscapeStringTemplateEntry }
// Correct for class members only (including constructors and nested classes)
// Returns null e.g. for member function parameters, member function locals, property accessors
val KtDeclaration.containingClassOrObject: KtClassOrObject?
get() = parent.let {
when (it) {
is KtClassBody -> it.parent as? KtClassOrObject
is KtClassOrObject -> it
is KtParameterList -> (it.parent as? KtPrimaryConstructor)?.getContainingClassOrObject()
else -> null
fun KtExpression.getOutermostParenthesizerOrThis(): KtExpression {
return ( {
val (element, parent) = it
when (parent) {
is KtParenthesizedExpression -> false
is KtAnnotatedExpression -> parent.baseExpression != element
is KtLabeledExpression -> parent.baseExpression != element
else -> true
}?.first as KtExpression? ?: this
fun PsiElement.isFunctionalExpression(): Boolean = this is KtNamedFunction && nameIdentifier == null
private val BAD_NEIGHBOUR_FOR_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE_ENTRY_PATTERN = Regex("([a-zA-Z0-9_]|[^\\p{ASCII}]).*")
fun canPlaceAfterSimpleNameEntry(element: PsiElement?): Boolean {
val entryText = element?.text ?: return true
fun KtElement.nonStaticOuterClasses(): Sequence {
return generateSequence(containingClass()) { if (it.isInner()) it.containingClass() else null }
fun KtElement.containingClass(): KtClass? = getStrictParentOfType()
fun KtClassOrObject.findPropertyByName(name: String): KtNamedDeclaration? {
return declarations.firstOrNull { it is KtProperty && == name } as KtNamedDeclaration?
?: primaryConstructorParameters.firstOrNull { it.hasValOrVar() && == name }
fun KtClassOrObject.findFunctionByName(name: String): KtNamedDeclaration? {
return declarations.firstOrNull { it is KtNamedFunction && == name } as KtNamedDeclaration?
fun isTypeConstructorReference(e: PsiElement): Boolean {
val parent = e.parent
return parent is KtUserType && parent.referenceExpression == e
fun KtParameter.isPropertyParameter() = ownerFunction is KtPrimaryConstructor && hasValOrVar()
fun isDoubleColonReceiver(expression: KtExpression) =
expression.getParentOfTypeAndBranch { this.receiverExpression } != null
fun KtFunctionLiteral.getOrCreateParameterList(): KtParameterList {
valueParameterList?.let { return it }
val psiFactory = KtPsiFactory(project)
val anchor = lBrace
val newParameterList = addAfter(psiFactory.createLambdaParameterList("x"), anchor) as KtParameterList
if (arrow == null) {
val whitespaceAndArrow = psiFactory.createWhitespaceAndArrow()
addRangeAfter(whitespaceAndArrow.first, whitespaceAndArrow.second, newParameterList)
return newParameterList
fun KtFunctionLiteral.findLabelAndCall(): Pair {
val literalParent = (this.parent as KtLambdaExpression).parent
fun KtValueArgument.callExpression(): KtCallExpression? {
val parent = parent
return (if (parent is KtValueArgumentList) parent else this).parent as? KtCallExpression
when (literalParent) {
is KtLabeledExpression -> {
val callExpression = (literalParent.parent as? KtValueArgument)?.callExpression()
return Pair(literalParent.getLabelNameAsName(), callExpression)
is KtValueArgument -> {
val callExpression = literalParent.callExpression()
val label = (callExpression?.calleeExpression as? KtSimpleNameExpression)?.getReferencedNameAsName()
return Pair(label, callExpression)
else -> {
return Pair(null, null)
fun KtCallExpression.getOrCreateValueArgumentList(): KtValueArgumentList {
valueArgumentList?.let { return it }
return addAfter(
typeArgumentList ?: calleeExpression,
) as KtValueArgumentList
fun KtCallExpression.addTypeArgument(typeArgument: KtTypeProjection) {
if (typeArgumentList != null) {
} else {
