org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.CachedSyntheticDeclarations.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.ScopeWithIr
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.descriptors.synthesizedString
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.AsmUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DescriptorVisibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DescriptorVisibility
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
class CachedSyntheticDeclarations(private val context: JvmBackendContext) {
private data class FieldKey(val fieldSymbol: IrFieldSymbol, val parent: IrDeclarationParent, val superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?)
private data class FunctionKey(
val functionSymbol: IrFunctionSymbol,
val parent: IrDeclarationParent,
val superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?
private val functionMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val getterMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
private val setterMap = ConcurrentHashMap()
fun getSyntheticFunctionAccessor(expression: IrFunctionAccessExpression, scopes: List): IrFunctionSymbol {
return createAccessor(expression, scopes)
fun getSyntheticFunctionAccessor(reference: IrFunctionReference, scopes: List): IrFunctionSymbol {
return createAccessor(reference.symbol, scopes, reference.dispatchReceiver?.type, null)
private fun createAccessor(expression: IrFunctionAccessExpression, scopes: List): IrFunctionSymbol =
if (expression is IrCall)
createAccessor(expression.symbol, scopes, expression.dispatchReceiver?.type, expression.superQualifierSymbol)
createAccessor(expression.symbol, scopes, null, null)
private fun createAccessor(
symbol: IrFunctionSymbol,
scopes: List,
dispatchReceiverType: IrType?,
superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?
): IrFunctionSymbol {
// Find the right container to insert the accessor. Simply put, when we call a function on a class A,
// we also need to put its accessor into A. However, due to the way that calls are implemented in the
// IR we generally need to look at the type of the dispatchReceiver *argument* in order to find the
// correct class. Consider the following code:
// fun run(f : () -> Int): Int = f()
// open class A {
// private fun f() = 0
// fun g() = run { this.f() }
// }
// class B : A {
// override fun g() = 1
// fun h() = run { super.g() }
// }
// We have calls to the private methods A.f from a generated Lambda subclass for the argument to `run`
// in class A and a super call to A.g from a generated Lambda subclass in class B.
// In the first case, we need to produce an accessor in class A to access the private member of A.
// Both the parent of the function f and the type of the dispatch receiver point to the correct class.
// In the second case we need to call A.g from within class B, since this is the only way to invoke
// a method of a superclass on the JVM. However, the IR for the call to super.g points directly to the
// function g in class A. Confusingly, the `superQualifier` on this call also points to class A.
// The only way to compute the actual enclosing class for the call is by looking at the type of the
// dispatch receiver argument, which points to B.
// Beyond this, there can be accessors that are needed because other lowerings produce code calling
// private methods (e.g., local functions for lambdas are private and called from generated
// SAM wrapper classes). In this case we rely on the parent field of the called function.
// Finally, we need to produce accessors for calls to protected static methods coming from Java,
// which we put in the closest enclosing class which has access to the method in question.
val parent = symbol.owner.accessorParent(dispatchReceiverType?.classOrNull?.owner ?: symbol.owner.parent, scopes)
// The key in the cache/map needs to be BOTH the symbol of the function being accessed AND the parent
// of the accessor. Going from the above example, if we have another class C similar to B:
// class C : A {
// override fun g() = 2
// fun i() = run { super.g() }
// }
// For the call to super.g in function i, the accessor to A.g must be produced in C. Therefore, we
// cannot use the function symbol (A.g in the example) by itself as the key since there should be
// one accessor per dispatch receiver (i.e., parent of the accessor).
return functionMap.getOrPut(FunctionKey(symbol, parent, superQualifierSymbol)) {
when (symbol) {
is IrConstructorSymbol ->
is IrSimpleFunctionSymbol ->
symbol.owner.makeSimpleFunctionAccessor(superQualifierSymbol, dispatchReceiverType, parent, scopes).symbol
private fun getSyntheticConstructorAccessor(
declaration: IrConstructor,
constructorToAccessorMap: ConcurrentHashMap
): IrConstructor {
return constructorToAccessorMap.getOrPut(declaration) {
declaration.makeConstructorAccessor(JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR_FOR_HIDDEN_CONSTRUCTOR).also { accessor ->
if (declaration.constructedClass.modality != Modality.SEALED) {
// There's a special case in the JVM backend for serializing the metadata of hidden
// constructors - we serialize the descriptor of the original constructor, but the
// signature of the accessor. We implement this special case in the JVM IR backend by
// attaching the metadata directly to the accessor. We also have to move all annotations
// to the accessor. Parameter annotations are already moved by the copyTo method.
