org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.plugin.DeclarationBuildingContext.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.plugin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.GeneratedDeclarationKey
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Visibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Visibility
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.builder.buildContextReceiver
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.builder.buildTypeParameter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirResolvedDeclarationStatusImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.moduleData
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.FirBasedSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirClassSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirTypeParameterSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.toEffectiveVisibility
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeKotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.toFirResolvedTypeRef
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.Variance
public sealed class DeclarationBuildingContext(
protected val session: FirSession,
protected val key: GeneratedDeclarationKey,
protected val owner: FirClassSymbol<*>?
) {
* Allows to set visibility of the declaration
public var visibility: Visibility = Visibilities.Public
* Allows to set modality of the declaration
public var modality: Modality = Modality.FINAL
* Allows to configure flags in status of declaration
* For full list of possible flags refer to [FirDeclarationStatus] class
* Note that not all flags are meaningful for each declaration
* E.g. there is no point to mark function as inner
public fun status(statusConfig: FirResolvedDeclarationStatusImpl.() -> Unit) {
statusConfigs += statusConfig
* Adds type parameter with specified [name] and [variance] to declaration
* Upper bounds of type parameters can be configured in [config] lambda
* If no bounds passed then `kotlin.Any?` bound will be added automatically
public open fun typeParameter(
name: Name,
variance: Variance = Variance.INVARIANT,
isReified: Boolean = false,
key: GeneratedDeclarationKey = [email protected],
config: TypeParameterBuildingContext.() -> Unit = {}
) {
typeParameters += TypeParameterData(name, variance, isReified, TypeParameterBuildingContext().apply(config).boundProviders, key)
public class TypeParameterBuildingContext {
* Declares [type] as upper bound of type parameter
public fun bound(type: ConeKotlinType) {
bound { type }
* Type produced by [typeProvider] will be an upper bound of the type parameter
* Use this method when bounds of your type parameters depend on each other
* For example, in this case:
* ```
* interface Out
* fun foo() where T : R, R : Out {}
* ```
public fun bound(typeProvider: (List) -> ConeKotlinType) {
boundProviders += typeProvider
internal val boundProviders: MutableList<(List) -> ConeKotlinType> = mutableListOf()
private val contextReceiverTypeProviders: MutableList<(List) -> ConeKotlinType> = mutableListOf()
* Adds context receiver with [type] type to declaration
public open fun contextReceiver(type: ConeKotlinType) {
contextReceiver { type }
* Adds context receiver with type provided by [typeProvider] to declaration
* Use this overload when context receiver type uses type parameters of constructed declaration
public open fun contextReceiver(typeProvider: (List) -> ConeKotlinType) {
contextReceiverTypeProviders += typeProvider
protected fun produceContextReceiversTo(destination: MutableList, typeParameters: List) {
contextReceiverTypeProviders.mapTo(destination) {
buildContextReceiver { typeRef = it.invoke(typeParameters).toFirResolvedTypeRef() }
protected data class TypeParameterData(
val name: Name,
val variance: Variance,
val isReified: Boolean,
val boundProviders: List<(List) -> ConeKotlinType>,
val key: GeneratedDeclarationKey
protected val typeParameters: MutableList = mutableListOf()
private val statusConfigs: MutableList Unit> = mutableListOf()
public abstract fun build(): T
protected fun generateStatus(): FirResolvedDeclarationStatusImpl {
return FirResolvedDeclarationStatusImpl(
visibility.toEffectiveVisibility(owner, forClass = true)
).also {
for (statusConfig in statusConfigs) {
protected fun generateTypeParameter(
typeParameter: TypeParameterData,
containingDeclarationSymbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>
): FirTypeParameter {
return buildTypeParameter {
resolvePhase = FirResolvePhase.BODY_RESOLVE
moduleData = session.moduleData
origin = typeParameter.key.origin
name =
symbol = FirTypeParameterSymbol()
this.containingDeclarationSymbol = containingDeclarationSymbol
variance = typeParameter.variance
isReified = typeParameter.isReified
protected fun initTypeParameterBounds(allParameters: List, ownTypeParameters: List) {
for ((typeParameter, data) in {
val coneBounds = { it.invoke(allParameters) }
val bounds = if (coneBounds.isEmpty()) {
} else { { it.toFirResolvedTypeRef() }
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