addAfter(KtPsiFactory(project).createTypeArguments("<${typeArgument.text}>"), calleeExpression)
fun KtDeclaration.hasBody() = when (this) {
is KtFunction -> hasBody()
is KtProperty -> hasBody()
else -> false
fun KtExpression.referenceExpression(): KtReferenceExpression? =
(if (this is KtCallExpression) calleeExpression else this) as? KtReferenceExpression
fun KtExpression.getLabeledParent(labelName: String): KtLabeledExpression? {
parents.forEach {
when (it) {
is KtLabeledExpression -> if (it.getLabelName() == labelName) return it
is KtParenthesizedExpression, is KtAnnotatedExpression, is KtLambdaExpression -> return@forEach
else -> return null
return null
fun PsiElement.astReplace(newElement: PsiElement) = parent.node.replaceChild(node, newElement.node)
var KtElement.parentSubstitute: PsiElement? by UserDataProperty(Key.create("PARENT_SUBSTITUTE"))
fun String?.isIdentifier(): Boolean {
if (this == null || isEmpty()) return false
val lexer = KotlinLexer()
lexer.start(this, 0, length)
if (lexer.tokenType !== KtTokens.IDENTIFIER) return false
return lexer.tokenType == null
fun String.quoteIfNeeded(): String = if (this.isIdentifier()) this else "`$this`"
fun PsiElement.isTopLevelKtOrJavaMember(): Boolean {
return when (this) {
is KtDeclaration -> parent is KtFile
is PsiClass -> containingClass == null && this.qualifiedName != null
else -> false
fun KtNamedDeclaration.safeNameForLazyResolve(): Name {
return nameAsName.safeNameForLazyResolve()
fun Name?.safeNameForLazyResolve(): Name {
return SpecialNames.safeIdentifier(this)
fun KtNamedDeclaration.safeFqNameForLazyResolve(): FqName? {
//NOTE: should only create special names for package level declarations, so we can safely rely on real fq name for parent
val parentFqName = KtNamedDeclarationUtil.getParentFqName(this)
return parentFqName?.child(safeNameForLazyResolve())
fun isTopLevelInFileOrScript(element: PsiElement): Boolean {
val parent = element.parent
return when (parent) {
is KtFile -> true
is KtBlockExpression -> parent.parent is KtScript
else -> false
fun KtFile.getFileOrScriptDeclarations() = if (isScript()) script!!.declarations else declarations
fun KtExpression.getBinaryWithTypeParent(): KtBinaryExpressionWithTypeRHS? {
val callExpression = parent as? KtCallExpression ?: return null
val possibleQualifiedExpression = callExpression.parent
val targetExpression = if (possibleQualifiedExpression is KtQualifiedExpression) {
if (possibleQualifiedExpression.selectorExpression != callExpression) return null
} else {
return targetExpression.topParenthesizedParentOrMe().parent as? KtBinaryExpressionWithTypeRHS
fun KtExpression.topParenthesizedParentOrMe(): KtExpression {
var result: KtExpression = this
while (KtPsiUtil.deparenthesizeOnce(result.parent as? KtExpression) == result) {
result = result.parent as? KtExpression ?: break
return result
fun getTrailingCommaByClosingElement(closingElement: PsiElement?): PsiElement? {
val elementBeforeClosingElement =
closingElement?.getPrevSiblingIgnoringWhitespaceAndComments() ?: return null
return { if (node.elementType == KtTokens.COMMA) this else null }
fun getTrailingCommaByElementsList(elementList: PsiElement?): PsiElement? {
val lastChild = elementList?.lastChild?.let { if (it !is PsiComment) it else it.getPrevSiblingIgnoringWhitespaceAndComments() }
return lastChild?.takeIf { it.node.elementType == KtTokens.COMMA }
val KtNameReferenceExpression.isUnderscoreInBackticks
get() = getReferencedName() == "`_`"
tailrec fun KtTypeElement.unwrapNullability(): KtTypeElement? {
return when (this) {
is KtNullableType -> this.innerType?.unwrapNullability()
else -> this
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