org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.EffectiveVisibility.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.EffectiveVisibility.Permissiveness
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.AbstractTypeChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.TypeCheckerState
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.TypeCheckerProviderContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.TypeConstructorMarker
sealed class EffectiveVisibility(val name: String, val publicApi: Boolean = false, val privateApi: Boolean = false) {
override fun toString() = name
// Public
// /--/ | \-------------\
// Protected(Base) | \
// | Protected(Other) Internal = PackagePrivate
// Protected(Derived) | / \
// | | / InternalProtected(Base)
// ProtectedBound / \
// \ / /InternalProtected(Derived)
// \InternalProtectedBound/
// |
// PrivateInFile
// |
// PrivateInClass = Local
// Private class (interface) member
object PrivateInClass : EffectiveVisibility("private-in-class", privateApi = true) {
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
if (this == other || Local == other) Permissiveness.SAME else Permissiveness.LESS
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Private
// Effectively same as PrivateInClass
object Local : EffectiveVisibility("local") {
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
if (this == other || PrivateInClass == other) Permissiveness.SAME else Permissiveness.LESS
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Local
// Private with File container
object PrivateInFile : EffectiveVisibility("private-in-file", privateApi = true) {
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
when (other) {
this -> Permissiveness.SAME
PrivateInClass, Local -> Permissiveness.MORE
else -> Permissiveness.LESS
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Private
object Public : EffectiveVisibility("public", publicApi = true) {
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
if (this == other) Permissiveness.SAME else Permissiveness.MORE
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Public
abstract class InternalOrPackage protected constructor(internal: Boolean) : EffectiveVisibility(
if (internal) "internal" else "public/*package*/"
) {
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
when (other) {
Public -> Permissiveness.LESS
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, InternalProtectedBound, is InternalProtected -> Permissiveness.MORE
is InternalOrPackage -> Permissiveness.SAME
ProtectedBound, is Protected -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
override fun lowerBound(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): EffectiveVisibility =
when (other) {
Public -> this
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, InternalProtectedBound, is InternalOrPackage, is InternalProtected -> other
is Protected -> InternalProtected(other.containerTypeConstructor)
ProtectedBound -> InternalProtectedBound
object Internal : InternalOrPackage(true) {
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Internal
object PackagePrivate : InternalOrPackage(false) {
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Private
class Protected(val containerTypeConstructor: TypeConstructorMarker?) : EffectiveVisibility("protected", publicApi = true) {
override fun equals(other: Any?) = (other is Protected && containerTypeConstructor == other.containerTypeConstructor)
override fun hashCode() = containerTypeConstructor?.hashCode() ?: 0
override fun toString() = "${super.toString()} (in ${containerTypeConstructor ?: '?'})"
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
when (other) {
Public -> Permissiveness.LESS
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, ProtectedBound, InternalProtectedBound -> Permissiveness.MORE
is Protected -> containerRelation(containerTypeConstructor, other.containerTypeConstructor, typeCheckerContextProvider)
is InternalProtected -> when (containerRelation(
)) {
// Protected never can be less permissive than internal & protected
Permissiveness.SAME, Permissiveness.MORE -> Permissiveness.MORE
Permissiveness.UNKNOWN, Permissiveness.LESS -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
is InternalOrPackage -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
override fun lowerBound(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): EffectiveVisibility =
when (other) {
Public -> this
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, ProtectedBound, InternalProtectedBound -> other
is Protected -> when (relation(other, typeCheckerContextProvider)) {
Permissiveness.SAME, Permissiveness.LESS -> this
Permissiveness.MORE -> other
Permissiveness.UNKNOWN -> ProtectedBound
is InternalProtected -> when (relation(other, typeCheckerContextProvider)) {
Permissiveness.MORE -> other
else -> InternalProtectedBound
is InternalOrPackage -> InternalProtected(containerTypeConstructor)
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Protected
// Lower bound for all protected visibilities
object ProtectedBound : EffectiveVisibility("protected (in different classes)", publicApi = true) {
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
when (other) {
Public, is Protected -> Permissiveness.LESS
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, InternalProtectedBound -> Permissiveness.MORE
ProtectedBound -> Permissiveness.SAME
is InternalOrPackage, is InternalProtected -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
override fun lowerBound(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): EffectiveVisibility =
when (other) {
Public, is Protected -> this
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, ProtectedBound, InternalProtectedBound -> other
is InternalOrPackage, is InternalProtected -> InternalProtectedBound
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Protected
// Lower bound for internal and protected(C)
class InternalProtected(
val containerTypeConstructor: TypeConstructorMarker?
