org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls.FirReceivers.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtFakeSourceElementKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fakeElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirResolvePhase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirCheckNotNullCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirSmartCastExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.arguments
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.builder.buildInaccessibleReceiverExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.builder.buildSmartCastExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.builder.buildThisReceiverExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.references.builder.buildImplicitThisReference
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.ScopeSession
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.scope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.smartcastScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.CallableCopyTypeCalculator
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.FirTypeScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.FirBasedSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirCallableSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirClassSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirScriptSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeKotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.builder.buildResolvedTypeRef
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.constructType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.resolvedType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.SmartcastStability
abstract class ReceiverValue {
abstract val type: ConeKotlinType
abstract val receiverExpression: FirExpression
open fun scope(useSiteSession: FirSession, scopeSession: ScopeSession): FirTypeScope? = type.scope(
useSiteSession = useSiteSession,
scopeSession = scopeSession,
callableCopyTypeCalculator = CallableCopyTypeCalculator.DoNothing,
requiredMembersPhase = FirResolvePhase.STATUS,
class ExpressionReceiverValue(override val receiverExpression: FirExpression) : ReceiverValue() {
override val type: ConeKotlinType
get() = receiverExpression.resolvedType
override fun scope(useSiteSession: FirSession, scopeSession: ScopeSession): FirTypeScope? {
var receiverExpr: FirExpression? = receiverExpression
// Unwrap `x!!` to `x` and use the resulted expression to derive receiver type. This is necessary so that smartcast types inside
// `!!` is handled correctly.
if (receiverExpr is FirCheckNotNullCall) {
receiverExpr = receiverExpr.arguments.firstOrNull()
if (receiverExpr is FirSmartCastExpression) {
return receiverExpr.smartcastScope(
requiredMembersPhase = FirResolvePhase.STATUS,
return type.scope(
requiredMembersPhase = FirResolvePhase.STATUS,
sealed class ImplicitReceiverValue>(
val boundSymbol: S,
type: ConeKotlinType,
val useSiteSession: FirSession,
protected val scopeSession: ScopeSession,
private val mutable: Boolean,
val contextReceiverNumber: Int = -1,
private val inaccessibleReceiver: Boolean = false
) : ReceiverValue() {
final override var type: ConeKotlinType = type
private set
abstract val isContextReceiver: Boolean
// Type before smart cast
val originalType: ConeKotlinType = type
var implicitScope: FirTypeScope? =
requiredMembersPhase = FirResolvePhase.STATUS
private set
override fun scope(useSiteSession: FirSession, scopeSession: ScopeSession): FirTypeScope? = implicitScope
private var receiverIsSmartcasted: Boolean = false
private var originalReceiverExpression: FirExpression =
receiverExpression(boundSymbol, type, contextReceiverNumber, inaccessibleReceiver)
private var _receiverExpression: FirExpression? = null
private fun computeReceiverExpression(): FirExpression {
_receiverExpression?.let { return it }
val actualReceiverExpression = if (receiverIsSmartcasted) {
buildSmartCastExpression {
originalExpression = originalReceiverExpression
smartcastType = buildResolvedTypeRef {
source = originalReceiverExpression.source?.fakeElement(KtFakeSourceElementKind.SmartCastedTypeRef)
type = [email protected]
typesFromSmartCast = listOf([email protected])
smartcastStability = SmartcastStability.STABLE_VALUE
coneTypeOrNull = [email protected]
} else {
_receiverExpression = actualReceiverExpression
return actualReceiverExpression
* The idea of receiver expression for implicit receivers is following:
* - Implicit receivers are mutable because of smartcasts
* - Expression of implicit receiver may be used during call resolution and then stored for later. This implies necesserity
* to keep receiver expression independent of state of corresponding implicit value
* - In the same time we don't want to create new receiver expression for each access in sake of performance
* All those statements lead to the current implementation:
* - original receiver expression (without smartcast) always stored inside receiver value and can not be changed (TODO: except builder inference)
* - we keep information about was there smartcast or not in [receiverIsSmartcasted] field
* - we cache computed receiver expression in [_receiverExpression] field
* - if type of receiver value was changed this cache is dropped
final override val receiverExpression: FirExpression
get() = computeReceiverExpression()
annotation class ImplicitReceiverInternals
* Should be called only in ImplicitReceiverStack
fun updateTypeFromSmartcast(type: ConeKotlinType) {
if (type == this.type) return
if (!mutable) error("Cannot mutate an immutable ImplicitReceiverValue")
this.type = type
receiverIsSmartcasted = type != this.originalType
_receiverExpression = null
implicitScope = type.scope(
useSiteSession = useSiteSession,
scopeSession = scopeSession,
callableCopyTypeCalculator = CallableCopyTypeCalculator.DoNothing,
requiredMembersPhase = FirResolvePhase.STATUS,
abstract fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ImplicitReceiverValue
private fun receiverExpression(
symbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>,
type: ConeKotlinType,
contextReceiverNumber: Int,
inaccessibleReceiver: Boolean
): FirExpression {
// NB: we can't use `symbol.fir.source` as the source of `this` receiver. For instance, if this is an implicit receiver for a class,
// the entire class itself will be set as a source. If combined with an implicit type operation, a certain assertion, like null
// check assertion, will retrieve source as an assertion message, which is literally the entire class (!).
