org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm.MfvcNodeInstance.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.jvm
* Instance-specific tree node describing structure of multi-field value class corresponding to the [MfvcNode]
interface MfvcNodeInstance {
val node: MfvcNode
val typeArguments: TypeArguments
val type: IrSimpleType
* Make expressions corresponding to the flattened representation of the [MfvcNodeInstance].
fun makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(
scope: IrBlockBuilder, currentClass: IrClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation: () -> Unit
): List
* Make expression that corresponds to read access of the instance
fun makeGetterExpression(scope: IrBuilderWithScope, currentClass: IrClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation: () -> Unit): IrExpression
* Get child [MfvcNodeInstance] by [name]
operator fun get(name: Name): MfvcNodeInstance?
* Make setter statements corresponding assignments to the [values] of the given flattened representation.
fun makeSetterStatements(scope: IrBuilderWithScope, values: List): List
private fun makeTypeFromMfvcNodeAndTypeArguments(node: MfvcNode, typeArguments: TypeArguments) =
node.type.substitute(typeArguments) as IrSimpleType
* Make and add setter statements corresponding assignments to the [values] of the given flattened representation.
fun MfvcNodeInstance.addSetterStatements(scope: IrBlockBuilder, values: List) = with(scope) {
for (statement in makeSetterStatements(this, values)) {
* Make a block of setter statements corresponding assignments to the [values] of the given flattened representation.
fun MfvcNodeInstance.makeSetterExpressions(scope: IrBuilderWithScope, values: List): IrExpression = scope.irBlock {
addSetterStatements(this, values)
private fun MfvcNodeInstance.checkValuesCount(values: List) {
require(values.size == node.leavesCount) { "Node $node requires ${node.leavesCount} values but got ${ { it.render() }}" }
* [MfvcNodeInstance] that stores flattened instance in variables and parameters.
class ValueDeclarationMfvcNodeInstance(
override val node: MfvcNode,
override val typeArguments: TypeArguments,
val valueDeclarations: List,
) : MfvcNodeInstance {
init {
require(valueDeclarations.size == size) { "Expected value declarations list of size $size but got of size ${valueDeclarations.size}" }
override val type: IrSimpleType = makeTypeFromMfvcNodeAndTypeArguments(node, typeArguments)
override fun makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope: IrBlockBuilder, currentClass: IrClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation: () -> Unit): List =
makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope as IrBuilderWithScope)
private fun makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope: IrBuilderWithScope): List = { scope.irGet(it) }
override fun makeGetterExpression(scope: IrBuilderWithScope, currentClass: IrClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation: () -> Unit): IrExpression = when (node) {
is LeafMfvcNode -> makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope).single()
is MfvcNodeWithSubnodes -> node.makeBoxedExpression(
scope, typeArguments, makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope), registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation
override fun get(name: Name): ValueDeclarationMfvcNodeInstance? {
val (newNode, indices) = node.getSubnodeAndIndices(name) ?: return null
return ValueDeclarationMfvcNodeInstance(newNode, typeArguments, valueDeclarations.slice(indices))
override fun makeSetterStatements(scope: IrBuilderWithScope, values: List): List {
return { declaration, value -> scope.irSet(declaration, value) }
internal class ExpressionCopierImpl(
expression: IrExpression?,
private val scope: IrBlockBuilder,
private val saveVariable: (IrVariable) -> Unit,
) {
private sealed interface CopyableExpression {
fun makeExpression(scope: IrBuilderWithScope): IrExpression
private class SavedToVariable(val variable: IrVariable) : CopyableExpression {
override fun makeExpression(scope: IrBuilderWithScope): IrExpression = scope.irGet(variable)
private class PureExpression(val expression: IrExpression) : CopyableExpression {
override fun makeExpression(scope: IrBuilderWithScope): IrExpression = expression.deepCopyWithSymbols()
private fun IrExpression.orSavedToVariable(): CopyableExpression =
if (isRepeatableGetter()) {
} else SavedToVariable(
saveVariable = saveVariable,
isTemporary = true,
private val copyableExpression = expression?.orSavedToVariable()
fun makeCopy() = copyableExpression?.makeExpression(scope)
fun IrExpression?.isRepeatableGetter(): Boolean = when (this) {
null -> true
is IrConst<*> -> true
is IrGetValue -> true
is IrGetField -> receiver.isRepeatableGetter()
is IrTypeOperatorCallImpl -> this.argument.isRepeatableGetter()
is IrContainerExpression -> statements.all { it is IrExpression && it.isRepeatableGetter() || it is IrVariable }
else -> false
fun IrExpression?.isRepeatableSetter(): Boolean = when (this) {
null -> true
is IrConst<*> -> true
is IrSetValue -> value.isRepeatableGetter()
is IrSetField -> receiver.isRepeatableGetter() && value.isRepeatableGetter()
is IrTypeOperatorCallImpl -> this.argument.isRepeatableSetter()
is IrContainerExpression -> statements.dropLast(1).all { it is IrExpression && it.isRepeatableGetter() || it is IrVariable } &&
statements.lastOrNull().let { it is IrExpression? && it.isRepeatableSetter() }
else -> false
fun IrExpression?.isRepeatableAccessor(): Boolean = isRepeatableGetter() || isRepeatableSetter()
enum class AccessType { UseFields, ChooseEffective }
* [MfvcNodeInstance] that stores boxed instance in variables and parameters.
