org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.FirDoubleColonExpressionResolver.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirRegularClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirTypeAlias
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.expandedConeType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.FirNamedReference
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.impl.ConeClassLikeTypeImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.Variance
sealed class DoubleColonLHS(val type: ConeKotlinType) {
* [isObjectQualifier] is true iff the LHS of a callable reference is a qualified expression which references a named object.
* Note that such LHS can be treated both as a type and as an expression, so special handling may be required.
* For example, if `Obj` is an object:
* Obj::class // object qualifier
* test.Obj::class // object qualifier
* (Obj)::class // not an object qualifier (can only be treated as an expression, not as a type)
* { Obj }()::class // not an object qualifier
class Expression(type: ConeKotlinType, val isObjectQualifier: Boolean) : DoubleColonLHS(type)
class Type(type: ConeKotlinType) : DoubleColonLHS(type)
class FirDoubleColonExpressionResolver(private val session: FirSession) {
// Returns true if the expression is not a call expression without value arguments (such as "A") or a qualified expression
// which contains such call expression as one of its parts.
// In this case it's pointless to attempt to type check an expression on the LHS in "A::class", since "A" certainly means a type.
private fun FirExpression.canBeConsideredProperExpression(): Boolean {
return when {
this is FirQualifiedAccessExpression && explicitReceiver?.canBeConsideredProperExpression() != true -> false
else -> true
private fun FirExpression.canBeConsideredProperType(): Boolean {
return when {
this is FirFunctionCall &&
explicitReceiver?.canBeConsideredProperType() != false -> false
this is FirQualifiedAccessExpression &&
explicitReceiver?.canBeConsideredProperType() != false &&
calleeReference is FirNamedReference -> true
this is FirResolvedQualifier -> true
else -> false
private fun shouldTryResolveLHSAsExpression(expression: FirCallableReferenceAccess): Boolean {
val lhs = expression.explicitReceiver ?: return false
return lhs.canBeConsideredProperExpression() && !expression.hasQuestionMarkAtLHS
private fun shouldTryResolveLHSAsType(expression: FirCallableReferenceAccess): Boolean {
val lhs = expression.explicitReceiver
return lhs != null && lhs.canBeConsideredProperType()
internal fun resolveDoubleColonLHS(doubleColonExpression: FirCallableReferenceAccess): DoubleColonLHS? {
val resultForExpr = tryResolveLHS(doubleColonExpression, this::shouldTryResolveLHSAsExpression, this::resolveExpressionOnLHS)
if (resultForExpr != null && !resultForExpr.isObjectQualifier) {
return resultForExpr
val resultForType = tryResolveLHS(doubleColonExpression, this::shouldTryResolveLHSAsType) { expression ->
if (resultForType != null) {
if (resultForExpr != null && resultForType.type == resultForExpr.type) {
// If we skipped an object expression result before and the type result is the same, this means that
// there were no other classifier except that object that could win. We prefer to treat the LHS as an expression here,
// to have a bound callable reference / class literal
return resultForExpr
return resultForType
// If the LHS could be resolved neither as an expression nor as a type, we should still type-check it to allow all diagnostics
// to be reported and references to be resolved. For that, we commit one of the applicable traces here, preferring the expression
return resultForExpr
* Returns null if the LHS is definitely not an expression. Returns a non-null result if a resolution was attempted and led to
* either a successful result or not.
private fun tryResolveLHS(
doubleColonExpression: FirCallableReferenceAccess,
criterion: (FirCallableReferenceAccess) -> Boolean,
resolve: (FirExpression) -> T?
): T? {
val expression = doubleColonExpression.explicitReceiver ?: return null
if (!criterion(doubleColonExpression)) return null
return resolve(expression)
private fun FirResolvedQualifier.expandedRegularClassIfAny(): FirRegularClass? {
var fir = symbol?.fir ?: return null
while (fir is FirTypeAlias) {
fir = fir.expandedConeType?.lookupTag?.toSymbol(session)?.fir ?: return null
return fir as? FirRegularClass
private fun resolveExpressionOnLHS(expression: FirExpression): DoubleColonLHS.Expression? {
val type = expression.resolvedType
if (expression is FirResolvedQualifier) {
val firClass = expression.expandedRegularClassIfAny() ?: return null
if (firClass.classKind == ClassKind.OBJECT) {
return DoubleColonLHS.Expression(type, isObjectQualifier = true)
return null
return DoubleColonLHS.Expression(type, isObjectQualifier = false)
private fun resolveTypeOnLHS(
expression: FirExpression
): DoubleColonLHS.Type? {
val resolvedExpression = expression as? FirResolvedQualifier
?: return null
val firClassLikeDeclaration = resolvedExpression.symbol?.fir
?: return null
val type = ConeClassLikeTypeImpl(
Array(firClassLikeDeclaration.typeParameters.size) { index ->
val typeArgument = expression.typeArguments.getOrNull(index)
if (typeArgument == null) ConeStarProjection
else when (typeArgument) {
is FirTypeProjectionWithVariance -> {
val coneType = typeArgument.typeRef.coneType
when (typeArgument.variance) {
Variance.INVARIANT -> coneType
Variance.IN_VARIANCE -> ConeKotlinTypeProjectionIn(coneType)
Variance.OUT_VARIANCE -> ConeKotlinTypeProjectionOut(coneType)
else -> ConeStarProjection
isNullable = resolvedExpression.isNullableLHSForCallableReference
return DoubleColonLHS.Type(type)
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