if (declaration.metadata != null) {
accessor.metadata = declaration.metadata
declaration.metadata = null
accessor.annotations += declaration.annotations
declaration.annotations = emptyList()
declaration.valueParameters.forEach { it.annotations = emptyList() }
private fun IrConstructor.makeConstructorAccessor(
originForConstructorAccessor: IrDeclarationOrigin =
): IrConstructor {
val source = this
return factory.buildConstructor {
origin = originForConstructorAccessor
name =
visibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC
}.also { accessor ->
accessor.parent = source.parent
accessor.copyTypeParametersFrom(source, JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR)
accessor.copyValueParametersToStatic(source, JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR)
if (source.constructedClass.modality == Modality.SEALED) {
for (accessorValueParameter in accessor.valueParameters) {
accessorValueParameter.annotations = emptyList()
accessor.returnType = source.returnType.remapTypeParameters(source, accessor)
accessor.body = context.irFactory.createExpressionBody(
createConstructorCall(accessor, source.symbol)
private fun createConstructorCall(accessor: IrConstructor, targetSymbol: IrConstructorSymbol) =
targetSymbol, targetSymbol.owner.parentAsClass.typeParameters.size + targetSymbol.owner.typeParameters.size
).also {
copyAllParamsToArgs(it, accessor)
private fun IrSimpleFunction.makeSimpleFunctionAccessor(
superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?, dispatchReceiverType: IrType?, parent: IrDeclarationParent, scopes: List
): IrSimpleFunction {
val source = this
return factory.buildFun {
startOffset = parent.startOffset
endOffset = parent.startOffset
origin = JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR
name = source.accessorName(superQualifierSymbol, scopes)
visibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC
modality = if (parent is IrClass && parent.isJvmInterface) Modality.OPEN else Modality.FINAL
isSuspend = source.isSuspend // synthetic accessors of suspend functions are handled in codegen
}.also { accessor ->
accessor.parent = parent
accessor.copyTypeParametersFrom(source, JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR)
accessor.copyValueParametersToStatic(source, JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR, dispatchReceiverType)
accessor.returnType = source.returnType.remapTypeParameters(source, accessor)
accessor.body = context.irFactory.createExpressionBody(
accessor.startOffset, accessor.startOffset,
createSimpleFunctionCall(accessor, source.symbol, superQualifierSymbol)
private fun createSimpleFunctionCall(accessor: IrFunction, targetSymbol: IrSimpleFunctionSymbol, superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?) =
targetSymbol, targetSymbol.owner.typeParameters.size,
superQualifierSymbol = superQualifierSymbol
).also {
copyAllParamsToArgs(it, accessor)
fun getSyntheticGetter(expression: IrGetField, scopes: List): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol {
val dispatchReceiverType = expression.receiver?.type
val dispatchReceiverClassSymbol = dispatchReceiverType?.classifierOrNull as? IrClassSymbol
val symbol = expression.symbol
val parent = symbol.owner.accessorParent(dispatchReceiverClassSymbol?.owner ?: symbol.owner.parent, scopes) as IrClass
return getterMap.getOrPut(FieldKey(symbol, parent, expression.superQualifierSymbol)) {
makeGetterAccessorSymbol(symbol, parent, expression.superQualifierSymbol)
private fun makeGetterAccessorSymbol(
fieldSymbol: IrFieldSymbol,
parent: IrClass,
superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?
): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol =
context.irFactory.buildFun {
startOffset = parent.startOffset
endOffset = parent.startOffset
origin = JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR
name = fieldSymbol.owner.accessorNameForGetter(superQualifierSymbol)
visibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC
modality = Modality.FINAL
returnType = fieldSymbol.owner.type
}.also { accessor ->
accessor.parent = parent
if (!fieldSymbol.owner.isStatic) {
// Accessors are always to one's own fields.
"\$this", parent.defaultType, JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR
accessor.body = createAccessorBodyForGetter(fieldSymbol.owner, accessor, superQualifierSymbol)
private fun createAccessorBodyForGetter(
targetField: IrField,
accessor: IrSimpleFunction,
superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?