val calleeReference = buildImplicitThisReference {
boundSymbol = symbol
this.contextReceiverNumber = contextReceiverNumber
return when (inaccessibleReceiver) {
false -> buildThisReceiverExpression {
this.calleeReference = calleeReference
this.coneTypeOrNull = type
isImplicit = true
true -> buildInaccessibleReceiverExpression {
this.calleeReference = calleeReference
this.coneTypeOrNull = type
class ImplicitDispatchReceiverValue(
boundSymbol: FirClassSymbol<*>,
type: ConeKotlinType,
useSiteSession: FirSession,
scopeSession: ScopeSession,
mutable: Boolean = true,
) : ImplicitReceiverValue>(boundSymbol, type, useSiteSession, scopeSession, mutable) {
boundSymbol: FirClassSymbol<*>, useSiteSession: FirSession, scopeSession: ScopeSession
) : this(
boundSymbol, boundSymbol.constructType(typeArguments = emptyArray(), isNullable = false),
useSiteSession, scopeSession
override fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ImplicitReceiverValue> {
return ImplicitDispatchReceiverValue(boundSymbol, type, useSiteSession, scopeSession, keepMutable)
override val isContextReceiver: Boolean
get() = false
class ImplicitExtensionReceiverValue(
boundSymbol: FirCallableSymbol<*>,
type: ConeKotlinType,
useSiteSession: FirSession,
scopeSession: ScopeSession,
mutable: Boolean = true,
) : ImplicitReceiverValue>(boundSymbol, type, useSiteSession, scopeSession, mutable) {
override fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ImplicitReceiverValue> {
return ImplicitExtensionReceiverValue(boundSymbol, type, useSiteSession, scopeSession, keepMutable)
override val isContextReceiver: Boolean
get() = false
class InaccessibleImplicitReceiverValue(
boundSymbol: FirClassSymbol<*>,
type: ConeKotlinType,
useSiteSession: FirSession,
scopeSession: ScopeSession,
mutable: Boolean = true,
) : ImplicitReceiverValue>(boundSymbol, type, useSiteSession, scopeSession, mutable, inaccessibleReceiver = true) {
override fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ImplicitReceiverValue> {
return InaccessibleImplicitReceiverValue(boundSymbol, type, useSiteSession, scopeSession, keepMutable)
override val isContextReceiver: Boolean
get() = false
sealed class ContextReceiverValue>(
boundSymbol: S,
type: ConeKotlinType,
val labelName: Name?,
useSiteSession: FirSession,
scopeSession: ScopeSession,
mutable: Boolean = true,
contextReceiverNumber: Int,
) : ImplicitReceiverValue(
boundSymbol, type, useSiteSession, scopeSession, mutable, contextReceiverNumber,
) {
abstract override fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ContextReceiverValue
override val isContextReceiver: Boolean
get() = true
class ContextReceiverValueForCallable(
boundSymbol: FirCallableSymbol<*>,
type: ConeKotlinType,
labelName: Name?,
useSiteSession: FirSession,
scopeSession: ScopeSession,
mutable: Boolean = true,
contextReceiverNumber: Int,
) : ContextReceiverValue>(
boundSymbol, type, labelName, useSiteSession, scopeSession, mutable, contextReceiverNumber
) {
override fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ContextReceiverValue> =
ContextReceiverValueForCallable(boundSymbol, type, labelName, useSiteSession, scopeSession, keepMutable, contextReceiverNumber)
class ContextReceiverValueForClass(
boundSymbol: FirClassSymbol<*>,
type: ConeKotlinType,
labelName: Name?,
useSiteSession: FirSession,
scopeSession: ScopeSession,
mutable: Boolean = true,
contextReceiverNumber: Int,
) : ContextReceiverValue>(
boundSymbol, type, labelName, useSiteSession, scopeSession, mutable, contextReceiverNumber
) {
override fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ContextReceiverValue> =
ContextReceiverValueForClass(boundSymbol, type, labelName, useSiteSession, scopeSession, keepMutable, contextReceiverNumber)
class ImplicitReceiverValueForScript(
boundSymbol: FirScriptSymbol,
type: ConeKotlinType,
labelName: Name?,
useSiteSession: FirSession,
scopeSession: ScopeSession,
mutable: Boolean = true,
contextReceiverNumber: Int,
) : ContextReceiverValue(
boundSymbol, type, labelName, useSiteSession, scopeSession, mutable, contextReceiverNumber
) {
override fun createSnapshot(keepMutable: Boolean): ContextReceiverValue =
ImplicitReceiverValueForScript(boundSymbol, type, labelName, useSiteSession, scopeSession, keepMutable, contextReceiverNumber)
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