) : EffectiveVisibility("internal & protected", publicApi = false) {
override fun equals(other: Any?) = (other is InternalProtected && containerTypeConstructor == other.containerTypeConstructor)
override fun hashCode() = containerTypeConstructor?.hashCode() ?: 0
override fun toString() = "${super.toString()} (in ${containerTypeConstructor ?: '?'})"
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
when (other) {
Public, is InternalOrPackage -> Permissiveness.LESS
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, InternalProtectedBound -> Permissiveness.MORE
is InternalProtected -> containerRelation(
is Protected -> when (containerRelation(
)) {
// Internal & protected never can be more permissive than just protected
Permissiveness.SAME, Permissiveness.LESS -> Permissiveness.LESS
Permissiveness.UNKNOWN, Permissiveness.MORE -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
ProtectedBound -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
override fun lowerBound(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): EffectiveVisibility =
when (other) {
Public, is InternalOrPackage -> this
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local, InternalProtectedBound -> other
is Protected, is InternalProtected -> when (relation(other, typeCheckerContextProvider)) {
Permissiveness.SAME, Permissiveness.LESS -> this
Permissiveness.MORE -> other
Permissiveness.UNKNOWN -> InternalProtectedBound
ProtectedBound -> InternalProtectedBound
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Private
// Lower bound for internal and protected lower bound
object InternalProtectedBound : EffectiveVisibility("internal & protected (in different classes)") {
override fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness =
when (other) {
Public, is Protected, is InternalProtected, ProtectedBound, is InternalOrPackage -> Permissiveness.LESS
PrivateInClass, PrivateInFile, Local -> Permissiveness.MORE
InternalProtectedBound -> Permissiveness.SAME
override fun toVisibility(): Visibility = Visibilities.Private
enum class Permissiveness {
abstract fun relation(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): Permissiveness
abstract fun toVisibility(): Visibility
open fun lowerBound(other: EffectiveVisibility, typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext): EffectiveVisibility =
when (relation(other, typeCheckerContextProvider)) {
Permissiveness.SAME, Permissiveness.LESS -> this
Permissiveness.MORE -> other
Permissiveness.UNKNOWN -> PrivateInClass
enum class RelationToType(val description: String) {
CONTAINER(" containing declaration"),
ARGUMENT(" argument"),
ARGUMENT_CONTAINER(" argument containing declaration");
fun containerRelation() = when (this) {
override fun toString() = description
internal fun containerRelation(
first: TypeConstructorMarker?,
second: TypeConstructorMarker?,
typeCheckerContextProvider: TypeCheckerProviderContext
): Permissiveness {
return when {
first == null || second == null -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
first == second -> Permissiveness.SAME
AbstractTypeChecker.isSubtypeOfClass(typeCheckerContextProvider.createTypeCheckerContext(), first, second) -> Permissiveness.LESS
AbstractTypeChecker.isSubtypeOfClass(typeCheckerContextProvider.createTypeCheckerContext(), second, first) -> Permissiveness.MORE
else -> Permissiveness.UNKNOWN
private fun TypeCheckerProviderContext.createTypeCheckerContext(): TypeCheckerState = newTypeCheckerState(
errorTypesEqualToAnything = false,
stubTypesEqualToAnything = true
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