class ReceiverBasedMfvcNodeInstance(
private val scope: IrBlockBuilder,
override val node: MfvcNode,
override val typeArguments: TypeArguments,
receiver: IrExpression?,
val fields: List?,
val unboxMethod: IrSimpleFunction?,
val accessType: AccessType,
private val saveVariable: (IrVariable) -> Unit,
) : MfvcNodeInstance {
override val type: IrSimpleType = makeTypeFromMfvcNodeAndTypeArguments(node, typeArguments)
private val receiverCopier = ExpressionCopierImpl(receiver, scope, saveVariable)
private fun makeReceiverCopy() = receiverCopier.makeCopy()
init {
require(fields == null || fields.isNotEmpty()) { "Empty list of fields" }
require(node is RootMfvcNode == (unboxMethod == null)) { "Only root node has node getter" }
override fun makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(
scope: IrBlockBuilder, currentClass: IrClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation: () -> Unit
): List = makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope, currentClass, isInsideRecursion = false, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation)
private fun makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(
scope: IrBlockBuilder, currentClass: IrClass, isInsideRecursion: Boolean, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation: () -> Unit
): List {
fun makeRecursiveResult(node: MfvcNodeWithSubnodes) = node.subnodes.flatMap {
get(!!.makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope, currentClass, true, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation)
return when (node) {
is LeafMfvcNode -> listOf(makeGetterExpression(scope, currentClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation))
is RootMfvcNode -> makeRecursiveResult(node)
is IntermediateMfvcNode -> if (isInsideRecursion || node.hasPureUnboxMethod) {
makeRecursiveResult(node) // use real getter for fields
} else {
val value = makeGetterExpression(scope, currentClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation = { /* The box is definitely useful */ })
val asVariable = scope.savableStandaloneVariableWithSetter(
saveVariable = saveVariable,
isTemporary = true,
val root = node.rootNode
val variableInstance =
root.createInstanceFromBox(scope, typeArguments, scope.irGet(asVariable), accessType, saveVariable)
variableInstance.makeFlattenedGetterExpressions(scope, currentClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation)
override fun makeGetterExpression(scope: IrBuilderWithScope, currentClass: IrClass, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation: () -> Unit): IrExpression = with(scope) {
fun makeFieldRead(field: IrField) = irGetField(if (field.isStatic) null else makeReceiverCopy(), field)
when {
node is RootMfvcNode -> makeReceiverCopy()!!
node is LeafMfvcNode && node.hasPureUnboxMethod && canUsePrivateAccess(node, currentClass) && fields != null ->
node is LeafMfvcNode && accessType == AccessType.UseFields -> {
require(fields != null) { "Invalid getter to $node" }
node is IntermediateMfvcNode && accessType == AccessType.UseFields -> {
require(fields != null) { "Invalid getter to $node" }
this, typeArguments,, registerPossibleExtraBoxCreation
unboxMethod != null -> irCall(unboxMethod).apply {
val dispatchReceiverParameter = unboxMethod.dispatchReceiverParameter
if (dispatchReceiverParameter != null) {
dispatchReceiver = makeReceiverCopy() ?: run {
val erasedUpperBound = dispatchReceiverParameter.type.erasedUpperBound
require(erasedUpperBound.isCompanion) { "Expected a dispatch receiver for:\n${unboxMethod.dump()}" }
else -> error("Unbox method must exist for $node")
private fun canUsePrivateAccess(node: NameableMfvcNode, currentClass: IrClass): Boolean {
val sourceClass = node.unboxMethod.parentAsClass.let { if (it.isCompanion) it.parentAsClass else it }
return sourceClass == currentClass
override fun get(name: Name): ReceiverBasedMfvcNodeInstance? {
val (newNode, _) = node.getSubnodeAndIndices(name) ?: return null
return newNode.createInstanceFromBox(scope, typeArguments, makeReceiverCopy(), accessType, saveVariable)
override fun makeSetterStatements(scope: IrBuilderWithScope, values: List): List {
require(fields != null) { "$node is immutable as it has custom getter and so no backing fields" }
return { field, expr -> scope.irSetField(makeReceiverCopy(), field, expr) }
val MfvcNodeInstance.size: Int
get() = node.leavesCount
* Creates a variable and doesn't add it to a container. It saves the variable with given saveVariable.
* It may be used when the variable will be used outside the current container so the declaration is added later when all usages are known.
fun IrBuilderWithScope.savableStandaloneVariable(
type: IrType,
name: String? = null,
isVar: Boolean,
origin: IrDeclarationOrigin,
isTemporary: Boolean = origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE
|| origin == JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.TEMPORARY_MULTI_FIELD_VALUE_CLASS_VARIABLE
|| origin == JvmLoweredDeclarationOrigin.TEMPORARY_MULTI_FIELD_VALUE_CLASS_PARAMETER,
saveVariable: (IrVariable) -> Unit,
): IrVariable {
val variable = if (isTemporary || name == null) scope.createTemporaryVariableDeclaration(
type, name, isVar,
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
) else IrVariableImpl(
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
origin = origin,
symbol = IrVariableSymbolImpl(),
name = Name.identifier(name),
type = type,
isVar = isVar,
isConst = false,
isLateinit = false
).apply {
parent = [email protected]()
return variable
* Creates a variable and doesn't add it to a container. It saves the variable with given saveVariable. It adds irSet-based initialization.
* It may be used when the variable will be used outside the current container so the declaration is added later when all usages are known.
fun IrStatementsBuilder.savableStandaloneVariableWithSetter(
expression: IrExpression,
name: String? = null,
isMutable: Boolean = false,
origin: IrDeclarationOrigin,
isTemporary: Boolean = origin == IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE,
saveVariable: (IrVariable) -> Unit,
) = savableStandaloneVariable(expression.type, name, isMutable, origin, isTemporary, saveVariable).also {
+irSet(it, expression)
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