): IrBody {
val maybeDispatchReceiver =
if (targetField.isStatic) null
else IrGetValueImpl(accessor.startOffset, accessor.endOffset, accessor.valueParameters[0].symbol)
return context.irFactory.createExpressionBody(
accessor.startOffset, accessor.endOffset,
accessor.startOffset, accessor.endOffset,
superQualifierSymbol = superQualifierSymbol
fun getSyntheticSetter(expression: IrSetField, scopes: List): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol {
val dispatchReceiverType = expression.receiver?.type
val dispatchReceiverClassSymbol = dispatchReceiverType?.classifierOrNull as? IrClassSymbol
val symbol = expression.symbol
val parent = symbol.owner.accessorParent(dispatchReceiverClassSymbol?.owner ?: symbol.owner.parent, scopes) as IrClass
return setterMap.getOrPut(FieldKey(symbol, parent, expression.superQualifierSymbol)) {
makeSetterAccessorSymbol(symbol, parent, expression.superQualifierSymbol)
private fun makeSetterAccessorSymbol(
fieldSymbol: IrFieldSymbol,
parent: IrClass,
superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?
): IrSimpleFunctionSymbol =
context.irFactory.buildFun {
startOffset = parent.startOffset
endOffset = parent.startOffset
origin = JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR
name = fieldSymbol.owner.accessorNameForSetter(superQualifierSymbol)
visibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC
modality = Modality.FINAL
returnType = context.irBuiltIns.unitType
}.also { accessor ->
accessor.parent = parent
if (!fieldSymbol.owner.isStatic) {
// Accessors are always to one's own fields.
"\$this", parent.defaultType, JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR
accessor.addValueParameter("", fieldSymbol.owner.type, JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR)
accessor.body = createAccessorBodyForSetter(fieldSymbol.owner, accessor, superQualifierSymbol)
private fun createAccessorBodyForSetter(
targetField: IrField,
accessor: IrSimpleFunction,
superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?
): IrBody {
val maybeDispatchReceiver =
if (targetField.isStatic) null
else IrGetValueImpl(accessor.startOffset, accessor.endOffset, accessor.valueParameters[0].symbol)
val value = IrGetValueImpl(
accessor.startOffset, accessor.endOffset,
accessor.valueParameters[if (targetField.isStatic) 0 else 1].symbol
return context.irFactory.createExpressionBody(
accessor.startOffset, accessor.endOffset,
accessor.startOffset, accessor.endOffset,
superQualifierSymbol = superQualifierSymbol
private fun copyAllParamsToArgs(
call: IrFunctionAccessExpression,
syntheticFunction: IrFunction
) {
var typeArgumentOffset = 0
if (syntheticFunction is IrConstructor) {
typeArgumentOffset = syntheticFunction.parentAsClass.typeParameters.size
call.passTypeArgumentsFrom(syntheticFunction, offset = typeArgumentOffset)
var offset = 0
val delegateTo = call.symbol.owner
delegateTo.dispatchReceiverParameter?.let {
call.dispatchReceiver =
IrGetValueImpl(UNDEFINED_OFFSET, UNDEFINED_OFFSET, syntheticFunction.valueParameters[offset++].symbol)
delegateTo.extensionReceiverParameter?.let {
call.extensionReceiver =
IrGetValueImpl(UNDEFINED_OFFSET, UNDEFINED_OFFSET, syntheticFunction.valueParameters[offset++].symbol)
delegateTo.valueParameters.forEachIndexed { i, _ ->
syntheticFunction.valueParameters[i + offset].symbol
// In case of Java `protected static`, access could be done from a public inline function in the same package,
// or a subclass of the Java class. Both cases require an accessor, which we cannot add to the Java class.
private fun IrDeclarationWithVisibility.accessorParent(parent: IrDeclarationParent, scopes: List) =
if (visibility == JavaDescriptorVisibilities.PROTECTED_STATIC_VISIBILITY) {
val classes = { it.irElement }.filterIsInstance()
val companions = classes.mapNotNull(IrClass::companionObject)
val objectsInScope =
classes.flatMap { it.declarations.filter(IrDeclaration::isAnonymousObject).filterIsInstance() }
val candidates = objectsInScope + companions + classes
candidates.lastOrNull { parent is IrClass && it.isSubclassOf(parent) } ?: classes.last()
} else {
private fun IrSimpleFunction.accessorName(superQualifier: IrClassSymbol?, scopes: List): Name {
val jvmName = context.defaultMethodSignatureMapper.mapFunctionName(this)
val currentClass = scopes.lastOrNull { it.scope.scopeOwnerSymbol is IrClassSymbol }
val suffix = when {
// Accessors for top level functions never need a suffix.
isTopLevel -> ""
// The only function accessors placed on interfaces are for private functions and JvmDefault implementations.
// The two cannot clash.
currentClass?.irElement?.let { element ->
element is IrClass && element.origin == JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_IMPLS && element.parentAsClass == parentAsClass
} ?: false -> if (!DescriptorVisibilities.isPrivate(visibility)) "\$jd" else ""
// Accessor for _s_uper-qualified call
superQualifier != null -> "\$s" + superQualifier.owner.syntheticAccessorToSuperSuffix()
// Access to protected members that need an accessor must be because they are inherited,
// hence accessed on a _s_upertype. If what is accessed is static, we can point to different
// parts of the inheritance hierarchy and need to distinguish with a suffix.
isStatic && visibility.isProtected -> "\$s" + parentAsClass.syntheticAccessorToSuperSuffix()
else -> ""
return Name.identifier("access\$$jvmName$suffix")
private fun IrField.accessorNameForGetter(superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?): Name {
val getterName = JvmAbi.getterName(name.asString())
return Name.identifier("access\$$getterName\$${fieldAccessorSuffix(superQualifierSymbol)}")
private fun IrField.accessorNameForSetter(superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?): Name {
val setterName = JvmAbi.setterName(name.asString())
return Name.identifier("access\$$setterName\$${fieldAccessorSuffix(superQualifierSymbol)}")
private fun IrField.fieldAccessorSuffix(superQualifierSymbol: IrClassSymbol?): String {
// Special _c_ompanion _p_roperty suffix for accessing companion backing field moved to outer
if (origin == JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.COMPANION_PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD && !parentAsClass.isCompanion) {
return "cp"
if (superQualifierSymbol != null) {
return "p\$s${superQualifierSymbol.owner.syntheticAccessorToSuperSuffix()}"
// Accesses to static protected fields that need an accessor must be due to being inherited, hence accessed on a
// _s_upertype. If the field is static, the super class the access is on can be different and therefore
// we generate a suffix to distinguish access to field with different receiver types in the super hierarchy.
return "p" + if (isStatic && visibility.isProtected) "\$s" + parentAsClass.syntheticAccessorToSuperSuffix() else ""
private fun IrClass.syntheticAccessorToSuperSuffix(): String =
// TODO: change this to `fqNameUnsafe.asString().replace(".", "_")` as soon as we're ready to break compatibility with pre-KT-21178 code
private val DescriptorVisibility.isProtected
get() = AsmUtil.getVisibilityAccessFlag(delegate) == Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED
fun isOrShouldBeHiddenSinceHasMangledParams(constructor: IrConstructor): Boolean {
if (constructor in context.hiddenConstructorsWithMangledParams.keys) return true
return constructor.isOrShouldBeHiddenDueToOrigin &&
!DescriptorVisibilities.isPrivate(constructor.visibility) &&
!constructor.constructedClass.isValue &&
(context.multiFieldValueClassReplacements.originalConstructorForConstructorReplacement[constructor] ?: constructor).hasMangledParameters() &&
fun isOrShouldBeHiddenAsSealedClassConstructor(constructor: IrConstructor): Boolean {
if (constructor in context.hiddenConstructorsOfSealedClasses.keys) return true
return constructor.isOrShouldBeHiddenDueToOrigin && constructor.visibility != DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC && constructor.constructedClass.modality == Modality.SEALED
private val IrConstructor.isOrShouldBeHiddenDueToOrigin: Boolean
get() = !(origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.FUNCTION_FOR_DEFAULT_PARAMETER ||
origin == JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR ||
origin == JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.SYNTHETIC_ACCESSOR_FOR_HIDDEN_CONSTRUCTOR ||
origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_EXTERNAL_JAVA_DECLARATION_STUB)
fun getSyntheticConstructorWithMangledParams(declaration: IrConstructor) =
getSyntheticConstructorAccessor(declaration, context.hiddenConstructorsWithMangledParams)
fun getSyntheticConstructorOfSealedClass(declaration: IrConstructor) =
getSyntheticConstructorAccessor(declaration, context.hiddenConstructorsOfSealedClasses)
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